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REVIEW QUESTIONS CHAPTER 5: Human Anatomy and Physiology ‘enaoge the BEST answer 1, Human anatomy deals wit 2. chemical eactons within the body. > fancnoning of al the body system. homeostatic equlsium processes 4 suetural composi of the body. 2 Apemon whos anda eet wth amas these and ej and pms fac fori ido bein the {anatomic poston, >. prone postion supine positon. 4. syncope postion. 3, Pronation ofthe hand ithe at of 2 extending tbe hand out tothe side, 1 lexig te hae atthe wis soll the hand so that tis vera 4 tuning the hand palin down. 4, Which body pane divides the body tne equal portions! 2. Frontal 2. Midsagitat ©. Sagital 1 Trnoverse 5. when you are facing someone in normal anatomi- cal poston, at which body pane are you Tokings a. Frontal 3 Midsaginat © Sagital 4. Manevene 6, Which body pane divides the body int upper and lower porions! a Frontal 1 Midsgital Sagal 4. Tranevese 7. Which ofthe following ia tue statement? 4. Aman whois supine i ving on his stomach, 1 Thebig te onthe medial seo he fo. © The han iat the proximal end of te am. 6. The poster curvature is a helt ste 8, Which of these statements is true? ‘. Theasomial ety infor tthe aaphgm. 1 The eow ison the veal sua o the lea, 2, rey 4 5, The bad is described as being inion the eck, 4 The ite ager in the meal surface of the hand “The term “tal” means 2. farthest fom te point of atachment. © higher of above, or oward the head nearest te ceatl portion ofthe body 4 tothe back of the body or body part. ‘Te plantar surtaceof the foot the 4. aes of the ach, hee portion sole o bottom, 4 tp ofthe fot. An example of dorsal body cavity the ‘abdominal ea. 2 paris ety. Spinal cavity. 4. thoracic cay. “The heart and lungs are Jested in this body caving 4. Abdominal 8 Grant © Spinat 4 Thorce ‘Which ody caves are separated by the dia Diag? 1. Aomial and thoracic 1 Gran ant sina Pelvic an abdominal 4. Thorac and eraial ‘Simple compounds are ansformed by the body into eomolex substances in the process called a. anabotism. 2 catabotem, digestion, ( omensiais “This term desrtbes the lance ox “steady sate” contion normaly maintained by the body. 2. Anabolisa| ,Catabolim Hemostasis Homeostasis Poge 10h 16 1. 2 2 REVIEW QUESTIONS ‘CHAPTERS: ‘The result of all emia and physical reactions {a the body tat ae cesar to susan life ls called 4 anabotism. ‘connie « ealaols, metabelam, Human chromosomes ane 2. networks of tubules in the eyoso by rod-shaped bodies nar the nue stands of deoxynibonudec acd 4 servctues within the evtoplas, Which one ofthe flowing cla structures plays stole in abeembling proteins fom arino ede? 4. Lysosome 1 Mtochondsa «Nucleus 4 Ribosome “This cellular structure contains the chromosomes nd ical the command center ofthe es. f. centtole ', Gytoplasm, Nucleus 4. Naceoie ‘These are oval or rod-shaped organs that play 2 ole in energy preduction ‘Cole apparatus ', Lysosomes © Mlochondia 4. Ribosomes [Which of he fowing i adipose vssuet 3 Bone 1b celle cit 4. Skin ‘The sett sstem produces 2. blood eal. » ealeam, ©. lace acid 4. tain D, Which ofthe folowing is a lsorder associated, withthe skeletal yer? 2. Atrophy bs Choteeysits © Mulpeseteoss 4 Oneactonatts luman Anatomy and Physiology 24, Which of dhe flowing laboratory tess is sociated ‘wi dhe seal ste? ‘Allain phosphatase Creatine nase (CK) © Cholinesterase 6. Lace denyiogemse 25. Sheetal stem sructores ince 2 donde, 1. papilae silage 26, Which of the following bones are categorized ab short bones? a. Camels remus © ibs 4. Wertebrae 27, Which ofthe allowing sone way muscle types etermines? 