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Name: Shariss D.

Elmita Date: 10-08-22

Course & section: BSTM 1A

Activity #2 Midterm

Think about these questions.

1. What is your understanding of indigenous science?

- Indigenous science is science developed by indigenous people. If we define indigenous as people who
have a long and complex relationship with their natural environment, and science as a systematic
approach to acquiring knowledge of the natural world, then indigenous science is the process by which
indigenous people build their empirical knowledge of their natural environment.

2. What are the example of indigenous science practices?

- There are many examples of indigenous science that are taught and practices by indigenous people. For
example, predicting weather using the sun, a red sunset or a rainbow. Using herbal medicine, food
preservation like in the cordillera, meat preservation is known as etag. Also plant and animal
classification, choosing good seeds to plant, construction of huts and many more.

3. Why do some people believe in indigenous science?

- People like me do believe in indigenous science because its natural practices that have been successfully
used for thousands of years. For instance, we may still visit and view the Banaue Rice Terraces, which
here sculpted by indigenous people in the past. Indigenous people often held the belief that they were
accountable for the health of the natural world around them.

4. Do you think indigenous science should be considered science?

- Yes, because science is defined as an intellectual and practical activity that includes the systematic study
of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural worlds through observation and

5. What is the role of indigenous science in the development of science and technology?

- Throughout history, indigenous peoples have been responsible for the development of many
technologies and have mad significant contributions to science. Science is the pursuit of knowledge.
Both western and indigenous science approaches and perspectives have strengths that can greatly
complement one another.

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