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In 2nd Hijri, Zakat was made obligatory through the Allah is able to give them [believers] victory.


revelation of verses in Surah Baqarah: “And spend of your

substance in the cause of Allah and make not your own Earlier in  Medina, Muslims were allowed to defend their lives
hands contribute to your destruction but do good; for but were often passive when it came to defending themselves.
Allah loves those who do good.”[2:195] However, finally, through this revelation, Muslims were still
Zakat is a pillar of Islam and an act of worship that allowed the right to defend but they were encouraged to react
benefits not only the giver who performs it but also to enemy aggression with aggressive retaliation in the form of
benefits the rest of humanity. It’s an obligatory charity battles.

whose  importance is seen by how it is mentioned in the

Quran up to 32 times  Soon, Muslims were allowed to defend their lives and property
against Quraysh, Jewish and Christian oppression. However,
Jihad against these groups was forbidden the moment the
aggressing groups surrendered and agreed to pay 'Jizya' [taxes
levied on non-Muslim subjects within the Islamic state]

In light of the imposition of Zakat and Jizya, the public treasury

Change in Qibla Direction [ Bait Ul Maal] was set up. This would be a common state fund
that would be used for the welfare of all citizens and would aim
Recapping on how prayer was made obligatory during the to provide relief during times of war and famine.

journey to Miraaj, Muslims used to initially pray by facing

the holy temple of Jerusalem known as Masjid-E-Aqsa
However, now they were ordered during the second year
of Hijrat by Allah to pray facing the Kaaba [ Masjid E
Haram] in the Quran, 
This change was testified in Surah Baqarah's verse ‘’ We Second Year of Hijrat : Battle of
see the turning of your face [for guidance] to the
heavens; now we shall turn you to a Qiblah that shall
please you. Turn then your face in the direction of the 
Sacred Mosque; wherever you are turn  your faces in that Battle of Badr [ Causes, Events, Outcomes
direction.’’[2; 144]
and Significance]
Jews Reaction: The Jews were very upset by this change
as they felt that they were unable to tolerate a faith that INTRODUCTION TO THE BATTLE OF BADR

has changed the Qiblah away from their sacred mosque

in Jerusalem. They once appealed to the prophet[pbuh] The Battle was between the Muslims of Medina and the
to turn back to facing Jerusalem, but they did not Meccan Pagans. The Battle took place at a small town
succeed. called ‘Badr’ on the outskirts of Medina.

• Battle of Badr is known as ‘Youm­E ­Furqan’ [Day of

Criterion] in which ‘Youm’ means ‘Day’ and ‘Furqan’

means ‘Distinction between Truth or False.' This is

because this battle marked the day when the truth

became superior over falsehood as Muslims won against
the Pagans.


Long Term Causes:

• The Quraysh hostility towards Muslims continued to increase

after they migrated to Medina to the extent that they threw out
the fortunes and businesses of all those who migrated. To
avenge the losses faced in Mecca by the Muslims, the battle of
Badr took place.

• The Quraysh continued to collude with the leader of the

hypocrites, Abdullah Bin Ubay, who provided them with
intelligence against the Muslims and they eventually instigated
Obligation for Jihad
the attack against the Muslims.

Jihad is to struggle in the way of Allah or to exert oneself

against one's evil inclinations for the sake of Islam. This spiritual • Muslims had been told to adhere to peace but finally, Allah gave
struggle was made compulsory on all Muslims in Surah Hajj; them the permission to do ‘Jihad’ in Surah Al Hajj; ‘’To those
''Permission to fight [against disbelievers] is given to those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight) because
who are fought against, because they are wronged and surely, they are wronged...’’ Thus, when the Quraysh attacked, the
Muslims retaliated, allowing for the battle of Badr to take place.
battle.Soon the opponents lost morale as 70 pagans were killed
and the rest were taken captive. On the Muslim front, 14
Short Term [Immediate] Causes:
Muslims were martyred
• In 2 AH [623 AH], Abu Sufyan was leading a large caravan of the
Quraysh from Syria which consisted of merchandise that was
worth 50,000 Dinars and if the Muslims intercepted this
caravan, it would be a deadly financial blow to the Quraysh. The 
Muslims planned to ambush the caravan as two Muslim scouts
Talha bin Ubaidullah and Saeed Bin Zaid trailed the caravan but
the hypocrites informed Abu Sufyan of the Muslim’s plan to
attack, so he sent for help to Mecca and he decided to take an
alternate route to slip past the Muslims.

