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   It is a pleasure to express my heartfelt gratitude to those who were able to give their
willingness to help for their unwavering and undying support, encouragement, financial
assistance and precious time during the completion of this portfolio:
To Bishop Prudencio Andaya Jr., CICM D.D College President, for his vision and
mission of attaining more quality and relevant education in the institution.
To Ms. Therese Grail Lawagan, Dean of Academic Affairs, for allowing us to
participate and cooperate in this field of teaching. And also, for her moral support and
encouragement to the whole studentry.
To Ms. Jossile Faith Isic, Pre-service Teacher Coordinator, for her untiring
guidance, concern, support, encouragement, understanding and most of all for her love that
she gave to all the practice teachers.
To Sr. Celestina Bangculeng School Principal of St. William’s Academy, for
allowing us to conduct our observation and practice teaching in the said school.
To Ms. Angela Suriaga, my Cooperating Teacher, for her patience, support,
guidance and for sacrificing her time and giving hints and ideas on how I will be able to
execute every topic properly.
To all my friends; Khaty Angog, Myra Ampoc, Daryl Salebad and Angelika
Andres, for their companionship and inspiration, moral and financial support.
To all my classmates, English Majors, for their guidance and support and
unconditional help.
To Family and to my ever-supportive boyfriend Mr. Marcelo Calem Jr., for their
unending support, financial assistance, guidance, encouragement love and companionship all
throughout my sleepless nights in papering my lessons.
Most of all to our CREATOR, who provides us everything that we need and for
giving me wisdom, knowledge, strength, patience, guidance and for his continuous blessings
and unconditional love for me and for my family.

Jonalyn C. Acob

As well as everything that I do, I would be honor to dedicate this portfolio to my parents,
who gave me tools and values necessary to be where I am standing today. I am so grateful with
you Nang and Tang for trusting me that I would do a good job in my college and letting me come
to achieve a higher education. Thank you, for putting your hope in me Nang and Tang, I hope I
can make you prouder the same way I am proud of having both of you as my Parents and as the
compass of my life.
To my siblings, friends, mentors and classmates who shared their words of advice and
encouragement to me all throughout my practicum.
To my boyfriend, who supported me and accompanied me all along between my sleepless
nights in preparing my lessons. Thank you my dear for always being there for me in spite of my
And lastly, I dedicate this portfolio to Almighty God, for all His blessings and guidance
to me to make my practicum possible and successful.

a. Title Page
b. Acknowledgement
c. Dedication
d. Table of Contents


a. Introduction of Pre-service Teaching

b. Legal Framework of practice Teaching
c. Objective of Practice Teaching
d. Cooperating School
1. History
2. VGMO-Vision/Mission
3. Organizational Chart
4. Names of Students

e. Lesson Plans
f. Summary of Experiences (reflection)
g. Daily Time Record
Introduction of Pre-Service Teaching

Education is a life-long learning process of learning and to become efficient and effective
tactics and teaching styles that best suit an individual. It is the first time of trial and error and for
growing confidence and beginning expertise. It is not a time of perfection but of striving for
competence. Through student teaching, a process whereby a potential teacher confirms
himself/herself and others that he/she as the resourcefulness to survive with educator, you must
first understand the value of continuous learning because this would be the teacher’s tool in
molding individuals into a better and more competitive one.
The first major step in moving from amateur status toward gaining competencies that
mark the real profession is the student teaching or pre service teaching opportunities to the
educational theories and method into practice.
Pre-service teacher education is the education and training provided to student-teachers
before they have undertaken any teaching. It is an essential experience in the preparation of
future teachers. It is intended to provide students with practical learning experiences in which
they can observe, verify, reflect on, and experience the different components of the teaching-
learning process in actual school setting.
It provides the opportunity to experience the challenges and rewards of assuming the
instructional and professional responsibilities of a full-time teacher. During this experience,
student-teachers are encouraged to apply all of the theories, content knowledge, and teaching
methods that have been studied in the classroom.
Pre-service teaching is a period of guided, supervised teaching. The student-teacher is
gradually introduced into the teaching role by a cooperating teacher. The cooperating teacher
works with and encourages the student teach to assume greater responsibility in for instruction
and classroom management as the experience progresses. The student teacher begins as an
observer and finishes the pre-service teaching experience as a competent professional.
Legal Framework of Practice Teaching


NO 30
SECTION 1. Quality pre-service teacher education is a key factor in quality Philippine
education. In the Philippines, the pre-service preparation of the teachers for the primary and
secondary educational sectors is very important function and responsibility that has been
assigned to higher education institutions.
                                                ARTICLE II AUTHORITY TO OPERATE
SECTION 2. all private higher education institutions PHEI’s intending to offer the bachelor of
Elementary Education (BEED) or Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) or any of the
Professional education courses specified in both curricula must first secure proper authority from
the commission in accordance with existing rules and regulations. The Government- supported
institutions are strongly encouraged to strictly adhere to the provisions in this policies and
                                                ARCTICLE III PROGRAM SPECIFIACTIONS
SECTION 3. Degree
                 The Degree programs herein shall be called Bachelor of Elementary Education
(BEED) or the Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED).
SECTION 4. Program Description and General Objectives
            The BEED is structured to meet the needs of professional teachers for elementary schools
and special education programs in the Philippines, and as the BSEd for the needs of professional
teachers for secondary schools in the Philippines.
The BEED aims to develop elementary school teachers who are either;
a.    Generalists who can teach across the different learning areas in grade school.
b.    Special Education teachers or;
c.    Pre- school teachers
SECTION 5. Allied Programs
            Teacher Education is an applied discipline which draws from many of the basic discipline
in the social sciences, the Science and technology fields And also the Humanities and related
SECTION 6. Graduate of BEEd and BSEd programs are teachers who.
 Have the basic and higher level literacy, Communication, numeracy critical thinking,
learning skills needed for higher learning.
 Have a deep and principled understanding of the learning processes and the role of the
teacher in facilitating these processes in their students;
 Have a deep and principled understanding of how educational processes relate to larger
historical, social cultural and political processes.
 Have a meaningful and comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter they will teach;
 Can apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum development,
lesson planning, material development, educational assessment and teaching
 Have a direct experience in the field and classroom
 Can demonstrate and practice the professional and ethical requirements of the teaching
 Can facilitate learning diverse types of learners, in diverse type of learning
environments, using a wide range of teaching knowledge and skills;
 Can reflect on the relationships among teaching process skills, the learning processing in
the students, the nature of the content/subject matter, and the broader social forces
encumbering the school and educational processes in order to constantly improve their
teaching knowledge, skills and practices.
 Can be creative and innovative in thinking of the alternative teaching approaches, take
informed risks in trying out these innovative approaches and evaluate the effectiveness
of such approaches in improving student learning; and
  Are willing and capable to continue learning in order to better fulfill their mission as
            The curriculum herein is designed to prepare professional teachers for practice in primary
and secondary schools in the Philippines. The design features include various components that
correspond to the basic and specialized knowledge and skills that will be needed by a practicing
professional teacher: foundational general education knowledge and skills, theoretical knowledge
about teaching and learning methodological skills that allow them more options and greater
flexibility in designing and implementing learning environment that will maximize their
students’ learning, once they are in the teaching service.
SECTION 8. Curriculum Outline
General Education Courses 63 63
Profesional Education Courses 54 51
·         Theoritical/concepts courses 12 12
·         Methods/strategies courses 27 24
·         Field study courses 12 12
·         Special topics courses 3 3
  Specialization / content courses 57 60
                                                                                                           TOTAL 174 174
UNITS units units

