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REVIEW QUESTIONS ‘CHAPTER 3: Infection Control, Safety, First Aid and Personal Wellness (Choote the BEST answer, ‘These ae the nals of the Unite Sates gow- ernment agency that mandates and enores cafe ‘working conditions fr employees. coc 3 tceac ©. NIOSH, 4 Osta 2. The series of components that ato infection sare relered toa the 4. chain of infection, immune rexponge. © Infetion eye A pathogenic series, '3, The pathogen responsible for easing an infection ‘sealed the infectious a. agent, how vehi, 44 The term pathogenic means 4 highly communicable. 1 possersng virulence © producive of daze, 4. Systemic in nature 5, Apecimen processor removes the stopper from a ‘ube without bier protection apd fel a mist of specimen ouch the eyes. What ype of exposure ecu through eye conc? 2 Altborne bs Nonimae skin «. Percutaneous .Permucoeal 6. Isolation procedures are ued to cepa patents from contact with oe they 2. are a caver of blood boene pathogen 1 have highly uansmsibe infesions. require blood or body fd precautions. 4. were expose oa contagious disease. 7, Which ofthe folowing something the than microbe? Bacteria Fangs © Ove 4 Viruses 8, Which of he folowing makes a patent ess us ‘ep oa parca infection! 2. Antti ueatment ». Chemotherapy drugs ©. Previous vaccination 4. Sura! procedures 9 individual wh has ite resistance to an nic: ‘ious mleobe i referred to asa susceple 4 agent. how. pattway. sero, 10, 508 information achades 6 general and emergency information, 1 highly tected ema formulas € lnformaion on creditor produ. product manufacturing conor, 11, Tanamisson based precautions mus be fllowed for ptionts with 2. compromised immune esters. highly ansible dienes ©: severe gastrointestinal tess, 4. symptoms of acute append, 12, Which ofthe following patents woud egue contact precautions pening a diagnosis Child with 2 maculopapla ath highly sg festive of ubooa (meals) », Digpered patent with eymptoms of infection with an enteric pathogen «. HIV-poatve patent wh hae 3 cough ever, and pulmonary inflate 4. Man with a severe persistent cough indicative ot Boreal peruse 13, An individual feted with & Cot ate eating contaminated spinach, What type of infection ‘ansmision involved? 4. Contact Droplet © vector 4. hile M4, Anavasion is & 4. hematoma in an extremity. 1 stuation that is epusive ©. tearing away fa body pat. 4. ype of operation on a bene Page Lof I 6 8 REVIEW QUESTIONS (CHAPTER 3: Infection Control, Safety, First Aid and Personal Wellness “This typeof precations i requiedfor a patent, with myoplasma pneumonia. 2. Altborne bs Coniaet, © Droplet 8 Sandaré ‘Which ype of precautions woul be ued for & patient who has pulmonary tuberculesis Altre b Drople Contact, Reverse ‘What does the NFPA codon RACE men? a. React, activate, coves, atngush 1 Resse slarm, confine, extinguish © Respond, activate, confine cape 4. Run, alarm, counter, extinguish Which ofthe folowing statements concerning an employee blood-borne pathogen exposure ‘incident suet 2 Exposures need not be documented if no trans Incidents must be promptly reported tothe «Source patients if known, must be tested for HIV and HBV. 4. Me employee i ented to aconidetat saci! evasion ‘When the chain of infection is broken an ‘indivi eimmane to hat microbe > individual is soscepuble to inecton. ©: Infecion is prevented from happening. 4 infection wl mom hkely be the rent. ‘Te focus of infection contol tured frm pe ‘venting patent patent ransnision to prevent Ing paento-pesonnel tarsmision withthe Jnsoducton of this concert. 4 Body substance ication (85) b. Categonrspeci isltion €. Disease specific iolaton 4 Uatversal precautions (UP) “The term ved to dverbe an Infoton that nets the ene Body is ‘communicable 2 loa © nosocomial 4. systemic 22, Which ofthe following is proper neonatal ICU ood drawing procedure? 