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Ripperologist Contents

No. 62 | December 2005 | click on the title to jump to the article

PO Box 735 Features

Kent ME17 1JF Children of the Ripper: The Killing of Catrine da Costa Jan Bondeson considers the murder of a prostitute in modern-day Stockholm, its analogies with the Ripper murders and Swedish society’s quick and controversial
reaction to it.
Editorial Team The Enigmas of Millers Court
Executive Editor
Paul Begg Simon Wood scrutinizes the evidence collected from Mary Jane Kelly’s last abode
European Editor and reaches some startling conclusions
Eduardo Zinna
From the Bars of the Cradle
UK Editor
Adam Wood Rob Hills opens a special section remembering a once familiar street pedlar with
North American Editor an update on his own Ripper suspect.
Christopher T George

Contributing Editors Mr Ripper or Master Ripper?

Christopher-Michael DiGrazia StanLey D Reid uncovers a suspect who had been hiding in plain sight.
Wilf Gregg
Chris Scott Man of Shadows
Consultants Adam Went, Amanda Howard and Antonio Sironi join hands across the Seven
Stewart P Evans Seas to explore the fascination still exerted by Jack the Ripper from America to
Loretta Lay Oceania.
Donald Rumbelow
Stephen P Ryder
A Last Long Journey: The St Saviour’s Story
Eduardo Zinna identifies the baroque splendour that gave rise to one of the most
Subscriptions enduring - and implausible – Ripper legends.
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Obituary: Link Wray
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Some back issues are available in Wilf Gregg guides you through the latest additions to the True Crime shelf
hardcopy format at £4 each. Contact
The Last Word
us for details. Single PDF files of issue
Christopher-Michael DiGrazia remembers Mary Jane Kelly and discusses her
62 onwards are available at £2 each.
durable mysteries and her forgotten ghost.
Advertising in Ripperologist costs Reviews
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The First Jack the Ripper Victim Photographs, By Ear and Eyes, and many more!
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colour and can include clickable links Forthcoming publications
to your website or email, or movie
and sound files.
QUOTE FOR DECEMBER: “One day men will look back and say that I gave birth to the twentieth century.”
Ian Holm, as Sir William Gull, From Hell (2001).
We occasionally use material we believe has been placed in the public domain. It is not always possible to identify
and contact the copyright holder; if you claim ownership of something we have published we will be pleased to
make a proper acknowledgement.

We would like to acknowledge the valuable assistance given by the following people in the production of this issue of
Ripperologist: Father Anthony Symondson SJ, Mike Umbers (Hythe Civic Society), Hugo Williams. Thank you!
to this issue
Jan Bondeson is a senior lecturer and
consultant rheumatologist at the University
of Wales College of Medicine in Cardiff.
He is also the author of many critically
acclaimed books, including The Pig-faced
Lady of Manchester Square & Other London PA U L B E G G
New Beginnings
Medical Marvels and The Great Pretenders: E X E C U T I V E E D I TO R
The True Stories Behind Famous Historical
Mysteries. His most recent book is Blood on
the Snow: The Killing of Olof Palme. In the mid-500s the Chinese began printing with woodblocks. I
imagine that craftsmen made those blocks and that printing with
Rob Hills’s interest in the Ripper case them required training and skill, and that the resulting document
developed after he read The Complete
Jack the Ripper by Donald Rumbelow. He was a rare and probably rather beautiful thing akin to a work of
is currently researching a book on his art. I imagine, too, that the craftsmen who made those blocks
favourite suspect: James Hardiman.
and the printers who printed with them didn’t think much of the
A M A N D A H O WA R D system of printing using movable metal type that a Korean named
Amanda Howard’s first true crime book
was River of Blood: Serial Killers and Pi Sheng developed in or about 1041. But I suppose that in time
Their Victims, written with Martin Smith.
She is now working on Loss of Innocence,
it, too, produced its craftsmen and trained and skilled printers,
on Australian crime, and Predators, artists in their own right, who, like their wooden block loving
written with Dr Paul Wilson, Australia’s top
criminologist, and Brett Hartley, a solicitor forebears, thought little of the printing press developed by a
of the Supreme Court, Queensland. Amanda
rather remarkable goldsmith named Johann Gutenberg in 1450.
lives in Sidney, Australia.
The printing press was truly revolutionary and meant that information
S TA N L E Y R E I D could be distributed to all people, assuming they could afford it and were
StanLey Dean Reid is an avid student of crime literate. Remarkably, by 1500 there were 20 million copies of 35,000 titles in
history who has contributed to CrimeBeat
and America’s Most Wanted magazines and
written a monthly series of articles for I suspect that those printers, setting their type by hand and carefully printing
AMW News magazine on the most wanted each sheet of paper thought their system was an art too and looked with an
criminals in world history - including Jack equally jaundiced eye on lithographic printing, invented by Aloys Senefelder
the Ripper. Stan is 59 years-old, has three
in 1801, and lithographic printers in their turn have shaken their heads at the
sons and is a retiree from Caterpillar Inc. He
lives in Central Illinois, USA. technological advances of the 19th and 20th centuries that have made printing
an increasingly mechanised and less artistic process.
A N TO N I O S I R O N I From Gutenberg in 1450 people began struggling with the increasing volume
Antonio Sironi’s article A Question of
Timing: The Killing of Annie Chapman, was
of information available to them. They were heading towards ‘information
published in issue 61 of Ripperologist. overload’, a term coined by Alvin Toffler in his 1970 book Future Shock. Today,
of course, the volume of information facing us every day comes from all sorts of
ADAM WENT other media, including radio, tv, emails, phone calls, newspapers and so on. In
Adam Went hails from Tasmania, Australia. fact a few years ago CNN founder Ted Turner was quoted in PC Week as saying
Although his interest in Jack the Ripper is
that “a weekday edition of The New York Times has more information than one
comparatively recent, he has become an
active participant on the message boards person in the 11th century was exposed to in an entire lifetime.”
at Jack the Ripper websites and has been So, what’s this all about? Well, as much as we love printed media – and
designated as Moderator at
justifiably so; it’s portable, can be read in bed, in the bath, or on the bus on
This is his first published article.
the way into work, and it’s a tactile experience too – we are facing other ways
SIMON B WOOD of distributing information. And not only of distributing it. Equally and perhaps
Simon Wood was born in St Austell, Cornwall. more importantly there are other ways of finding the information we want,
His interest in the Ripper began in the 1970s ways that are quicker and more efficient than anything we’ve had before. I’m
when he set straight the historical record
talking about electronic media – essentially reading stuff on a computer screen.
regarding Stephen Knight’s Clarence/Sickert
theory. He was a contributor to the limited-
edition volume Who Was Jack the Ripper? In
the Millennium year, he was elected Mayor Continued
of Newtown, Powys. Simon has recently
retired as co-director of a design and
print company. He lives in Los Angeles,

