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Time Methods Equipments and Special point


8 min Arrangements of all All the materials

the equipments needed for me to
needed cook

In a large pan heat

the olive oil.

7min Once hot add the Spatula,ground beef

ground beef.Use a
spatula to break
apart the meat and
cook for it.

4min Add onions and Onions

cook until beaf is
brown and onions is

2min Add the cloves Cloves garlic and

garlic and salt to the salt
meat.Then cook
leave it to cook.

6min Remove the heat

filling from the heat
then let it cool

10min In a large bowl Bowl,flour salt,Olive

combine the oil,Water and a
flour,salt,Olive oil spatula
and water.Use your
hand as a spatula to
mix together.Once
the dough pulls
away from side of
the bowl.

30 min Shape dough into a Olive oil,plastic

ball and brush with wrap,tea towel
olive oil.Cover with
plastic wrap and a
worm damp tea

10min Remove tea towel 10-inch(25cm)

and plastic wrap and
roll the dough out
into a 10-inch

10sec In a greased large pan,gas cooker

pan over high heat
place one of the
circles of dough and
cook it.

30min repeat the same to plate

the rest then remove
them to cool.

4min serve the samosas plate

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