Enzyme: Digestion

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● Substrate ( food ) bins to the active site of an enzyme . After breaking down the
products will be released

Enzymes Digestion Site


Amylase Starch → Maltose Mouth口腔,

淀粉酶 淀粉 → 麦芽糖 十二指肠

Maltase Maltose → Glucose Ileum

麦芽糖酶 麦芽糖 → 葡萄糖 小肠

Sucrase Sucrose → Glucose + Ileum

蔗糖酶 Fructose 小肠
蔗糖 → 葡萄糖 + 果糖

Lactase Lactose → Glucose + Ileum

乳糖酶 Galactose 小肠
乳糖 → 葡萄糖 + 半乳糖

Pepsin Protein → Polypeptides Stomach

胃蛋白酶 蛋白质 → 多肽 胃

Trypsin Polypeptides → Duodenum

胰蛋白酶 Peptides 十二指肠
多肽 → 肽

Erepsin Peptides → Amino acids Ileum

肠肽酶 小肠
肽 → 氨基酸

Lipase Lipid → Fatty acids + Duodenum,

脂肪酶 Glycerol ileum
脂肪 → 脂肪酸 + 甘油
Digestive System
1. Oral cavity / mouth
2. Esophagus
3. Stomach
4. Ileum / small intestine
5. Colon / large intestine
6. Rectum
7. Anus

● digestion only takes place in 3 alimentary canals :

oral cavity , stomach , small intestine
● Digestive system can be divided into 2 parts :
○ Alimentary canals
■ Series of involuntary wave-like muscle contraction which move the
food along the digestive tract
■ Small intestine is the main site of food digestion , divided into :
● Duodenum
● Jejunum
● Ileum
■ Large intestine is the organ to contain residue of food and form
faeces , divided into ascending , transverse , descending colon

○ Digestive glands

消化腺 消化液 消化酶 消化场所

(Digestive gland) (digestive juice) (site of digestion)

3 对唾液腺 唾液 淀粉酶 Amylase 口腔

Salivary glands Saliva (Starch 淀粉→

胃腺 胃液 胃蛋白酶 Pepsin & 胃

Stomach Gastric juice 凝乳酶 Rennin

肝脏 胆汁 不含酶,乳化脂肪 十二指肠
Liver Bile
Emulsify fat into
small droplets

胰脏 胰液 胰淀粉酶 Amylase 十二指肠

Pancreas 胰蛋白酶 Tripsin
Pancreatic juice 脂肪酶 Lipase

小肠腺 小肠液 麦芽糖酶 Maltase 回肠

ileum Intestinal juice 肠蛋白酶 Erepsin
脂肪酶 Lipase

● Breakdown large food molecule into smaller molecule that can be absorbed by
body cells
● Two types of digestion
○ Physical digestion
■ Mechanical breakdown of large sized food particles in to smaller
■ Ex : chewing and grinding by teeth
○ Chemical digestion
■ Chemical decomposition of complex large food molecules into
simple smaller molecules
■ Involves enzyme reaction
■ Ex : peristalsis of alimentary canals , churning action of stomach
● Digestion in oral cavity
○ The teeth chew and grind food into smaller pieces
○ Salivary glands secrete saliva , which contains an enzyme called salivary
amylase to break starch into maltose
○ Starch + water Amylase ➡Maltose

● Oesophagus
○ The bolus is pushed into the stomach by contraction and relaxation of the
○ Bolus move along the oesophagus towards the stomach by peristalsis

● Digestion in stomach
○ Stomach stores food temporally
○ Food is mixed with gastric juices that contains pepsin , rennin ,
hydrochloric acid and mucus
■ protein pepsin ➡polypeptides
■ caseinogen rennin ➡casein
■ Hydrochloric acid:
● Acidic medium for enzyme action
● Kills bacteria in food
● Activates enzyme
● Stop the action of salivary amylase
■ Mucus:
● Protects stomach wall

● Digestion in duodenum
○ Bile and pancreatic juice flow into the duodenum
○ Bile 胆汁
■ Secreted in liver
■ Stored in gall bladder
■ Enter duodenum via bile ducts
■ Takes action in duodenum
■ Function : emulsify fat lumps into smaller oil droplets
● Pancreatic juice
○ Starch + water pepsin ➡ Maltose
○ Polypeptides + water pepsin ➡ Peptides
○ Fat droplets + water pepsin ➡ Fatty acids + Glycerol
● Digestion in ileum

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