4. Clean hands and put on new gloves for each patent Bo not awaken an infant wo calc blood specimen Mace the plebotomy tay ight nat to the teolete 4, Use povdoneodine to cleanse skin puncture site 23, Bure edaces sts by 2 decreasing buildup of lace ac 1, increasing tization of goes «promoting giyeogen production triggering rela of endorpins 24, The abbreviation forthe virus tat cases acquire immane decency synrome (AIDS 1s HAY Hy. Hox 4H, 25. A,pesson who has recovered from apartclar ‘rus and has developed antbodes against that ‘use sald tobe 2b acamie, 1 immune. © ness a susceptible 26, According to standard fst ald procedures, severe extemal hemorhage is best controled by 2 applying rect rm pessre tothe wound ' keeping the injured exremty well below heart lew «placing a tourniquet direct above the tected 4. alg the vet's head above the level ofthe ‘injury 27, The main purpot of n infection contol program ke a Kendty the soure of communicable infectons separate nfectous patients frm other prevent the spread of infection nthe hospital 4. protect patients rom ouside contamination. 28, Al pathogens are ‘communicable miroergsisas 1b merobes that ean cause diseee, microorganisms that vein si. 4 ocr fra found on the skin. Poge 2 of 11 ». 2. 2. 3. Py 3s. REVIEW QUESTIONS (CHAPTER 3: Infection Control, Safety, First Aid and Personal Wellness Wich one ofthe following diseases nvaves 2 bloodborne pathogen? 2 Diphihera Pepas B Meningitis 4. Pneumonia Which of the flaming i part of proper hand ‘washing procedure! Aly a generous amount of soap to dy hands. > Stands clove to the water source 2 posse Use one towel to dry hands and tar off faucets, 4. Wash hands thoroughly fra ast 20 seconds [An example of iteaserequrngérplet isolation rs a pertussis bs Rubeola ©. sabi. 4. vac Clase irs invove 4. combuntble metals 1 eleeal equipment. ¢ flammable gus Standard presutons should be flowed 2 for anyone with hepatitis B 1B ifs patent i HI-poutie while a patients isolation, 6. with al patients, tal times. HepatiisB vcsnaton fr adults normaly savolves 2. ait shot of vacene, one a month ates, and fone 6 months ater the is. bsg shot of vain hat eonfrs mmusity forthe navidua’ifetine. «three sts of racine, each 3 months apa, ‘then yearly booster shots. 4. to shats of vaccine 6 monts apart, then @ booster shot every 5 yess Cbjects that can harbor and wane infectious satel are called 2 fomites. hosts © pathogens 4, veo. “The WazCom Standard iso commonly called the 2 Pull Diclonure Law. 1 Material Safety Law. 22. ». Right to Kaow Lam 6, Univeral Salery Le “The body organ tsgted by HBV ise a bin, wh heart © ver hin ‘These are he inkl ofthe two organtations respon fr the Guideline or oarionPrecaa fons in Hospital 4 CDC and HICPAC 1 Clstand oskA € HICPAC and NIOSH &1 NIOSHE and O51 ‘The peimary purpose of wearing gloves during phlebotomy procures so protect the atin fom contaastion by the phisbotomis 1 phebotmie from expose t the patent’ ice, Specie fo contaminaton bythe pitt, 6 senipunctare ite om contamination bythe hands, “the first tee components of re that were tad- ‘onal rete toa the Se ingle ae carbon, a and stat. bs fel, oxygen, and heat. oxygen, e027 nd fue 4. Sapor bat, nd tat. “This would contibute to the chain of infection rather than help break 4. Implementing isolation procedures Opening ext pathways for patogess. © racing sess reduction technigu 4. Washing hands ana wearing gloves, Which of the folowing statements complies with electrical at guidlines? fa, Elscrcal equipment shoul! be unplugged while being serviced, Extension cords should be used to conve riently pace equprent, Its safe to ue a faye eecral cord if that tare hat been tape. 4. Use lena equipment careful it is staning to maltnin Which body Bud exempt rom standard pre cautions? 4. Join it saliva © Sweat 4. Uiine Page 3 of « 6. 