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Inside Reading 3

Immunization against diseases of public health importance

Word/phrase Definition Example

Assure (v) to tell someone confidently that something The unions assured the new owners of
is true, especially so that they do not worrythe workers' loyalty to the company.
Recover (v) to become completely well again after an It took her a long time to recover
illness or injury from/after her heart operation.
Strain (n) something that makes you feel nervous She's a lot better than she was but she's
and worried still not ready to face the stresses and
strains of a job.
Eradicate (v) to get rid of something completely or The government claims to be doing all
destroy something bad it can to eradicate corruption.
Smallpox (n) an extremely infectious disease that But the number of countries where
causes a fever, spots on the skin, and often smallpox has been endemic fell from 30
death in 1967 to four in 1973
Threaten (v) to be likely to cause harm or damage to Changing patterns of agriculture are
something or someone threatening the countryside.
Poliomyelitis (Polio) a serious infectious disease that can cause a polio vaccination programme
(n) permanent paralysis (= being unable to
move the body)
Measles (n) an infectious disease that produces small, The number of deaths from measles fell
red spots all over the body by 30 per cent.
Resolve (v) to solve or end a problem or difficulty Have you resolved the problem of
transport yet?
Eliminate (v) to remove or take away someone or A move towards healthy eating could
something help eliminate heart disease.
Coverage (n) the area in which a particular service is Check out the wireless service
available, or particular goods are sold provider's coverage before you sign a
Rotavirus (n) an infectious virus that makes people, In fact, the number of patients seen for
especially children, have diarrhoea (= gastroenteritis and for rotavirus
waste from the body that is more liquid gastroenteritis both increased by about
than usual) 25 %
Inhale (v) to breathe air, smoke, or gas into your She flung open the window and
lungs inhaled deeply.
Layer (n) a level of material, such as a type of rock the ozone layer
or gas, that is different from the material A thick layer of clay lies over the
above or below it, or a thin sheet of a sandstone.
Rabies (n) a serious disease of the nervous system Dogs, cats, foxes, and bats can all carry
that can cause death. Rabies can be rabies.
passed on to humans by other animals
Harmless (adj) not able or not likely to cause harm Peter might look a bit fierce, but
actually he's fairly harmless.
Antigen (n) a substance that causes the body's Immunoblot analysis has revealed
immune system (= the system for fighting striking specificity of antigen
infections) to react, especially by components in the 3 sandfly species
producing antibodies (= proteins that studied.
attack harmful bacteria, viruses, etc.)
Target (n) a level or situation that you intend to The government's target of 3.5 percent
achieve: annual growth seems easily attainable
Invade (v) to enter an area of activity in a forceful Maria looks set to invade the music
and noticeable way scene with her style and image.
Expose to (v) to make it likely that someone will About 800,000 children are exposed to
experience something harmful or poisons each year.
Defend (v) to protect someone or something against How can we defend our homeland if
attack or criticism; to speak in favour of we don't have an army?
someone or somethings
Side effects (n) an unpleasant effect of a drug that Does this drug have any side effects?
happens in addition to the main effects
Severe (adj) causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, a severe chest infection/leg
damage, etc.; very serious injury/toothache
Cost-effective If an activity is cost-effective, it is good It wouldn't be cost-effective to buy an
(adj) value for the amount of money paid expensive new computer when all you
want to do is store your photos.
Supplemental extra They supported supplemental funding
(adj) for disaster-hit areas.
Compensate (v) to pay someone money in exchange for Victims of the crash will be
something that has been lost or damaged compensated for their injuries.
or for some problem

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