Table 1

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Table 1

Response Rate of Student Study Participants

Questionnaires Questionnaires percentage (%)

Questionnaires completed 46 76.66
Questionnaires not completed 14 23.34
Total 60 100

variables Frequency Percentages (%)

Question1: how
important is the role of
grades in your
academic career?
Very important 16 34,78%
Important 26 56,52%
Somewhat important 02 4,35%
Not very important 02 4,35%
Total 46 100%

variables Frequency Percentages (%)

Question2 : do you
think that grades
accurately reflect your
understanding and
mastery of a subject ?
yes 10 21,74%
no 36 78,26%
Total 46 100%
variables Frequency Percentage (%)
Question3 : how often
do your teachers
provide you with
feedback when
correcting your exam
paper (please select
Always 05 10,87%
Often 09 19,56%
Occasionally 15 32,61%
Rarely 13 28,26%
Never 04 8,7%
Total 46 100%

variables Frequency Percentage

Question4 :do you
think that receiving
feedback on
assignments and
exams is more helpful
than just receiving a
grade ?
Yes 44 95,65%
No 02 4,35%
Total 46 100%
variables Frequency Percentage
Question5: Do you think that
receiving feedback on
assignments and exams is more
than just receiving a grade?
Yes 38 78.26
No 8 21.74
Total 46 100

Descriptive report on whether receiving feedback on assignments and exams is more helpful
than just receiving a grade.
variables Frequency Percentage
Question6: Do you believe that
grading creates a competitive
atmosphere among you and your
Yes 36 78.26
No 10 21.74
Total 46 100

variables Frequency Percentage

Question7: Have you ever doubted
your abilities as a result of receiving a
low grade?
Yes 26 56.52
No 20 43.48
Total 46 100

variables Frequency Percentage

Question8: Do you think that
the pressure to perform well on
assignments and exams, affects
your mental health ?
yes 36 78.26
No 10 21.74
Response Rate of Study Participants (teachers)

Questionnaires Questionnaires percentage (%)

Questionnaires completed 9
Questionnaires not completed 11
Total 20 100

variables Frequency Percentage

Question1: For how many years have
you been teaching?

From 1 to 7 years
From 7 to 14 years
From 14 to 21 years
From 21 to 28 years
From 28 to 35 years
Total 9 100

variables Frequency Percentage

Question2: Do you think that ‘’ the
grading system reflects students’
academic achievement’’?

variables Frequency Percentage
Question3: Does the grading system
take into consideration students’
participation and engagement in class?


variables Frequency Percentage

Question4: Have you ever adjusted your
grading criteria or rubric?

No 5 55.56
Yes 4 44.44
total 9 100
If yes,was it to :
a- Help students score better 5 55.56
b- improve the accuracy of grading 2 22.22
c- provide more specific feedback to 2 22.22
Total 9 100

variables Frequency Percentage

Question5: Do you think that grades
demonstrate students’ understanding
and mastery of a subject?

Yes 4 55.65
No 5 44.44
Total 9 100

variables Frequency Percentage

Question6: Do you think that
grading creates a competitive
atmosphere among students?

Yes 9 100
No 0 0
Total 9 100

variables Frequency Percentage

Question7: Does the grading
system make students anxious
and stressed?

Yes 8 88.88
No 1 11.12
Total 9 100

variables Frequency Percentage

Question8: Do You provide
students with feedback in
addition to grades?

Yes 5 56.56
No 4 44.44
Total 9 100

variables Frequency Percentage

Question9: Is providing
constructive feedback and
opportunities for improvement an
effective way to motivate
students to perform better


variables Frequency Percentage

Question10: How important is
the role of grading in evaluating
students’ academic achievement?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
Not important at all

variables Frequency Percentage

Question11: Do you think that
the grading system should be
reformed to better reflect
students’ academic
achievement ?


variables Frequency Percentage

Question12: Do you think that the use
of alternative methods to grading could
better support students’ learning and

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