Human-Computer Interaction in The New Process Technology

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J. Proc. Cont. Vol. 6, No. 2/3, pp.

111 117, 1996

Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
ELSEVIER 0959-1524/96 $15.00 + 0.00

Human-computer interaction in the new process


Hirokazu Nishitani
Graduate School of Information Science, Nara Institute of Science and Technology,
Takayama, Ikoma, Nara 630-01, Japan

Systems technology has been changing its targets. This paper reviews human interaction issues in systems
technology and discusses human-computer interaction in plant operation. Human-centered automation
in the process industry requires the fusion of computer technology, observations in cognitive science and
cooperation technology. Cooperative human-computer interaction is a solution for an intelligent manu-
facturing system.

Keywords: systems concepts; human-machine interface; human supervisory control

In the recent information society, system complexity problems. When we consider computer aids, we must
and the importance of software are increasing. A large, take into account the operator's behavior and mental
complex system includes both humans and computers satisfaction. That sense of satisfaction is an important
to control and manage the system. Nowadays, it is factor in designing a system. This means that computers
widely recognized that the human is an important sys- are not substitutes for humans, but are used to assist
tem component and that the performance of a compos- humans.
ite of human and computer should be evaluated. As This paper reviews human interaction issues in sys-
a result, coordination and cooperation between humans tems technology and observations in cognitive science
and computers is being investigated in many research and related areas. Then, human-computer interaction
areas. in plant operation is discussed in relation to human-cen-
The man-machine interface has been studied in tered automation in the process industry.
ergonomics or human engineering to optimize systems
composed of humans and machines. In this approach,
the human is regarded as responsible physiological H u m a n interaction issues in a system's life
equipment. On the other hand, mental responses in cycle
intellectual tasks, including pattern recognition, mem-
ory, problem solving, deduction, and linguistic theory Any system has its life cycle, as shown in Figure 1. The
were the focus in cognitive science. Ease of use, under- target of systems technology is to support human activ-
standing and learning have been studied in user or ity at every phase in the life cycle. Each phase has
human interface research in an interdisciplinary man- human interaction issues to be solved for computer
ner. Principles, guidelines and methodologies have been aids, as follows~'::
developed to support design and evaluation of various
human interactive systems. Cooperative interaction
Planning phase
between human and computer is under vigorous study.
Plant operation is an important area in human inter- Up-stream activity of design, such as conceptual design
active systems. Plant operation involves a high degree of and feasibility study, should be supported by comput-
interdependence between process equipment, control ers. For this purpose, free access to necessary informa-
systems and human operators. Flexible production in tion is essential. At the same time, the security of the
the process industry owes much to operator control entire information system must be guaranteed.
skills and intelligence. In this situation, computer aids
in various forms are essential in solving operational
Design and construction phase
The size of software for operation control and manage-
ment is increasing enormously. A system failure caused
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed

112 Human-computer interaction: H. Nishitani

% %,%
The above-mentioned issues cannot be handled by the
traditional systems technology. A new systems engineer-
ing approach is required to solve many problems
involved in human interaction issues. Superior
human-computer interaction can generate human-cen-
JConstruction Icon,'ruo"ooI tered automation for an intelligent manufacturing system.

Management/ Managemonff
Operation/Training Operation/Training
/Ma ntenance /Me nlenance
Human-centered systems technology

Figure 1 Life cycle of system In systems engineering, the problem-oriented approach