Ripperologist 61 September 2005 1

Sure, reading on a computer screen mail Ripperologist took all the isn’t easy. We have an archive of
isn’t something you can do in bed, in subscription money - nobody here over 3,500 pages spread over 62
the bath or on the train – well, with at Ripperologist Towers gets paid a issues. That’s a lot of wordage. A lot
a laptop you can, but it’s not the penny and none of the contributors of information. You can search the
same as reading a book – and as you get paid either – which means Rip on Stephen Ryder’s excellent
can’t stick it on your bookshelf, it that operating the magazine is a site Casebook: Jack the Ripper -
has a kind of impermanence. It’s all constant cause for anxiety. Postage and I hope that Eduardo will forgive
psychological, of course. I remember costs make the subscription even me if I let you in on one of our little
when software companies felt more expensive, especially abroad, secrets, namely that with some
obliged to produce big, fat manuals and the cost of mailing the mag of the funds available to us by
to accompany their expensive depends on the weight, so the larger going digital we intend to produce
software because consumers felt the magazine the more expensive a CD containing PDFs of every single
the need for something visible and it becomes to mail. All of which issue of Ripperologist from 1 to
tangible when they paid money means there’s no money available whatever the cut off point is when
– and software cost a lot of money to do other things – and yes, we do we produce it. This will be available
back then – for a word processor have some rather exciting things at a huge discount to subscribers.
or spreadsheet. Today manuals are planned for 2006, but I don’t want Subscribers will also receive free
largely defunct, usually supplied to reveal too much about that just a fully searchable CD of all 2006’s
on the CD ROM, when they are yet. I’m relinquishing the editorial Rips.
supplied at all. And then there were chair with this issue to Eduardo
And we haven’t abandoned print
the folk who loved vinyl; vinyl was Zinna, who has in fact been editing
either. We have plans, but more of
big, it had satisfying cracks and Ripperologist for most of 2005 – and
that later.
pops, it was real, and by golly you done a very fine job too, as I’m sure
needed a strong shelf or two to hold you’ll agree – and with Adam Wood So, sure, for those of us who cherish
even a moderate collection. Today as the UK Editor and Chris George print, digital media – on-screen
the tangibility of music has gone. as our North American Editor, I’m reading – is indeed yuuch, pretty
Increasingly people don’t have confident that I’m leaving the Rip in much as CDs and iPods are yuuch for
record or even CD collections. Music very capable hands, especially now the lovers of vinyl, but times move
is stored on a tiny iPod smaller than that we have a pool of esteemed on and these days it’s important to
a cigarette pack. consultants who have graciously be able to find the information you
agreed to offer advice and opinion want when you want it. For serious
Back in 1970 Alvin Toffler wrote
when required (and no, I’m not students of the case the advantages
about people who found it painful
leaving Ripperologist altogether, of fully searchable digital media
to keep up with the incessant
just doing some important stuff far outweigh the ability to read
demand for change, who resisted
I’ve not been able to do whilst a paper magazine in bed! And,
it and sought flight from it. Since
responsible for the day-to-day of course, peripheral advantages
you’re receiving this PDF in your
editing of the magazine. So I’ll are that the Rip is less expensive
email box, I hope you are one of the
still be here, taking the brickbats (the Rip now costs less than a
people who accept change, perhaps
as usual!). Anyway, I’ll leave the pint of beer per issue and only
even thrive on it and crest its waves
exciting plans for the future to marginally more than a Sunday
Eduardo, who’ll no doubt say a bit newspaper), there are no costly
I don’t think digital media will more next month. mailing charges, we can hopefully
replace print media, especially sustain monthly publication so you
But for me the main advantage
when it comes to fiction, but I am get more material for less money
of taking the Rip digital is that it
sure that the publishers of small and are up to date with news,
means each issue can be searched
circulation academic and specialist reviews and informed comment,
quickly and easily by word. As nice
publications will find digital media and you’ll get fully active links
as it is to read Ripperologist in
increasingly attractive. Indeed, and hopefully a lot of interactivity.
bed with your night time Horlicks
a little while ago the British Furthermore, subscribers will get
or when travelling into work, the
Library commissioned a study by a complete digital archive of the
purpose of Ripperologist is not to
EPS (Electronic Publishing Service magazine at a discounted price and
provide disposable information,
Ltd) which predicted that by the free annual updates.
tomorrow’s fish and chip wrapping.
year 2020, 40% of UK research
Ripperologist is, we hope, a Welcome to the 21st century.
monographs will be available in
research tool, a repository for
electronic format only, 50% will be And may I take this opportunity to
research papers, new information
produced in both print and digital, wish you all a very Happy Christmas
and fresh insights, to be consulted
and only 10% will be available in and a Happy New Year.
by the researchers and the writers
print alone.
of future books. It is not a piece of
There are several reasons for bookshelf decoration, but a tool to
this. To begin with, printing costs be used by serious students of the
a lot of money. To print and case. But finding the information

