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Word file ‘ Black and white twins’

EN EN Meaning NL
attracted to members of the
4 gay homoseksueel
same sex
social, enjoying the company gezelschapsdier
4 gregarious
of others
learned; interested in theoretisch, academisch
4 academic
5 A-levels see background information Havo
attracted to members of the heteroseksueel
6 straight
opposite sex
6 GCSE see background information Examen vmbo
training in practice the field stage
7 apprenticeship of construction and
the field of construction and
7 engineering techniek
earlier, those that came
9 previous vorige
10 a singleton not having a twin alleenstaand
12 to mark out to get them noticed opgemerkt worden
14 response reaction, reply reactie/antwoord
15 produce create; here: give birth to voortbrengen
16 black-skinned having dark skin Met een zwarte huid
16 offspring children; descendants Nakomelingen/nageslacht
17 geneticist a specialist on genetics geneticus
background, a part of you
18 heritage Afstamming/achtergrond
from past generations
18 Jamaican from the island of Jamaica Jamaicaans
21 gene variants differences in genes genetische varianten
21 DNA see background information dna
22 to pass on to give it to the next person doorgeven
to have sex with someone
24 rape verkrachten
against their will
the total amount of genetic
25 gene pool Het totaal aan genen
material in a group of people
26 tends to to have an inclination Geneigd zijn
receive after someone’s
27 inherit erven
32 nursery school for children aged 3-6 Kinderdagverblijf
32 plunge into to throw into Ergens in storten
a discussion because of
33 controversy Controverse/tweestrijd
opposing opinions
stick to regulations too (te) exact handelend volgens
33 politically correct
strictly de regels
33 staff the employees personeel
35 ridiculous foolish, silly belachelijk
having nothing to do with
37 irrelevant Niet ter zake
39 an issue a point of discussion Punt van discussie
41 encounter to come across, to meet with tegenkomen
53 picked on annoyed, harassed, bullied Het gemunt hebben op
on the receiving on the side where the bad Aan de kant die klappen
end stuff happens kreeg
64 actually in fact feitelijk
to do something to someone
65 punish because of what they’ve straffen
done wrong
a moment or period in a
66 stage fase
whole process
67 siblings brothers and sisters Broes en/of zussen
67 at arm’s length at a (short) distance Op armlengte
67 pitch in to come and help Er inspringen
to annoy and challenge
69 provoke uitdagen
to act in a certain way
71 treat behandelen
72 weigh in to make your influence felt Zich er mee bemoeien
a discoloured spot on the
73 bruise Blauwe plek
skin after a fall or a blow
73 tale a story verhaal
75 abuse calling insulting names uitschelden
77 attend to be present (een school) bezoeken
79 settled down be in a stable situation rustig worden
80 come to terms with to accept your situation accepteren
80 major most important
84 homophobic
85 coming out tell people you are gay Uit de kast komen
88 admit to say that something is so toegeven
89 directed against aimed at, pointed at gericht tegen
90 straightforward honest, saying things clearly rechtdoorzee
90 outspoken to say freely what you think uitgesproken (mening)
an opinion without knowing
92 preconception vooroordeel
the real facts
92 not in the least (little–less-least) Niet in het minst
93 to challenge to ask them to do something uitdagen
a judgement without
93 prejudice vooroordeel
knowing the real facts
95 to label put a name on bestempelen
95 concerned having something to do with aangaan

Word file ‘ Lottery of Life’

EN EN Meaning NL
A person who puts money belegger
into something in order to
3 investor
make more money or get an
to be a certain number in a rangschikken
7 to rank
14 prosperous wealthy welvarend
16 survey an examination of opinions enquête
an influencing element or bepalende
17 determinant
20 in all in total Al met al/ in totaal
something that shows what indicator
21 indicator
a situation is like
the study of changes in the demografie
23 demography number of births, marriages,
deaths etc.
something that has a certain drijvende kracht
27 driver
29 to forecast to predict om te voorspellen
the increase in value of productiegroei
33 output growth goods and services in a
34 to decline to become less afnemen
the length of time people in a levensverwachting
35 life expectancy specific country or area are
expected to live
to damage; to slowly reduce Eroderen (proces van erosie)
41 to erode
or destroy
a new event in a series of ontwikkeling
42 development
to make long and difficult uitrekenen
44 to crunch numbers
calculations to stay behind;
to not grow or move as fast achterblijven
50 to lag
as others
to damage; to slowly reduce wegkwijnen
54 to languish or destroy a new event in a
series of events
the quality of having lots of dynamisch
55 dynamism
ideas and enthusiasm
59 quibbler someone who argues about Criticaster (iem. die
something that's not voortdurend kritiek levert)
61 inclusion when you include something inclusie
or someone; when you make
something or someone part
of something
62 philistine a person who refuses to see Filistijn (niet gelovige)
the beauty of art, literature,
music or culture in any form
(62 yawn when you open the mouth geeuw/gaap
wide, to show you are tired or
64 virtue a good quality deugd (het goed zijn in morele
64 irredeemably impossible to correct or onherstelbaar
66 rogue a bad guy; a person who bedrieger
behaves badly but who you
still like

Word file ‘Dare not to be indifferent’

EN EN Meaning NL
carriage a section of a train or
3 wagon
6 to avoid to keep away from Vermijden
seminarian someone who is going to
8 Congres, werkgroep cursus
a seminar
9 to assign to give a task Toewijzen
parable a story told to illustrate a
9 Gelijkenis
11 to receive to get, to be given Ontvangen
intentionally on purpose, not by
12 Expres
12 to allow to give, to make time for Toestaan
13 appointed set, decided Afgesproken
16 to consider to think, to perceive Beschouwen
to carry the to spread the Gospel
17 Het geloof verspreiden
17 to assist to help, to give assistance Assisteren/helpen
18 indifference not caring Onverschilligheid
20 constraint bounds, rules Beperking
20 yield to give in to, make room for Toegeven aan/ zwichten voor
paramedic a person who is trained to
23 give medical assistance or Paramedicus (zorgverleners)
to assist a doctor
to get involved to become part of, to
24 betrokken raken bij
in become connected to
to waver to hesitate, to go from one
26 idea to another and back Twijfelen
impotence the feeling of being unable
26 Onmacht
to do something
discouragement the feeling that you are
26 unable to overcome Ontmoediging

27 tramp homeless person Zwerver

29 misery suffering, sadness Ellende
30 to glance to look quickly Blik werpen op/ oogopslag
35 to murmur to speak softly and
42 to approach to carne near, to carne
42 to get off here: to get out of the
carriage, onto the platform
44 to relieve to make better, to lessen
the bad situation
44 specimen example Exemplaar/voorbeeld
45 to participate to take an active part in Deelnemen aan
50 to alert to make someone aware
of a situation
51 security here: people responsible Beveiliging
for keeping a place or
situation safe
53 stricken struck or wounded getroffen
54 concerns worries, things you care
60 humanity being humane Menselijkheid
61 to dare to have the courage to do
61 permission consent, approval Toestemming

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