2. Enzymes released Hest production © Layer thickness Nervous exit 28, Which of te following san abbreviation for 8 test thts astocinted withthe misela sent 3. BUN vax © OF 4 TSH 29. Wasting or decrease in size ofa muscle because of inactivty is ced a. atrophy. bs myalgia. ete 4. orem, 30. Which ype of muscle is under voluntary nervous conta a cardiac b stele © Smooth 4 Visceral 31, Which ofthe folowing is function of the musealar system? 4. Absorption of nutrients ', Creation of bid cls © Maintenance of poste {8 Proguation of varia D Page 2059 2 3 35 REVIEW QUESTIONS ‘CHAPTER 5: Human Anatomy and Physiology Figure 6-1 Crone-aecion ofthe sin. apt with permission tom Cohen Bl KL Stay [Guise tr Menasha rumen oy Heath en Dosa 120 6 Phisdaha PA Usps itore ne 201989) ‘in mumeriea over, the skin ayers o stores dented by numbers 1, 2,ané 3 in gue -1 arene 2. corium, strat basal, and elders 1. dermis, epidermis, and adipose sue ©. epidermis, dermis, and subeutanous. 4 papillary dermis, dermis, and cornu, ‘The sn stuctures dete by umber 5,5, 12sand 10 in Figure 1 ae the 2 rector pll muscle, hal folie, sweat gland, and of gland, nerve ening, sweat lane, half, and pressure eceptce. © papi, sebaceous gland, sudorfeous gland, nd pore opening «4 touch reeptr nerve ending, wen gland, and ermal papi Which ofthe following is a function o the skint 2. Hormone production 1 Matntenance of portare Temperature eplation| 1 Viamin C production ‘Which skin suuctues give ise wo Gngepenst 4 artectr pt bb Hal oles © ll glands 4. Papiae 16, Blood vessels ofthe shin re found only inthe 2. cori and subcutaneous ese, 1. dermis and geminativarn. © epidermis and adipose lye. 4, germinativum and corneum, 27, Which ofthe folowing esis often asscited with he integumentary system 2 Aldosterone Occult blond Fungal culture «Serum gastin 38, ess take place inthis skin structure 1. Adipose seu ayer Papillary dermis Stratum geinativom 4. Subeutaneous tse 29, Which ofthe following san integumentay sytem. soe? a. Diabetes 1 impetigo © Meningis 4 Rhinis 40. Which skin ayer f avascular Cerium 2 Dermie © Epidermis 4. Subcutaneous Page 3 0f9 REVIEW QUESTIONS (CHAPTER 5: Human Anatomy and Physiology ‘The integumentary sytem proces a. melanin, 1 melatonin f. suietant trypsin Calin his skin structure can be desclbed as saifed and kerallzed epithet el, 2. Adipose issue 2 Demis © Epidermis 4. subcutaneous ‘The trln end spinal cord comprise the 8, auonorie nervous system, bs cnal nervous syste. ©. peripheral nero ste, 4 somatic nervous system. Which ofthe follwing sa nervous sytem tet? 2 AB culture bs cRsoenzymes © Cresctve protein CSF analysis {mn numerical order, the suucure ented by rumbers 1 2,3, ad 4 in Figure 52 ate axons, dendrites, cll body, and myelin sheath by dendses, call body, cell mucus, and aon, myelin sheath, cell boy, axon branch, and ode 4 nearlemma, nodes, ales, and axon ‘ranches. ‘Which ofthe fllowing isa nervous sytem sheoren? 2, Encephalitis be Cigaism Mypedoma Peels ‘The spinal cavity is enclosed and proteted by tire ayers of connective tissue called 4 bumae B ealeaneous © omer, meninges. ‘Which ofthe ‘oliowing structures belong tn the petpheral nervous ys! 4. Afferent nerves 2 Bain Meninges Spinal cord Figure 5:2 Daya of 3 motor neuron. Aceted wih pe ‘las fom Coho Bul Ke. Stay Gu for Mans {ho Human Body ei and Bese (2h 08 Poli, PA Lppnant ams in 208 150) 49. The fandameatal units ofthe nervous system are the meninges. © nein neurons, 50, Tis disorder ivoles destruction ofthe myelin shout of nerves, 2. Cushing syndrome 1. Hyarocepalus Malipesleoss 4. Parkinson disease Page 4of9 2, 5 REVIEW QUESTIONS ‘CHAPTER 5: Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 Paiary Sebaceaus Thyroid Erythmpoictin a hormone sereted bythe 2. adrenals, 2 kidneys 4 thyoa, Excessive gomth hormone in adulthood can cause 4. aeomely. empaysem, encepaai 4 myneders, A disorder in which the pancreas unable © Produce insu is 4 diabetes insipidus diabetes melts ype diabetes melitus type gestational cabetes, ‘Alinowgh they ae not glands, these body suc: tures secrete a hormone eal Btype nature Peptide (NP), 4 Glomeral by intestines 5 s. ss Figure 53 Encino syst. Ati ith femur te han Ba oe {cite for Merrers the Human Bayh Heth and Daas. 0. Pn PX Urpiese Wars & tins 2052208) 4 Wenees In numerical odor, the glands iene by ‘numbers 2, 3,5, and 6 in Figure 5-3 ae the 2. adrenals, pineal, thymus, and parathyroid. 