2 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

been a witness to satanic sexual
abuse, murder, dismemberment and

The registrar’s wife submitted
to the police a 200-page summary

of the Ripper of the child’s alleged statements

and made frequent phone calls to
them whenever she felt that some
new evidence had emerged in the
The Killing of Catrine da Costa child’s sayings. A psychiatrist and
JAN BONDESON a psychologist were enrolled to
evaluate this extraordinary tale. Their
approach, however, was somewhat
During July and August 1984, overdose of methadone. He survived
controversial. They accepted every
the dismembered remains of this ordeal after a lengthy hospital
word of the mother’s story without
stay, but as a result of a mishap with
27-year-old Catrine da Costa ever questioning the child themselves,
the dosage of a certain antibiotic he
were retrieved in the suburbs became almost totally deaf.
and their analysis of the evidence was
of Stockholm, neatly packed
in black plastic bin-bags. The
head and some other body parts
were never found. Portuguese–
born Catrine had been a
Stockholm prostitute and drug
addict; she had consorted with
the very dregs of society, and
never had many friends while
alive. But after her death
she became an almost iconic
character in Sweden, a symbol
of sex exploitation and social Catrine da Costa

inequality. The da Costa case

became a Swedish equivalent of entirely ludicrous. To consider just
In 1985, there was another tip
Stephen Lawrence’s murder and one example: the absence of a strong
concerning a general practice
caused a vigorous and acerbic reaction from the little girl when she
registrar. There was evidence that
debate that still grumbles on. was taken to the forensic institute
he had met the forensic surgeon a
where these outrages were supposed
To begin with, the police few times, though they had not been
to have taken place was interpreted
investigation of the da Costa murder close friends. The registrar’s wife
as solid evidence that she had really
made little headway. There was no was an overbearing woman who was
been there and was repressing her
systematic trawling of her contacts in the process of divorcing him. She
underlying strong emotional reaction!
in the Stockholm underworld. Nor was obsessed with the notion that her
But the police believed these two
did the police show any particular husband had repeatedly abused and
experts and made sure that their
eagerness to find out when the raped her three-year-old daughter;
sensational new evidence was
wretched woman had been last seen although medical experts had pooh-
leaked to the press. The allegations
alive or in whose company she had poohed the idea, she repeatedly
of incest, rape and murder made
been at that time. But after a couple brought the child in for examination.
the headlines, and the two doctors,
of months, the police received a She had strongly objected to her
known to the newspaper readers as
hot tip concerning a young forensic husband having anything to do with
the Forensic Surgeon and the General
surgeon who was known as a perverted the forensic surgeon who, when once
Practitioner, since suspects cannot
character, obsessed with sex, and an invited to their flat for dinner, had
be named before trial in Sweden,
inveterate customer of various low- behaved in a forward and uncouth
became marked men.1 The police
class prostitutes. Moreover, the young manner and brought along a sluttish-
leaked confidential information to
doctor had actually been suspected looking woman whom he introduced
large-circulation evening newspapers
of murdering his own wife in 1982. as his girlfriend. When the papers
to put pressure on the two doctors
It was thought that Catrine’s body reported that a forensic surgeon was
and increase the feeling of moral
had been dismembered by a person the prime suspect in the da Costa
outrage among the Swedes.
with knowledge of human anatomy. case, she phoned the police, who
The doctor was arrested in December As the state prosecutors prepared
willingly gave her his name. She then
1984 and closely interrogated about to charge the two doctors with
came up with the most remarkable
the strange ‘suicide’ of his wife and murder and child abuse, several
story: over a period of several years,
the da Costa murder. He denied witnesses emerged as a result of
her little daughter had made remarks
any involvement in either and was the media campaign, although it was
that seemed to indicate that not
released. As soon as he got home, now three years since Catrine had
only had the two doctors repeatedly
he attempted suicide by taking an been murdered. A man and a woman
raped her, but that she had also

