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A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of the

Tambulig National High School

Tambulig, ZDS

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Subject Practical Research 2

Aizel Joy R. Pitogo

Carl Ivanne Cauctoy

Leslie Fe F. Henterone

Romualdo S. Serrano

January 2023



A healthy lifestyle is the foundation of a good life. It can improve the quality of living,

feeling physically better, and increase mental health as well.

Health contributes to the general well-being of an individual particularly the lifestyle.

Several task perform all day especially for those student who spend usually in school. In

order to enjoy the quality of life, good health must be achieved because health determines

what person can do.

A lot of privilege for a person to acquire good health. Several factor in one’s health

lifestyle can make healthy or unhealthy. The body needs the right amount of nutrients in

order to function properly. The food taken served as a fuel that operates different body parts

so the functioning of organs and tissues depends upon the food received. It is important to

realize the need to follow a healthy lifestyle and understand the ways in which it can be


Nowadays, many youths particularly students didn’t notice their health. Because of their

eating habits they not aware of the quality and the nutrients taken in their foods.This study

aims to explore the health consciousness level particularly the hygiene, eating habits and

academic performance of Humanities and Social Sciences in Tambulig Senior High School.

Background of the Study

According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2019) claims that Health

Consciousness is the degree to which a person tends to engage in healthy behaviors

Additionally, a healthy diet stresses the regular consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole

grains, root vegetables, fat-free or low-fat milk, lean poultry, fish, and other foods beans,
eggs, and nuts Additionally, it contains less sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fat.

Numerous advantages of a healthy diet have a favorable effect. Impacts diet, general health,

the economy, and the environment.

A healthy diet encompasses a wide range of benefits with positive impact on nutrition,

overall health, economy as well as the environment. According to the Food and Agriculture

Organization (FAO, 2019) of the United Nations, a healthy diets include variety of foods from

different food groups, meets the individual needs for calories and nutrients, safe with no risk

from toxins, bacteria, molds or chemicals, enjoyable and culturally acceptable and available

and sufficient each day and all year round.

Another most important in one’s health is the personal hygiene which the researchers

observe that students in the campus do not giving priority. (Johnson,2019) stated that

maintaining hygiene is necessary for many reasons; personal, social, healthy, psychological

or simply as way of life. Keeping a good standard of hygiene helps to prevent the

developmental and spread of infections, illness and odors.That’s why the goal of this study

was to explore the health consciousness of Humanities and Social Sciences primarily the

hygiene, food and fluid consumption in relation to the academic performance of the students

in TNHS-SHS. In this case, the school administrator will be aware about the health

consciousness of the selected student in the distinct strand that the researchers were


Theoretical Framework
Health Lifestyle Theory Cockerham (2005), emphasizes the manner in which structural

variables such as class circumstances, age, gender and race/ ethnicity, collectives (social

networks), and living conditions provide the social context for socialization and experience

that ultimately determined lifestyle disposition and. On relation on this study healthy lifestyle

are defined as collective patterns of health. Related behavior base on eating and drinking

choices from options available to people according to their life chances. Health lifestyle

theory maintains that healthy lifestyle choices are not unconnected random choices of
individuals, but cluster in distinct patter based on class, gender, and other structural


Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of the study presented below.

Level of Health Academic

Consciousness Performance

Figure 1. The relationship between between the level of Health Consciousness and

Academic Performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study is aim to determine if there is a significant relationship between health

consciousness and academic performance of Humanities and Social Sciences students

from Tambulig National High School Senior High School.

Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. What is the demograhic profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age
2. What is the percentage of health consciousness of the Humanities and Social
Sciences students?
3. Is there a significant relationship between health conscious and academic
performance of Humanities and Social Sciences students?
4. What factors affecting HUMSS students about their health?
There is a relationship between health consciousness and academic performance of

Humanities and Social Sciences.

There is no relationship between health consciousness and academic performance of

Humanities and Social Sciences.