SECTION 9. General Education Courses

            General education and legislated courses shall follow existing requirements. The CHED
Memorandum No. 59 series 1996 (63 units) is the recommended track for the teacher education
programs. In addition, the course requirements for the selected general education courses are
specified in this curriculum (refer to section 17)
SECTION 10. Professional Education Courses
           These courses represent component of the curriculum that aims to develop the range of
knowledge and skills needed in the practice of the teaching profession. These courses are divided
into three broad categories:
 Theory and concepts courses,
  Methods and strategies courses ,and
  Field study courses.
SECTION 11. Theory and Concepts Courses
            The following are theory and concepts courses that provide the broad frame works within
which students can understand, rationalize and reflect on the various methods, strategies,
processes, issue and other matters related to the teaching profession.
 Child and adolescent development
 Facilitating human learning
  Social dimensions of education
 The Teaching professions
SECTION 12. Methods and Strategies Courses
            The Following are the Methods and strategies courses in the program that aim to develop
in students a wide range of skills to facilitate and evaluate learning in diverse types of the
students in a variety of learning environment.
SECTION 13. Field study courses
            The following series of courses are the field study courses that are intended to provide
students with practical learning experiences in which they can observe verify, reflect on , and
actually experience different components of the teaching learning processes in actual school
settings. The experience will begin with field observation and gradually intensify until students
undertake practice teaching.
SECTION 14. Special Topics Courses
            Students will have the opportunity to explore special topics and issues related to their
field by taking three one-unit elective seminars on a range of topics chosen by the teacher
education institution, based on their perceived needs of the students and the expertise of their
SECTION 15. Content Course for Courses BEEd
            For the BEEd program, all students have to complete 57 units of the content courses that
correspond to the various learning areas in the various learning areas in the elementary education
curriculum. These courses which are in addition to the related GE requirements are distributed as
Science 12 units
Mathematics 12 units
English 12 units
Filipino 6 units
Social Studies 6 units
Music, Arts and Physical Education 3 units
Home Economics and livelihood Education 3 units
Values Education 3 units

For BEEd program, students may choose to take 57 units of the content courses in two areas of
SECTION 16. Specialization Courses for BSEd
            For the BSEd program, all students have to complete 60 units of the content courses in
one of the following areas of specialization:
·         Mathematics
·         Physical Sciences
·         Natural Sciences
·         English
·         Filipino
·         Social studies
·         Values Education
·         Technology Education
·         Music, Arts, Physical and Health Education
·         Islamic Studies
SECTION 17. Sample Program of Study (minimum units)
            The Program of study herein is only an example. HEIs may use this sample and modify
according to its needs. They may also add other preferred courses. The Example program of
study is shown in ANNex A.\\
SECTION 18.  The Teacher Education curriculum provides minimum requirements for the
course specification for the selected general education courses, all professional education courses
and specialization courses. The course specification indicates the minimum requirements. HEIs
may follow their own course specification in the implementation of the program. However, the
minimum requirements for these courses should be complied with all Annex B.
SECTION  19. All pertinent rules and regulation or parts thereof that are inconsistent with the
provisions of this policy are hereby repealed or modify accordingly.
SECTION  20. These curricula for teacher education curriculum shall commence first semester
of school year 2005-2006 and shall be affected as follows:
SY 2005-2006 For incoming freshmen
SY 2006-2007 For incoming freshmen and sophomores
SY 2007-2008 For incoming freshmen, sophomores and juniors
SY 2008-2009 All year levels.
HEIs applying for permits to offer new teacher education programs must comply with these
policies and standards before they can be granted permit to offer the programs.
SECTION  21. The commission acknowledges the following for their contribution in the
development of these policies and standards
                        FOR THE COMMISSION
              (SGD) MA. CRISTINA D. PADOLINA
                        OFFICER – IN – CHARGE
Objective of Practice Teaching

Course Expectations
Every teacher candidate must demonstrate what he/she knows and can do. The following
expectations are built on good educational practice and state standards for teacher licensure.
Demonstration of every component is required and will be documented on the formative and
summative student teaching evaluation forms and The Rubric for BTC teacher during the
Practicum Experience.
Standard 1: Content knowledge aligned with appropriate instruction
1.1 Content knowledge and academic language
1E1) the emerging teacher candidate knows and can demonstrate breadth and depth of content
knowledge and communicates the meaning of academic language.
1.2 Student engagement in subject matter
1E2) the emerging teacher candidate chooses from multiple sources to engage student interest
and activity in the content.
Standard 2: Student Learning, Growth, and Development
2.4 Differentiated lesson design
2EA) the emerging teacher candidate designs and implements instruction that considers the
needs of students.
Persist in seeking approaches for students who need accommodations and/or modifications.
Standard 3: Curriculum Implementation
3.1 Implementation of curriculum standards
3E1) the emerging teacher candidate makes informed decisions about instructional objectives
aligned to district mapping and pacing guides
3.2 1Lessons for diverse leaners
3E2) the emerging teacher candidate implements lessons and activities aligned to the curriculum
that recognizes the individual needs of diverse learners. Selects appropriate instructional goals
suitable for students from diverse backgrounds.
Standard 4: Critical Thinking
4.1 Student engagement in critical thinking
4E1) the emerging teacher candidate selects various types of instructional strategies and
appropriate resources to achieve instructional goals and teach students critical thinking skills
Standard 5: Positive Classroom Environment
5.1 Classroom management techniques
5El) the emerging teacher candidate demonstrates basic classroom management techniques and
addresses misbehavior to avoid the disruption of instruction.
5.2 Management of time, space, transitions, and activities
5E2) the emerging teacher candidate manages time, space, transitions, and activities in their
5.3 Classroom, school, and community culture
5E3) the emerging teacher candidate builds awareness of the culture of the school and
community in order to influence student relationships and build an effective classroom learning
Creates an environment in which the teacher's interactions with students, demonstrates care and
respect of others.
Standard 6: Effective Communication
6.1 Verbal, nonverbal communication
6E1) the emerging teacher candidate uses correct, effective verbal and nonverbal communication
Standard 7: Student Assessment and Data Analysis
7.1 Effective use of assessments
7C1) the practicum teacher has knowledge of the development, use, and analysis of formal and
informal assessments.
7.2 Assessment data to improve learning
7E2) the emerging teacher candidate demonstrates basic strategies for accessing, analyzing and
appropriately using information and assessment results to improve learning activities.
Reflects in a thoughtful and accurate manner on lesson effectiveness
7.5 Communication of student progress and maintaining records
7E5) the emerging teacher candidate communicates general information about student progress
knowledgeably, responsibly, and ethically based on appropriate indicators, to students, families,
and/or colleagues. Demonstrates ethical behavior.
Standard 8: Professionalism
8.1 Self-assessment and improvement
8E1) the emerging teacher candidate generally uses self-assessment and problem-solving
strategies to reflect on practice in order to influence students’ growth and learning.
Develops positive expectations for learning and achievement.
Seeks opportunities to enhance knowledge and pedagogical skills.
Demonstrates the ability to use reflection to shape future teaching.
Demonstrates ethical behavior
Standard 9: Professional Collaboration
9.1 Induction and collegial activities

