1st Term Calculator Jul 2022 - 0

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Student 1st Term Payment Calculation Worksheet

Section A - Total Fees

Tuition (full time 9,650 or for full time Nursing 10,020)

International Student Fee (if applicable, as above)

Facilites Renewal fee (full time use $215)

Information and Technology fee (full time use $443)

Student Union fee (full time use $185.75)

Health and Wellness Expansion fee (full time use $125.00)

Student Assistance fee ($6.00)

Fitness and Recreational fee (full time use $127)

Student Union Bloomfield Renovation Fee ($25.00)

Health and Dental Premium (if applicable)

Residence Room Fee (if applicable)

Meal Plan Fee (if applicable)

DCB (Declining Balance for purchases at food oultets)

Laundry Fee for those in residence ($145)

Total Fees 0.00

Payment Calculation is Total fees X 65% 0.00 A

Section B - Less (payments, scholarships and NS bursary)

50% of NS Bursary (Full time NS Students use $641.50)

50% of StFX Scholarships (Enter 1/2 of your yearly StFX scholarship amount)

100% of StFX Entrance Bursary (this is separate from a StFX scholarship)

100% of external scholarships/bursaries

100% of Payments already applied

100% Funds from last year owing to you e.g. <$133.95> (returning students, if applicable)

Total section B 0.00 B

Section A Total 0.00 A

Less (Subtract) Section B Total 0.00 B

1st Term Payment Required by September 15th $0.00

January 15th – Remaining Balance on Student Account is Due

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