Scope and Delimitations of the study
This study primarily concern about the health consciousness and academic

performance of Humanities and Social Sciences students in Tambulig National High School

Senior High School with regards of their personal hygiene, food, and fluid consumption. And

if there is a relationship between health consciousness and academic performance. In this

study, the physical activities, weight and stress management are not tackled. This study

limited the coverage on both male and female of Humanities and Social Sciences in

Tambulig National High School.

Significance of the study

On the premise that the findings validated, the researchers achieved their aim to

benefit the following:

Students. For them to have enough knowledge about their proper health care,

personal hygiene, eating and drinking pattern habit.

Teacher. This research may help teachers to give advice to their students prior to

proper health care and the Importance of personal Hygiene.

Future Researchers. They can get background information from the result of this

study. Which will serve template to modified. And to get the average of TNHS-SHS students

that have concern to their health in regards to personal Hygiene, Eating habits and fluid

consumptions. This study provides general information and knowledge about the helth

consciousness level with regards in hygiene,eating habits in relatuin to the academic

performance of Humanities and Social Sciences students of Tambulig National High School

Senior High School.

Review Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of literature and studies which are related to this

study. The studies and literatures are read by the researchers to enlighten the research


According to Lai Yeung (2009), the Health Consciousness and behaviors of junior

Secondary students in Hong Kong private school, with specific focus on possible Gender


The results of this study says that regardless of gender, less than half of the sample ate

breakfast every day, and their consumption of fruits and vegetables was below

recommended daily intakes. No significant difference was observed between respondents

eating habits and levels of food knowledge. Female students were more weight conscious

than male students.

It conclude that the school nutrition education in Hong Kong should be designed to

appeal to boys as well as girls and effective implementation of nutrition education programs

should inculcate healthful eating habits and sound cooking skills and address the needs of

students with reference to gender differences. A more diversified approach could be

employed through formal and informal curricula, prioritizing cooking skills and food

advertising literacy in the curriculum.

Park, (2010), studied on dietary habits and health consciousness of High school

students in Seoul. The Study examine the dietary behaviors with 510 High school student

(260 males and 250 females) residing in Seoul. The body Mass index (BMI) of male and

female students were 21.7 kg/m 2 and 20.1 kg/m 2, respectively, which were within the

normal range. 41% of the male students skipped breakfast once a week and 44.4% of the
females do the same habit. Meanwhile, about more than 40% of male and female skipped

breakfast frequently. The study reveals that the female students perceived significantly less

Healthy and tatter than male students. Furthermore, body image satisfaction of female

students was lower than that of male. Only 22.7% of male students and 6.4% of female

students exercised regularly and the intensity of exercise in the male students were

significantly higher than those of male students.

Amari & Al-Khamees (2015), The Perception of College Students about a Healthy

Lifestyle and its Effect in their Health. This study examined the perception of college

students from Kuwait university about healthy lifestyle and its effect on their health. The

study shows that most college students do not care about eating daily breakfast, their diet is

not ideal, commonly consisting of cheap,and quick meals, snacks, and soy drinks. All easy

access to unhealthy foods on campus, contribute to weight gain or emotional strain (Harris

2015). The results of the study illustrate that the majority of college students conduct a

moderate healthy lifestyle, only (50.0%) eat a healthy diet, and (48.7%) suffer from iron

deficiency anemia (IDA), while (46.3%) get at least seven to nine hours of sleep (38.7%)

suffer from increased body weight (obesity), and (34.0%) only exercise frequently. The study

shows that a high percentage, (75.8%) do not take blood test, at least once every 6 months,

and (74.0%) of the students, do not drink at least two glasses of milk per day. Healthy

nutritional choices are necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In his study, found a

positive relationship between eating breakfast and college student’s health. Structured

eating patterns help improve students’ academic performance. Also it was found that eating

disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, are more prevalent among female college students

than among the general population, Schweitzer. Sleep is another major aspect in a person’s

health. College students have been found to be a population that does not get enough sleep

as the typical adult population. Sleep is a natural state for human beings when they are tired.

Students who were deprived of sleep for 24 hours were complaining from headaches and

they feel weak and tired.

