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“Awareness despite consequences”

Addressing the problems or issues about the effects of water pollution that we faced until now can
actually help us to raise our awareness about a certain issues, and that is the various effects of water
pollution. Water pollution also often severely damages aquatic ecosystems, such as, rivers, lakes, and
oceans are used as open sewers for industrial and residential waste. Increasing our knowledge about
the effects and causes of water pollution, will lead us to the development of strategies to control it.
If the Water Pollution is left unchecked or ignored, it can cause a severe damage or can increase a
threat to humans and animals. It may contain a possible disease, bacteria and parasites and can enter in
poorly treated sewage and enter in our drinking water supplies. The impact of water pollution on
human health is actually dangerous, and the most common disease cause by water pollution is
diarrhea. There are also some various sources of water pollution. Various toxic chemicals, organic and
inorganic substances, toxic solvents and volatile organic chemicals may be released in industrial
production. If these wastes are released into aquatic ecosystems without adequate treatment, they will
cause water pollution (Chowdhary et al., 2020).
Animals are also affected by this not just humans. Solid waste, such as plastics can harm animals in all
sort of ways, they can have a damage body part, and having a difficult to swim. The toxic chemical that
is dumped in rivers, lakes, and ocean can also affect their habitats. When pollution harms one type of
animal in the ocean, it affects all of them.
Therefore, it is really necessary to talk about this certain problem that we still have up until now. It is
necessary to study the impact of water pollution on humans, and animals. Increasing the knowledge on
how the importance of clean water and clean drinking water played a huge part on sustaining the
human lives as well as the animals.

By conducting this seminar we want to share what we can help as students to have a healthier lives
and a great future, to promote the use of non-toxic substances, Support Environmental Charities and
lastly addressing and reporting water polluters. By learning and taking actions we can have a bright
future ahead of us.

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