9E1) the emerging teacher candidate engages in supporting the school's vision, mission, values and
goals, participates in curriculum and staff development, and works with their cooperating teacher and
clinical supervisor to improve and refine their practice and strengthen relationships in the school and

Seeks opportunity to build supportive and cooperative relationship with colleagues.

Participates in team/ school decision making.

9.2. Cooperative partnerships in support of student learning

9E2) The emerging teacher candidate develops relationships with colleagues and cooperative
partnerships with students and families to support students’ learning and well-being.

Proactively participate in service to students.

Cooperating School Saint William Academy, Bulanao, Tabuk

Brief history and Profile of the Apostolic Vicariate of

Tabuk catholic Schools Network

I. Beginnings
The main missionary task was to preach the Gospel and to further define
and purify its actual practice. To facilitate its endeavor, the education of the
children was undertaken. In this manner, Christianity and development were
introduced among the inhabitants of the Montanosa.
In 1908, several Catholic schools were opened in different parts of the
Montanosa. St. Theresita’s School in Lubuagan was one of the earliest schools
founded in the vicariate of Tabuk. After world war II, Bishop William Brasseuer,
CICM, became the first Apostolic Vicar of the Monatanosa. Six new schools were
opened in 1949 and more in the planning stage.
In 1962, the Monatanosa Vicariate had 26 Catholic Schools. By 1989,
there was 56 mission schools with one university with a total student of 50,272 in

II. The division of the Montanosa into Three Vicariate

In August 6, 1992, on the feast of the transfiguration the Papal
Pronouncement was made that officially divided the Monatanosa Vicariate into
the ecclesiastical jurisdictions namely: Baguio-Benguet, Bontoc- Lagawe, and the
Vicariate of Tabuk with bishop Carlito J. Cenzon, CICM. D.D. as the first
Apostolic Vicar.
In December 2011 during the Third Pastoral Assembly, the AVT Vision-
Mission was revisited to address the need of the changing time and thus the birth
of the new Vision-Mission of the Apostolic Vicariate of Tabuk.

We, the People of God in the Apostolic Vicariate of Tabuk; Kalinga and Apayao
envision ourselves to be a community of disciples.

We commit ourselves to the profession of our faith in the triune God through
authentic living. Responding to the signs of the times, we further commit
ourselves to the integral formation of our people, through holistic and
participative programs. As agents of evangelization, we witness to Christ’s
presence in the world through the collaborative promotion of social justice, peace,
love and integrity of creation.

III. At present
In July 16, 2003, Bishop Prudencio P. Andaya Jr., CICM D.D. succeeded
Bishop Cenzon. Amidst challenging circumstances, the vicariate Schools of
Tabuk continued to fulfill its mission under the supervision of the Bishop through
the schools Superintendent. Since the time of Bishop Cenzon until the present
there have been 7 Apostolic Vicariate Superintendents.
Presently, there is one college, 10 high schools, 2 grade schools and 2
nursery schools in the Vicariate. They are:


St. Theresita’s School of Polacion, Lubuagan 1925
Lubuagan, Inc. Kalinga
St. Theresita’s School of Dagupan Tabuk City, 1948
Tabuk, Inc. – HS dept. Kalinga
St. Theresita’s School of Dagupan Tabuk City, 1948
Tabuk, Inc. – Elem dept. Kalinga
Santo Rosario School of Brgy. Emillai Pudtol, 1949
Pudtol, Inc Apayao
Our Lady of Lourdes Poblacion, Kabugao, 1951
High school of Kabugao, Apayao
St. Theresita’s School of Salegseg, Balbalan, 1955
Salegseg, Inc. Kalinga
St. Michael Academy, Babalag west, Rizal 1965
Rizal, Inc Kalinga
St. William Academy, Bulanao Tabuk City, 1968
Bulanao Inc. Kalinga
St. Louis College of Bulanao Tabuk City, 1968
Bulanao, Inc- College Kalinga
Saint Joseph High Población west Flora, 1969
School of Flora, Inc Payao
St. Theresita’s School of Junction pinukpok 1969
Pinukpok, Inc. Kalinga
St. Theresita’s School of Población Tinglayan, 1981
Tinglayan, Inc. Kalinga
St. Louis College of Bulanao Tabuk City, 2009
Bulanao, Inc- Elem Dept Kalinga
Saint Anthony de Padua Poblacion, Luna, 2012
Pre-school Apayao

The Seal of the Apostolic Vicariate of Tabuk Catholic School network is divided into two
parts. The inner part contains a wide brown mountain which represent the Cordillera range where
the province of Kalinga and Apayao are located. The dark green color signifies the abundance of
natural resources in the region as a blessing from Kabunyan. The blue sky depicts God’s divine
providence as a living testimony to the region. At the Christian faith planted by our missionary
forefathers into the region. At the inner center is a bible enthroned which nurtures the Christian
life of the Cordillerans. Embedded in the bible is the acronym of the Apostolic Vicariate of the
Tabuk which continues to form Basic Ecclesial Communities in the province of Kalinga and
Apayao. The outer part of the logo bears the name of the educational institutions of the vicariate
printed of the circular form. The blue scallop decorates the outermost part of the logo which
signifies the centralization of all school within the jurisdiction of the Apostolic Vicariate of
Tabuk into one system.
Saint William’s Academy Vision and Mission

We envision AVT Catholic School as Christ-Centered, academically competent and
culturally responsive community of Disciples

Committing ourselves to the evangelization and to witnessing of the Gospel
toward integral transformation, we:
A– Appreciate and enhance our Catholic identify and participate in the evangelization
V–Value and nourish our life-giving indigenous culture.
T–Target and achieve academic excellence and integral formation towards global
S– Serve families and communities in the spirit of love solidarity and nationalism.


