Lecture 1 - Introduction To EE 1

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cate EE Courses Overview k mh < Sophemote i. Danie - 1 : ' BF talon Peed Pra i — sasatincee matory Teaing Teng 2 : Bene RF Crat Design ‘readernic ‘Academie ' flcht ah 2 ! Deena iol Chemisty for Gitieal noes fee Syste Engreers ‘nko i ies 1 Physics 2 Physics 3 [-™} Physics 4 hs si 4 : ae : i contr re ae i i ‘tarnaeatonNavets cus 2 tH coats s |!) Provabiy cataus1 }s{ cacas2 TH cacass |} | Potaly | Lrocecses | ‘Applied Linear | bierenie] soar 3) Equatore coms years Sra | L_Processes Embedded Real-time ecu : Pinepes of aor i us sas ! Tnveducton t3 Computer Engineering _| | forengheers ‘Senior Es ww | wom | oom | ean | wee || seem Fall 2020 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 1 Textbook: Electric Circuits James W. Nilsson & Susan A. Riedel 9th Edition. Fall 2020 Survival Skills ‘ 4 ** To attend every lecture (even though you think you already know some of the stuff). Supplements might be provided during class. ** “Understanding” is the key. “+ It’s not just about getting a ‘pass’, Try to have fun while learning and practicing. ** Take pride in yourself. Never cheat (you don’t need that). Fall 2020 A Story ae saan stave cael Almost 1,000,000,000 transistors at genta com yin Nege-seo Niatimawenearenm! Features as small as a nanometer VN is a agricultural country @ amazon.com: $322 - 408 Export: ~$410/ton meee eu sssim eae 'f Pia IU Clele eel 1999 130 nm Fal eed > ri) FL) a Fl) ieee Ea ral): eee 2011 = ers Fall 2020 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS de voltage source Es & lth power Signal > z > noes Amplifier Load source >| >| Low High CD player ignal signal Speakers power power The analysis of electronic circuits is divided into two parts: one deals with the dc input and its circuit response (amplification, filter,..), and the other deals with the signal input and the resulting circuit response. Fall 2020 Devices in Electronic Circuits * Passive components — cannot provide power gain —e.g., resistor, capacitor, inductor eC e— * Active devices — can provide power gain and must draw power from a supply —e.g., Vacuum tube devices, silicon transistors — Enable signal amplification which is a key technology for the success of long distance telephony lass envelope Plate anode) ora Fiaront (canoe) Emitter 4 —_Catecter Base Fall 2020 Circuit theories and skills that you MUST learn * KCLand KVL * Nodal and Mesh analysis * Linearity and Superposition * Source transformation * Thevenin and Norton theorems * Maximum power transfer + ACanalysis You should already be able to analyze circuits that consist of R, C and L, i.e., passive circuits. Fall 2020 CHAPTER 1 — Circuit Variables Fall 2020 What is an Electric Circuit? “A mathematical model that approximates the behavior of an actual circuit system.” Circuit theory is a special case of electromagnetic field theory. mathematical model actual circuit system Fall 2020 International System of Units (SI ST unit can be divided into two classes: base units and derived units Base units Derived units Length ‘Meter ™ Mass kilogram ko _| [Eneray or work Joule (3) Time Second Temperature Degree Kelvin ‘Amount of Substance | Mole Candela Luminous intensity [Magnetic Flux | Weber (Wb) Fall 2020 Standardized prefixes to signify powers of 10 Multiple Prefixes Sub-multiple Prefixes Fall 2020 Voltage (Electric) “V” The concept of electric charge is the basis for describing all electrical phenomena. * The charge is bipolar: positive and negative charges. + The electric charge exists in discrete quantities, which are integral multiples of the electronic charge, 1.6022 * 107 C, In circuit theory, the separation of charge creates an electric force (voltage), and the motion of charge + creates an electric fluid (current). v The voltage (electric) is the energy per unit charge. WC or (V) Fall 2020 Electric Current “I” The electrical effects caused by charges in motion depend on the rate of charge flow. The rate of charge flow is known as the electric current, which is expressed as (4 > dt Cis or (A) Thus in a current of 1 ampere, charge is being transferred at a rate of | coulomb per second Fall 2020 The ideal basic circuit element i * Attributes of the ideal basic circuit element: * It has only two terminal * It is described mathematically in terms of current ana/or voitage + It cannot be subdivided into other elements. + Note * It is called ideal