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The Happy Prince

Learning Objectives:
To infer the theme and content of the story.
To construct sentences using the new vocabulary words.
To analyse the story to answer a few questions.
Key Words

1)gilded 6) buried
2)murmuring 7) violets
3)fanned 8) sobbing
4)sapphires 9) mystery
5)plucked 10) marvellous
Frame sentences:

1. marvellous: The Global Village is marvellous.

2. Fanned: I fanned myself with a paper.
3. Plucked: My little sister plucked off a rose.
4. Buried: The metal box was found buried.

Reference to the context:

1)“I am the Happy Prince”.

a) Who said these words and to whom?
Ans) The Happy Prince Statue told these words to the swallow.
b)Why did he tell this?
The Happy Prince told these words when the swallow looked up
in shock to see the statue crying.

2)“Goodbye, dear prince! Will you let me kiss your hand”?

a)Why did the swallow tell the above words?
Ans) The swallow told these words because it knew that
he was going to die.
b)What did the Happy prince reply to the above words?
Ans) The Happy Prince replied “I am glad that you are going to
Egypt at last, you have stayed too long here.”
Answer the following:

1)What are the things that the Happy Prince gives away through
the Swallow?
Ans) The Happy Prince asks the swallow to take the ruby from his
hilt, the sapphires from his eyes, and the gold leaves covering his
body to give to the poor.

2) What are the reasons why the swallow wanted to go away to Egypt?
Ans) The swallow was going to Egypt because his friends had already
gone to Egypt and they would fly further to the jungles of Africa but he
had stayed behind and then he decided to move too .
3) What happened to the prince ’s heart?
Ans) The prince’s heart broke into two halves when the bird fell dead at
its feet. When the leaden heart was put into the furnace, it did not melt.
So, it was thrown away. Therefore, the dead bird and the leaden heart
met even after death. 

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