NSTP Assignment 1

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I guess I’m one of the students that will say Bagyong Odette was the most unforgettable
experience for me. Maybe because it happened recently and nothing has happened after to top
that experience.

We were already preparing for it to come but not to the extent that we’re going to leave
our home. They say everything happens for a reason. And it does. It was just my siblings, my
mom, and I under our roof when it occurred. Not to mention we live in what they say boarding
house. So it wasn’t only just us around. The winds were pretty strong and it was like raining
daggers outside. My stepmom is the only one that’s panicking by the way, my siblings are
singing in the corner while I try to distract them from what’s happening. Then moments not
long after we heard a knock from our neighbor. We opened our second door that leads us to
them and before I knew it, the water level went above our knee. Long story short, half of our
neighbors shared our roof because all of their houses’ roofs, walls, even the house itself was
taken by the wind. Supposedly our roof would be just like theirs but like, as God did answer to
keep us safe a big log fell into our roof like hammering the lose nail back on its place. So we
waited there, all crowded and quiet. Except for my siblings, they were singing. They were calm.
Not because they’re young. But honestly, it’s because I keep telling them that there’s nothing
to worry about because God is watching us and protecting us. After hours and hours of the
storm, the sky finally calmed. People there were planning to evacuate my family and I decided
to stay because we knew we were safer there. But then one of our neighbors saw us, and told
us to stay in the van with them and so we did. What’s the worse that could happen? Rain
stopped, wind’s not creating chaos anymore. But it all went fine. Not everything were fine
though, half of the place we stayed in were washed up and ours (impossible may it seem) is the
only normal looking one. After everything, we cleaned our place and helped everyone around.
That’s an experience we all wouldn’t forget.

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