Qna Eng Collins Vi C-4 T-1

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Teacher : Gowhar Nazir. Dated: 12-12-2022

Class: VI IT IS ABOUT TIME Sub: English
Chapter: 4 Topic: 1 Reading and Speaking


Q-1:- How would you define the genre of The Giver?
Ans:- It is a science fiction, as the story includes technology of the future. It explains what
effect new discoveries and scientific developments will have on us in the future.
Q-2:- In what way is your world different to Jonas’s world?
Ans:- Jonas’s world is scientific and emotionless where they are not connected with society and
the family unit. On the other hand our world is based on natural phenomenon.
Q-3:- What is a synonym for the naming ceremony?
Ans:- The synonym for the naming ceremony is Christening or Namkaran.
Q-4:- What is a newchild? Why did the writer wrote this as one word?
Ans:- A newchild means a newly born baby. This could have been written as one word to
devalue the baby.
Q-5:- Do you think a twelve year old child is ready to take responsibilities if an adult?
Ans:- No, a child of twelve years of age not ready to take the responsibilities of an adult except
under exceptional circumstances.

1. Chuckle:- laugh quietly, a quiet or suppressed laugh.

2. Toddler:- a young child who is just beginning to walk.

3. Untrained:- not having been trained in a particular skill.

4. Breeze:- a light, gentle wind.

5. Ceremony:- a formal religious or public occasion.

6. Recollection:- the act of recalling to the memory.

7. Profound:- very great or intense, reaching to great depth.

8. Impulse:- a sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act.

9. Tenderness:- concern for the feelings or welfare of others.

10. Aptitude:- a natural ability to do acquire knowledge or skill.


1. Chuckle:- She was chuckling as she read the letter.

2. Toddler:- My brother is just a two year old toddler.

3. Untrained:- The untrained driver hit the car against the wall.

4. Breeze:- The cold breeze was blowing all the day long.

5. Ceremony:- The new Queen was proclaimed with due ceremony.

6. Recollection:- She has only a faint recollection of her seventh birthday party.

7. Profound:- His knowledge of history is profound.

8. Impulse:- The impulse to learn drove me to study night and day.

9. Tenderness:- He picked her up in his arms with great tenderness.

10. Aptitude:- Most of the children have an aptitude for painting and drawing.

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