Worksheets Cyberbullyingdocx

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Assignment # 8 Worksheet 1

I will not open it because it might be a phishing. And I know that I should not open a
message especially if I don’t know the person.

I will ignore it and I will make them see that I am not affected, because the more you show
them that you are affected the more they continue to bully you. I will make a way to
screenshot what they are talking about me so it’s easy for me to tell it to the teacher
because I have evidences to show.

I am going to tell it to my parents so that my parents are aware of it. And when I go to school
I am going to tell it to my teacher in order for them to be aware that there is someone
threatening me.

This message is nothing for me, I believe that we have our own perspectives. I also believe
that there is no ugly person in this world because we are created in the image and likeness
of God. If he/she doesn’t like to see my photos then it’s not my problem anymore block me
if he/she wants. I’m not asking for his/her opinion, I didn’t post my photos to impress but to
express. “This is Me”

Assignment #8 Worksheet 2
When I was in grade 9, it was 2nd week of school and I don’t
want to go to school because I was ashamed. I am not
ashamed because I am the one who started the fight in
messenger but, I am ashamed because I fight back which is
wrong. And everybody thinks that I’m “suplada” but thanks to
my true friend who’s been there for me when I feel everybody
is talking behind my back.

When I post my picture in social media and there are some

people commented hate messages like “hala tambok ka na
Joy”,”dako titi”, “padayaw”. I just don’t understand I am not
asking for their opinion but they keep on telling me. Do they
really think I feel sexy because I post that picture? No, I post
it because I’m confident but after reading those hate
comments, I also asked my self “ngaa mo pa abi gi post” and

Me and my friend were about to leave my house because we will

go to my another friend’s house to celebrate and then unknown
number called me and I answered it. It was a boy and he told me
his full name and he said that I won kopiko magkapera four worth
100,000 and he also asked me of my job and I answered him that I
am a police officer and I was assigned in BJMP I came up with that
answer because I know it was a scammed and I ask him if I can
get prize without paying anything and he answered me that
“depende ma’am” and he never call me again.

So far I didn’t experienced to be blamed in an online

platform but, I have a friend who’s blamed by his team
mates for being the cause of defeat in online games. He just
ignore it and still play.

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