because it does not exist as a realizable physical component. ee Icleal component realizable physical component Fall 2020 Interpretation of Reference Directions Negative Yano voltage rise from terminal 1 to terminal 2 or voltage drop from terminal 2 to terminal 1 positive charge flowing from terminal 2 to terminal 1 or negative charge flowing from terminal 1 to terminal 2 Fall 2020 Example 1.1 No charge exists at the upper terminal of the element in Fig. for t< 0. At t= 0, a 5 A current begins to flow into the upper terminal. a) Derive the expression for the charge accumulating at the upper terminal of the element for t > 0. b) If the current is stopped after 10 seconds, how much charge has accumulated at the upper terminal? Fall 2020 Solution a) From the definition of current, the expression for charge accumulation due to current flow is a g(t) = [ends 0 Therefore, St 5(0) =5tC fore > 0. b) The total charge that accumulates at the upper terminal in 10 seconds due toa 5A current is q(10) = 5(10) = 50 C. Fall 2020 Example 1.2 The current at the terminals of the element in Fig is: i=0, t<0; i= 20e5% A, +20. Calculate the total charge (in microcoulombs) entering the element at its upper terminal. Fall 2020 Solution Current is the time rate of change of charge, or i = dq/dt. In this problem, we are given the current and asked to find the total charge. To do this, we must integrate the equation to find an expression for charge in terms of currents: q(t) = fia We are given the expression for current, i, which can be substituted into the above expression. To find the total charge, we let t > ce in the integral. Thus we have: = (0-1) = goo, = 0.004 C= 4000 nC 20 Fall 2020 Example 1.3 The expression for the charge entering the upper terminal of Fig is 1 t il aet_(tyt)eae I"? (; a} Find the maximum value of the current entering the terminal if a = 0.03679 s. 21 Fall 2020 Solution Again, current is the time rate of change of charge, or i = dq/dt. In this problem we are given an expression for the charge, and asked to find the maximum current. First, we will find an expression for the current using the equation: at alas ~Gra) <|-ale) ar) “a -3(@)-% al Ge") -§ a (ae) = Cater ge = tew 7 Now that we have an expression for the current, we can find the maximum value of the current by setting the first derivative of the current to zero and solving for t: di d (oat arate) e+ 4(—a)e* = (1— ate =0 Since e* never equals 0 for a finite value of t, the expression equals 0 only when (1 - at) = 0. Thus, t = 1/a. will cause the current to be maximum. For this value of t, the current is: Ly-aja _ 1 1 a at 0.03679 eZ 10A a 22 Fall 2020 Active and Passive Elements + Active element is one that models a device that is capable of generating electric energy Example: Sources * Passive element is one that models a device that cannot generate electric energy, Example: Resistors, inductors and capacitors 23 Fall 2020 Power and Energy Power and energy calculations also are important in circuit analysis. Power is the time rate of expanding or absorbing energy dan Caen d Eq. Is correctif the reference direction for the a {| 2 | aa currents in the direction of the reference voltage dt drop across the terminals. dq dt If the current reference is in the direction of a reference voltage rise across the terminals, the expression for the power is p = - vi + If the power is positive (that is. if p > 0). power is being delivered to the circuit inside the box. + If the power is negative (that i if p= 0), power is being extracted from the circuit inside the box. = += : : v p=vi v p=-vi_ Fig. summarizes the a 7 relationship between the polarity references for ote _ voltage and current and the v pai v pavi expression for power. + + 24 Fall 2020 For example, suppose that we have selected the polarity references shown in Fig. (b). Assume further that our calculations for the current and voltage yield the following numerical results: igo LG o - 02 (b) p = - vi i ey > +——_}e2 ()p = ~vt i=4Aandv=-10V. Then the power associated with the terminal pair 1,2 is p = -(-10)(4) = 40 W. Thus the circuit inside the box is absorbing 40 W. If we choose the reference polarities shown in Fig. (c). The resulting numerical values are i=-4A, v=10V, and p=40W Note that interpreting these results in terms of this reference system gives the same conclusions that we previously obtained—namely, that the cit uit inside the box is absorbing 40 W. 25 Fall 2020 Example 1.4 When a car has a dead battery, it can often be started by connecting the battery from another car across its terminals. The positive terminals are connected together as are the negative terminals. The connection is illustrated in the Figure. Assume the current / in the Figure is measured and found to be 30 A. a) Which car has the dead battery? b) If this connection is maintained for 1 min, how much energy is transferred to the dead battery? 