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 What were the 3 main points of the lecture?

This lecture contained three main points about childhood immunization. First, illustrating
the reason behind parents who are disagreeing to vaccinate their children and that is
because of a couple of reasons such as believing that naturally immunity developing is
more effective for the children, or believing that vaccinating can cause autism. After
reviewing the lecture, we have seen that these two reasons are not ideal to stop
children from getting vaccinated because the World Health Association proved that
there is no relationship between vaccination and autism. And letting the child develop
natural immunity can result in a side effect that can lead to more health complications.
Secondly, discussing the types of vaccines and which diseases prevent from and how it
is beneficial for the community. For example, vaccinating can prevent the spread of
measles between individuals in the community if we use the measles-mumps-rubella
(MMA) vaccine. Thirdly, discussing policies between provinces in Canada and how they
deal with childhood immunization and the established government’s protection

 What point or example from the lecture would you like to see reviewed or clarified?

I did not fully understand the graph were showed the measles cases in Canada by
year since 1924.

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