G- God loving community

A-Academically competent and excellent
B-Nurtured culturally through peace, justice and integrity
G-Globally competitive
S-Service- oriented and solidarity with families
A-Accountable stewards
St. William’s Academy, Bulanao, Inc. Organizational Chart
Names of St. Matthew Grade 8 Students

1. Aguilar, Justine Kurt S. Alvarado, Iya Endriana B
2. Antonio, Kheiser M. Andrada, Kelly-Anne A
3. Bantiyag, Derick Wayne D. Baguiwan, Liezel W
4. Bawalan, Ebson A. Baligod, Jasmine B
5. Balawas, Yuan B Balneg Rheane Nicole K
6. Carbonel, Virgillo Eduardo G Banatao Milca N
7. Dagson, Benet Jr. L Banyao, Loren C
8. Daligdig, Ivan Zues A Basa Pia Angelique T
9. Diwag, Stanlee Rudin A Basing- at Vivien Vir D
10. Guinnayao, James Carl A Bawit, Shiela Mae A
11. Jucotan, Tristan Louis C Bulakit, Amery M
12. Langcauon, Jasen Reece B Bulwayan, Raiza U
13. Manadao Cyron D Cambia, Rodalyn L
14. Olao, Japhet Jay A Debalde, Karylle K
15. Oyawon, John Ray A Edas, Charisse B
16. Pascua, Sanny Jr. O Eugenio, Rowena kin G
17. Rosete, John Mark M Gacadan, Mary Judea B
18. Soto, John Carlo Unhuo M Hernaez, dazzle Mae K
19. Tagure, Rence G Jose, shenie Lou C
20. Tambiao, Bryce M Layugan, Brylyn E
21. Tarnate, Wilter Andre U Malasi, Tharra Shaye M
22. Ulep, Ethan Aldyn G Malyong, Althea Jaze T
23. Valdez, Clark- ed O Pimintel, Katheryn Jane M
24. Wacnang, Zymore Thomas C Pimintel, Lyka Clarisse S
25. Salang-oy Sharlyn S
26. Suma- il Jahreyn Anne A
27. Tercero, Samantha Abegail N
28. Villanueva, Mikhail Zhelzy R
Summary of my classroom Experiences

There a lot of things happen during those time of my journey of my Field of Study.
Mixed emotions. I felt nervous but at the same time so happy that I am about to enter the next
level of my teaching career. After pursuing my education, now I could be able to apply those
concepts and principles of teaching that I’ve learned.
My field of Specialization is English so I was assigned to English Department under
Ma’am Angela Suriaga, St. Matthew grade 8 Adviser. She handles 7 sections and were four
practice teachers assigned to her. And gladly all of them are my friends, so I had fun being with
them and one more thing Ms. Surgia was very approachable and nice so we didn’t hesitate to
asks guidance and techniques to her regarding our practice teaching.
First week of my practice teaching, my co-operating teacher let me see and feel first the
environment inside the classroom and observed the diversity of her students. And then she
introduced me in front of the class. She also taught me on how to impose rules/policies and
routines at the very beginning of the class.
During the first week of my observation, I noticed her approach was not totally a high
school approach but more on college approach. She started the lesson with a review of the
previous topics, followed by an introduction of the new topic. But before she does that, she
already written on the board about the lesson. Then afterwards she gave seat works and
assignments. But before that she never starts a class without a prayer.

The following days, she let me handle her class without giving assistance only a module
of what lesson to be taught. She just encourages me to do the same way but don’t imitate her
instead I will make my own strategy on how to get the attention and interest of the students in the
At first, it was hard for me because I still consider myself neophyte when it comes to
teaching. The first time I wrote on the board, I feel the giantess of it I think the board is to high
for me hahha. Any way I handled it hahah.
On my second week, she let me do my first demonstration with the topic Parallel
structures of words. I am very nervous back then knowing that my students are belong to the
science section which mean they are the most intelligent section. But thankfully my first demo
was successful and I am so proud of myself for making it a great job. As usual there are some
mistakes but my co-operating teacher advices me and says her corrections for the improvement
on my incoming demonstrations.
On my second and third demonstration, I think it was enjoyable because I can be able
now to handle the class. I already get the techniques on how to deliver my discussion to my class
and manages my time especially during shorten periods. Although it wasn’t perfect yet but my
co-operating teacher always encourages, she says that when time comes teaching will become
just easy. And practice makes perfect.
Eventually, I let myself improved those things above. I could be able to discussed well to
my students. I felt so fulfilled whenever I saw their full participation and when they ask queries
that means their showing interest to the topic and eager to learn more. And knowing that they
appreciated the way I thought them means I was able to help them giving my best.
Discipline is part of the classroom management, although there were times that there
were students not behaving well. I just manage myself to become more patient and flexible. As
much as possible, I don’t shout at them when they becoming unruly. I just call their attention in a
nice manner.
When my final demonstration came, I am very grateful to my students and to my co-
operating teacher because they had given me their full support and participation. That day I was
very nervous because I didn’t really sure if I could make it, knowing that I hadn’t sleep the night
before being me busy preparing for my visual aids. The thing was I was supposed to use a
PowerPoint presentation for my final demo but unfortunately, we didn’t have projector available
that day. On the day of my final demo, I entered the room, feels like I’m flying. I was very
nervous and scared that I might screwed but thank God, I made it great. Thanks to my very
supportive class they all participated the whole time. And I was very shocked at the same time
happy because one of my nosy students got to recite on that day. It made realized that he has also
a humor to help and knowledge to recite at the same time.
When my last week came, that’s the time I felt so sad, in a way that I will not be able to
see them anymore. But all in all, I am grateful having them as my first students. Their sweetness,
kindness, love and participation always remain in my heart forever for giving me the best
experience for my first teaching career.
In partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements in Field Study
For the Degree Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in English

Submitted to:
Jossile Faith Isic
Field Study Supervisor

Submitted by:
Jonalyn C. Acob
Field Study Student

January 2022
Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 8
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a) Explain the rules of parallelism
b) Recognize errors in sentences
c) Formulate meaningful sentences with parallel structures
a) Topic: Parallel structure of words
b) References: English in perspective 8, h (types of Parallel
structure- znnhs)
c) Materials: visual aids, pictures, handouts, activity sheets
Teacher’s activity Student’s activity
 prayer
 attendance

Before we proceed to our next topic, let us
first have a review to our previous lesson.
Conjunctive advers as cohesive devices
What is our last topic? ma’am.