is recommended for developing a system. The general
by software bugs can fatally damage the system. There- procedure is summarized as follows: First, the essential
fore, the transmission and inheritance of engaged tech- problem must be identified. Secondly, the object prob-
nology is a key factor in maintaining and improving the lem must be analyzed carefully. Then, an appropriate
system. To this end, the design intention must be cor- method of solution is determined by taking account of
rectly described or symbolized by the designer. It must the characteristics of the problem. It is necessary to cus-
also be transferred from the design team to the mainten- tomize a general method for solving the actual problem.
ance team. To this end, information on available methodologies
and technologies should be shown to the system
designer; computer tools that support design should
Management phase
also be provided. Cooperation between humans and
It is important to grasp the present status by acquiring computers is essential to achieve this.
up-to-date data and to make a correct decision based Humans and computers both have their strong
on appropriate information. For this purpose, an effi- points. Each has its allotted tasks. A human is good at
cient information retrieval system is required. Computer circumstantial judgement and pattern recognition. He
aids for the cooperative work of experts are also can detect signs and interpret them. He can also exercise
required. common sense and avoid conflicts. On the other hand,
a computer is superior in solution-searching ability to
the human.
Operation phase
Researches on task allotment and computer support
In an automated system, computer systems cover the for humans is now under way. Systems technology
areas they are best suited to. On the other hand, a aimed at cooperation between humans and computers
human is in charge of overall judgement. This means requires the integration of observations on the human
that such a system is a combined computational system, cognitive process and computer technology. The new
composed of the human and computer computational systems technology will be composed of computer tech-
systems. In this situation, the roles of the human and nology, cognitive science and cooperation technology.
computer must be balanced. Also, the following instruc- Each component includes the following contents':
tions should be considered in designing a human inter-
face: (1) Computer technology:
Simulation and optimization technology
(1) Indicate intuitive information on what is happen- Advanced programming technology
ing AI technology
(2) Indicate essential information on what is happen- Media technology
ing to avoid operator mental overload Artificial reality technology
(3) Giving suggestions according to operator's experi- (2) Cognitive science:
ence and skills. Observations of human cognition and understand-
(3) Cooperation technology:
Training phase
Computer-supported cooperative work technology
An operator must observe operating problems and take Self-organization technology.
timely corrective action. Operational skills and under-
standing of system behavior are acquired by on-the-job
training and simulation training. To cope with situa- Practical use of observations in cognitive
tions not previously experienced in a large system, logi- science and related areas
cal understanding based on the principles of the
phenomenon is essential for maintaining system InterJace model
integrity and ensuring system survival. To this end, an
When we consider a man-machine interface or a com-
educational interface is needed to support human
puter support system in plant operation, a basic model
H u m a n - c o m p u t e r interaction: H. Nishitani 113

of interfaces is useful in identifying the problem loca- Controlled Object ]

tion. In interface terminology, the operator, operator
console and controlled plant are called user, object and Control Signal I I Sens0r]Signal
environment, respectively. For plant operation, there
are interfaces between user and object, between object
TaslC Interactive Coml:luter ]
and environment, between user and environment, and 1
between users. These interfaces are shown in Figure 2. Command Signal Information

Computer aids in various forms can be applied to solve

problems in these interfaces. Each interface has the fol-
lowing design instruction:3:
I Humdn Interactive Conlputer
Interface I between user and object:
Operator's Command l I Information
WYSIWYW (What you see is what you want)
Interface II between object and environment:
Figure 3 Modelor'human supervisorycontrol
W Y S I W Y G (What you see is what you get)
Interface III between user and environment:
ator. This model can be used to show many
W Y G I W Y W (What you get is what you want)
man-machine configurations, such as in manufacturing
Interface IV between users:
processes, nuclear power plants and aircraft. The oper-
WYSIWIS (What you see is what I see).
ator's tasks in supervisory control can be classified into
the following five groups~:
In particular, Interface I has been investigated as the
man-machine interface research for the operator sta-
Planning: An action is planned by the operator to
tion. However, the interface has still the following
achieve a specified goal.
obstacles to overcome:
Simplification of supervision and manipulation at the
Instruction: The plan is input to the HIC by command
or programming.
Upgrading of supervision, control and management
Supervision: The operator monitors the object, to
Upgrading of reliability and safety of hardware and
determine whether the object is controlled as planned
and whether any abnormal state is occurring.
Integration with other information systems such as
OA systems.
Intervention: If the goal has been achieved, the opera-
tor gives a command to the HIC to set up a new goal.
Interface IV will be an important research subject in
If an abnormal condition is detected, the operator
cooperation technology.
intervenes with the TIC to remove automatic control.

Operator's junctions Learning: The operator learns for the next such event.
Figure 3 shows a model of human supervisory control "'~.
Figure 4 shows the sequence of the operator's tasks.
It was proposed as representing the configuration of
This task sequence model is used to extract operator
tele-operation remote control of a vehicle on the moon
functions and to consider computer decision aids to
from the earth. There are two computers between the
help the operator in doing each of his functions "~.
controlled object and the operator. A task interactive
computer (TIC) is near to the controlled object and a
human interactive computer (HIC) is near to the oper-
I PIsnn,°0 I

-~ Environme(Pl
ntant) I ,nstroction I
Interface II
Interface III I Supervision I
Object (CRT) ]
J Intervention [

I Learni0g I

Interface IV
2 Interfacesof plantoperation Figure4 Sequenceof operator'stasks
114 Human-computer interaction: t4. Nishitani