• Soon, a group of 1300 Quraysh soldiers with a large number of

70 horses under the leadership of Abu Jahl took the course to
reach the caravan but once they realised that the caravan
reached safely, about 1000 people decided to carry out the plan
of attack and marched to Medina. Eventually, they stayed at a
town called Badr. Outcomes and Significance of the Battle of
Casualty’s occurred on both sides🡪 Quraysh left behind
70 of their men dead and 70 were taken as prisoners of
war including the Prophet’s uncle Abbas and his son 🡪 14
•Prophet [pbuh] consulted his companions and after the Muslims were martyred.
Muhajireen and Ansar swore their loyalty, they decided to march
towards Badr
Muslims captured a large booty 🡪 The booty consisted of
• The same night it rained on both sides; for polytheists, this 114 camels, 15 horses, large amount of clothes and 
hindered their progress but for the Muslims, it was a blessing carpets.
from Allah to strengthen their hearts and to make the desert
land beneath them firm
The Holy Prophet[PBUH] treated the captives with
leniency 🡪 Those who could afford the ransom were set
• Muslims arrived at the nearest well and destroyed the other free after the ransom was paid and those who were too
wells so that the pagans could not access it. However, they did poor to pay ransom were set free unconditionally,
allow the enemies to use their well.
whereas those who could read and write were freed after
they taught a number of Muslim boys and girls for a
• The Muslim camp was weak in numbers, only having 313 men, 2 specified time . Prophet [PBUH] strictly ordered to treat
horses and 70 camels. Their equipment was so weak that some prisoners kindly, by not roping or dragging them, and by
fought with camel bones.
sharing food with them equally

• Both camps rested the night and the prophet[PBUH[ made a Three Quraysh chiefs were killed which had the effect of
prayer, ‘’O Allah! If this small band of men perishes, there will be making the Quraysh weary of the Muslims🡪 The Quraysh
no one alive to worship you.’
would think twice before making their move and would

no longer underestimate the Muslims ability. 
• On the morning of 17 Ramadan and according to the custom of
Arabia, three soldiers of one army were to fight with three
soldiers of the opponent's army; Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Hamza and The victory of the battle spread far and wide in Arabia,
Ubaidullah Bin Harith came forward in which Ali[RA] and allowing for Islam to spread and its following to grow 🡪
Hamza[RA] killed their opponents
This victory proved that indeed that Islam triumphed
but Ubaidullah lost the combat and his leg till he was avenged by over paganism and was the truth

• All three Quraysh chiefs who were Abu Jahl, Utabah Bin Rabi IMPORTANCE OF THE BATTLE OF BADR

and Ummiyah Bin Khalaf were killed in the one on one battles
which led to outrage on the Meccan camp but prophet [PBUH[
threw a handful of dust in the enemies eyes which impacted Significance included that this was not only the first
their vision as they perceived the Muslim camp as being much battle between the disbelievers and believers, but also
bigger than it was.
the first struggle between forces of paganism and the
new socio-political order of Islam in which the Muslims
• Muslims successfully managed to hurl stones and arrows which won. Had the Quraysh won, Islam would never have
led to multiple losses on the opponents camp. Allah sent thrived and been destroyed.
assistance in the form of the angels to assist the Muslims in the
The importance of the battle was because of this victory,
Third Year of Hijrat- Battle of
many tribes came under the banner of Islam. This battle Uhad
helped consolidate the position of Islam in Arabia as new
tribes hoped to embrace the new faith. Now the strength 
of the Muslims would be established all across Arabia  Battle of Uhad [Causes, Events and
The battle helped consolidate Medina as a military entity
and established the reputation of the prophet[PBUH] as a Introduction to Battle of Uhad

