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Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Computer Engineering

COM 261 – Human-Computer Interaction and Usability

2022-2023 Spring – Mid-Term Exam (Assignment)

Student No:

Name: Signature:

Examination Rules

1. Exam due date is stated in the corresponding announcement.

2. Exam consists of only two sections and 2 questions.
3. You can NOT COPY from or help each other.
4. Artificial Intelligence apps cannot be used or benefited from.
5. Tools such as Turnitin, iThenticate will be used for checking copying.
6. A similarity equal to or greater than a specific percentage within Section II
answers will be “awarded” with a zero.
7. Write neatly and clearly. What I cannot read, I cannot grade.

Good Luck  Dr. Yılmaz Kemal Yüce

Fill in the blanks where necessary. If a blank is after a full stop, then state whether preceding
sentence is true or false by writing “T” or “F” in that blank and explain if you think it is false
within the following blank.

1. Whilst using a product, user’s attention and focus must be on

interacting with that product
________________________ controlling that product
with that product, NOT on ____________________
that product.
2. If the user cannot understand current system state, then there is a problem in the
Gulf of Execution. _____ true

3. Write down a user experience story that assesses and explains the experience of a
user with an application that you have developed (supposedly). Use the following words
in your story: mental model, button, visibility, user attention, system state, cognitive
load, textfield, system model, Gulf of Execution. The story must use the words in their
original meaning. Hence, any use of words not reflecting their original meaning within
the context will simply cause you to lose points.
4. Provide an example from the products, tools or applications you use for each
relationship between 7 Design Principles of Donald Norman. Each example must be
provided with a short clear text accompanying a picture or screenshot related to that
relationship between design principles.

Answer for 3
Michael downloaded a fitness app to track his daily workouts.
However, he found it difficult to understand how to input his exercise data and
couldn't locate the button to save his entries.
I improved the app by simplifying the system state and making the button more visible.
These changes reduced Michael's cognitive load and improved his experience with the app.

Answer for 4

Visibility: The Firefox browser displays the URL bar prominently at the top of the screen, making it easy for users to see and access. This helps users understand the current website they are viewing.

eedback: The Firefox Browser provides instant feedback to users when they clicked a link, indicating that they are directing to that link. This gives users a sense of control and feedback, allowing them to feel more engaged with the app.

Constraints: The Firefox browser interface uses constraints by preventing users from accidentally closing browsers when multiple tabs are open by requiring them to confirming to close. This reduces errors and helps users avoid making unintended actions.

Mapping: The Refrigerator uses mapping by displaying temperature controls in a circular interface that corresponds to the actual temperature of the refrigerator. This helps users understand the relationship between the controls and the system state.

onsistency: The LibreOffice Suite uses consistent design patterns for common actions, such as copy and paste, across applications. This makes it easier for users to learn and use the software, reducing cognitive load
2 Sayfa

Affordances: The Facebook uses affordances by displaying a blue button with the text "Create Post" to indicate to users that they can create a new post. This makes it clear to users what actions they can take

Mental Models: The Zoom video conferencing app uses a layout that closely matches users' mental models of traditional in-person meetings, with each participant displayed as a separate video tile. This helps users feel more comfortable and engaged during virtual meetings

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