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 3

people. Anders Helin, the prosecuting
attorney, was harshly criticised for his
feeble handling of the case. There
was some truth to this, since he
had not even called as witnesses the
prostitutes who knew the Forensic
Surgeon; one may speculate on what
effect this might have had on the
jury. This adverse publicity did not
prevent Helin from becoming the lead
prosecutor in an even more famous
case: the trials of Christer Pettersson
for the murder of Prime Minister
Olof Palme. Like the two doctors,
Pettersson was acquitted, and Helin
suffered further odium in the media.
There have been three books, all in
Swedish, about the da Costa case. The
first one, Catrine och rättvisan [Catrine
and Justice], Stockholm, 1990, was
written by feminist Hanna Olsson, who
boldly stated that the acquittal of the
doctors was symptomatic of a deeper
malaise within Swedish society. Did
Police find Catrine’s remains the doctors not represent the power
of the male-dominated establishment
running a photo shop claimed that accusations were taken seriously, elite? Was not Catrine one of the
two customers had delivered a roll whereas arguments in favour of their downtrodden, penniless women
of film with photographs of a corpse innocence were ignored. Eventually, exploited by these men? The media
being dissected. In police line-ups, the verdict was that they were guilty coverage of the trials had made the
they appeared to pick out the two as charged, but some scandalous legal doctors into bloodthirsty, perverted
doctors. A prostitute who had known mishaps led to a mistrial. In the second butchers, and Olsson’s book echoed
Catrine testified that she had known trial, the two doctors were acquitted the feelings of many Swedes. It was
two perverted doctors who supplied of the charges of murder and child widely praised in the newspapers and
her with drugs. She referred to them abuse, although they were formally became a bestseller. Its author was
as the Strangler and Jack the Ripper declare guilty of dismemberment, a rewarded with an honorary doctorate.
and produced a diary that seemed crime they had not been charged with All this seems excessive when the
to support her statements. An old in the first place. As a result, they book is read today, however, since
woman claimed to have seen two men were free men, but were relieved of its reporting is low-quality, relying on
with a pram and a little child enter a their licenses to practice medicine for dubious newspaper sources, and giving
building at the Karolinska Institute at having dismembered a human body. what can only be described as a very
about the time Catrine disappeared. There was widespread public one-sided view of the case. The Olsson
A policewoman claimed to have seen outrage against the doctors’ acquittal. book completed the work of the press
the Forensic Surgeon together with That these two monsters were free to in turning the doctors into monsters:
Catrine on an underground train. walk the streets of Stockholm was a they could not find employment and
There were also numerous character travesty of justice in the minds of many were literally ostracised by society.
witnesses on the Forensic Surgeon
and his various moral shortcomings:
he was obsessed with violence and
murder; he was an avid consumer of
gruesome ‘splatter’ films; he was a
familiar figure in the Stockholm blue
light district, where he was known
to not less than 50 prostitutes, with
at least 23 of whom he had had
various forms of sexual intercourse.
His colleagues at the forensic institute
had always thought him odd and had
nourished doubts about whether he
had really murdered his wife.
The trial of the Forensic Specialist
and the General Practitioner,
which began in January 1988, was
a huge media event. Influenced by
the newspaper propaganda, public
opinion was wholly against the two
Feminist Author Hanna Olsson Author and Journalist Per Lindeberg
doctors. Even the most preposterous

4 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

Nine years after the Olsson book, be false. For example, the General appeared at a time when conservative
another study by journalist Per Practitioner is accused of having elements within the Swedish ruling
Lindeberg, Döden är en man [Death is provided Catrine with prescriptions class had become ready to confront a
a Man], Stockholm, 1999, completely for narcotics in exchange for sex, shameful incident from the country’s
challenged the established ‘facts’ but there is no evidence to support near past and to provoke a backlash
about the case. Lindeberg, who had this charge. Lindeberg also accused against the feminist movement and
spent several years scrutinising the the witnesses from the photo shop various prominent left-wingers who
evidence, blasted the police for their of changing their stories each time had been active in denigrating the
obvious incompetence and the media they were questioned. Had they not two doctors. Many of these left-
for their one-sided and malicious been coached by the police? Had their wingers still occupied positions of
campaign against the doctors. The identifications of the two suspects influence in 1999. The more prudent
amount of evidence against them was not been very tentative? After all, of them adopted the policy of the
far weaker than the people of Sweden only the wife had identified both ostrich; the aggressive and obdurate
had been led to understand. Firstly, doctors; the husband had picked out ones chose to counterattack. Seeing
Lindeberg effectively demolished a policeman instead when he faced that most of Lindeberg’s facts were
the child’s evidence. It was hearsay the line-up including the Forensic hard to challenge, they tried instead
throughout, and appeared scarcely Surgeon. And what about the photo to re-invoke the feelings of moral
credible. Was it really possible shop staff: had they noticed nothing outrage that had served them so
for the two doctors repeatedly of these sinister customers? None of well back in 1988. But their attempts
to use the necropsy room at the them had given evidence in court. The to make Lindeberg into a scoundrel
forensic institute for their perverted old lady who saw the two suspicious because he had the temerity to
practices, undisturbed by colleagues, men with a pram and a child had defend the two doctors did not
technicians and security guards? And confidently stated that the weather work, particularly because quite a
if they had systematically abused the that particular day had been very few influential Swedes supported
child, would not the paediatricians sunny; yet the official meteorological the book and its conclusions. Two
who examined her have found records showed it had been a dull, of Lindeberg’s foremost supporters
physical signs indicating this? It seems overcast day, and the building she were criminologist Professor Leif
much more likely that the General said they had entered was far from Persson and author Jan Guillou. The
Practitioner’s wife, who wanted to the forensic institute. Lindeberg also former persuaded the police to re-
harm her husband and his disreputable queried whether the policewoman open the da Costa case, took active
colleague, had monitored the child who claimed to have seen the part in the investigation and publicly
to incriminate them. In the late Forensic Surgeon with Catrine on an declared that the two doctors were
1980s various strange fads appeared underground train had not actually innocent and that there were several
within the realm of psychology, like seen him with his girlfriend, whose leads with regard to alternative
recovered memories of child abuse, appearance may well have led to suspects. These leads turned out to
incest and Satanism. The use of a her being mistaken for a prostitute. be worthless, however, and the case
manipulated child witness in a trial Experts did not agree even on the was closed for a second time in 2000.
of such vital importance can only be question of whether Catrine had Guillou used his acid pen to annoy the
described as gross quackery. been indeed murdered; nor did they feminist lobby and to make various

