TPB 21 - Jell Figo Manik - The Dangerous of Self-Diagnosed

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NAMA : Jell Figo Manik

NIM : 122160063
TPB : 21
Prodi : Matematika

Thesis Statement : Self-Diagnose or self-diagnosis is the process of self-diagnosis of having a
disorder/disease based on self-knowledge or information obtained independently through
books, the internet, or personal and family experiences.
II.Body : Details about self-diagnosed.
A. Supporting Idea 1 : things that make self diagnosed happen
B. Supporting Idea 2 : impact of self diagnosed
C. Supporting Idea 3 : mentally and physically damaging
D. Supporting Idea 4 : Example of a person who do the self-diagnosed
Restatement : Seeking for medical consultant with professional before Self-Diagnose.

The Dangerous of Self-Diagnosed

Self-Diagnosed is one of things that are considered by so many people in the world.
As the writer also considering this as a heavy problem since people around are starting to
diagnosed them self without any help from the professionals. Things are happened for a
reason, and so self-diagnosed. Seeking the definition itself from one of psychologist from
Pijar psychology, Annisa Poedji Pratiwi, Self-Diagnose or self-diagnosis is the process of
self-diagnosis of having a disorder/disease based on self-knowledge or information obtained
independently through books, the internet, or personal and family experiences.
Some people that do the self-diagnose could run the risk of being wrong about what
might happen with them, cause some of the symptoms are too common to be diagnosed it
need much more and detailed symptoms to be diagnosed, especially without expert helps.
Self-diagnosed itself without doing it many times its already dangerous especially if it was
done continuously and periodically. It can cause so many impacts like individualize treatment
(which are not recommended), pulling the negative energy and also can impact to mental dan
physic. When a person finds out themselves with the illness that maybe they’re not having it,
they can start to attack their mind and somehow it will be hurting themselves mentally, and it
will continue to attacking their or others physically. For example, what we see on social
media such as TikTok, when someone state an information to share about psychological
things and it came to many people relate to it, some of them just taking it as a relatable thing
and an important information to know, but there’s a few of person who could diagnose
themselves by searching it deeper on google or just claiming it by just one or few videos. In
this real life, taking an example again from one of the writer friends, she been doing self-
diagnosing for several times and it came to some dramatic scene which many people tell her
to take some professional treatment or some medical consultation, but she ignores what the
livings said and stay with what she doing. In these cases, the writer friend more or less
troublesome and detrimental to the people around her, cause what she did may take times and
energy from the others just to paying attention to her.
Things to do before it started to get complicated are so simple, if you having a thought
of having some illness or you feel like you’ve wrong for some reasons come seeking for help
or medical consultation to professionals are the answer of all the question of what happening.
Nowadays, it can be checked by online or offline, technology is getting more sophisticated.

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