2 bypoptyai thyroid, mus, and adrenals local, adrenals, parathyroid, and ym 4 pituitary, parathyroid, thymus, ad pine ‘ean TSH ar abbreviations forests that measure ‘he oneen ofthe 2 adrenal 2 orate, © ances, 4 hyd, This lan i called the “mare gan” of the endocrine sytem a. Pineat 2 Pitutary €. Thymus 4. Thyroid row hormone (GH levels text the faneton ofthe 4 aenal 1 ovals. © paneea, 4 putay Page $of9 REVIEW QUESTIONS ‘CHAPTER 5: Human Anatomy and Physiology Which ofthe follwing substances ie screted by the isles of Langehans? 2. Adrenaline 1 Cortat stropen Glucagon ‘Artidnuretc hormone (ADE) i socalled |. aldosterone. 1 epinephrine. © noracenaie, at vasopressin. This land produces “gh-otigh™ hormones, a Adenal 6 Pancreas « rtuitary Thyroid Caletionin Yves test te function ofthe 2 adcenals pia © thymos. tyra ‘whi gland i most activ before bith and uring eildood? 2. Pinal 1, Phutay © Thymus 4 Thyrid “hls gland fected by ght and hops create the inna rhythm ofthe sloep-wako cee a. Adrenal Pineal © Thymus a Thypid ‘This hormone inceace metabolism, 1. Cortsot Glucagon © Melatonin 4. Thyroxine Which ofthe flowing structures spat of he Aigestive system? ‘Actor pi 1 Bronetiole © Galbladder 4. Glomeraiss ‘Which of the fotowings 2 eso gestive system organ? 2. Bilisbin Conta @. 7 7 " %. Myoglobin 4 Uses Hepat a dlorder that primary afc ihe colon ides, liver spleen. i tore in the duodenum, 1 epididymis « gillblsdae, 4. gomenus Diagnostic teste of the digestive system include 1 amse and lpse, 1 clei and ure aid corto and lusagon 4. Dilantin and een. Digestive system structures include the ‘esophagus and salivary sands 1, meninges and ason branches seminal ducts and vas deferens. 4. sratum coment end papi. Reproduce sytem functions include production of gametes & gain © mean sputum Which ofthe flowing i stvcture ofthe male reproduce stem? Alveolar 30 »Epiidyis| « Falopan tube Renal atey ‘Which ofthe following isan abbreviation fora test ofthe male but atthe female reproductive sysemt BMP © PSA RR ‘Which of te fllowing re male gametes? Gonads 5 Ovum Sperm, Tones Poge 60/9 . 8. REVIEW QUESTIONS ‘CHAPTER 5: Human Anatomy and Physiology Female gametes are produced inthe 1 falopan tubes 6. tteras ‘Which ofthe folowing san abbreviation fora female reproductive stem ls? a. cea ba © et a Psa, Which of che owing structure ofthe female reproductive stm! a Oriduct 1 Pharyn Sacrum 4. Urter “This tease is astolated with he reproductive system, | Cholecystitis '. Gonontee © Myxodems 4 Shingles ‘whieh ofthe eowinge = urinary ystems test 4. Allline phorphataze 1 Creatinine clesance © Lace deiyeregenace Rapid plasma reagin hich ofthe folowing ae urinary system 2. Axons, myelin shesth, prosate bb Control, musi, Calg appara © Glomenal, nephrons, rete Neurons, renal erie, reira Wich of te foowing is a function of he Urinary system? 8 Hlecolyte balance Heat production © Stim reception Removal of pases Which ofthe folowing s normaly a urnary ‘sytem doce! 2. sis 1, Gants © Neurlis Prats 8S. Tis substance, secreted by the kids ls = rol in incresag blond presse Melanin Reait © Sebum 4 Uniesed 6, These ut of capi ae the ring compe eats ofthe ins stem, Fallopian tubes 2 Glomomis « Nephrons 4. Ure 87, Which of the towing isan abbrevistion for a sespratory sysem test 3. ARG b ko tsi aus 88, During internal epiratin ‘a. catbon donde enters the tesue cll. bs. carbon alone ens the bloodstream. © oxygen enters the blood inthe lang oxygen enters the calls he ws. 19, During normal piratory fanton,betsbonate ton act a6 a buffer to heap Dood pH within = sendy range of 8.725 97.75 27350745, © 7.50% 800, 4 800t0810. 