Conjunctive adverb ma’am.

What is the other type of cohesive devices
again class?

Creates a logical connection between two

Yes , very good! Now what is the function of independent clauses or sentences ma’am.
conjunctive adverb again class?
Hence, further, furthermore, anyway and so
Ok, anyone who can give examples of it? on...
Great class! Seems that you have understood
our previous lesson. Now moving on!


Picture of two lines ma’am.

Teacher will show students two parallel lines Parallel lines ma’am.
and ask students if what they have observed
on the picture that shown.
It is two lines that have equal distance but
Ok, what do mean by parallel lines? never meet

Yes very good! They are equal but never

meet; just like in English parallelism is also
applicable. Lets find out more about it today

Study the following sentences from the myth

“Death, Life and Death.” Take note one the
words that are underlined.

1. Not long after afterward, the rooster

broke into song, the tou-tou bird sang
its first notes, and the dawn began to

2. Alatangana was furious at the

nonsense the messenger reported, but
The words used to express the ideas are the
he was grateful for the gift that Sa has
same in function and construction.

What have you observed in the underlined


Ok very good class, the first sentence, the

words broke, sang and began are parallel since
they are all verbs used in the past form. While
In the second sentence, the parallel structure is
shown through the use of the adjectives
furious and grateful.

Let us find out more!

Student’s answer may vary.

What is parallel structure?

Parallel structure refers to the use of

grammatical elements or patterns that have the
same function and express similar balanced

For example, if the first element in a group of

words is a noun, the following items should
be also be a noun: if it is a verb, then all the
other items should also be be verbs, the same
is true when using gerunds and adjectives.

In order you to understand the following

examples below let us first read the story of
the myth “Death, Life and Death” But before
you will begin let us first unlocked unfamiliar

 Condemned- sentenced to
punishment like death.
 Filthy- disgustingly dirty
 Eloped- run away secretly in
order to get married. (Tanan)
 Appalled- dismayed
 Vast- huge

Reading of story (10 minutes)

Now! Let us now move on the examples that

are taken from the story.
1. In this world lived only Sa, his
wife, and their only daughter.
2. The god Alatangana came to
visit Sa, was appalled at what
he saw, and condemned Sa for
the filth. (verbs) Student answer’s may vary
3. The world that Sa created was
dark, filthy and lifeless.
4. Alatanga recreated Sa’s world
neatly, nicely, and decently.

Let students give their own examples



1. Use parallel structure with elements

joined by coordinating conjunctions. (for,
and, nor, but, or, yet, and so)

I took piano lessons but I don’t practice

I took piano lessons but I didnt practice


We need to change don’t into past form

just like the word took to make the
sentence balance.

Give examples.
1. In the beginning there was
nothing: matter nor light existed.
The parallel elements in the
sentence are the nouns matter and
2. The plants covered the new earth,
and animals live on it.
The parallel patterns are also the
nouns plants and animals.
3. Sa cursed Alatangana, for he
eloped with with Sa’s daughter.
The parallel patterns are the verbs
cursed and eloped.

More example:
 I do not enjoy jogging or
 Jogging and running are
the easiest exercises.

2. Use parallel structure with elements in a

list or in a series. (put comma between
three or more items joined by a coordinate
 She wanted three things: power,
security and extreme wealth.
 She wanted three things: power,
security, and wealth.

Give more examples:

 Rosalie wanted three gifts this
Christmas: a laptop, mini iPad, and
 She doesn’t care about who he is,
what he has, and what he can give
as her boyfriend.

Ask student to give their own


Student’s answer may vary

3. Use parallel structure with elements
being compared.

 Sa likes living in darkness better
than living in light.
 Alatangana prefers to have a clean
world rather than to have a dirty
 I like swimming better than to
I like swimming better than

Ask student to give their own examples.

4. Use parallel structure with elements

joined by a linking verb or a verb of being.

 To succeed is opening a new
 To succeed is to open a new
 To create a vast sea of mud is to
live in filth.
 To be content is to be happy.
 Being my friend means being
always on the go.

5. use parallel structure with elements

joined by correlative conjunctions (either,
or, neither, nor, both, and, and not only,
Student’s answers may vary
but also)

 Alatangana not only knows his
guilt, but also his dept to Sa.
 Either Sa lives in filth or he loses
his daughter.
 Alatangana loved both his wife
and his children.
 Neither Sa nor Alatangana could 1. But
do anything about death.
More examples:
 Belle was neither going to classes
nor practicing her dance number.
 I like both to buy a new cellphone
and to avail an installment laptop. 2. Not only, but also
Ask students to give their examples.


Direction: Fill in the blanks with an

appropriate coordinating conjunction to 4. So
join the parallel elements in the sentences.
Select your answer from the words inside
the parentheses.
5. Not only, but also
1. African story telling is a sensory
union of image and idea,____ the
storyteller uses realistic images to
describe the present, and fantasy
images to stimulate the culture’s
experience of the past. (but,for)
2. The storyteller____ uses beauty in 6. Both, and
itself, ____ communicates
important truths and information
to society. (both.. and, not only...
but also) 7. Not only, but also
3. Africa is changing through time,
____ storytelling is alive, never
hardened in time. (so, yet)
4. Stories are not meant to be
temporally frozen_____ they are
always responding to
8. Neither, nor
contemporary realities, but in a
timeless fashion. (so, for)
5. Storytellers ______ reveal 9. So
connections between humans
within the world, within a society,
within a family______ forge
bonds that link their essential core
to their societies and beliefs . 10. So
(both.. and, not only.. but also)
6. The language of storytelling_____
includes the patterning of image,
_____ the manipulation of the
body and the voice of the
storyteller. (both... and, either.. or)
7. The storyteller does ____ craft a
story out of whole cloth ______
recreate the ancient story within
the context of the real, Parallel structure refers to the use of
contemporary, known world. grammatical elements or patterns that have
(both... and, not only... but also) the same function and express similar
8. In african storytelling, the balanced ideas.
storytellers uses _____ voice ____
music to captivate the audience.
(either.. or,neither.... nor)
9. The rhythm of storytelling joins
experiences and thoughts into the 1. Use parallel structure with elements
image of the story ______ the joined by coordinating conjunctions. (for,
images become familiar to the and, nor, but, or, yet, and so)
audience. (so,for)
10. The storyteller does not shape a 2. Use parallel structure with elements in
story out of nothing, ______ a list or in a series. (put comma between
he/she recreates the ancient story three or more items joined by a coordinate
within the context of the real, conjunction.
contemporary known world. (but,
so) 3.use parallel structure with elements
being compared.

