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• •

do they a

say it? +
\, • 0.5
One-half equals point five.
+ and, plus, add A+ S.C
A and B comes 10 C.
minus, less, subtract A- S.C
A less B is C.
x times, multiplied by AxS . C
A times B equals C.
": or / over, divided by A + B =CorA/B= C
•••• A over B equals C.
1,600 one thousand six hundred or
sixteen hundred The client deposited sixteen l"undred dollars.
Get ready! •
o Before you read the passage,
talk about these questions.
• a

How are symbols like % and +

2 What are some of the ways Vocabulary
large numbers are said?
e words and phrases from the word bank.
Fill in the blanks with the correct

e Read the chart. Then, mark
wOrd BANK - --

the following statements as add times less us

true (T) or f alse (F). comes to
1 _ Eight less two means the l One _ _ _ _ _ _ eight is nine.
same thing as eight minus 2 two and six to get eight.
3 Twelve three equals thirty-six.
2 _ Nine times six equals nine
4 Five hundred and six hundred is eleven _ _ _ _ __
plus six.
5 Three times eight _ __ _ _ _ twenty-four.
3 _ Two over three equals two
divided by three. 6 Sixteen four is twelve.
o :-ead th e sentence and choose the correct word. Speaking
- er' plusI divided by three is thirteen. 9 With a partner, act out the
Z S:.a.n with fourteen. Subtract I Add three. This equals eleven. roles below based on Task 7.
3: - "'0 plus seven equals I over nine. Then, switch roles.
~ :.,..
..r.y less I div ided by four equals ten. over I plus three equals three.
50. multipli ed by I divided by three is eighteen. Oh, that's my fault.
I was going to ~.
o .. Uste" and read the chart again. Which symbol is
-sed to tak e away an amount from something? What
s ,15 interpretation? Student A: You have noticed a
problem with the pelty cash.
Talk to Student B about:
sleni ng
o .. Uste" to a conversation between two employees.
• petty cash totals

~se th e correct answers, • errors

·~a: s the dialog mostly about?

• purchases

;.. OOfTowing money

Student B: You recently used
S -·SSUlg pelty cash petty cash. Answer Student A's
C correcting a math error questions and explain a
:::> eJq)taJI1ing an incorrect amount purchase.

- ~..a: cid the man do wrong?

~ - 6 subtracted instead of dividing.
3 - e multiplied by the wrong number. Writing
C - e forgot to update petty cash records. () Use the conversation from
=:! - e removed money without recording it. Task 8 to fill out the petty
cash correction.
·sten again and complete the conversation.

~cyeel : Good morning, Matt. Do you 1 0 Petty Cash

- ?
2: Of course.
I Correction Slip
~.-ee1 : I just checked the pelty cash and 2 _ __ Employee: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ _ . You were the last person to use
.t. weren't you? Dale of Error: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
~n!£ 2: Yes. What's wrong?
C'"I~ 1: There's 3 dollars in it. But the Explanation of Error: _ _ _ _ __
records say we should only have nine hundred.
~,~ 2: Oh. that's my fault. I was going to pay for the new
orioter with cash. So I 4 two hundred from
the total.
~ 1: But you didn't use it?
::x:k:, >ee 2: /'1.:0. I used the credit card 5 . I just Incorrect Petty Cash Total:
6 the records.
New Petty Cash Total: _ _ _ __


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