26 Fall 2020 Solution a) Incar A, the current iis in the direction of the voltage drop across the 12 V battery (the current i flows into the + terminal of the battery of car A). Thus using the passive sign convention, p=vi= 30 12 =360W since the power is positive, the battery in car A is absorbing power, so car A must have the “dead” battery. a ‘ b) w(t) = [rae 1 min = 60s 60 w(60) = f 360 de w = 360(60 — 0) = 360(60) = 21,600 J = 21.6 kJ 27 Fall 2020 CHAPTER 2 - Circuit Elements There are five ideal basic circuit elements: * resistors, + voltage sources, * current sources, + inductors, and * capacitors. 28 Fall 2020 Electrical Resistance * Resistance is the capacity of materials to holdback the flow of current or. more specifically, the flow of electric charge. * The circuit element used to model this behavior is the resistor. 29 Fall 2020 Voltage and current sources + An electrical source is a device that is capable of converting non-electric energy to electric energy and vice versa. Example: battery, generator, etc + Ideal voltage and current sources — An ideal voltage source is a circuit element that maintains a prescribed voltage across its terminal regardless of the current flowing in those terminals. — An ideal current source is a circuit element that maintains a prescribed current across its terminal regardless of the voltage across those terminals. 30 Fall 2020 Independent and dependent sources + An independent source establishes a voltage or current without relying on voltage or currents elsewhere in the circuit. + Adependent source establishes a voltage or current whose value depends on the value of a voltage or current elsewhere in the circuit. oo o ¢ Voltage source Current souree Controlled voltage Controlled current source souree 31 Fall 2020 Example 2.1 Which connection is valid and which is not? SA $ @ o) 2 w Ow Osa y SA © a @ *)ov + Note: =a) Valid only theoretically. b 32 Fall 2020 Ohm’s Law It is the algebraic relationship between voltage and current for a resistor v=iR v= the voltage in volts 7 = the current in amperes R= the resistance in ohms (Q) 33 Fall 2020 Ohm’s Law (cont.) * The conductance “G” is the reciprocal of the resistance. i= =G R * The conductance is measured in siemens (S) or mho (© ) ¢ Examples: R=8Q ———p G=0125 7 ¢ Power: Fall 2020 Example 2.2 In each circuit in the Figure, either the value of v or i is not known. i fy, a 1A% 80 soV 02s z a) Calculate the values of v and i. (a) (b) b) Determine the power dissipated in each - resistor. 1A% 200 SOV 250: : uf © (@) 35 Fall 2020 Solution a) The voltage v, in Fig. (a) is a drop in the direction of the current in the resistor. Therefore, V, = (1)(8) = 8 V. The current i, in the resistor with a conductance of 0.2 Sin Fig. (b) is in the direction of the voltage drop across the resistor. Thus iy = (50)(0.2) = 10 A. The voltage v, in Fig. (c) is a rise in the direction of the current in the resistor. Hence v, = -(1)(20) = -20 V. The current i, in the 25 resistor in Fig. (d) is in the direction of the voltage rise across the resistor. So iy =-50/25=-2A > t)1ar. 8a fa) a SOV 025: (b) ie Leet 200) SOV 25.0: - ist © (d) 36 Fall 2020 b) The power dissipated in each of the four resistors is 8)? 5 Pso = @ = (1)°(8) = 8W, Po2s = (50)°(0.2) = 500 W, = 20F _ apeny = Pun = 39, = (1)°(20) = 20 W, = 5) _ 5295) = Pasa = “55° = (—2)7(25) = 100 W. 37 Fall 2020 Example 2.3 b) If R=300 Q and the power absorbed by 2 is 480 mW. Find i, and v,. 3002 8 ~— p=v,i, = 480 mir Xi,V, =V_" = 300% 480x107 = 144 12 300 38 Fall 2020 Kirchhoff’s Law c « Anode : ~ Point where two or ; more circuit ib t elements meet. - Nodes a, b, cord. 1 1 1 1 w e Aclosed path or loop - Starting at an arbitrarily selected node, we trace a closed path in a circuit through selected basic circuit elements and return to the original node without passing through any intermediate node more than once. - Loopa>d>c>b>a 39 Fall 2020 Kirchhoff’s Law * Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) The algebraic sum of all the currents at any node in the circuit equals zero * Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) The algebraic sum of all the voltages around any close path equals zero 40 Fall 2020 Note: In any Kirchhoff’s Current Law ¢ Assign an algebraic eo sign corresponding to a reference direction. 