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Assignment For Lesson 1.1

(Vocational Scenario in Other Countries)

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Assignment for Lesson 1.1
(Vocational Scenario in Other Countries)


Vocational Education is based on occupation and employment and it is the

need of the hour for every country to have strong vocational education
system. It can be defined as skilled based education. Vocational Education
helps in Economic growth. Vocational Education can be defined as the
education that is based on occupation and employment. Vocational
Education is also known as career and technical education (CTE) or
technical and vocational education and training (TVET).It prepares people
for specific trades, crafts and careers at various levels in all spheres of life.

Vocational Scenario in Other Countries :

In this assignment We will examine the vocational scenario of Switzerland

and Japan and comparison them with the vocational system in India . We'll
also make recommendations for improvements that could be made to India's
vocational education system.

1. Switzerland vocational education and training model :

Switzerland recognized vocational education and training model is a dual-

education – or dual track VET – system which combines part-time classroom
instructions (usually one to two days a week) with part-time paid workplace
training or apprenticeship at a host company (usually three to four days a
week). The vocational training courses last two to four years and forms the
basis for lifelong learning

This model came into force in 1933, and takes it roots from the guild system
where education and training was provided by businesses specialized in
craftsmanship. Since then, professional organizations, the federal
government (Confederation) and Cantons (local governments) have worked
in partnership towards one mission – to ensure a high standard of quality VET
and availability of an adequate number of apprenticeship positions and
training courses.

Fig 1.Swiss vocational education and training model

The Swiss model also offers a high degree of flexibility and countless learning
and career growth opportunities to allow individuals to pursue further
education and trainings or switch pathways between academic and
vocational studies or from VET to higher education and advanced
qualifications. This is one of the model’s greatest strengths as it ensures there
are no dead ends.
2. Australia vocational education and training model

Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses in Australia are a part of the
professional education system that focuses on the practical preparation of
students and candidates to work in their specific and selection field of
occupation or industry. Registered Training Organizations, which may be
privately or publicly sponsored, supervise these courses. TAFE institutes, or
Technical and Further Education Institutions, are government-owned and -
funded institutions that offer VET courses. Additionally, these courses are
also offered by some Australian Universities too.

Australia is one of the dream destinations for international students to study.

There are an end number of reasons to pursue VET courses from TAFE in
Australia or from any other educational institution and some of them are
mentioned below:

 The VET courses offered under TAFE in Australia are short term quality
 Students have the flexibility and advantage to choose from a list of
courses and options
 These courses are affordable
 They are also job oriented and industries and companies look for
candidates who have undergone or have completed VET courses from
TAFE in Australia
 The courses under TAFE in Australia are offered at government-owned
institutions and thus ensures that the best quality of education and
training is being imparted
 The government undertakes all the responsibility that these institutes
are provided with all the comfort, security and assets.
 The classes of these VET courses are conducted with a small classroom
size and small sessions.
Australian Qualifications Framework

Levels Description
Certificate I VET courses at certificate level I offers students with the right knowledge and skills in the industry or
field of study of their choice at a very basic level.
Certificate II VET courses at certificate level II offer graduates the basic knowledge and skills in a specific field of
industry or the field of study along with factual, technical and procedural knowledge.
Certificate III VET courses at certificate level III offer students and graduate a wider range of theoretical,
procedural and technical knowledge
that allows them to perform routine professional activities.
Certificate IV VET courses at certificate level IV level are the last step before going for a vocational diploma and
after completing this level of certificate, students will be having the extensive
substantive and technical knowledge to be able to perform any specialist work in their chosen
profession or field.
Diploma At this level of VET training, students will develop specialised training and skills that will be
applicable in a variety of industry work and contexts.
Advanced The advanced diploma will provide students with extra advanced-level practical and substantive
Diploma skills in various fields and industries such as construction, IT, engineering, accounting and
management and many more. Some of these VET courses at this level are being completed at the
university level.

Comparison with India :

India has the highest population of the working age (15–59 years) individuals
in the world. The skill set of this population group plays a critical role in the
growth of the country. It is imperative that adequate skill training is provided
to this age group to make them productive. India is facing a skill deficit on
account of the large demand-supply gap, which results in a large pool of
potential learners.

Vocational training in India historically has been a subject handled by

the Ministry of Labour, other central ministries and various state-level
organizations. To harmonize the variations and multiplicity in terms of
standards and costs, the National Skills Qualification Framework was
launched in December 2013. In November 2014 the new Government in India
formed the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

India has bilateral collaboration with governments including those of the UK,
Australia, Germany, Canada, and the UAE, with the intention of implementing
globally acceptable standards and providing the Indian workforce with
overseas job mobility

Suggestions for Improvement:

To improve India's vocational education system, the following changes can

be implemented:

1. Increasing capacity and capability of the existing system to ensure

equitable access for all.
2. Maintaining quality and relevance Creating effective convergence
between school education and the government's skill development
3. efforts Creating institutional mechanism for research development
quality assurance, examinations and
4. certification, affiliations and accreditation Mobilizing adequate
investment for financing skill development

In conclusion, vocational education is an attractive learning solution which
helps produce new highly skilled, ready-to-work professionals – irrespective
of whether they are young graduates or fully-fledged professionals that have
sought to improve their current skills or retrain in a new field.

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