90. Aedes can result from 4 ap increased respaton rate, 1 high eatbon desde levels « ncresed blood pi levels, 4. prolonged byperentaten ‘The ait of xygon to combine with this sub Stance in there Boo eal increases bY up t0 79 ‘mes the amount of oxygen tat ean be cried in the blood 2 Carbon diode Giocose Hemoglobin 4 Potastun 5 92, A major cause of respiratory distress {ninfants and young chen is 2 airway blocage asoiated with emphysema, 1. dyspnea asa consequence of eystic fibrosis © infection with Mjeobactetn tuberculosis 4 Infection with respiratory syeytial ius (RSV) Page 7of9 8 55. 96. 7. ° REVIEW QUESTIONS (CHAPTER 5: Human Anatomy and Physiology Which ofthe folowing ae respiratory system structires? a. Bronchioles, elgats, plera 1 Calcanes, mandible, phalanges © Corum, corteum, adipse cals 4. Newrrs, meninges myelin sheath “The exchange of and CO, fn the lags takes place in the 2 ave 1 bronchi «larynx aches, eccead pst prstue of oxygen (PO) inthe cairns ofthe tbe causes ‘2 eabon did to dfs int the tsue. 1 eatbon diode tbe lead from hero- tin, «.eaygen to artocate wih hemoglobin 4. oxygen te dsasocate from hemoglobin Infant epuratry ass syndrome (RDS) In ‘premature infants r mos often caused by 2 4 alveolar sce carbon dione © hemoglobin & use. “This she abeeviation fora reepeatoy sytem, Alsonder caused by an ais baci. con RDS © aSv am A verson s having eificaky breathing The term ‘sed to describe tis codon s a astuna 1. dyspnea emphysema 4 peumonia. 9. wo, 2 1. ‘which body system contol ane cordate the active of ll the ober body systems? 2 Museu bs. Nervous fe Reepliatory 4. See ‘mination of waste products is fancton of tis boty sate. 2 Digestive 1 Edoeine See “The medical tem fr clevated blood sug fs 2, diabetes melius ©, aabetes insipid . hypergycemla 4. bypennetinism. “This body sytem ie repponsibe for reading ‘hormones diely ito the bleedswesm. 4, Creulatry ». Endoerie © imegumencary 4. Respiratory Paneeais is a onder ofthis stem, 2 Digestive Reproductive Respiratory 4 Siete Powefl chem substances secreted ety into the Bloodstream by certain lands ae called 2. elecoyies. 1 hormones lysosomes. 4 surfactants Hematopoiesis funtion ofthis body system. ‘4 Endoaine 1 Musolar «. Skeets 4 Usnary Page 8 of9 1a, wy, 108, 10 REVIEW QUESTIONS (CHAPTER 5: Human Anatomy and Physiology ‘The human genome is est dered as a com plete set of DNA containing 4 all he genes contained in 23 chromosomes ' all the genes ofthe 23 pie of chromosomes only the genes fom one pir of chromaromes, 4. only the genes fom sex inked chomosomes Deri i term for 4 another name for enzyme hypersecretion. 1 blockage of spinal fd in the meninges © movant of nents nto the ples, 4. wave ike contactions of intestinal miele. ‘The aimentary acts pat af the gestive sytem, nervous system respiratory stom. 4. urinary system 4 ealeaneus, metal « phalane 4 Scapa Which ype of tissue supports and conaet all paris ofthe body? 4. Connective > epieta alle 4. Nerve Page 99 ANSWERS (CHAPTER 5: Human Anatomy and Physiology LD &D roy ae w. B ZA wx cay @ x m0. B xD = € aD ec mn <8 A cay 7. 2D 5s A m7 D oD i A 3 A a) mB mC mA ae 7 8 B.A ae mA 3D oA [eB BB 7B %6. D x a ue BA 7% 7D 1. € 2 € a B 7% C eB i € cman =D HE oo. F mz D me 3%. -B 7%. B 100. & BA =D 7D a ii. © mm « 3% K =e wo. B i. B 1D me 3». D a B 103. x 1% D mC oD me io. B 7 € 3B a. D BA 105. © 1% D aC aK ww 106. B wc aa & D sw 107, D 2. ae ac % BS 108. a BB eB we 109. A A aD 6. D 8D 110.

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