4. Use parallel structure with elements

IV. GENERALIZATION joined by a linking verb or a verb of
What is parallel structure again class?

5. Use parallel structure with elements

joined by correlative conjunctions (either,
Ok very good! Seems that you have or, neither, nor, both, and, and not only,
understood our lesson. but also)

And so with the 5 rules that should be

observed in making sentences balance or

1. Cellphone, pants

2. University and Dr.Yu

3. Reading and watching

V. EVALUATION 4. Beth and Sue

A. Directions: Underline the parallel

structure in each sentence. Write your
answer on a separate
5. Book and it
Sheet of paper.

Example: The beautiful lady is sexy and


1. I received a pocket-size 1. Ellen likes hiking, watching the motor

cellphone and a branded pair of racing, and taking afternoon naps.
pants for my birthday. 2. My best friend took me to a dance and to
2. I hope to go to that university
and study under Dr. Yu.
3. My dog not only likes to play ball, but
also likes to dance.
3. In my spare time, I enjoy 4. I would rather pay for my education than
reading novels or watching to receive financial aid.
5. I would rather eat white rice than brown
4. He should have broken his rice.
engagement to Beth and
married Sue instead.

5. I looked for my book but

couldn’t find it.

B. Directions: Read and understand the

sentences given. Make it parallel and
rewrite it in a separate sheet.
1. Ellen likes hiking, watching the motor
racing, and to take afternoon naps.
2. My best friend took me dancing and to

3. My dog not only likes to play ball, but

also dance.
4. I would rather pay for my education than
financial aid.

5. I would rather eat white rice than to eat

brown rice.

Direction: With a partner, fill in the chart with key details on the creation, myth you have read.
Then, write a summary based on it.
Title of the Story

Key Detail Key Detail Key Detail Key Detail

________________________ _______________________ ____________________
_____________________ ________________________ _______________________ ____________________
_____________________ ________________________ _______________________ ____________________
_____________________ ________________________ _______________________ ____________________
_____________________ ________________________ _______________________ ____________________
_____________________ ________________________ _______________________ ____________________
_____________________ ________________________ _______________________ ____________________
_____________________ ________________________ _______________________ ____________________
________________________ _______________________ ____________________
________________________ _______________________ ____________________
________________________ _______________________ ______________
_____________________ ________________________ _______________________
_____________________ ________________________ _______________________
_____________________ ________________________ _______________________
_____________________ ________________________ _______________________
_____________________ ________________________ _______________________
________________________ _______________________
Summary: ______ _____

Prepared by:
Jonalyn C. Acob

Checked by:
Ms. Anagela Suriaga

Detailed lesson plan in English Grade 8

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a) Identify an expository text as a text that explains or inform readers;
b) Explain visual-verbal relationship illustrated in tables, graphs and information maps
found in expository texts;
c) Sequence the expository text by using the instructional mapping diagram.
Topic: Converting Information from Representational Diagrams
References: English in Perspective Grade 8 pp 291-294
Materials: visual aids, activity sheets
Time frame: 1 hour

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

a) PREPARATION (daily routine)

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
a) MOTIVATION (search and win)
Directions: look for the hidden words listed
below the puzzle, written in all directions from
left to right, right to left, horizontally and

Hidden words
Table graph pie

Chart lines diagram


C D I A G R A M S C Ma’am its all about diagrams,
tables, and graph.
Base from the words that you have search, what
do you think is our lesson for today class?

b) LESSON PROPER Ma’am, they are called

representational diagrams.
From the words that you had searched, what do
you call them?
Tools such as tables, graphs, and
Ok very good, they are the representational information maps which are rich
diagrams. When we say representational source of information. They help
diagram what it is again class? calculate, analyze, predict and
understand the information given in
Ok very good! them.

Types of Representational Diagram

There are 4 types of representational diagram

these are the Tables, Charts and graphs and Table is a representational display
information mapping. Let us first discuss the of data or information in rows and
first type. When we say table what it is class? columns.

Ok, very good! Tables are often used to five an

organized picture of information or data. Lets
take a look on the example below.

Population of students at St. Therese
Parochial Scool
Year Number Population Total
level of per number of
sections section population
7 5 45 225
8 5 40 200
9 4 40 160
10 4 35 140 The table illustrate the total
Total number of students 725 population of students at St. Therese
Parochail school.
Now, what does the table all about class?
Chart is an illustrative presentation
of information. The information is
illustrated in symbols such as bars,
Ok very good! Now let us move on to charts and lines or slices. It is used to explain
each kind. Who will read the definition of a the relationship between a large
chart? quantity of data and its part.

Line chart constitutes a series of

factual information or data points
Ok, very good! There are two kinds of charts connected with a straight line.
these are the line chart and the pie chart. What
do you mean when we say line chart?

Ok very good! Now let take a look to the

example given.

The literary Books Borrowed in November
The line chart illustrated the literary
books borrowed in the Month of
November ma’am.

Yes ma’am.

Pie chart represents data concerning

the portion of a whole (pie) which is
divided into segments or slices to
illustrate a portion of the whole.

The line chart illustrates the?

23 % ma’am.

Do you understand the line chart class?

Ok if you understood, we will now proceed to

pie chart. What is a pie chart class?

Ok very good. Now from the example given

how many percent does the borrowed books of
the All the Light We Cannot See?
Yes maam.
Borrowed Books in November

Graph is a visual display of

appraisals over grids (horizontal and
vertical lines) that provide an easy
way to view interpretation of all the

It is straight line that goes left to

right or right to left.
Ok very good.
A vertical line is a straight line that
is mapped from top to bottom.
Do you understood what do a pie chart pie chart
class? Shall we move to graphs and each kind?

Ok, when we say graph what does ti mean


Ok when we say horizontal it is a? What kind of


Ok very good. A line goes left to right or vice

versa. What about vertical line?

Ok very good! Let’s see the example given.

The line goes up and down maam.

A bar graph presents data using

different hieghts.

Ok, what have you observed from the example?

Yes, ver good class. The line graph uses the

horizontal and vertical line to illustrate a data.

Ok next, let’s move to bar graph, what is bar


Ok, bar graph presents a data using different

hieghts. The higher or longer the bar, the greater
the value it presents. Let’s see the example Ma’am the hieghest in sugar content
below. is the chocolate bar, which has 33.2
percent; on the other hand the
lowest was the ketchup maam.