AnotherPerson using more sophisticated control and related technol-
~ User A comprehensive control and instrumentation system
ProblemandDeScription toC°mmunicatl°nperson
Another I ((RemolsSite)J with distributed CPU, called the distributed control sys-
tem (DCS), has been used in the process industry since
Explanation ~ User I the 1970s. The DCS is a customized computer for sys-
(SameSits) tem control. Console operation based on the DCS,
often called CRT operation, brought accurate and sta-
ble conditions to plants, using sophisticated computer
Cut-end-Try Experiment in Virtual Environment
I control technology. It realized higher quality products,
energy conservation, increase in yield and so on. It also
saved space and labor in the control room. However, it
also generated new problems in plant operation.
Automation often creates black-box processes with
more sophisticated computer control systems, In addi-
Figure 5 Pedagogical interface for understanding support system tion to this fact, some tasks will not be automated for
various reasons, such as safety regulations and cost
The model is also used to pick up human errors on performance of system development. This will result in
recycle paths and to study how to cope with the situa- many isolated islands of automation, imposing a severe
tion +. burden on the operator. There are two approaches to
this situation. One is to clarify the operator's tasks
under specified circumstances and provide appropriate
Learning environment
training; the other is to develop an operator-friendly,
An educational interface is necessary to facilitate computer-aided operation support system for commer-
human understanding in a learning environment. Figure cial operation.
5 shows the structure of a pedagogical interface for an The operator has many tasks, such as to keep the
understanding support system7. Such an interface process running as closely as possible to a given condi-
should include functions to repeat problem description tion, to preserve optimality, to detect failures, and to
and explanation, to use another person's opinion and maintain safety'3. The performance of skilled operators
knowledge, and to make cut-and-try experiments in the is represented by a three-level model, as shown in
virtual environment. To this end, it is necessary to inte- Figure 6 '+. This model presents an excellent sketch
grate new technologies such as hypermedia technology, for human behavior. But it does not provide practical
groupware technology and virtual reality technology. tools for planning operator support and training
In particular, hypermedia technology, which shows systems.
information structure by nodes and links, enables infor- The operator cannot easily visualize what is happen-
mation management of various kinds of communica- ing in the processes. Therefore, computer aids for visu-
tions media including text, image and voice. This alization of the process state are crucial for intuitive
technology will provide a basic means of inheriting the understanding. It is also important that the operator is
knowledge and know-how of the skilled operator. This able to use a logical approach to understanding the
kind of interface is desired for operator training. It will state at the time. He should consciously reason out the
also be used to pigeonhole various kinds of knowledge meaning of things, analyze the situation, and make a
input by many experts. The combination of hypermedia rational decision. This approach enables the operator
and simulation, called hyper-simulations, facilitates dif- not only to take over conventional control skills but
ferent types of understanding, such as experiential also new skills via computer aids, for coping with an
understanding by simulation, logical understanding by
theory and intuitive understanding by image. Steady-
state process simulation helps system performance Knowledge-basedBehavior
understanding and dynamic process simulation helps
---~ldentification ~ Decisionof Tasks~ Planning
dynamic behavior understanding.
Symbols l
Rule-based Behavior
Human-computer interaction in plant operation [-Ilf Recognition ~---I1~ Associati°n
H for
St°rsd Rules1

Present status o f plant operation

] Skil -basedBehavior
Recently, several surveys on plant operation have been i f
Feature Formation I ~ Automated Action PatternsI
published in Japan ~,2. This implies that plant operation i I
is a crucial issue for Japanese process industry. A sur-
vey states the future of plant operation as follows~: Sensory Inputs Signals Action
Broader duties must be carried out by fewer operators, Figure 6 Three level model of skilled human operator
Human-computer interaction: H. Nishitani 115

unexpected situation and realizing more flexible opera-
tion of the production system. In future, the operator I Initial State [ I Operator ] [ Initial state]
must have not only control skills but also comprehensive =1 L
knowledge and techniques, such as process mainten-
3 4-
ance, facility management and besides production con- I Present Statel [,PresentStatel
trol. Such an operator is called a production engineer in
the Japanese chemical industry 9.
Inner System
Operator training Discrete State Equation
(Sequential Mechanism)
In the process industry, training simulators were first
introduced to large continuous plants, such as refineries,
power plants and town gas production plants. Simula-
tion training is credited as a significant factor in dimin-
ishing accidents. A recent survey on operator training
Outer System
State Equation
lNext State j

systems, which reviewed 20 training simulators in the (Controlled Object)