Jan Guillou Professor Leif Persson

Lindeberg also showed that the reach consensus on the time of her far-reaching statements concerning
diary of Catrine’s prostitute friend, death or on whether her body had the unreliability of the witnesses.
which apparently proved that she been dismembered by someone with Egged on by this welcome change
knew the doctors, was almost knowledge of human anatomy. in public opinion, the two doctors
certainly a forgery, purposely written At the time of Catrine da Costa’s appealed to have their licenses to
shortly before the trial. When the death, Sweden still was a socialist practise medicine restored to them,
prostitute contacted the police soon country. After the murder of Prime but without success.
after the death of her friend, she Minister Olof Palme in 1986, there In 2003, TV journalist Lars Borgnäs
mentioned neither the perverted was a swing to the right; the country published yet another book about
doctors nor the diaries she allegedly joined the European Union, and the da Costa case: Sanningen är en
kept. More than one statement in traditional socialist ideals became sällsynt gäst [Truth is a rare guest].
these ‘diaries’ could be proven to largely outdated. Lindeberg’s book Borgnäs was one of the many left-wing

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 5

Swedes who had been annoyed by the had been named Annika, Elisabeth the Internet. In particular, it seems
Lindeberg book and its considerable and Catrine; not entirely dissimilar to unlikely that such a respectable,
success. A clever, diligent investigator, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride and timid young man would be capable
he found quite a few interesting new Catherine Eddowes. Was the Forensic of committing a gruesome murder
facts. He managed to track down Surgeon a Jack the Ripper copycat, just for the fun of it. The evidence
the prostitute who had written the murdering prostitutes with the same against him is feeble in the extreme,
controversial diary, and pointed out names as the victims of the original and mainly based on the remarkable
that, since she was using a cocktail of Ripper a century earlier? In 1991, story from his estranged wife about
illicit drugs at the time, her statements another prostitute reported to the their little daughter witnessing the
to the police may well have been at police that she had been attacked crime. After he was drawn into the
variance with the notes she had made by the Forensic Surgeon. Her story case through his wife’s accusations,
in her diary. As for the witnesses from was entirely ludicrous, however, the media pressure led to further
the photo shop, the police line-ups particularly her statement that, dubious witnesses being recruited. I
were far from ideal, but the woman although she had recognised him and agree with Lindeberg that it has been
had still picked out both doctors. Both was afraid for her life, she had still a serious miscarriage of justice that
witnesses were honest, respectable invited him up to her flat. Once there, he has been deprived of his license to
people, who lacked any motive to they had quarrelled; he had knocked practice medicine.
meddle in this notorious case. her into a wall and subsequently The Borgnäs book contains quite a
Borgnäs also made some headway left without further violence. The few titbits of information about the
with regard to the mysterious death Forensic Surgeon vehemently denied Forensic Surgeon and his strange life.
of the Forensic Surgeon’s wife. In having had anything to do with this Not the least interesting of them is
January 1982, she had been found woman, and even prosecuted her for that at the time of his wife’s death, he
hanging from her bedstead in an perjury. But Borgnäs found out that was financially almost destitute. He
odd position, dressed in an elegant this woman was named Mari. Had she had £2000 in the bank, but owed the
evening gown and a swan’s-down boa. been intended as the stand-in for the state £2800 in extra tax and his wife
Her husband’s reaction was thought Ripper’s fifth victim? £4000 for her part of the mortgage
callous and odd. Several experienced The Ripper copycat theory suffers for their flat. According to his own
detectives were convinced that he had from a phenomenon well known in version of events, he had always led
murdered her. It also turned out that Ripperology, namely a near-total lack a quiet life, free of any extravagance
their marriage had hardly been ideal. of evidence for its various suppositions. apart from accumulating a stamp
Both had been notoriously unfaithful, The first two ‘victims’ had no marks collection. He had been employed
and the husband was an inveterate suggestive of the Ripper’s handiwork; as a forensic registrar for several
customer of prostitutes. The wife had in fact, it remains unproved that they years and earned a decent salary.
said that he had actually persuaded were murdered at all. The parallels So, how could he be in such dire
her to become a call-girl for financial between the murders of Catherine straits? Even the prostitutes who knew
reasons, which had upset her very Eddowes and Catrine da Costa are him told many tales of his tendency
much. After she found out that her not strong: in particular, neither was to barter for the price of sexual
husband had invited one of his women the body of Eddowes dismembered services. How did he spend his money?
friends to stay in their house while she nor her head cut off. As for the Was he a drug addict? Was he being
was away, she decided to divorce him. allegedly intended fourth victim, she blackmailed? A colleague of his stated
Before she could do so, however, she was more frightened than hurt. And that during 1984 the Forensic Surgeon
was dead. Several people who knew if the Forensic Surgeon had been had become much more nervous, thin
her thought it impossible that she a Ripper fanatic, one would have and jittery. This observation raises
would commit suicide at a time when expected him to own at least one the question of whether he might be
she was looking forward to a new life of the books about the Whitechapel abusing amphetamine. Quite a few of
away from her spouse. The official murders, but that does not appear to the prostitutes who knew him stated
forensic investigation spoke in favour have been the case. that he tried to pay them with drugs,
of suicide, but other experts believed So, what is the truth about the da in particular the benzodiazepine
that she had been murdered; they Costa murder? I was myself active as compound Valium, a drug sometimes
included the distinguished German a young doctor in Sweden at the time carried by amphetamine abusers to
specialist Professor Bernd Brinkmann, and had more than one opportunity stave off the ‘jitters’ and calm down.
consulted by Borgnäs. to speak to colleagues who knew If the Forensic Surgeon really was
Up to this point, the Borgnäs book is either the General Practitioner or the a drug addict, this might explain
logical and convincing. He builds up a Forensic Surgeon. The former was his financial difficulties, since as a
moderately solid case that the Forensic unanimously described as an honest, forensic specialist dealing mainly with
Surgeon got away with murdering his hardworking doctor. He was shy and dead ‘patients’ he could not very
wife, and demonstrates that, even awkward, and may not have been well prescribe the drugs to himself,
without the child witness and other a leading light within the medical particularly not in a country like
hysterical overtones of the 1988 trial, profession, but there is no evidence Sweden, where the prescription habits
he is also a credible suspect in the da that he had ever been guilty of of doctors are closely monitored. It
Costa case. But in the final chapters, any kind of crime or professional would also provide a motive for him
Borgnäs shoots himself in the foot by malpractice, nor that he was a to kill his wife, since he would inherit
proposing a sensational theory of his pervert or that he abused alcohol or considerable sums from her and obtain
own. He had found out that between drugs. This agrees with what different a widower’s pension from the state.
1982 and 1984 there had been three people told Per Lindeberg and with The Forensic Surgeon was a
unsolved deaths of prostitutes in the an interview with a colleague of the clever professional within his chosen
Stockholm region. The three women General Practitioner available on field. He aspired to become a PhD