Information mapping is a method of

identifying, categorizing and
interrelating information for
learning and reference purposes.

From the graph what is the highest and lowest

in sugar content percent?

Ok very good class.

Now, we will move on to information map.

What is an information map?
Paragraph development, main and
supporting details, general to
Ok very good! It is a method of identifying, specific, problem-solution and
categorizing and interrelating information. Ok cause and effect maam.
let’s see the example given.
None maam.

Yes maam.
Tools such as tables, graphs, and
information maps which are rich
source of information. They help
calculate, analyze, predict and
understand the information given in

Table, charts, information mapping

What compose an information map class?

Ok, very good! Now, do you have an questions?

Do you understand our topic for today class?

What is representational diagram again class?

What are the 3 types of representational diagram class?

e. Application
ACTIVITY: refer from your book on page 250, and
answer the following questions:

1. What is the pie chart all about?

2. What are the subjects listed in the graph?
3. What is the favorite food of majority of the
children? What is the least?
4. What does the graph say about pizza as a snack?


ACTIVITY: In a paragraph form, convert and interpret the information displayed by the pie
chart. Answers the guide questions as your guide.
1. What is the pie chart all about?
2. What are the subjects listed in the graph?
3. What is the favorite subject of majority of the students in grade 8? What is the least?
4. What does the graph say about mathematics as a subject?

Direction: Using the types of all the presented Representational Diagram above, make your
own graph, table, or chart about your favorite food. Make sure to put percentage.

Prepared by:
Jonalyn C. Acob

Checked by:
Ms. Angela Suriaga
Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 8
I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a) Determine the uses of the representational diagrams as tools that helps to understand the
information given;
b) Explain visual-verbal relationship illustrated in tables, graphs and information maps
found in expository text;
c) Compose an expository text and illustrate the information given.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Expository Text
References: Module
Materials: visual aids, activity sheets
Time frame: 1 hour

III. Procedure

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

a) Preparation (daily routine)

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance

b) Motivation (guess me)

Direction: choose the most appropriate letters that
defines the sentences given.

1. It is a text that uses numerical or chronological Letter A

order to list items or events.

a, sequence b. Problem-solution
Letter C
2. It describes a problem and then gives one or more
valid solutions.

a. problem solving b. Cause and effect

c. problem-solution Letter C
3. It is the outcome of the cause, or how things
become the way they are.

a. cause b. Solution c. effect Letter C

4. It gives additional information about what a person,

place or thing is like.

a. Biographies b. Comparison
c. description Letter B

5. A text that exposes new information to the reader or

explains or give information about a specific topic.
a. brochure b. Expository text
c. newspaper
Maam, it’s all about
Base from your answers, what is our topic for today expository text

Very good!

c) Lesson Proper A text that explains or informs

readers about a specific topic.
What is expository text class?
When the text is informing,
explaining or giving
Ok, great class! Now how can you identify if a text is information to a reader
expository or not class? regarding a specific topic.

Yes, very good. Expository can be determined when it

explains, informs and compares information to
readers. The purpose is to give
information about a topic; it
What is the purpose of expository text class? may also explain ideas,
compare things, give direction
or show how something is

Biographies, Autobiographies,
Yes, it gives information, explain ideas, compare newspapers and magazine
things, give directions or show how something is articles.
done. Now, who can give examples of expository

Ok we have here an example or expository text where

in it a newspaper Article.
ASF found in all cordillera Provinces, 146 cases
recorded this 2021 Tabuk City Kaling- the entire
cordillera region is now affected with the African
Swine Fever (ASF) with a total of 146 cases of the
viral disease cumulatively recorded from all of its
provinces from january to September this year.
Apayao which was recalled to be the sole provice in
the region that is ASF- free in the previous years has
recorded 88 casesthis year, the highest number of
cases recorded this 2021. As for ASF cases in other
provinces, 22 were recorded in Abra, 7 in Benguet, 19
in Ifugao, 7 in Kalinga and 3 from Mountaion
About African Swine Fever
(ASF) in all Cordillera
Base from the article, what does the news all about? Provences

It has 146 recorded cases

Yes, it’s all about ASF from Cordillera Provinces.
How many recorded cases in the region?

Ok very good. Aside from the examples we had,

encyclopedia, essay, manuals and textbooks are also
an expository texts. Yes maam because it has a
clear, concise and oragnized
Why do you think an encyclopedia is an example of
writing and list events and
expository text class?
words in chronological order.
What are the 5 types of expository text structures The description, sequence,
class? comapre and contrast,
problem-solution and the
cause and effect.

A text that describes a topic,

Yes very good. Now what is a description as part of a person, place or thing by
text structure class? listing a collection of its
Ok, so description will give additional information
about a person, place or think is like. Let’s see the
example given

Oli Impan a play that mirrors the urban life in Tondo

Manila. It talks about how a simple happiness can
spark off children’s ability to adpat and accept life’s
complexities with a spirit of bravery. It is a play that
reflects a situation that could happen in real life to
real people. It depicts the tough and unglamorous
day-to-day depressed. It also graphically
demonstrates the increasing gap in the living
conditions of the rich and the poor and how the poor
always dominated by the waelthy and the powerful.

Maam information mapping.

What is the best representational diagram to use to

describe and synthesize the story class? A play that mirrors the urban
life in Tondo, Manila.
Yes, we will use information mapping to describe the
story. So, in converting information into information
mapping, kindly give one characteristic of Oli Impan

Ok very good, it seems that you are already familiar in

converting information. Just always remember class
that in description, the author describes a topic by
listing characteristics, features, attributes, and
examples of a certain topic. A text that uses numerical or
chronological order to list
Now, moving on. What is sequence? items or events or explains the
steps one must follow to do.

First, second, third, later, next,

before, then, finally, after and
Ok very good! In sequence, the information is given so on...
through list of items or events in numerical or
chronological sequence. In completing a sequence
what cue words should be used?

Ok very good, now let’s take a look to the example


The World Health Organization (WHO) has put a series of

graphics on social media debunking common covid 19 myths: you
should’t sprays your body with chlorine, and garlic does’nt have
secial covid 19 prevention properties. Instead, try making these
five small adjustments to ensure that you’re following the best
practices for general infection prevention and control. One,
practice good hand hygiene helps prevent the transmission of a
virus from one person to another. Second, avoid coughing or
sneezing into your hand; Covering a cough or sneeze may seem
like something that should be done simply out of good manners,
but it goes a bit beyond that — you should avoid coughing or
sneezing into your hand whenever possible. Third, stay home if
you are sick; If you’re not feeling well, stay home and let yourself
recover. If you have to go out in public, try to wear a face mask to
avoid infecting others. Fourth, consider alternatives to shaking
hands; your hands can carry bacteria and viruses. This means that
shaking someone’s hand comes with the risk of passing bacteria or
viruses on to that person, or vice versa. Fifth, try to avoid
touching your face; If droplets containing the virus made their
way onto your hands, touching your eyes, nose, or mouth would be
the primary way to transfer those droplets into your own Maam let us use again the
body.Making these small adjustments will go a long way toward information mapping to
helping you avoid a number of common illnesses, not just categorize the text maam.

