Comprendio, Sean Michael S. BSN 1-F SDL Module 4a

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MODULE 4 (Part 1):

Holistic Assessment
NCM 101

Name of Student: Sean Michael S. Comprendio

Section: BSN 1-F
University of San Agustin

Date Started: College of Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics

Nursing Program

Ver. 01

This learning and assessment workbook introduces you to the different assessment
modalities and how a nurse navigates through them.

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

• Identify different activities and how functional assessment could indicate any
deviation from the normal ADLs.
• Differentiate the components of mental status assessment from each other
and what examples can one observe in each component.
• Outline the assessment of violence, culture, and spiritual status of a client.
• Compare the different tools in assessing the nutritional status of a client.

Functional Assessment
- is a comprehensive evaluation of the physical and cognitive abilities required
to maintain independence.

Read about the Functional Assessment in any of the resource materials or on the

I have read and understood the following resource material / internet site:

Provide the definition of the following terminologies and give examples for each:
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs):

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are daily basic tasks that are fundamental
to everyday functioning.
Examples are hygiene, eating, moving, dressing, travelling and feeding.

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs):

Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) are the basic daily activities
that allow patients to function independently.
Examples are cooking, doing laundry, housekeeping, managing medications
and managing finances.

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Select one of the following validated tools used to perform Functional Assessment
and explain how it is used; 1. Katz ADL Index, 2. Lawton IADL, 3. PULSES Profile, 4.
Fulmer’s SPICES

PULSES Profile
This instrument measures general functional performance in mobility and
self-care, medical status and psychosocial factors.
P - Physical Condition
U - Upper Limb Function
L - Lower Limb Function
S - Sensory Components
E - Excretory Functions
S - Support Factors

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Mental Status
- A mental status examination is a standardized method of evaluating the
mental status of a patient. This examination includes an assessment of a
patient's appearance, behaviour, motor activity, speech, mood and affect,
thought process and content, perception, cognition, insight, and judgment.

Read about the Mental Status Assessment in any of the resource materials or on the

I have read and understood the following resource material / internet site:

Site two (2) examples of what nurses assess during a mental status assessment from
the following components:

1. Clothing
2. Posture

Behaviour/ Motor Activity:

1. Tremors
2. Mannerisms

1. Volume
2. Intonation

Mood / Affect:
1. Anxious
2. Depressed

Thought Content / Process:

1. Paranoia
2. Suicidal

1. Hallucinations
2. Illusions

1. What their attention span
2. What their concentration levels are like
Insight / Judgement:
1. What do you think the cause of the problem is?
2. Do you think you have a problem at the moment?

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Developmental Assessment
- Assessment is a structured comprehensive evaluation of a child’s
development – including aspects of physical, social, language, intellectual
and emotional progress – by a registered health care professional, such as a
general practitioner, health visitor or pediatrician.

Read about Psychosocial, Cognitive and Moral Development in any of the resource
materials or on the internet.

I have read and understood the following resource material / internet site:

Select one of the following developmental stages and explain thoroughly; 1. Erik
Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development, 2. Jean Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive
Development, and 3. Lawrence Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
Lawrence Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development
Kohlberg's theory focuses on the thinking process that occurs when
one decides whether a behavior is right or wrong.

Level 1: Preconventional level

Morality is externally controlled.
Stage 1: Punishment/obedience orientation
- The individual will obey in order to avoid punishment.
Stage 2: Instrumental purpose orientation
- The individual focuses on receiving rewards or satisfying personal
Level 2: Conventional level
Conformity to social rules remains important to the individual.
Stage 3: Good Boy/Nice Girl orientation
- Behavior is determined by social approval.
Stage 4: Law and order orientation
- Social rules and laws determine behavior.
Level 3: Postconventional or principled level
The individual moves beyond the perspective of his or her own
Stage 5: Social contract orientation
- Individual rights determine behavior.
Stage 6: Universal ethical principle orientation.
- the highest stage of functioning.

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Violence Assessment
Read about Assessing Violence in any of the resource materials or on the internet.
READ I have read and understood the following resource material / internet site:

Provide the definition of the following terminologies and differentiate them from one

Domestic vs Family Violence:

Domestic Violence is a abusive behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or
maintain control over another intimate partner while Family Violence refers to a
violent or threatening behavior that controls a family member or causes that family
member to be fearful.

Abuse vs Neglect:
Abuse refers to any intentional harm or mistreatment of another person while
Neglect refers to the deliberate act of forgetting and not caring or failure to provide
necessary care.

Cultural Assessment
Read about Assessing Culture and Ethnicity in any of the resource materials or on
the internet.

I have read and understood the following resource material / internet site:

Provide the definition of the following terminologies and differentiate them from one

Culture vs Ethnicity:
Culture is the totality socially transmitted behavioral patterns, arts, beliefs, values,
customs and lifeways while Ethnicity is a socially, culturally and politically
constructed group that holds in common a set of characteristics.

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Spiritual Assessment
Read about Assessing Spirituality and Religion in any of the resource materials or on
the internet.

I have read and understood the following resource material / internet site:

Provide the definition of the following terminologies and differentiate them from one

Spiritual Assessment vs Spiritual Care:

Spiritual Assessment is active and ongoing conversation that assesses the spiritual
needs of the client while Spiritual Care is addressing the spiritual needs of the client
as they unfold through spiritual assessment.

Nutritional Assessment
Read about Assessing Nutrition in any of the resource materials or on the internet.
READ I have read and understood the following resource material / internet site:

Provide the definition of the following terminologies and how do nurses assess and
calculate the following:

Body Mass Index (BMI):

A practical marker of optimal weight for height and an indicator of obesity or
protein-calorie malnutrition.
Weight in kilograms is divided by Height in Meters (2)
Waist-to-Hip Ratio:
Determines how much fat is stored on your waist, hips and buttocks.
Waist Circumference is divided by Hip Circumference.

Arm Circumference:
Arm Circumference can help calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) of the patient.
Arm Circumference is measured with measuring tape.

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Knowing the different assessment modalities, reflect on the following:

1. What scenario/s have you encountered in your life, that you could have wished
you had known this topic? Elaborate your example.

Most of us teenagers experiencing stress, anxiety and depression. This topic give me
knowledge on how I can assess the mental status of my friends, families and the
people that surrounded me and help them fight what they are going through.

2. How could you have used your knowledge in this/these scenario/s?

So, this knowledge will be very helpful as it teaches me on how I can assess the
mental health of other people because nowadays many people, most are teenagers
suffers about mental health problems.

3. As an Augustinian Nursing Student, how would this topic be beneficial to your

career path?

As an Augustinian Nursing Student , this topic would be beneficial for me as it

helps me and shape me to be a better nurse someday.

Thank you for answering the questions of this module with utmost honesty and zeal.
READ Keep in mind that plagiarism, in any form, is not tolerated with this curriculum. So
please note the source of your answers in the green boxes provided. For book
sources: Name of Author and the Book Name, for internet sources: the website.

You may, print and answer this self-directed module, scan it as PDF and upload on
the drop box in your neolms or super-impose your answers digitally on the spaces
provided, save it as PDF and upload them on the drop box in your neolms.

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