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MATT201/MATH211 2022: Some Exercises on Surfaces

Try the following problems, where the stated section is that in the notes Vector
Calculus by M. Corral.

1. Section 1.6: A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 B. 7, 8 C. 10, 13.

E1. Give an equation of a plane P that is parallel to one of the coordinate planes
2 y2 z2
and is such that the trace of the hyperboloid of two sheets x16 − 9
− 4
in P is an ellipse.

E2. A ruled surface S is a surface such that through each point on S there
exists a line that is contained entirely in S (i.e. every point of the line is on the
surface S). A cylinder is an example of a ruled surface. Consider the cylinder
C given by x2 + y 2 = 1 in R3 . Specify parametrically a line that passes through
the point ( √12 , √12 , 7) on C and is contained entirely on C. (Hint: It is parallel
to the z-axis.)

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