refining, petrochemical and chemical industries in +
Japan, summarizes objectives, hardware, software, t "ex'State I
training contents and so on". Generally, simulation is
reportedly very useful for operator training. Figure 7 System structure of sequential control
In CRT operation, the operator can get information
only via CRT. The first objective of the training simu- tor can know design intentions and the engineer can
lator is to acclimatize operators to the computer oper- recognize actual operational problems. Through coop-
ation environment. First, the operator must master erative work, problems will be found and effectively
screen manipulation on the CRT at the operator sta- solved. This is an example of concurrent engineering in
tion. Second, the operator must learn special proce- the process industry. Computer-supported cooperative
dures for unusual operation, such as startup and work is also an important theme for this purpose.
shutdown of equipment, and for emergency operation.
In the training simulator, on-line simulation is used Engineering environment
to experience operating problems and to take timely
corrective action. Therefore, the system should be Simulation of the combined discrete and continuous
capable of accurately representing startup, shutdown event system is required to evaluate the performance of
and emergency conditions at an operator station. This a composite of humans and computers. The sequential
requires dynamic, interactive, process-specific models control system is a typical example of such systems.
over broad operating ranges. In particular, combined Figure 7 shows the system structure, including
discrete and continuous process modeling is necessary controlled object, sequential control equipment and
for a high fidelity simulation to represent actual plant operator ~5. The controlled object, called the outer
operation. Modeling and simulation techniques are system, is composed of the processing equipment units
being developed in traditional engineering disciplines. and regulatory control system. The dynamics are repre-
Therefore, the design of systems for plant operation and sented by the continuous-event state equations. On the
training requires integration of process engineering other hand, actions by the sequential control equipment
(chemical engineering) and new systems technology. and operator are described by a set of rules. The event-
The training simulator can also be used to improve driven, discrete system is called the inner system. The
the man-machine interface of the operator station. For dynamics are represented by the discrete-event state
this purpose, the behavior of trainees at the operator equations. The method of modeling and analysis of
station must be observed carefully and analyzed. Obser- the sequential control system can be used to examine
vations on cognitive and understanding processes will the behavior of the combined discrete-event and
be useful in improving the interface. Also, new infor- continuous-event process system.
mation technology, such as media technology and vir- Simulation is one of tile most powerful computer
tual reality technology, will help cooperative aids for testing and verifying the performance of a pro-
human-computer interaction. These techniques enhance posed system design. Popularization of object-oriented
operator control skills; the resulting improvement in programming and graphic user interfaces for worksta-
the man-machine interface will help lessen human tions has been changing the modeling and simulation
error. environment. The progress of software engineering in
The fact that simulation is widely accepted for oper- computer science stimulated research on modeling tools
ator training is very significant. Plant models used in the in chemical engineering in the mid 1980s: the objective
simulator can be a common interest for engineers and was to support the rapid modeling and easy main-
operators. Communication between engineers and oper- tenance of models. Object-oriented simulation is an
ators will afford better understanding of the processing indispensable technique for rapid development of appli-
system at the design and operating phases. The opera- cation systems. The graphic construction of the applica-
116 Human-computer interaction: H. Nishitani

Input Output
Batch Schedule
Prediction for Current
Continuous Process State Setpoint

1 Xl V2 X2

~lant Model '~ Setpoint Guidance

Intermediate Separation Intermediate Separation
V0 tank process tank process

.~-................ ~. ,~-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i~-

Batch Process ContinuousProcess Prediction for
implemented Setpoint

Figure 8 Processflowof combined batch/continuousprocess plant Simulation-based Decision Making

