Unit 2 Sample Assignment L3 Enterprise

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Qualification Unit number and title

BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Unit 2: Business Planning and Pitching

Assignment title My Business Plan

In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.

Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that

Task no. Page numbers
reference the student is able to:

Create a business vision and proposal for a micro start-up 1

Devise a business model that includes routes to market

P2 1

Consult sources of advice and information, and networks, about a 1
new business proposal

Conduct market research, including into competitors and

P4 customer needs, designed to inform a business plan for a micro 2
start-up business
Develop a marketing and sales plan which includes customer
P5 needs and addresses the competitive environment for a micro 3
start-up business

P6 Produce business planning forecasts using financial techniques 4

P7 Describe how to respond if the business is not on target 4

Describe the main legal provisions which may affect a proposed 5
micro start-up business

Produce a viable structured business plan, which includes risks 6
and skills needed for a micro start-up business
Pitch for
P10 funding for 7
a small business

P11 Negotiate support with a business sponsor for a new business 7

Assess feasibility of a business idea for a micro start-up business

M1 1

Create an innovative business vision and proposal for a micro start-up

M2 1

M3 Develop a coordinated marketing mix 3

M4 Analyse financial statements for planned microbusiness 4

Develop an integrated business plan which includes risks and skills

M5 6
needed for a micro start-up business

M6 Present a coherent pitch that addresses investors’ needs 7

Develop an integrated innovative business plan which includes risks and

D1 6
skills needed for a micro start-up business

Present a pitch that convinces the audience of the viability of the

D2 7
investment opportunity

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Learner signature: Date:

Assignment brief
Unit number and title Unit 2: Business Planning and Pitching

Qualification BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

Start date



Assignment title My Business Plan

The purpose of this assignment is to: provide you with an opportunity to develop and present a business plan for your own micro start up business.
This assignment assesses the following learning outcomes:
 Be able to develop a business idea
 Be able to develop a marketing plan
 Be able to use financial techniques for planning a business
 Know legal provisions which affect microbusinesses
 Be able to develop a business plan
 Be able to present a pitch for business funding.

You are to take a business idea and develop a full business plan for a start up micro business.

Task 1
As part of your learning programme you are likely to have considered several options for starting a micro business and to have used sources of
advice and guidance to help you decide on and develop your idea. Select the most appropriate idea and write a section of your business plan
headed ‘Proposal for __________ Business. Include the following in this section:
a) A description of the product or service you would offer. (P1)
b) A description of the group of customers to whom you plan to sell your product or service (P1)
c) How the product or service would meet the needs of the group of customers (P1)
d) A vision as to what your business could look like at some point in the future (P1)
e) How your customers would buy your products e.g. directly from you via a web-site via wholesalers. This is your route to market. (P2)
f) A list of at least two sources of advice or information you used and how this helped you to develop the idea. (P3)
g) An assessment of the feasibility of your business proposal which include
 Resources required
 Any barriers to entry
 How likely you are to be able to gain access to enough customers
 Benefits of developing the business
 The reasons you think the business is feasible (M1)
g) If your vision for your business is innovative then this will provide evidence for M2.

This provides evidence for P1, P2, P3, M1 and M2

Task 2
Now you need to undertake market research. The following should be presented in a section of your business plan headed ‘Market Research’
a) Decide on how you are going to undertake market research into both customer needs and customers (P4)
b) Describe what market research you are going to undertake. (P4)
c) Explain the reasoning behind the decisions you made about what methods of market research to use. (P4)
d) Carry out the market research (P4)
e) List the conclusions you can draw from carrying out the market research.(P4)

This provides evidence for P4

Task 3
This task is about developing your marketing and sales plan. You should present the following in a section of your business plan headed
‘Marketing and Sales Plan’.
a) State the main segment of the market you are targeting
b) Explain what you understand about your customers’ needs drawing on what you learned from your market research
c) Explain what you understand about your competitors drawing on what you learned from your market research
d) State what you understand about the size of the market
e) Explain the impact of external factors such as trends,
legislation etc., on your market.
f) Describe how you are going to design the elements of the marketing mix: product/service, price, place, promotion.
g) If all the elements of your marketing mix are coordinated and designed to meet the needs of your proposed customer this will provide
evidence for M3.
h) Describe the methods you plan to use for making sales.

This provides evidence for P5 and M3.

Task 4
This task is about developing your financial plan and you should present the following as a section of your business plan headed ‘Financial Plan’
a) Produce a profit calculation, break even analysis and a projected cash flow for the first year of operation. (P6)
b) State what you have learned about the financial viability of the business from using the tools in (a) above. (P6) If this is fully and accurately
analysed then this will provide evidence for M4
c) Describe how you would change the plans for the business if
 Sales are lower than expected
 Costs are higher
 Sales are higher than expected (P7)

This provides evidence for P6, P7 and M4

Task 5
This task is about how your business needs to address legal issues and should be written into a section of your business plan headed ‘Legal
a) State what type of legal entity your business will be and why you have made this choice.
b) Select the two Health and Safety provisions that will impact upon your business and describe what the law requires and how you will
implement it.
c) Select two provisions of Contract Law that will impact upon your business and describe what the provisions are and how they will
affect your business
d) Select two provisions of Consumer Protection Law that apply to your business and describe how they will affect your business.

This provides evidence for P8

Task 6
Now is the time to put together all the sections into one whole business plan.
a) Read through all the sections so far written and make sure they follow on from one another in a coherent way. Make changes if
b) Add sections describing your skills needs, risks of running the business, practical plans relating to premises, equipment and supplies.
c) Present in a professional manner with a clear and coherent structure.
d) If the business plan is well integrated and includes risks and skill requirements then this provides evidence for M5.
e) If your business plan is well integrated, innovative and includes risks and skills requirements then this provides evidence for D1.

This provides evidence for P9, M5 and D1

Task 7
Now you are to present your business plan to an expert or a potential sponsor.
a) Plan a presentation of your business plan
b) Present the plan.
c) Negotiate the type and amount of support needed from a potential sponsor.
d) If your pitch is coherent and meets the needs of investors then this provides evidence for M6
e) If your pitch convinces the audience of the viability of your business proposal then this provides evidence for D2.

This provides evidence for P10, P11, M6 and D2. Evidence should be collected using Observation Records and Witness Testimonies.

Sources of information

Meetings with entrepreneurs

Business Link
Business Planning books
Government websites

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