Lack of sleeping results in a decrease of student’s ability to pay attention, and negatively

affects their ability to perform exams. Numerous studies have found that insufficient sleep

increases a person’s risk of developing serious medical conditions, including obesity,

diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases insufficient sleep has been linked to these and other

health problems, and is considered an important risk factor. Sleep deprivation affect college

student’s health, and their ability to concentrate.

Aliberti, S.,, (2015), believes that the status of blocked students was siignificantly

favorable compared to that health perception of the regular students yielded worse results

than of the blocked students. Anxiety and depression were greater in regular students than

blocked students.

It reveals that the result of conducted study supports their hypothesis of the

relationship between health, lifestyle, psychological factors and academic

performances: students with blocked had better health and lifestyle than regular

students. Their attitude to resilience emerged from the ability to overcome difficult

situations, but also from an attitude of arrogance despite being aware of the ability to

study successfully. Probably the blocked in the studies was due to low self-esteem.

Bakayen, (2015), Structure and Content of the educational technology of managing

student’s healthy lifestyle. This Article presents the result of the research the authors

conducted to validate an educational technology of managing student’s healthy life style

during the pedagogical experiment there was an increase in the indicators characterizing a

level of the development of the ability to monitors one’s health. The developed educational

technology of managing student’s healthy lifestyle was proven to highly effective.

Majabadi, (2016), claimed that following factors that influenced their major reasons

for consuming fast-food:1) fast food is delicious; 2) fast- food eateries and restaurants are

easily accessible; 3) a greater variety of fast food options than home cooked food options is

available, providing people with numerous choices; 4) the affordability of fast food and the
fact that they are readily available provide adolescent with a sense of Independence; 5)

finally, going out to eat fast food with friends is a way of entertainment, particularly for


Hagell (2017), explained that Eating patterns may suffer as students leave home to live in

temporary accommodation, particularly if they are not used to providing for themselves

details, however are hard to find. The Sodexo University lifestyle Survey 2014, Undertaken

with a large UK – Wide on – line student panel, reported that students do not always eat

regular meals, with man skipping breakfast for lunch and just over half of students reporting

that financial pressures had led to changes in their diet (Sodexo, 2014).

Uwannah, et. Al., (2018) the study about Eating Habit and the academic performance of

secondary school students in Ikenne, Orgun State. This study was carried out to examine

how eating habit affect the academic performance of secondary school students in selected

secondary school in Ilene, Ogun state, nigeria. Simple random technique was used to select

180 senior secondary school students (SS2 and SS3) in five (5) secondary schools in Ilene,

Ogune state Nigeria. Academic performance was measured using the first term scores of

selected students in English language and mathematics. The data collected were analyzed

using the descriptive statistics method and the linear regression and t-test analyses were

employed to test the stated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance.

Abraham, et. Al., (2018), examined the college students eating habit and knowledge of

nutritional requirements for health using the cross-sectional study,with a descriptive design.

Students may have proficient knowledge regarding nutritional requirements. Transition to

college life gives more freedom to choose the type and amount of food they want to take.

Most of the college campuses have different dining facilities that provide a variety of food

options, which can lead to establishing either good or bad eating behaviors.
The study of Students Health Consciousness finds out that the students are

knowledgeable that consuming fast food, soda, and processed food are unhealthy and they

contain additives. They indicated strong agreement to keep themselves hydrated and

choosing food because of taste preference. Even though majority admitted eating fresh

fruits, a significant number consume processed food such as chips, cookies, and cereal

base on convenience. Smartphone resources, bending machine use, and drinking soda

where their least frequently used habits.

In conclusion, students have a fair knowledge of nutritional requirements for health;

however, food choices they make are not necessarily healthy. Convenience and taste of

food were priority.

Francesco (2019), analyzed the relationship between food, feeding behavior and a

healthy lifestyle with others conditions and habits, such as a sedentary lifestyle, poor sports

activity, stress and anxiety. Again mentioned that the analysis is a reflection of research

carried out on a sample of university students in some European universities, regarding their

eating habits, their lifestyles, habits of study, and propensity to physical inactivity. Such

dimensions often correlate with problematic food behaviors, with compulsive consumption of

foods and beverages, and the acquisition of uncritical eating patterns.