16 7, REVIEW QUESTIONS Infection Control, Safety, First Al ‘CHAPTER “The ait ofa mcrorgensn to survive on om ¢aminated artes and equipment hast do witht 2 suscepti. b. tanemision © vali. 4 vislnce ‘The fourth component that turns the fe triangle {nto fie terabedron is 2 2 ean of igaton. 1 chemialreacion, «combustible tem. 4. temperature boost “This equipment is vequited wine collecting a fpectmen ons a patient in aiberne isolation 2. Bye protection ral face siete © Mask and gpgles 4. N95 resplatr “The majo of exposure to HIV in eatbcare setings ze the esl of 2 aceidental needless. by slashes dung surgery. tried blood trasfusions. 6. touching AIDS pains. “The most commen ype of HAL in he United Sate is 4. bedsor infection, 1 hepattisB infection, respteoy infection 4 usnay tract infection, “These are the nals ofthe organization that Tnaiteted and enfores the Bloodborne Paogens Standard a.caP b coc «NIOSH 4. 08kA “The ony unsafe laboratory practice in the folowing Ist would eto 2, keep yur lab coat o tal ies. 1. ever set or apply makup tthe lab. secure long hal away ftom te face 4. wear lowed te shoes when nthe ab. ‘ou acetal pla beach solution in your jes while preparing it freeing purpose. What ‘nthe fest thing 0 do ‘8. Dry your eyes quickly with a elean paper tomel 2. 2. ss. snd Personal Wellness Flush your ees with water fora minimum of 1s minutes. Pres othe emergency rom 2 uli possible «4. Put 101 20 dops of saline In your ees nme- ‘ate. Whats the best way to an up blo that as {Ghpped onthe amos phsbotomy chai? ‘2 Absorb i with a gauze pad and lean the area ‘wih sinfetan >. ub wlth damp cloth and was the ares wit soap and wate. Wit fort ys then srape into 3 iohazard contains A. Wipe t wih an leobel pod sing an outward clue motion. ‘An example of amployee screening fr infesion Contel requiring employes to have 1 hepateB vacations. 1, menses vaccinations © PPD (or TB) testing. 4. tetanss booster shot. ‘hich mode of infection transmission ces fom touching costaminsnd Yl inst Direc contact Droplet contact © Indet contact 4. Webi contact, Which ofthe flowing diseases or microbes ean be eansmited trough blood wanshsion! 4. Bubonle plague 1, Diabetes metus ( Clorigium cifse Treponema pallidum hich ofthe follwing equi by the Blood ‘rne Pathogens (BBP) Standard? 4 oolation of patents known o be Hoste, 1. Gowning before entering rooms of AIDS patios «Waring labels on specimens from AIDS patients, a. Wearing gloves when psfrming phlebotomy. ‘Alaboratory ote car activiy that requires ogees to prevent exposure frm sprays oF Splashes also requests protective tie 2 Exmplugs 1 Gown Mask 4. Respirator Page 4 of 11 REVIEW QUESTIONS CHAPTER 3: Infection Control, Safety, Fist Aid and Personal Wellness , rs Figure 3-1. Nation Fre Pstecton Assoston 7 mat ing ter, «. 158, Neutropente lolation fa type of reves slat sed for patents with 1. alow WBC count 2 tuberculosis (13) very severe bums. (6. vial mening. ‘What should the phlebotomit do ifthe ouside of {putin pes tube has Hood ont 4. Discard tana draw a new whe. 1. Label yh a bohazard sicker, Putthe specimen in new ube « 44. Wipe the tube with dsiafectant. What the meaning ofthe symbol tn Figure 347 a. Water based Water neural ©. Water reactive 4. Water soluble ‘Which ofthe following conditions seldom lads to ‘work ressctione for «hosp erploye? ‘a A postive PPD tes 1. Acute conjunctivitis ¢ Germen measles 44 Mononucleosis ‘How many laste of fie ae enti by the ‘National Fire Protection Association (NFPA! a. Two 0 three Foor 4. Bre ich ofthe folowing is consdere one of te ‘most mortant meats o preventing bsitieare- Sesciated infections! {Curent immunization Glove wei inacated © lblatin proces «4. Proper hand hyeene ‘The purpose of “eres lation 10 ‘prevent azborne vansmission of fetous sirbes. by protet susceptible patents fom eusie ‘ontaination