Now class? What is the best diagram to categorize the text?

Yes, again we will use again the information mapping but this
time we cannot be able to do it in the circle way instead let us
put an arrow to sequence the information.

About the small steps to

protect ourselves from covid

One, second, third, fourth,

Now, what does the example all about?
Shows how two or more
events, topics or objects are
What are used in sequencing the steps? the same and how they are
Yes very good! Now let’s move on to compare –
contrast, what is compare and contrast class? List of similarities that the
topic share

Very good! What is comparison class?

List of differences

What about contrast?

Yes, comparison describes the similarities while

comparison describes the differences.
Irony is the way of saying thw opposite of what you
actually mean, often as a joke and with a tone of vioce
that show this especially in oreder to be funny. While,
sarcasm is a stingy, taunting, witty and unpleasant
remarks that are planned to mock or insult’s someone
behavior, or their ideas, it is way of speaking or
writing which triest to hurt someone’s feelings,
especially by expressions which clearly mean the
opposite to what is felt. Yet, they are both components
of satire, that attacks, pokers fun, ridicules, or mocks
the abuses, failures and weaknesses of governments,
societies, or people in power, with the intent to
embarrass or humiliate in order for such institutions
or individual to improve..

We will use Venn diagram


Irony is the way of saying the

What will we use to compare irony and sarcasm class? opposite of what you actually
mean, often as a joke and with
a tone of voice that show this
Ok very good, we will use the Venn Diagram to especially in order to be
compare these two. What are their differences class? funny. While, sarcasm is a
stingy, taunting, witty and
unpleasant remarks that are
planned to mock or insult’s
someone behavior, or their
ideas, it is way of speaking or
writing which tries to hurt
someone’s feelings, especially
by expressions which clearly
mean the opposite to what is

Let us have another example:

Apples and oranges are both fruits, which mean that
they have seeds inside of them. Each has a skin, but
oranges skins are thick and easy to peel. Apple skins
are thinner and do not peel easily. Alike
- both fruits
-have skin
Who can write the comparison of the apple and the -healthy
- Orange is easily to peel
while apples do not peel.

Yes maam.

Do you understand the compare and contrast class? Describes a problem and then
gives one or more valid
Ok then let’s move to problem solution. What is solution.
problem-solution class?

As of 2015, 22 million of Filipinos are still living in
depths of poverty. That equates to 1/5 of the
population. Poverty presents itself in a various cycle
affecting mainly the uneducated population who tends
to live in large family units. These family units have
only one head of the household who provides income
for the entire family. One of the key strategies to help
bring down poverty in the Philippines is providing
birth control to the poor. In a radical move women
who cannot afford it. Another one priority is creating
more and better jobs, to offer opportunity for the poor
to lift themselves out of poverty. What needs to
change in the Philippines in order to address the
problems in a more focused way and how to carry
these forward?


Birth control and better jobs

What is the problem class? to offer maam.

Ok poverty, what about the solutions for poverty


Let’s have another example:

It seems like there has been surge in teen pregnancies

these days. Teen pregnancies make it very difficult for
young mothers to pursue their dreams and meet the
demands of an infant. Fortunately, most teen
pregnancies can be easily prevented by using birth
The problem is teen
control; however, even birth control is not 100%
pregnancies and the solutions
effective. The most effective way to prevent teen
are birth control and
pregnancies is abstinence, which is 100% effective.
abstinence ma’am.
What is the problem in the text class and its solution
Focuses on the cause and
effects of a particular event or
situation, explanation of how
Ok let’s have the last type of text structure, the cause event leads to another.
and effect. What is cause-effect class?

Cause and effect or also called as fishbone diagram

explains the reason of something that happens and its

Importance of Physical Activity during the COVID 19
The benefits of physical activity and exercise have
benn demonstrated across the lifespan. We are meant
to move and many of our body’s systems work better
work better when we are consistently physically
active. Physical activity and exercise can be effective
treatment strategies for symtoms of both depression
and anxiety. Each day is a new opportunity to engage
in physical activity and exercise that can bring short
and long-term benefits for mood, sleep and physical
health. We are all managing aditional stress related
tothe growth of the covid 19 pandemic and it’s
potential to threaten the health of ourselves, our
families, and our communities.there is sufficient
literature to how that exercise can play a vital role in
the promotion of positive mental health and well-
being. And lastly, but not least given the current
situation, regular physical activity is greater for your
immune system.

Doing physical activities and


Physical activity and exercise

can be effective treatment
strategies for symptoms of
both depression and anxiety;
in physical activity and
What is the cause of the text given in our example exercise that can bring short
class? and long-term benefits for
mood, sleep and physical
And what are the effects? health; exercise can play a
vital role in the promotion of
positive mental health and
well-being and regular
physical activity is greater for
your immune system.

Let’s have another example:

Many people think that they can get sick by going into
cold weather improperly dressed; however, illness is
not cause by temperature they are caused by germs.
So, while shivering outside in the cold probably won’t
strengthen your immune system, you’re more likely to
contract an illness indoors because you will have a Yes ma’am.
greater exposure to germs.

In the paragraph, it explains how germs cause illness. The purpose is to give
The germs are the cause and the illness is the effect. information about a topic; it
may also explain ideas,
compare things, give direction
Do you understand class? or show how something is
d. Generalization
What is the purpose of expository text again class? The description, sequence,
compare and contrast,
problem-solution and the
cause and effect.

Ok very good! What are the five text structures?

e. Application
Direction: in a group of 3 make a short story and then at the
back of your paper make a representational diagram out from
it. Do that in 15 minutes

V. Evaluation

Direction: choose from the given community problems below and make your own expository
essay with an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion, and then at the back of your paper
covert your expository essay into diagram. You can choose one from all the diagrams that
discussed from our previous and current lesson. Put it in a one whole sheet of paper.
 Poverty
 Corona Virus
 Discrimination
 Pollution
School bullying
VI. Assignment
Direction: compose or make a paragraph in any topic, using sequence structure highlight
or underline the steps that must be followed to make your paragraph sequenced. Put it in a one
whole sheet of paper.

Prepared by:
Jonalyn C. Acob

Checked by:
Ms. Angela Suraiga

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