tion domain allows the engineers to directly build and Figure 10 Structureof operation support system
manage the simulation without conventional program-
ming. It reportedly yields a productivity increase of continuous unit for separation. When the set-points of
about 20 times. Today, various commercial modeling feed rates of continuous units are not determined
tools can be used to construct custom-made simulators appropriately and the disturbances are not absorbed by
for existing plants. The combination of this kind of the intermediate tank, discharge wait and/or idle opera-
simulator and actual control systems offers a funda- tion of the two continuous units will occur. Discharge
mental research environment for solving problems, both wait decreases the production rate and may also disturb
in plant operation and in system design. the batch schedule. The idle operation of the first con-
tinuous unit causes changes in product concentration in
the second intermediate tank and negatively affects
Illustrative example: human-computer interac- product quality. The cause and effect of operational
tion in an operation support system problems concerning the plant are summarized in
Figure 9.
A combined batch/continuous plant generates difficult The structure of the operation support system is
operational problems because both discrete event and shown in Figure 10. This system is composed of 3
continuous event dynamics must be considered in deci- blocks as follows:
sion making. To resolve these problems, dynamic simu-
lation which predicts plant-wide states can be run. An (1) Plant model block
operation support system with operational guidance (2) Decision making block
was derived from the model predictive control concept '6. (3) Man-machine interface block.
The basic idea of model predictive control is easily
understandable for the operator and is widely accepted The plant model block describes the sequence of
in process control. batch reactor operation and balance equations in the
Figure 8 shows the process flow of the objective plant. two intermediate tanks. This block provides the infor-
It is composed of several batch reactors operated in par- mation, including the batch schedule and the states of
allel, followed by an intermediate tank to receive the both tanks. The decision-making block is used to deter-
contents from the reactors, the first continuous unit for mine the set-point values of two continuous unit feed
separation, a second intermediate tank and the second rates, using the simulation result to avoid predicted
upsets. The result from the alternation of the set-point
values is shown, so that the operator can grasp the
Batch Process Continuous Process effect and make a correct decision. The man-machine
Cleaning of Reactors Changeoverof Products interface is important for effectively informing the
Unexpected operators of the results.
O'sturban~I VT~tV:n ( In this system, the flow controller's set-point values
are implemented by the operator. Automatic implemen-
tation of set-point control can eliminate the need for
an operator; however, operational problems such as
batch reactor discharge wait and idle operation of con-
tinuous units will still occur under uncertain conditions
f Troubles,~k because of the limited flexibility of plant capacity. In
such a situation, intervention by the operator is neces-
sary. Therefore, for coping with various irregularities,
an operation support system is preferable to an expert
Figure 9 O p e r a t i o n a l p r o b l e m s in c o m b i n e d p r o c e s s p l a n t system, in which the computers are substitutes for
Human-computer interaction: H. Nishitani 117

humans. The operation support system allows operators 2 Saeki, Y. and Nishida S. J. Institute of Electrical Engineers oJ
Japan 1989, 109(8), 645 (in Japanese)
to enter optional values of flow-rates and shows them 3 Nishida, S. Japan Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
simulation results. This provides the self-teaching func- 1991, 30(6), 505 (in Japanese)
tion for the operator. The proposed operation support 4 Sheridan, T. B. in 'Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction'
system, implemented in an actual plant, yielded a con- (Ed. M. Helander) Elsevier/North Holland, 1988, 159
5 Sheridan, T. B. 'Telerobotics, Automation, and Human Supervi-
siderable productivity increase and continuous unit sta-
sory Control', M1T Press, Cambridge 1992
bility with operator satisfaction '6. 6 Inagaki, T. Japan Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
1993, 32(3), 181 (in Japanese)
7 Nishida, S. Japan Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
1992, 31(12), 1211 (in Japanese)
Concluding remarks
8 Tanaka, H. and Nishida, S. J. Institute (~f Electrical Engineers o[
Japan 113-B(5), 459 (in Japanese)
Human--computer interaction is a key issue in providing 9 Plant Operation Technology Committee 'Survey on CRT Opera-
synergistic production in a safe and comfortable manu- tion', Japan Society of Chemical Engineers, 1992 (in Japanese)
10 Japan Electric Measuring Instrument Manufacturer's Associa-
facturing environment. Observations in cognitive science
tion (JEMIMA) 'Survey on Reliability and Safety of Control
and related areas should be effectively used to design a Systems for Safe Plant Operation', 1993 (in Japanese)
human-centered production system with superior 11 Toyo Engineering Corporation 'Survey on Operator Training in
human-computer interaction. In this paper, the present Japanese Petroleum and Chemical Industries', 1993 (in Japanese)
status of plant operation was reviewed and future 12 Management Systems Committee 'Report on Present Status
and Future Needs in CIM in Japanese Process Industry', Japan
research needs were identified. As an illustrative example, Society of Chemical Engineers, 1993 (in Japanese)
an operation support system was considered from the 13 Crossman, E . R . F . W . in 'The Human Operator in Process
viewpoint of cooperative human-computer interaction. Control' (Eds E. Edwards and F. P. Lee) Taylor & Francis, Lon-
don, 1974, 1
14 Rasmussen, J. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 1983,
SMC-13(3), 257
References 15 Hiranaka, D. and Nishitani, H. 'Proc. ADCHEM '94', Kyoto,
1994, 361
1 Nishida, S. and Saeki, Y. 'Human-Computer Coordinative 16 Deguchi, H. Yamasaki, Y. and Nishitani, H. 'Proc. ADCHEM
Interaction Technology', Ohm-sha, Tokyo, 1991 (in Japanese) '94', Kyoto, 1994, 258

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