povie the safest environment fr peychiatrie ‘Which ofthe following could esl n exposure to a blood-bome pathogen by a "percutaneous" fexporue rote? 2 Disving blood without using «ned safety device >, Hoding specimens with unglova, chapped ands «. lieing your fingers whe toring lab manual ages 4, Fabblog your eyes wale processing ood specimens. tn which fstance could an elect shock toa patent most ely occur? | Collecting blod specimen during bed ‘eerie stor, ‘by, Performing phlebotomy while the pent is oa the phone «Standing ona we oor whe drawing «biod specimen 4. Touching some electrical equipment during @ ‘ood drew “The “Right to Kaow’ lw pray eas with 2 electrical safety issues. ©. expanse to pathogens. © hapa communistion. labeling o specimens. “The best courte of ection to ake before entering sn olaton room is 4 ak the patients use what to do, do whatever you id the lst ime. © follow the ported eecauons 4. puton gloves and a espatx Page Sof 1 REVIEW QUESTIONS ‘CHAPTER 3: Infection Control, Safety, First Aid and Personal Wellness (8. Which one ofthe flowing sess nvoives 2 biood-borne pathogen? a. Diphtheria >. infuonss| © Malaria 4. Rubella 70. The degree to which a micoorganiem i capable of causing csease ste detintion of a. reltance, 1, suscep. vb, 4. viraence 7, Armateral or substance harmful to heath isthe ‘efion ota 4 board ®. contaminant. «pathogen. 4. toxic agen 72. Which’ the proper xd for puting on protective oti 2. Gloves, gown, mask 1. Gown, gloves, mask © Gov, mask, gloves 73. The blue quadrant ofthe NFPA daond shaped symbol for hazardous materi (Fg 31) od cates a. te hazard health hazard, reactivity hazard. specific hazard 74, These are the ltl ofthe agency thet developed a hazard labeling eptem that sa damend shaped sign containing a United Nation hazard clase rmumber anda symbol repecenting the hazard coe bor NFPA ost, 175, Which ofthe following actions waster a chemical safety rae 4 Adding the acid to the water when duting an tei, Adding bleach wa leaner to make it ore sectve Making 1:10 lation of bleach to clean 3 4. Allof the above 76, Federal aw requires that hepa vcrination tbe made avaible io employees assigned to duties ‘ith eccupational exposure isk falter any probationary period is ove: by immediately or as oon as posible. lint month of thal employment. 4. within 10 working day of asigmert. 77, Whats the fst thing a pheboromist should do it the or she is acidentaly stuck by a needle used 19 Gra bood from a patent ‘2. Check the patent's meicl records for HIV tee resale 'b, Clean the site with soap and water for atest, second. Go tn employee heath srvice and get atta ss boot 4. Leave the zen so the patient doesnot notice ‘he nur. 78. Oneof he following symptoms of shock is wrong Wich one isk? 1. An expressions face creased shallow rething Pale, cold clammy skin 4. Siow, song, pulse rte 73. The main prncpes involved in radiation expose 2. exposure te, dose and shee. 1 stance shieling and tine. © sues amount, ad durato, 4. sengt, location, and protection ON PAGE IN 1, Wie ofthe following would be considered a bathcarestsocistd infection? 2 Catheter site of an ICU patent becomes infected 1 Chia breaks outwith meases on admission day «. Heatheare worker comes dowa wits hepatitis 6. Patent i edited with Hantaviras infection £2 Acconting othe COC prevalence survey, ow ‘many hora ations havea last one HAI on sy given day? fs Doutots B Loatof 10 € Loutof25, out of 50 Poge 6of 11 as e. 9». REVIEW QUESTIONS CHAPTER 3: “The fee availabilty of personal protective emui- tent (PFE) for employee sein he mel abe ‘alory is mandated by the 4. Clin Laboratory Improvement Amendments, 1, Gulden for elation Precautions in Hospitals. OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Standard 6 OSHA Hazard Cormmunieton azCom) Standard, ‘Curent AHA recommendations fr CPR by lyper- fone emphasize performing ‘4 compresions only eight pale ced fewer comprestons, 6, more resee Breas. “The mos frequently oceurtng labortery acquired infin s caused by a BA, b BY, © He, RW, ‘Al ofthe folowing ae equed pars ofan expo- ‘ste corel plan EXCEPT 2. an exposure determination. > communication of nazar. polation procedure pots. methods of implementation, ‘Which ass of be occurs with combustible metal? 2. Class bs class cla C 4. Cass D ‘what precautions sr to be used for a patent who hasan enteric pathogent 2. aitbome Contact Droplet 4. Standard Which ofthe folowing an esp of possible “parenteral” means of uanamiston? Deg wate froma gas tat contaminated 1. Liking your fingers as you tum pages ofa bok. Not washlng your hands before etn your lnc, Rubbing your eyes without washing hands fist. A person's general susceptibility t infection is tuna 57 a age, gender. heath, immunity Infection Control, Safety, First Aid and Personal Wellness 1. An example of vector infection trensmison Is ‘contacting ‘HV from a contaminated countertop HIV from antod bod transtsion. the plague from the bite ofa rodent fs. uberelot after ibang droplet mle 92, A patient ight be placed in protective lotion i be orshe has 2 eickeapae By hepatitis «severe bans 6. teres 93, Whatie the core! one or removing protective cloting? 2, Gloves, mask, gown, 1. Gown, loves, mask 6. Gown, mask, pores 1. Mask, owen, loves . ‘When detected in a patients serum, the substance bbreviatad as HBA confinms 2 active hepatitis B infection tome hepato B immunity. suscepthilty to hepatts B. 4. vasiaton for hepa B, 95, Arann hazard symbol (Fig. 32) on Patient's dor sige patient who 8, has been sett he aology department hat had ara take nthe past fe days is being treated with radioactive isxope. 4 senate fr aradology procedure 9, Which of the ftowing isan example ofa wok practice coatol that edoce ik of exposure DBloodbarne pathogens 4. Ordering sel sheathing needles 3, Resaig the exposure convo plan ©. Reervng an HBV vaccination 4. Using safety news to draw blood Figure 3:2 Psion hx yo, Page 7 of 4 vv. 100, 100, REVIEW QUESTIONS (CHAPTER 3: Infection Control, Safety, First Ald and Personal Wellness ‘Tese are thet ofthe onganizaton that Institue Universal Precautions, the preciso to standard precautions a. caP boo © NSH 4 osha’ Healtare workers are consdered immune to disease hey 4 eatrght and get enough rest and exec, >. haves normal numberof whit blood el &. have coniracted the disease aad ecovere. received garam globulin inthe pst yor >. Whats the best way t extinguish flammable lig fret 4. Douse twit lange amounts of water 1 Smother with Spek fre Bane & Spray it witha Clase A extinguisher Spray with 2 Cle B extnguster, ‘These are the nas ofthe feral agency that tnstituted and enforces regulations requis the Jnbeling of hazards material «coc bets © NEPA 2 sia ‘Which mode of infection transmission inves Manse of an infective microbe to the mass ‘membranes of susceptible invita! by eens of cough or neces? 4 Contact Droplet, © Ramite 4 Vehicle Allo he ar lnks (component) in the Motto 4 ext patiay. 1 servo, survelance, 4 suseptibe host ‘This isthe abbreviation forthe organization that 's specially charged withthe investigation and ‘contol of esease aac 1 icac © Nos 4 asia 108 What the ret action to tae to help victim in 106, 1, shock? 4. Contrl any bleeding 3, Hlevate the es 128 «Keep the vii ying down 4. Maintain an open airway Which of te foowing would be an unheay ay to del with sess? 8 Brercse regu, 2. beara howto ae {Make a major its 4. Tae me plan your day. ‘A nosocomial ineton i one that i a. acquired wile ina hospi 1 caught by @healineare worker highly contagious in ature present witht any symptoms, hie mode of transmission involves contaminated food, water, digs, or blood vansusins 1 Aitborne 2 Contact, Vector 4 Vehlele A piebotomis wt hasbeen dagnosed with step that should be 4 allowed to work If no symptoms ae curently Deng exhib, evaluated by an employee heath nurse before ‘esuming des, © off work uni onan antiate for 24 hous and Tonle tae 4. required to wear amas when having any ‘contact with patients, ‘The manufacture must supply a safety datasheet for 2 sted wate, » laboratory cont © lspropy alcobel, 4 isotne saline, OsHArequred devices that remove BBP hazards ‘om the workplace re called 2. biohazard contzls. 