6 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

country for murderers. After all, an
unknown assassin was able to shoot
Prime Minster Olof Palme dead on a
late February night in 1986 and to
disappear into the night without a
trace. As I have demonstrated in my
book Blood on the Snow, the Palme
murder investigation is symptomatic
of the same malady as the da Costa
case. Suggestible witnesses were
coaxed to change their stories,
police line-ups were falsified and the
press was used to create feelings of
moral outrage and to exaggerate the
evidence against various suspects. The
political establishment also played
TV journalist Lars Borgnäs an important and blameworthy role
in both cases. After Palme’s death,
of violence against prostitutes and people with allegiance to the ruling
in medical science and was an
was probably the last person to see Social Democrat Party actively spread
authority on strangulation and its
Catrine alive, was never thoroughly disinformation about his murder and
forensic consequences and the co-
investigated. Not far from where the tried to falsify a suitable ‘solution’.
author of several scientific papers.
bags containing Catrine’s remains In the da Costa case, left-wing
Some witnesses suggested that he
were found the police discovered a and feminist elements, along with
had used his specialised knowledge in
large blue towel. Forensic technicians a numerous contingent of ‘fellow
a more sinister way, namely through
found both human and animal hairs on travellers’ who wanted to be on the
experimenting with strangulation to
this towel and sent it to a laboratory winning side, actively spread lies
increase sexual gratification. There
in Britain for DNA analysis, but 1980s about the murder and vehemently
have been many cases when these
technology could deduce very little agitated against the doctors in the
perverted practices have gone too
from these samples. media. There is little prospect of
far. Was this how his wife had died?
It would have been easy for her In 1989, the Forensic Surgeon’s the truth about either of these two
husband to use his forensic knowledge ‘legal adviser’, an old man named notorious murder cases ever emerging.
to arrange the body in such a way Carl-Göran Edqvist Borgenstierna, In anthologies of unsolved European
as to suggest suicide. According to wrote to the prosecutors asking to be murders, they are likely to make more
a colleague, he had even boasted allowed to borrow the towel to deduce than one appearance over the years
that he had the necessary skills to where it came from. Borgenstierna to come.
was himself a man of the lowest
commit the perfect murder. It is ironic Sources
to think that the Forensic Surgeon repute, a convicted thief and swindler
who had been active as a Nazi spy in Bondeson, Jan: Blood on the Snow, Ithaca,
may have got away with the perfect
Norway during the 1940s. What was NY, 2005; Borgnäs, Lars: Sanningen är en
murder of his wife only to be framed
he planning to do with this towel? The sällsynt gäst [Truth is a rare guest],
in the da Costa case. Still, the fact Stockholm, 2003; Lindeberg, Per, Döden
that he lost his license to practice is towel later went missing. Were the
är en man [Death is a Man], Stockholm,
unlikely to be a great loss for Swedish police really stupid enough to give it
1999; Olsson, Hanna, Catrine och rättvisan
medicine. His ideas of medical to Borgenstierna, or did the Forensic [Catrine and Justice], Stockholm, 1990.
ethics were very unconventional: Surgeon have it stolen through his
contacts within the police? Notes
for example, he thought nothing of
illicitly inviting laypeople to witness In 2004, it was discovered that 1 The names of the two doctors have
autopsies that he performed. Nor is although the towel itself could not since been revealed in the Swedish
it appropriate for a forensic specialist be found, several samples of human press.
to be on first-name terms with a hair from it had been kept at the
not inconsiderable proportion of state criminology laboratory. It
Stockholm’s prostitutes. was quite possible at the time to
Lindeberg and Borgnäs agree on analyse mitochondrial DNA even on
one point, namely, that the police small hair samples. But, arguing that
investigation of the da Costa case was the two doctors had not formally
scandalously incompetent. Lindeberg been convicted of any crime and
demonstrates that the early police that the hairs on the towel were not
investigation lacked drive and energy, necessarily those of the culprit, the
and that very little effort was made inert Swedish police made no move
to find alternative suspects after to analyse the hair samples. In July
the two doctors had become media 2005, the two doctors themselves
villains. The outrageous credulity with formally demanded that DNA testing
regard to the child’s story and the take place, and the police rather
mishandling of the police line-ups grudgingly acquiesced: the result
held for the two witnesses from the was that none of the hair samples
photo shop add further odium. An belonged to the two suspects.
elderly architect, who had a history In the 1980s, Sweden was a good

