Usha Shrish MBA 18 Intake Section A (2 Semester) : TH ND

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Usha Shrish

MBA 18th Intake

Section A (2nd Semester)
Background was already a growing
business, but owner Anthony Khoury wanted
improved marketing strategies and systems to get to
the next level. He identified internet marketing and
direct mail as two promising opportunities and
approached marketing results to assist with strategy
and implementation.
• To increase total sales volume, focusing on new
customer acquisition

• To strengthen existing systems to help deal with a

greater volume of orders more efficiently

• To build systems to track marketing expenses and

maximize marketing ROIof a growing market budget
How the challenges were solved?
• Analysis of existing process and opportunities:
Three key opportunities were identified – a website
redesign, reseller program launch and targeted direct
mails to specific industries.
• Website redesign:
The website was redesigned from the ground up.
Attention was paid to usability, tightly focused sales
copy, and streamlined enquiry handling and artwork
approval system.
• Reseller program launch:
A direct mail was sent to printers throughout
Autralia, initiating them to become resellers of Response was 385% higher
than an initial pilot program.
• ROI Analyzing and reporting:
A system of reports was set up to track and monitor
the return on investment of a $10,000 plus per month
marketing budget. Marketing activities can now be
monitored and refined on an ongoing basis.
• Before beginning any online marketing campaigns,
it’s best to know what we are trying to accomplish,
and have a crystal-clear plan for how we get there.
• There must be client engagements which begin with
an online marketing growth session.
• Swot analysis is the key point to every business
• Study of recent market trend can lead to know the
clients’ perception and their ideas.

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