Majabadi, (2016),

Uwannah, et. Al., (2018)

Abraham, et. Al., (2018),


Francesco (2019),

Food based dietary guidelines



This chapter represents a discussion of research design, research respondent’s,

sample and sampling techniques and on how they are going to solve the Slovin’s formula to

come with the target respondents.


This research study employ descriptive research. Descriptive research aims to

accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon. It can answer

what, where, when and how questions, but not why questions. A descriptive research design

can use a wide variety of research methods to investigate one or more variables.


The research respondents of the study are the selected 22 students of Humanities and

Social Sciences Students of Tambulig National High School-Senior High School. The

researchers use Slovin’s formula to identify how many respondents will answer the research.

With the help of Slovin’s formula the researchers can get the sample size that needed for the

research study.


Convenience sampling method will employ in this study. The survey instrument was

directly administered to the respondents. The target respondents of this study are all the

students of Humanities and Social Sciences from Tambulig National High School- Senior
High School. A convenience sample of respondents (N=210) was targeted. Each respondent

will briefed about the survey to ensure that the questionnaire was completed correctly. In this

study the age bracket of the participants is 16-21 years old. After obtaining the population,

the researchers got the sample size trough Slovin’s formula.


N = sample size N = population 1 = constant E = margin of error N =?

N = 210 1 = constant E = 0.1

The sample size needed was 22 students as respondents of research study.

Strand Number of Student’s Percentage Sample Size

Humss 1(11) 37 0.18×22 4

Humss 2(11) 35 0.17×22 4

Humss 3-(11) 33 0.16×22 3

Humss 1 (12) 34 0.16×22 3

Humss 2 (12) 35 0.17×22 4

Humss 3(12) 36 0.17×22 4

210 100% 22


The research study will conducted exactly in Tambulig National High School-Senior High

School. New Village Zamboanga Del Sur, School Year 2022-2023 of first semester.


A structured questionnaire was used as the research instrument in the survey. Durkheim

(2014), stated that structured questionnaire is the primary measuring instrument in survey

research. The use of structured questionnaire has close relationship with quantitative

analysis. The use structured questionnaires in social research was pioneered by Francis
Galton and is very common in the collection of data in quality of life research nowadays. In

addition, questionnaire collection method offers quick response from respondents, easy to

manage and well-structured enabling respondents to answer the questions within defined


Table 1. Interpretation and scoring of data.

Response Scoring Interpretation

5 - Strongly Agree 4.50 – 5.00 VERY HEALTH CONSCIOUS

4 - Agree 3.50 - 4.49 HEALTH CONSCIOUS

3 - Neutral 2.50 - 3.49 MODERATE HEALTH CONSCIOUS

2 - Disagree 1.50 - 2.49 MILDLY HEALTH CONSCIOUS

1 - Strongly Disagree 1.00 -1.49 NOT HEALTH CONSCIOUS


The researcher’s go to every room of HUMSS to ask how many students in every section

of HUMSS Strand of Tambulig National High School-Senior High School. To gather the data,

researchers distributed the survey questionnaire to the 22 students of Humanities and

Social Science Students in Tambulig National High School-Senior High School whereas the

respondents possess the necessary information To answer the information given. Survey

questionnaires is easier to administer. While assuring the confidentiality and effective in

providing the information in a Relatively brief time period at low cost to the researchers

(Robsom,1993). They are widely used as a key tool for conducting management research an

obtaining information about opinions, perceptions and attitudes.


Presentations, Analysis and Interpretations of Data

This chapter presents and discusses the relevant result of the gathered data about the

study of Health Consciousness and Academic Performance of Humanities and Social

Sciences students in Tambulig National High School – Senior High School. To be presented

in Pie chart terms and are analyzed and interpreted according to the questions stated in the


Presentation of Data

Humanities and Social Sciences of Tambulig National High School – Senior High School

students are the identified participants of the study Health Consciousness and Academic

Performance of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Six (6) sections of HUMSS Strand that

are chosen as total of 103 respondents of the study.

