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Pizarra, Jowell Marie L.

M2A – BSBA Marketing Management

Channel characteristics are crucial in a company's distribution planning process. The choice of
distribution channels can significantly impact a company's success in reaching its target market and
achieving its sales goals and determining which channels are most effective for a company to use. To
effectively reach its target market, a company needs to consider channel characteristics that can provide
the greatest reach to its customers. In addition, the company needs to consider channel characteristics
that are cost-effective and provide a good return on investment. Also, the level of control a company has
over the distribution process can vary depending on the channel. Some channels may provide greater
control than others. A company needs to consider channel characteristics that align with its desired level
of control. Furthermore, other channels may be more aligned with a company's brand image than others.
It is important for a company to consider channel characteristics that can help maintain or enhance its
brand image and it needs to consider channel characteristics that can help it effectively compete against
its rivals. Overall, channel characteristics play a crucial role in a company's distribution planning process.
By carefully evaluating and selecting channels based on their characteristics, a company can increase its
chances of success in reaching its target market and achieving its sales goals.

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