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The University of Nottingham





Time allowed: 24 hour take home exam, check Moodle for time window

Answer THREE questions


INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS: Word limit of 1000 words per question.

Do not use a practical example in one question for another question.

Any subsequent use of the same example may not be marked.

Do not include any example from Zara.

Any use of Zara will not be marked.

2 BUSI4490-E1

Question 1

a. Classify and describe in detail the characteristics of a product based on the

volume of goods manufactured, using a suitable diagram, together with an
example for each type.
(50 marks)

b. Identify and critically evaluate the Performance Objectives of a McDonald’s

restaurant. Identify two potential improvements that could be made with the
operations of its restaurants, seen either through a visit to one of the
restaurants, or from your understanding of its operation.
(50 marks)

Question 2

a. Assume you are a consultant to a factory producing specialist speed detection

cameras for speeding enforcement called Speedy Cameras. You have been asked
to deliver a talk to its senior executives on how to improve the operations of the
factory through the elimination of Wastes. Describe in detail the structure and
contents of this talk.
(50 marks)

b. You have been asked back to Speedy Cameras to deliver a further talk on its
operations to the machine operators and supervisors. In particular you have
been asked to explain what throughput time, throughput rate, and set up time
mean in the context of their production. Explain in detail what you will say to
your audience.
(30 marks)

c. Again, you have been asked to review the operations of the factory as a
consultant. Each camera takes one and half days to be produced in the factory.
The length of time is due, mostly, to the painting process and the need for
drying. The factory is on a single shift per day of 8 hours, and with
approximately 1 being produced and packed every 3 minutes.
The Operations Manager needs to know how many cameras are in production at
any one time. This is difficult to see quickly as the painting process is enclosed.
She also needs to know your working, so she can explain this to machine
operators in future.
(20 marks)

Question 3

a. Describe in detail the expectations in customer satisfaction using the Kano or

other suitable model, comparing and contrasting expectations for customer
service of a premium hotel against a budget hotel.
(50 marks)

b. The Fernandez-Vega Eye Institute in Spain prides itself on its quality of

service. Based on your understanding of the case, critically evaluate its service
offer using the Dimensions of Service Quality.
(50 marks)

BUSI4490-E1 Turn over

3 BUSI4490-E1

Question 4

You are the Operations Director of a large automotive company. You are friendly
with Mr Ruben who owns and runs the bakery in his name, Mr Ruben’s Bakery,
(the case discussed in class). He is concerned about the timings for the making
and baking of his main product, the croissant, and also how the changes in the
pandemic have affected his business. This has also meant that there is tension
between different members of his team.
Making use of at least two models for reviewing the bakery’s Business
Environment and its teamwork, and a further model from within Operations
Management, what advice would you provide to Mr Ruben?
(100 marks)

Question 5

Describe and critically evaluate three of the current challenges within operations
management, for example digital technologies, political situation, the Covid-19
global pandemic, the climate changes, or other significant changes. One of these
challenges should evaluate how operations management must remain resilient
following recent changes in our world.
(100 marks)



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