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 7

Indeed, it poses more questions than
it answers. But I hope it will open

The Enigmas
up discussion and prompt serious
Ripperologists to reappraise events in
Millers Court and seek out new areas

of Millers Court
of research.
We have accepted as fact that the
Kelly murder scene was discovered
by the Metropolitan Police at 1.30pm
on the afternoon of 9 November 1888
SIMON D WOOD as seen in the photograph known as
MJK 1.

1. Obfuscate: To make so a seemingly endless supply of people

confused or opaque as to claiming some sort of ownership or
inside knowledge of the crimes, has
be difficult to perceive or
resulted in a mystery that has grown
understand. out of all proportion to its origins.
2. Obfuscation: The activity Sir Robert Anderson, Assistant
of obscuring people’s Commissioner, Metropolitan Police CID
understanding, leaving them at the time of the Ripper murders,
baffled or bewildered. didn’t name anyone as the Ripper.
But he is quoted in the 1920 Police
Encyclopaedia as saying: ‘…there
My own involvement with the was no doubt whatever as to the
Ripper began in the mid-1970s, when identity of the criminal…’ Really? In
I read in the London Evening News 1894, Sir Melville Macnaghten named
a serialization of Stephen Knight’s Druitt, Kosminski and Ostrog, ‘any
Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution, one of whom would have been more
a melodramatic rendering of events likely [than Thomas Cutbush] to have
featuring the Duke of Clarence, a committed this series of murders’. In
secret marriage and an illegitimate MJK 1
marginalia on his copy of Anderson’s
child, all wrapped up in a heady memoirs, Superintendent Donald
brew of royal intrigue and conspiracy. Swanson also named Kosminski,
I remember thinking at the time In 1989 a second photograph, now
whom he believed was Sir Robert’s known as MJK 3, arrived anonymously
how unlikely it all sounded and, as suspect. In 1903, Inspector Frederick
I had some spare time on my hands, at Scotland Yard. It shows the murder
George Abberline said: ‘I cannot help scene from the opposite side of the
decided to check out the story for feeling that [George Chapman] is
myself. Within a matter of two weeks bed. Despite its lack of provenance,
the man we struggled so hard to we have accepted it at face value.
I had the true facts.1 Knight’s story capture fifteen years ago,’ yet added,
collapsed like a house of cards, and ‘Scotland Yard is really no wiser on
the rest, as they say, is history. the subject than it was fifteen years
Since then we have endured the ago.’ Finally, in 1913, Chief Inspector
Maybrick Diary and Patricia Cornwell’s John George Littlechild wrote of Dr
reportedly $6-million attempt to Francis Tumblety as his hot favourite.
implicate Walter Sickert. And around There is something very wrong
it goes. Unable to separate fact with this picture. Is ‘more likely to
from fiction, the public appetite for have committed…’ and ‘I cannot help
this stuff remains insatiable. What’s feeling that…’ really the best these
the betting that, as I write, a new distinguished policemen could come
contender for the mantle of Jack up with? Why can’t we look to high-
the Ripper, complete with TV docu- ranking officials at the time of the
drama, is being cooked up to coincide murders for some sort of consensus?
with the 120th anniversary of the There is a very good reason for this, a
crimes? reason that is also responsible for our
I have often wondered why we collective failure to identify Jack the
have failed to unearth the identity of Ripper. Put simply, much information
Jack the Ripper. Maybe it is because, and evidence were withheld and we
at the last count, there were 27 have not been told the truth about
contenders, specific and generic, certain events.
for the mantle. This offers almost The circumstances surrounding the
infinite permutations of suspect and murder of the woman we know as Mary
evidence, though any combination Jane Kelly were not all we imagined
of these is ultimately pointless. No them to be. What follows neither
single suspect squares with all the solves the murder nor identifies the
‘clues’ and ‘descriptions’, and one MJK 3
person we think of as Jack the Ripper.
hundred years of investigation, plus

8 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

Together, these photographs the fireplace and mantelpiece on the than the 5 x 4” format. I therefore
warrant closer inspection, for they end wall. From exterior photographs, assumed that the photographer, who
are a treasure trove of information I estimated the height of the room to may have been Joseph Martin, a
about what really happened in Room be in the region of 8’ 6”. Also marked commercial photographer employed
13, Millers Court. on this drawing are the positions of by the Metropolitan Police, used
either a half-plate or quarter-plate
glass negative.3
Let’s play photographer. On arrival
at Millers Court, we face a horizontal
subject. We accordingly set up our
camera to take MJK 1 in landscape
format in order to capture as much as
we can of the body, bed and adjacent

MJK 1 Half-plate format

Picture 4 above shows MJK 1 set

within a half-plate format that, if the
right and left sides were intact, would
show us the head and foot of the
bed plus the entire adjacent bedside
table. Let’s now look at MJK 3, which
we can reasonably suppose was taken
by the same photographer with the
same camera. Once again, our subject
Diagram 1: The two photographs (MJK 1 and MJK 3) is horizontal. We accordingly set up
© Simon Wood our camera in landscape format to
capture as much as we can of the
body on the bed.
Contemporary newspaper the camera for the photographs MJK 1
illustrations and floor plans have and MJK 3, together with their angles
given the impression that Kelly’s room of view and centre lines.
was fairly spacious. In fact, Room What the camera shows in MJK 1
13 was cramped: 12.0’ from door to and MJK 3 has largely dictated the
fireplace and 10.0’ from windows to dimensions of the bed and table on the
partition wall. Dominated by a bed, plan, which I scaled to accommodate
the room also contained two tables, a both viewpoints. The bed is 6’ 6” long
chair - maybe two - and a wash-stand. by 4’ 0” wide - based on occasional
The first thing I set out to do was double occupancy - and the adjacent
calculate where the two photographs bedside table 3’ 0” by 1’ 6”. I have
could have been taken from. I worked swung the bed 10° away from the
on the assumption that they both partition wall in keeping with its MJK 1 Half-plate format
show the bed in the position seen in apparent position in MJK 1. This gives a
MJK 1. gap of about 11 inches where bedding Here is MJK 3 set within a half-plate
Diagram No. 1 is a scale plan of was rolled up and stuffed between format. If the photograph hadn’t been
Room 13. While it is impossible to be the bed and the partition wall - a cropped, most of the head and foot of
exact in the dimensions, I believe the position which some believe may have the bed would be visible. Yet, if we
drawing to be sufficiently accurate served as the camera location for MJK take a closer look at MJK 3, it seems
for the matter in hand. I checked the 3. Next I thought about the size of the that there might be a problem with
size of Victorian bricks,2 averaged the camera used. my theory. How could a photograph
width of the two doors at 3.0ft and In 1888 the most widely used glass meant to capture the whole of the
took an educated guess at the width plate negative sizes were full-plate body on the bed have been taken with
of the windows based on calculations (13 x 8.5”), half-plate (8.5 x 6.5”), the camera in the position shown in
from the exterior photograph of Room quarter plate (6.5 x 4.25”) and 5 x 4”. Diagram No. 1? With the camera hard
13. For convenience, I have centred MJK 1’s proportions are slightly larger up against the partition-wall side of

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 9

the photograph more context. But
I ditched this notion when MJK 3
revealed evidence to the contrary.
Next, compare the positions of the
bedside table in MJK 1 and MJK 3. We
know that there were two tables in
Room 13: a bedside table and a larger
table, probably used for eating, which
the police found by the larger of the
two windows when entering the room.
In MJK 3, the end of the table nearest
the foot of the bed is just out of shot
to the right of the picture, extending
beyond Kelly’s raised knee and falling
roughly in a line with the top of
her foreleg. But in MJK 1 it forms a
line with the top of Kelly’s thigh, a
difference of about a foot. Notice
also the difference in height between
the tables – on a level with Kelly’s left
elbow in MJK 1, on or just above the
level of her hand in MJK 3.
Let’s now turn our attention to the
strip of light in MJK 3 purportedly
coming through the partially open
door to Room 13. Diagram No. 2
represents the alleged angle of view
of MJK 3 with the door shown six
inches ajar.
Diagram No. 2 shows that the
camera that took MJK 3 could not
Diagram 2: MJK 3 photograph - strip of light from open door
© Simon Wood have seen a strip of light coming from

the bed, the picture would require

a wide-angle lens of panoramic
proportions and would therefore be
impossible to take with Victorian
photographic equipment. In general,
plate cameras with long focal lengths
– ie, the distance between the lens
and the plate - had fields of view in
the region of 60°.
Next, let’s look at Kelly’s right leg
in the foreground of the photograph,
seen from the knee to the top of
the ankle, a length of about fifteen
inches.4 With the camera in the
position shown in Diagram No. 1, how
could the photographer capture Kelly’s
right leg, which would have been hard
up against the lens, together with all
the background detail? He would have
had to move the camera at least a
foot further back, but this would have
brought it to the other side of the
partition wall. How was it done then?
The explanation is simple. If
you look closely, you’ll see that
Kelly’s right leg has been painted in
afterwards, together with a crudely
drawn hand touching something that
looks suspiciously like the back of an
old plate camera. My first thought
was that, as the leg was impossible
to capture from this position, these Diagram 3: The chair in MJK 3
details were painted in later to give © Simon Wood

10 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

different positions from those shown
in MJK 1. Diagram No. 4 shows the
actual position of the bed and table
in MJK 3.
The bed and table were placed
almost diagonally across the room.
The field of view in MJK 3 is marked
with white lines. The grey area is the
camera’s 60° field of view. