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4500 Pts - Infernal Dwarves Roster

Unit Name ## Adv Mar Dis HP Def ResArm Spe Att Off Str AP Agi Type Cost
Prophet of Ashuruk Apprentice 1 3 9 9 3 4 5 4+ /5+ 2 4 4 1 2 SI 215
Prophet of Ashuruk; Wizard Apprentice; The Alchemy; Hand Weapon; Infernal
Armour; Infernal Brand; Secrets of Nezibkesh
Option Footnotes:
Hand Weapon All models comes equipped with a Hand Weapon as their default equipment. If a
model has any Melee Weapon other than a Hand Weapon, it cannot choose to use
the Hand Weapon (unless specifically stated). Hand Weapons wielded by models on
foot can be used alongside a Shield to get the Parry Defensive Trait.
Infernal Armour Follows the rules for Plate Armour (can be enchanted as if it was Plate Armour). The
wearer gains Aegis (5+, against Flaming Attacks).
Infernal Brand The model gains Commanding Presence with the following restrictions: it has a
range of 6 and can only benefit Insignificant models. In addition, when losing a
Round of Combat, Standard Height units with more than half of their models with
Infernal Brand double their number of Full Ranks for the purpose of Steadfast in the
First Round of Combat unless Charging.
Prophet of Ashuruk Regardless of its chosen Path, the model knows Alchemical Fire (Alchemy) and
Blaze (Pyromancy). When successfully casting a spell from: #Alchemy, the model
may cast Blaze (Pyromancy) instead of Alchemical Fire as Attribute Spell;
#Pyromancy, the model may cast Alchemical Fire (Alchemy) instead of Blaze as
Attribute Spell; #Occultism without performing The Sacrifice, the model may cast
Alchemical Fire or Blaze as Attribute Spell.
Secrets of Nezibkesh When the model successfully casts Curse of Nezibkesh (Hereditary Spell), the target
immediately gains 1 Incendiary marker.
Wizard Apprentice Know 1 Spell. Can choose between the Learned Spell 1 of their chosen Path and the
Hereditary Spell of their army.

Total 215

Models in Army: 0

Validation Results for Army List 'Infernal Dwarves Army' using Rule-Set 'Primary Rule Set':
Army must have one General.
Composition group 'Core' does not satisfy requirements (>=25%).

Troop Type Count Unused Points Unused Percent

Characters (<=40%) 1 n/a 215 1585 4%
Core (>=25%) 0 n/a 0 4500 0%
Special (<=100%) 0 n/a 0 4500 0%
Instr_of_Destr (<=25%) 0 n/a 0 1125 0%
Magic Item Summary 0 n/a 0 n/a 0%

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