Tugas Reni-2

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Analyze the parts of speech

1. They have been getting a lot of money.

Pronoun have been+ving Np=indefinite +n

2. She does not understand my lessons. S= blue

Pronoun doesn’t V1 Np=pronoun+n V= green
3. Mice did not overtake the cats. O= purple
Noun didn’t V1 Np=artc+n

4. The police would have caught the thieves.

Np=artc+n would have V3 Np=artc+n

5. My teacher will not be explaining the new subject.

Np=Pronount+n will not be Ving np= adj+n

6. We had not taken a bath.

Pronoun had not V3 Np=article+n

7. The bells rang so loudly.

NP=artc+N V2 NP= adverb+adverb

8. The principal gives the speech in front of the class.

Np= Artc+N V1 Np=artc+N Ad = prep+noun Ad= Ad = prep+noun

9. After visiting me, sandra will return home.

Np=prep+n(gerund)+n N V=will+v1 N

10. My mother mothers her mother's mother.

Np=pronoun+N V Np=pronoun+N+N

11. Herman was making a new song.

N V=was+ving Np=article+adj+N

12. Justin Bieber will come to Pare.

N V=wil+v1 Adverb= prep+n

13. They will take a break after they have finished the class.

Pro v=will+v1 Np=artc+N Nc=conj+S(pronoun) +v(have+v3)+Np(artc+N)

14. Mr. Khasan swept the floor.

N v2 np=artc+n

15. Yesterday, I almost hit a strange man.

Ad ,N V=adverb+v Np=artc+adjc+n

16. She makes a glass of coffee.

Pro vs np=artcl+n+ adv(prep+N)

17. Tomorrow, i will visit Bali.

Ad n V=will+v1 N

18. She has taken her book.

Pro V=has+v3 N

19. Cattle were considered the sacred animals in india.

N v=were +v3 np= artc+adj+adv(prep+n)

20. My parents bought me a new dress.

Np=pro+n v2 n np=artc+adj+n

21. Did own a new first poem?

Tobe pro Np=artc+adj+adj+n

22. Kahlil Gibran did not do the duty of making new poem.

N v=did not tobe np=artc+n np=prep+gerun(n)+adj+noun

23. I had finished all my duties.

N V=had+v3 Np=pro+pro+n

24. After getting sick, my parents treated me so well.

Np=prep+n(gerund)+n Np=pro+ n V2 pro np=adv+adv

25. She refused my love.

Pro v2 np=pro+n

26. The driver drove the truck carelessly.

Np=artc+N v2 Np= artc+N adverb

27. Because of the hot weather, i should have opened the window.

Np=prep+artc+adj+n N v=should have+v3 np=artc+N

28. Every person has a plan to get the better life,

Np=adv+N v=has np=artc+n to infinitive+v + np(artc+adj+N)

but they forget to try something harder (Noun clause)

conj pro v+to infinitive +v+pro+adj

although we have to fall down again and again. (noun clause)

conj pro v+ to infinitive + v adverb Np=adv+conj+adv

29. The making of fermented cassava needs longer process.

Np=artc+n(gerun)+prep+v+N V Np=adj+N

30. When you help someone, you will get another something.

Nc=conj+pro+v+pro pro v=will+v1 np=pro+pro

31. I have felt so sleepy when i must make this exercise.

N have+v3 Np=adv+adject Nc=conj, N+ v(must+v) +np(artc+n)

32. By tomorrow, my grandmother will have given me a new bike.

Np=prep+adverb, Np=pro+n v=will have + v3 pro np=artc+adj+N

33. The biker bikes to a new road.

Np=artc+n V1 np=prep+artc+adj+n
34. The climbers have been climbing the hill.

Np=artc+n v=have been +ving np=arct+N

35. Before collecting the exercise, you had to check the answer.

Np=conj+gerund+arct+N, pro v2 to infinitive V1 Np=artc+n

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