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A: Good afternoon, cadets.

Welcome, are you the ones who want to be part of this institution that
is the Armed Forces of the Marine Infantry, aren't You ?

L: good afternoon sir thank you very much

H: good afternoon sir thank you

A: As you can see I am a veteran marine all my work here I have specialized in everything I can here
is more I went to other countries to specialize better in conclusion I am the deadliest marine in the
entire army

L: sir, with what you just said, I want to join

H: yes, sir, it is as the partner Luis says

A: now I am going to proceed to interview them

A: tell me , You are foreigners , aren't You ?

L: yes sir I am Panamanian

H: yes sir I am also Panamanian

A: well, i'm too but let's continue with the interview

A: are you capable of belonging to the armed forces, aren't you?

L: yes sir I want to learn many things about the armed forces so I can be better

H: me too sir ,because since I was little the armed forces have caught my attention

A: ok let's continue

A: you expect good things from the army , don't You ?

L: They can teach me to be better and specialize in infantry.

H: yes sir, I want you to teach me all the techniques to specialize in sniper

A: You are aware that upon entering the armed forces you are prepared to give your life at any
moment, don't You ?

L: yes sir, I'm ready for that and I hope they train us even more

H: yes sir, I know that by entering here at any moment I could lose my life

A: very good, since they are both rookies then they will be part of my squad, you are ready, aren't
You ?

L: yes sir it will be an honor to fight by your side

H: yes sir it is an honor to be part of your squad

A: thanks, now you are going to have to train very hard, are you ready, aren't You ?

L: yes sir thank you very much

H: yes sir thank you

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