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Good morning, sir,

First of all, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to present my presentation & about spending time on me. So, I’m
going to present about Wireless Sensor Network Design Project assessment presentation. it is Remote Monitoring System FOR
Honey Bee hives.
So I’m Felon.
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well, I’ll be look at the introduction of Remote Monitoring System FOR Honey Bee hives.
The honey bee has been around for millions of years. The world’s bees pollinate 70 of the 100 crops that provide 90% of the
world’s food, make thousands of tonnes of honey and contribute millions of dollars to the global economy. Honey is the only
food produced by an insect that is eaten by man and is the only food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life.
i am going to designed wireless-sensor networks meet these requirements. i am going to design a remote monitoring system
(called WBee) based on a hierarchical three-level model formed by the wireless node, a local data server, and a cloud data
server. WBee is a low-cost, fully scalable, easily deployable system with regard to the number and types of sensors and the
number of hives and their geographical distribution. WBee saves the data in each of the levels if there are failures in
communication. In addition, the nodes include a backup battery, which allows for further data acquisition and storage in the
event of a power outage. Unlike other systems that monitor a single point of a hive, the system we present monitors and stores
the temperature and relative humidity of the beehive in three different spots. Additionally, the hive is continuously weighed on a
weighing scale. Real-time weight measurement is an innovation in wireless beehive-monitoring systems. I am going to design an
adaptation board to facilitate the connection of the sensors to the node. Through the Internet, researchers and beekeepers can
access the cloud data server to find out the condition of their hives in real time.
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So then we’ll look at necessity of Remote Monitoring System for Honey Bee hives
The motivation for doing this project is to design an automation system for apiculture field.
This project proposes a new simpler framework for the raw data such as brood temperature, brood humidity, ambient
temperature and weight of the hive can also be accessed from the cloud server by the beekeepers.
And the Objectives are,
To know the weight of the honey and free from human intervention.
To know the temperature inside the honey comb.
To know the humidity inside the honey comb.
To check whether the Queen bee is present or not
4th slide
So, we can see what are Sensors Using of the System
WSNs are also beginning to be used to monitor honeybee colonies. The nodes of a WSN can be used to obtain data from the
sensors monitoring the environmental conditions of a beehive (temperature, humidity, CO2, etc.) and even its weight
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NodeMCU with the ESP8266. BMP180, DHT11 and the load cell are the sensors used in the system to monitor temperature,
An electrolyte is used to pick up the sound produced by the bees that is used for auditory analysis.
The NodeMCU based on ESP8266 was used as the wireless mesh node.
The cloud server of choice is BLYNK an open source IOT cloud server.
This is implemented on star network topology and hence made bridging between the mesh and a star network which is complex
and non-trivial task.
The NodeMCU RF transceiver supports the IEEE802.11b/g/n standards, with which the mesh network is implemented.
The distance between each node can go up 90 meters with a line of sight. When not in line of sight their range was measured up
to 20 meters.
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Now we’ll look Bee Honey Colonies Remote Monitoring System
The project proposed a low-cost, reliable beehive-monitoring system based on a WSN to measure the temperature, relative
humidity, and weight of beehives in real time and non-intrusively. Unlike other beehive-monitoring systems, Bee performs the
synchronized acquisition of samples from all hives of an apiary. This aspect is fundamental for future analysis of the data and
their comparison between different hives
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We’ll see the System Mechanism Honey Bee Colonies of Remote Monitoring System
The NodeMCU based on ESP8266 was used as the wireless mesh node. BLYNK server is an open source Internet of things
(IOT) cloud server. The microclimatic parameters within the hive are measured by DHT11 sensor, whereas the temperature right
outside the hive is measured by BMP180.The system is proposed to design the monitoring of parameters that indicate swarming
and alert the beekeeper at the instant pre-swarming is initiated, through the cloud servers in an efficient and effective manner.
NodeMCU which is connected to DHT11, BMP180 power supply and load cell. The design of the proposed system revolves
around maximum functionality in the practical environment and at the same time is developed to be user friendly, compact and
completely built on the Microcontroller platform.
The system proposed in this project is used to monitor the parameters that indicate swarming and alert the beekeeper at the
instant pre-swarming is initiated, through the cloud servers in an efficient and effective manner. To ensure that bees dont leave
the apiary during proliferation it is necessary to detect swarming as soon as it is initiated.
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Well then, we’ll move on the System layout of Bee Honey Colonies Remote Monitoring System
Bee Sensing system that reduces work load of beekeepers’ every day operation. Beekeepers are obliged to spend much time on
maintenance of bee boxes which are located in distant places. This system set beekeepers free from frequent patrol of their bee
boxes using IoT AI, or mobile sensors and smartphone apps supported by cloud AI. IoT AI system pushes alert using learning
data from sensors and human input.
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So, we’ll look the How To Operate System of Bee Honey Colonies Remote Monitoring?
Shared control methods allow an operator to remotely monitor computer and computational equipment. What this means is that
no one needs to be on site, which allows for around the clock data collection. This sort of technique is especially useful in
greenhouse monitoring and livestock management, and is now being incorporated into beehives.
Hives were placed in climate controlled wintering buildings in order to save the bees’ resources, especially pollen and honey.
There is, however, a downside to this technique. If the temperature of the hive becomes too hot, the bees are tricked into thinking
the season has changed. This triggers brood rearing, which means consumption of honey and other nutrients in the hive, due to
an increase in population. This is problematic because the colony may starve and die off without gathering more resources.
Around the clock monitoring of the internal hive temperature can help avoid this, and forewarn beekeepers of brood rearing.the
temperature monitoring system was connected to a remotely accessible wireless server, allowing beekeepers to monitor any
fluctuations in hive temperature and act quickly if needed.
Remote Monitoring With SmartHives
Around the clock monitoring of variables like temperature and humidity in a hive can provide valuable information to
beekeepers and scientists. SmartHives, similar to the system in this experiment, make the use of temperature monitoring systems
much simpler and more versatile. Unlike the wintering buildings, SmartHive systems allow for year-round monitoring. The data
from SmartHive-equipped colonies is invaluable. Continuous remote monitoring across various environments will provide
powerful insight into how colonies are affected by factors such as temperature and humidity.
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So, we’ll see Advantages of Honey Bee hives MONITORING system
Autonomous design reduces human errors in controlling, thus reducing labor dependency.
Reduces the labor charges.
Having temperature and pressure sensors helps to get the perfect yield.
The applications of the proposed project are:
The smart hiving technology allows beekeepers to receive all information related to bees inside the hive at regular intervals of
It will be made possible to hive under unfavorable weather conditions.
By using the sensor network whole farm can be brought into control

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Well, we’ll look Conclusion of this system
This mainly deals beekeepers in general, are nature interested people and can see their bees as pets. Listening to bees on remote
would probably be nice, having automatic analysis of the sound would make a detection system, as the probably will do. Using
weather data in combination with weight could serve as a good detection system for bees during winter/spring for need to feed,
and during summer season, time for expansion or time to harvest. However, all this data needs to be analyzed in the context of
beekeeping. All beekeepers have different rotines and details in their methods. Andersson means a beekeeper have no use of
information, if there are no plans for actions, due to the information. Since there are majorities of beekeepers that non-
professional, they will probably want to have the relation to their bees, using too much technology is probably not wanted, like
having robots doing the actual beekeeping work.

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Well then that all about it
Thank you so much for your attention, sir,

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