military commander. The military might of the Muslims

would grow from this point forward The Battle of Uhad was fought in the month of Shawwal
in the third year of Hijri.It was the only battle throughout
The importance of the battle was that it helped shatter the Muslim–Quraish War in which the Muslims did not
the prestige and pride of Mecca as its main chiefs were manage to defeat their enemy and it came just nine
killed in battle. The disbelievers and Jews would become months after the Battle of Badr.
wearier of Islam but come to acknowledge the Muslim’s
might.  They would continue to sabotage its spread but to Causes  of the Battle of Uhad:
with not much success The people of Quraysh were lamenting the loss of their
leaders at Badr and soon their bitter hatred for the
Muslims turned into revenge, encouraging them to
instigate the battle of Uhud.

The poetry of the Jews in Medina played an important

role in reigniting the feelings of hatred against the
Third Year of Hjrat Muslims among the Quraysh. The Jewish discontent
against the Muslims had increased in light of the
expulsion of Banu Qaynuqa from Median.
Expulsion of Banu Qaynuqa
Soon one of the prominent Jewish tribes Banu Qaynuqa After the defeat at Badr, the Quraysh tried to avenge their
decided to violate the Charter of Medina which led to losses under Abu Sufyan but after a small expedition near
their expulsion from the region in the month of Shawaal. Medina, his caravan worth 10,000 dirhams was captured
This incident occurred in the aftermath of the Battle of by the Muslims. In order to avenge the second loss after
Badr.  Badr, the Quraysh decided to march towards Uhad with a
The incident that triggered their expulsion was the band of 3000 men with 3000 horses and 200 camels
harassment of an Ansar women and the blood bath that
followed in which some of the Jews and a Muslim man Events of the Battle of Uhad: 

were killed. The wife of one of the Ansaar went to the

market-place  of Banu Qaynuqa but a man from Banu Three thousand Quraysh men marched under Abu
Qaynuqa came from behind her and untied her clothes Sufyaan’s command towards the hills of Uhad near a
with a fork without her noticing. When she stood up, her place called ‘Ainain’.
‘Awrah (i.e. part of her body) was exposed, and they
laughed at her and mocked her. Thus, a Muslim man They were accompanied by Qurayshite women who
followed him and killed  the Jew and in retaliation,  the would encourage them to fight gallantly. Some of these
Jews of Banu Qaynuqa  gathered around and killed him.  women included Hinda Bin Utba who appointed her slave
Wahshi that she would secure his freedom in exchange
Soon, they refused to be ashamed of their actions and  for assassinating Hazrat Hamza[RA]. This was because
they renounced the treaty [charter/ covenant] with the she wanted revenge against Hazrat Hamza[RA] for killing
Prophet despite him warning them, " Fear Allah lest, her father in battle.
Allah's curse should fall on you as in Badr." Hazrat Abbas [RA] informed Hazrat Muhammad [SAW] of
   the plans of the Quraysh.
They fought against him but initially shut themselves The senior companions of the prophet[pbuh] supported
within their fortress. The Prophet  marched against them defending Medina by creating the houses within as a
and lay siege to their fortresses for fourteen days until fortress but the younger companions like Hazrat
they agreed to accept his ruling, so he ordered them to Hamza[RA] supported fighting the infidels on the
be tied up, but then he released them by the intercession battleground to prove they were

of ‘Abdullah ibn Ubay [leader of the hypocrites]. Instead, equal in strength.

he ordered them to be expelled from Medina. The Jews
then settled in Syria. Initially, 1000 Muslims also marched towards Uhad but
Abdullah Bin Ubay, the leader of the hypocrites who had
joined the army, ended up deserting the army with 300 of
his men. Eventually, the Muslim army numbered only 700 cried out that the prophet[pbuh[ was dead which led to
men. the Muslim army’s morale to plummet with many
abandoning the battlefield, with the exception of a few
Despite being in small number, the morale of the Muslim loyal companions.