2, engineering cones, ©. pathogen contol 4. work races contol Page 8 of m1. a, na. m4 6, ns. REVIEW QUESTIONS (CHAPTER 3: Infection Control, Safety, First Ald and Personal Wellness Chemical manufactrere ae required to supply safety datasheets for hazardous products bythe 4. Chemical Manuacturs Association Guideline ‘National Fire Protection Assocation Act. © OSHA Hazaré Communication Sunda A. Unite Nations Placard Recognition Sytem, ‘Wat erm s usd o desc a type of iafecton that can be spread rom perton 0 peon! 2. Commanicabe bs Nenpathogenic © Nosocomial @ Systemic ‘Which class offre oes with flammable quis? 2. Class 8 B asc © Clas D 4 Clas K ‘he ist dng to do in the evento eecrcl shock oa coworker or patient 4 cal for medical ssistance 1 Keep the victi warm shutoff eect source, start CP, iinaeata “The tala papone of FPS to a bei projec a professional apeacanee, 1. prevent infection transmission to patients protect see clothe from geting scl 4. provide the use a barter agsnet infection, ‘The acronym wed to remember the etons to tale when using a Bre extinguisher is 2 ACT, bm, PASS, RACE, Which ofthe folowing isthe best stion to take coworker’ clothing on fie? 2, Have the individual rl onthe oor. by Smother the fie with are blanket, © Spray it with Clas A extinguisher 4. Tear off everything tat sburing. ‘What ype of hazards dented by the symbel in gure 332 4. Biohazard 1. Bleeca Explosive Radiation Figures 119. Which of he following Bleach dations ie ‘ommended fr ceasing specimen eoleson rea surisces? saa big © 10 1s 120, Alcohol base antiseptic hand cleaners canbe ‘sed In place of hand washing 1 gloves were worn dating the peor activity hands are st leaned with detergent wipe. (no dit or ganic matters sen onthe hand. 121, Which of the following ations volte laboratory saley let 4. Chening on a pec wie processing specimens. 1, Stashing your lunch na ab specimen retige. «Wearing openoed shoes while working in he bb 6, All ofthe above 122, Approximately how many workplace injuries and ness are related oboe injries? 20% 20% 30% 640% 123, HBV in died blood on work austces, equipment, telephones, and ther objets can survive up © 1 24 hous, Bday, 7 dap. 4. 2 months Page 9of 11 vs, 16 2, REVIEW QUESTIONS ‘CHAPTER 3: Infection Control, Safety First Aid and Personal Wellness ‘The most commen ehronie Bloat borne ines in the United States is RAW HV, HCY, EDK espcators wed to eater rooms of pallens with ‘borne daeases must be approved by thie gene. 2 coe RICEAC NIOSH 4 OSHA Persons! wellness means accepting chronic nesses. being covered by insurance. eating ke a vegan would A. making exercise a pele. Which ofthe folowing mixobes i a gram- aegative pathogen! 4 Adtaetobacterbaumennit 1 Choutriaium ctf Suphylceus auras 1 utlof the above ‘CLS guidelines say pants wor inthe laboratory shouldbe this me ff ofthe Noa a Yio mia b1to1i in, © 12 is 4 2102 in ‘Which micobe forms spores hat re unafeted by alechol bases hand eases? 2. Berdatala peruse Clerdium aif €. abet pretmoniae 4. Staphyloeoeas aureus “The most accurate measuremenss af ness consist, cof evaluating these thre components. a. Body mass, agi, and willpower 1, int immune stats, and resiience 6 Linberness, fortitude, and intensity Strength, elit, ad endarsnce “The Needestick Safety and Prevention Act

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