The researches distributed a survey questionnaire that contains six (6) constructed

questions. Below are the following data that illustrates the result and the tabulated answers.




Strogly Agree Agree Neutral

Dissagree Strongly Dissagree
established on the chart above 59% answered Agree in which respondents feel physically as

they go through the day, 32% answered Neutral, 9% answered Strongly Agree, 0%

answered Disagree as well as the Strongly Disagree.

2.I take responsibility for the state of my health.



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strongly Disagree

Based on evaluation Figure 2, shows that 73% of the respondents answered Agree in

which respondents in which they take responsibility for the state of their Health, 18%

answered Strongly Agree, 5% answered Strongly Disagree, 4% answered Neutral, and 0%

answered Disagree.
3. I'm very self-conscious about my health.




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagre Strongly Disagree

Based on evaluation Figure 3, shows that 44% answered Strongly Agree to which they’re

very self-conscious about their health, 37% answered Agree, 19% answered Disagree, and

0% are the rest.

4. Living life in the best possible health is very important to me.




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strongly Disagree

In reference to the figure 4 above, 73% of the respondents answered Strongly Agree in

Living their lives in the best possible health is very important to them, 23% answered Agree,

4% answered Neutral, and 0% are the rest.

5. I'm generally attentive to my inner feelings about my health.




Strongly Agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strongly Disagree

In accordance to figure 5 above, 50% answered of the respondents answered Agree in

generally attentive to their inner feelings about their health, 41% answered Neutral, 9%

answered Strongly Agree, and 0% of Disagree and Strongly Disagree.

6. I reflect about my health a lot.
9% 5%



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral

Disagree Strong Disagree

Determined from the figure 6 above, 59% of the respondents answered Agree in which they

reflect about their health a lot, 27% of respondents answered Neutral, 9% answered

Disagree, 5% answered Strongly Agree, and 0% respondents answered Strongly Disagree.


Summary of Findings, Conclusions, Recommendations

This research attempted to re-conceive the concept of health consciousness and to

propose a parsimonious yet effective measure of the concept. By reviewing the previous

research on health consciousness and other related concepts, this study defined health

consciousness as one’s orientation towards overall health, rather than toward a specific

health issue. Furthermore, this study conceptualized that one’s level of health

consciousness is comprised of three elements —self health awareness, personal

responsibility , and health motivation— as opposed to engaging actual health behaviors or

relying on the tendency to focus attention on one’s health.

Summary of Findings

Senior high school students, particularly in the humanities and social sciences

Students comprise a population that is considered particularly vulnerable to health concerns.

The findings of this study bring into focus the effects of health consciousness on the

academic performance of this specific population. Our findings suggest a considerable

positive impact on students’ academic, health, and lifestyle-related outcomes. By conducting

survey questionnaires, we found out that a majority of the participants were experiencing

health consciousness. In addition, the survey responses revealed a balanced picture of

respondents’ experiencing health consciousness, with some having a negative impact on

their well-being and others remaining calm despite both positive and negative effects.


Based off of the data and the free response questions, we can conclude that the

students who have health consciousness are more likely to maintain a health conscious

lifestyle that involves doing research, because it makes students feel better both physically

and in their own view of themselves.The result of our demographic profile of our

respondents, most of them had answered Strongly Agree than “Agree”, which we have
concluded that the respondents are in good health and that they’re conscious to their Health.

Lastly most of our respondents are from grade 11 and grade 12 Senior High School HUMMS

students. This is the information we obtained in each section that we pilot tested in these

data we can determine how often and percentage HUMMS studies have captured data to

understand the purpose of the research study.


• Get enough sleep to enable to think wisely and not getting tired or sleepy while at


• Eat nutritious fruit like banana, apple ect.

• Don’t eat too much junkfoods and drinks like coke, sprite.

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