7 e - Positive sign to a »C) [i fy ER current leaving. = = ao = - Negative sign to © ae ® We @ . current entering the 7 R R, node. Atnodea ——> i, Atnodeb ——» i,+i,=0 Atnodec ——+» —j,-i,=0 Atnoded ——+ i, -i, =0 circuit with 7 nodes, 7 —/ independent current equations can be derived from Kirchhoff’s current law. 4 Fall 2020 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law ¢ Assign an algebraic sign d (reference direction) to each voltage in the loop. — Positive sign to a voltage rise requires assigning a negative sign to a voltage drop. —v, +v,—-v, +, =0 (a>d>c> ba) ¢ Finally, applying Ohm’s law 42 Fall 2020 Kirchhoff’s Law KVL Ohm's Law —v, +i,R,+i,R,+i,R, =0 43 Fall 2020 Example 2.4 Sum the currents at each node in the circuit shown in Figure. Note that there is no connection dot (+) in the center of the diagram, where the 4 Q branch crosses the branch containing the ideal current source i,. ¢ Apply KCL to the circuit? In writing the equations, we use a positive sign for a current leaving a node. The four equations are Atnodea i, +4, Atnodeb i, ti; 4, -i, -7, =0 Atnodec i, —i;-i, -i, =0 Atnoded i; +i, +7, =0 44 Fall 2020 Example 2.5 Sum the voltages around each designated path in the circuit shown in Figure * Apply KVL to the circuit? rr) / \ In writing the equations, we use a fy, %| positive sign for a voltage drop. \ if The four equations are Loopa -v;-v,+v,+¥,-v, =0 ic Loopb —V¥,+V3+V5=0 Loop c Vy Vg, V6 V5 =0 Loopd —¥y—-V+V,-V, +, -vy =0 45 Fall 2020 Example 2.6 e Use KCL, KVL & Ohm's law to find i,, verify that the total power generated equals the total dissipated. 10 Ans.: « Redraw the circuit and assign unknown currents. ¢ Label the nodes. 2 WO _& bv « “2” nodes > “1” KCL At node “b” |i — 6-i. 46 Fall 2020 Example 2.6 (cont.) ¢ Apply KVL v,+v,-120=0 ¢ Ohm's Law ¥,=4,50 | 10i, + 50%, -120=0 ace Cee ¢ Solving> i,=-3A R=3A a7 Fall 2020 Example 2.6 (cont.) « Power dissipated in the resistors a DpatR +B, Psog = (3)° (50) =450 W oN WO & + 4/3500 b 6A ° © Pron = (3) (10) = 20.W « Power delivered to the 120 V supply Duy = iV =3x120 =360.W ¢ Power delivered by the 6 A supply Deg =iv=6%150 =900 W 48 Fall 2020 Circuit containing dependent sources Find v, & i,? Ans.: ¢ KCLatb « KVLat (a>b>c) / i,5+1,20-500=0 + i,5+({,6)x20=500 —> i,=24A v, = 207, = 480 V 49 Fall 2020 Example 2.7 Use KL & Ohms law to find v,, and show that total power developed equals the total power dissipated. Ans.: ¢ Two closed paths (KVL & Ohm’s Law) i,6-10=0 —» 7, =5/3A 1,2+1,3-i,3=0 — i,=1A. i,3=3V vy ¢ Power Dissipated ¢ Power Developed P= Pig + Pg + Bg =126+122+173 P= Poy + Py, =7,10+i, x37, /P=16.7+2+3=21.7W P=16.7+5=21.7W 50 Fall 2020 Example 2.8 Find i,, v, and power generated and absorbed? Ans.: KCL gy 4 -30i, = 0 + ‘ KVL —31i,(6x10°)+v—30i,(1.8x10°)+8=0 ---» v=-2V Power Dissipated P= Prise + Pyo +R si + Phy, = 0.00615 W = 6150 sW Power Delivered P= PR, +R, + Ry = 0.00615 W = 6150 WW 51 Fall 2020 Example 2.9 If i,=4 A and i,= -2 A, respectively: Find a. Find i,. b. Find the power dissipated in each resistor. c. Find v,. d. Show that the power delivered by the current source is equal to the power absorbed by all other elements. ip Ha AW 52 Fall 2020 Solution Ohm's law Vysq =i, x15 = 4x15 = 60" Yon = 2x9 =187 00 100 Vag = 2x11 = 22” (Ole (b) Vrog = 2*10= 20” i oa wov 2) z40 KVL on outside loop —60-100+18+ 22+ 20+i,4+i,16=0 i,=5A4 KCL ata i, =i,+i,=5+4=94 KCL at b ig =i.-i =5-2=34 KCL atc i, =i,+i,=2+4=6A4 (a) KVL on the bottom left loop -60-100-5x6+v, =0 v, =1907 53 Fall 2020 Calculate power using the formula p = Ri: poo = (9)(2)? = 36W; pu = (11)(2)? =44W Prog = (10)(2)? = 40 W; P3009 = (30)(3)? = 270W Psa = (5)(6)? = 180 W; Pao = (4)(5)? = 100W Pisa = (16)(5)? = 400 W; pisa = (15)(4)? = 240W Sum the power dissipated by the resistors: DY Pais = 36 + 44 + 40 + 270 + 180 + 100 + 400 + 240 = 1310 W The power associated with the sources is Pyolt—source = (100 V)(4A) = 400 W Peurr—source = —Ugig = —(190 V)(9A) = —1710W Thus the total power dissipated is 1310 + 400 = 1710 W and the total power developed is 1710 W,so the power balances. 54

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