army was still high. The Muslim cavalry decided to fight

within the rocks of Uhad but they needed to protect the After hearing the prophet[pbuh] was dead, the Quraysh
armies rear[back] in case of a surprise attack, so the also stopped fighting in order to return to their camps
prophet [pbuh] appointed 50 archers at Mount Ainain. He and announce victory.

gave them strict orders not to abandon their posts at any

cost. However, news of the prophet[pbuh] death proved a
Many of the Quraysh chiefs were killed in battle by rumour when the prophet[pbuh] eventually was found
Muslim warriors like Hamza[RA] and Ali [RA]. The alive and was carried to a higher land by his loyal
Muslims demonstrated their strength and killed many companions. He rallied for his Muslim men to return to
non-believers to the extent that they started to appear the battle but the Quraysh announced their

victorious and the Quraysh started to flee.  victory, claiming that they would return for another
However, by the trickery of Wahshi, Hazrat Hamza[RA]
was killed and martyred in battle. This was a huge loss Outcomes :

for the Muslims. 

Outcomes included that Muslim’s did not emerge
Despite the loss of Hazrat Hamza[RA] who was directly victorious, with 70 men being martyred. Prominent companions
killed by the javelin of Wahshi, Muslims appeared like Hazrat Hamza[ra] and Musab Bin

victorious until the tide of battle turned in favour of the Umayr was also killed.
Quraysh. The Quraysh began to flee from battle and left
behind their riches. The Muslim soldiers decided to take Many companions like Hazrat Ali [RA] and Hazrat
the loot and the archers who had been strictly positioned Talha[RA] were seriously injured, with many other
at Mount Ainain gave in to their temptation and also soldiers being nursed by Muslim women who
abandoned their posts to get their share of the loot. participated in the battle.

Quran mentions this incident; ‘’.. With His permission, Prophet[pbuh[ wounds were nursed and bandaged by his
were about to annihilate your enemy, until you flinched beloved daughter, Hazrat Fatima[RA].

and felt to

dispute about the orders and you disobeyed.’’ [3:152] In this battle, the Quraysh managed to avenge the death
of their seventy men killed at Badr and they only lost 20
At the time, the commander of the right-wing Quraysh men in this battle.

battalion was Khalid Bin Waleed who was not yet a

Muslim. He decided to take advantage of the Muslims Prophet[pbuh] gave the command of not mutilating
lack of discipline on the battlefield and while they were corpses.

busy securing their loot, he launched a

a surprise attack from the pass near the rear[back] of the The martyrs of Uhad were buried in the field of Uhad.
hill of Ainain.

Given that only a few archers remained at their posts,

they were unable to inform the Muslim troops in advance This battle helped reveal and differentiate between the
and instead they were killed by the Quraysh battalion led hypocrites and the believers. This was revealed through a
by Khalid Bin Walid. Quranic verse that came after Abdullah Bin Ubay
abandoned the Muslim army with his three

Khalid Bin Walid’s cavalry/battalion attempted to kill hundred men out of cowardice and in the hopes of
the prophet [pbuh] by throwing stones, arrows and bringing down the Muslim morale. However, those men

javelins at him but although they were not successful, the who stood their ground on the battlefield and did not shy
prophet[pbuh] sustained injuries as he lost one of his away from Jihad and martyrdom, those were the

teeth and his helmet’s disk penetrated his cheek as blood true believers while the hypocrites were those who
ran down his face. abandoned Jihad out of their cowardice.

A small group of companions surrounded the The poor battle outcome taught the Muslims a lesson to
prophet[pbuh] in the hopes to protect him, with many always heed and follow the commands of the
losing their lives in the process. prophet[pbuh] on the battlefield. Only through military
discipline and trust in Allah, would they succeed.
One of the Quraysh soldiers killed and martyred Musab
Bin Umayr, believing him to be the prophet[pbuh] owing Martyrdom was a high rank that many companions
to his resemblance to the prophet [pbuh]. He eventually including Hazrat Hamza[ra] had the privilege to obtain.

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