Global Sukuk 2015

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Gedung Frans Seda lantai2, Jalan Dr. Wahidin Raya Nomor 1, Jakarta 10710
Telepon 021 - 35'16296i Faksimile 021 - 3510728; Situs

The Republic of Indonesia Prices USS 1,500 Million Sukuk Due 2024

Jakarta, 3'd September 2014 - The Republic of Indonesia (the "Republic") returned to the international
Sukuk markets by issuing USS1,500 million 10-year RegS/144A Trust Certificates due in 2024 (the "Wakala
5ukuk"). The Wakala Sukuk will be issued via Perusahaan Penerbit SBSN Indonesia lll, a legal entity
established by the Government of Indonesia, and will be listed on the Singapore Exchange. The settlement
will be carried out on 1.0th September 2014. The Wakala Sukuk was priced on 3'd September 2014 at par to
yield 4.35% and has been assigned a rating of Baa3 by Moody's Investors Service, BB+ by Standard & Poor's
Rating Services and BBB- by Fitch Ratings.

This is the fifth US dollar denominated Sukuk issuance by the Republic and the third issuance under the
upsized USS5,000,000,000 Trust Certificate lssuance Program. The transaction is in line with the Republic's
funding plan for 2014 and its ongoing objectives of strengthening the global lslamic financial market. lt also
further demonstrates the Republic's support in lslamic finance in Asia.

The Sukuk is structured based on the Shari'a principles of ljara and Wakala. The Sukuk assets under this
Wakala Sukuk issuance consist of (i) government-owned properties leased to the Republic and (ii) project
assets procured from the Republic.

Following a roadshow covering key centres in Asia, the Middle East and Europe, this transaction was well
received globally and generated a large order book with over 390 investors placinB orders exceeding UsS
10 billion, resulting in over 6 times oversubscription. The 10-year Wakala Sukuk attracted interest from a
diverse group of domestic and international investors, generating a geographic distribution of 35% to
lslamic and Middle East investors, 10% to Indonesia,20% to Asia (ex-lndonesia), 20% to USA and 15% to
Europe. By investor type, the distribution was 57/o to funds, 28% to banks, 13% to central banks and
sovereign wealth funds and 2% to other investors.

CIMB, Emirates NBD Capital, HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank acted as Joint Lead Managers and Joint
Bookrunners. Abu Dhabi lslamic Bank, Dubai lslamic Bank, National Bank of Abu Dhabi, PT Bahana
Securities and PT Mandiri Securities acted as Co-managers for this transaction.

This document is not on offer of securities for sole in the United Stotes. The Certificates are not being
registered under the of 7933, os omended (the Securities Act) ond may not be offered or
I.)S Securities Act

sold in the United Stotes or to or for the occount or benefit of US persons (as such terms ore defined in
Regulotion S under the Securities Act) unless registered under the Securities Act or pursuont to dn exemption
from such registrotion. The Republic of lndonesio does not intend to register the certificotes under the
securities Act or conduct a public offering of the Certificates in the United States. Any offer of Certificotes in
the United Stotes will only be mode by means of on offering circulor that will contain detoiled information
dbout the Republic of lndonesio.

l- Directorate ceneral of Debt management/

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