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The study "Understanding how low-income communities gain access to healthcare

services: A qualitative study in São Paulo, Brazil" (2019) provides a theoretical
framework for understanding the lived experiences of low-income families in
acquiring healthcare services. The study draws on the Social Determinants of Health
(SDH) theory, which emphasizes the role of social and economic factors in shaping
health outcomes and access to healthcare services. The SDH theory posits that health
disparities are not solely the result of individual behaviors or biological factors but are
also influenced by broader social, economic, and environmental conditions, including
income, education, housing, and employment.

The study also draws on the Health Belief Model (HBM), which suggests that
individuals' beliefs and perceptions about health and illness play a critical role in their
health behaviors and decision-making. The HBM proposes that individuals will take
action to prevent or address health problems if they perceive that they are susceptible
to the problem, perceive the problem to be severe, perceive the benefits of taking
action to be greater than the costs, and believe that they can take action.

In the context of low-income families in São Paulo, Brazil, the SDH theory and HBM
can help explain the challenges these families face in accessing healthcare services.
Low-income families may experience social and economic barriers to accessing
healthcare services, such as lack of health insurance, inadequate transportation, and
limited access to healthcare facilities. Additionally, these families may have limited
health literacy. They may hold beliefs and perceptions discouraging seeking health
care services, such as fear of medical procedures or mistrust of providers.

By understanding the lived experiences of low-income families in acquiring

healthcare services, healthcare providers and policymakers can develop interventions
that address social and economic barriers to healthcare access and improve health
literacy and health beliefs among low-income populations. By addressing these
factors, healthcare providers and policymakers can work towards reducing health
disparities and promoting health equity. 

Melo, G. A. S., Farias, L. O., & Santos, A. M. (2019). Understanding how low-
income communities gain access to healthcare services: A qualitative study in São
Paulo, Brazil. Journal of Transport & Health, 15,

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