This Is Just A Business Proposal Summary

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Executive Summary
Libernance is a business marketing system that uses the power of WhatsApp, email, and SMS to
enable businesses to connect with their customers easily. Our system allows users to register and
connect their WhatsApp accounts to our platform, where they can auto-send customized SMS
messages to their customers. Users can also send SMS messages to their customers with a
custom sender ID, and send emails to their customers for free.

Market Analysis
Global SMS marketing market size expected to reach $40.7 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR
of 20.3% from 2020 to 2027. WhatsApp has over 2 billion active users worldwide, and email
marketing is a popular method for businesses to reach their customers. These statistics
demonstrate the potential of freedom in the market.

Product and Services

Libernance offers a simple and user-friendly platform for businesses to connect with their
customers. Our platform allows users to register and connect their WhatsApp accounts to our
system. They can then auto-send customized SMS messages to their customers and list unlimited
numbers in an XML file.

Our platform also enables users to send SMS messages to their customers with a custom sender
ID. This feature allows businesses to maintain their brand identity while connecting with their
customers through SMS. In addition, users can send emails to their customers for free.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Libernance will adopt a multi-channel marketing strategy to reach our target audience. We will
leverage social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram to create brand
awareness and drive traffic to our website.

Our sales strategy will focus on building strong relationships with our customers. We will offer
personalized customer support to ensure that our clients have the best experience using our
platform. We will also offer a free trial period to encourage potential customers to try our
platform and experience its benefits.
Financial Projections
Libernance expects to generate revenue through subscription-based pricing models. We will
offer three pricing plans: basic, standard, and premium. Our basic plan will be free for a limited
period, while the standard and premium plans will offer additional features at competitive prices.

Assuming an average customer subscription price of $4 per month, we estimate that we can
generate revenue of $48 per year per customer. Based on our market research, we expect to
acquire 1,000 customers in the first year, generating revenue of $48,000

Libernance is a business marketing system that offers a simple and user-friendly platform for
businesses to connect with their customers. With our multi-channel marketing strategy and
personalized customer support, we are confident in our ability to attract and retain a large
customer base. Based on our financial projections, we expect to generate significant revenue in
our first year of operation.

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