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Definition of respiration
-organic food substances are oxidised 被氧化 to release energy which can be used by living
cells to carry out many vital process
Glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + energy
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
Gaseous exchange in plant take place

a) Stomata 气孔 in leaves (principal sites)

-The simple diffusion 扩散 of gases is sufficient
to meet their needs.

b) lenticels in stems 茎部的皮孔

c) root hairs 根毛
Gaseous exchange in plants
• During photosynthesis, oxygen is set free and some of this oxygen is used for tissue
• In bright sunlight, the rate of photosynthesis is much greater than the rate of respiration
• excess oxygen diffuse out of the leaves through the stomata
• Since the amount of carbon dioxide produce during tissue respiration is not sufficient for
food-making, more carbon dioxide has to diffuse into the leaf from the outside atmosphere


A) To prove that oxygen is taken up during respiration

-Calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙 becomes milky 乳白色
-the splint stop to burn, showing that there is no oxygen in the flask
1. Due to the pressure in the flask decrease, water rises the glass tube.
2. Oxygen is absorbed by the plant during respiration.
B) To prove that respiration produces carbon dioxide
-lime water turned milky

Pg51 在课本 自己背吧(加油!!!

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