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Important Instruction: Please type your answer and submit MS word file to Google Classroom

Class Performance Assessment-1
Marks = 10
Time: strictly 5 Minutes + 2 minutes for submission
Answer the following questions in not more than one sentence and not more than 8 words.

1. What do you understand by opcode?

Ans: Binary code for operation in an instruction.

2. What do you understand by Instruction format?

Ans: Command to CPU for a task.

3. Show general format of any arithmetic or logical instruction.


Opcode Location to store result Data-1/source of data-1 Data-2/source of data-2

4. What is the function of Control Unit?

Ans: Decode instructions

5. What do you understand by a Byte-addressable memory?

Ans: Content of each location is 1-byte.

6. What is the use/function of RAM?

Ans: Hold data and program temporarily.

7. What is the function of a compiler?

Ans: Convert high level code into assembly instructions.

8. What is the use/function of a register?

Ans: To hold data or instruction temporarily.

9. What do you understand by Instruction Fetch?

Ans: Read machine code from RAM and store in register

10. What do you understand by Load operation?

Ans: Read data from RAM and store in a register

Comments: What is your expected grade in this course:

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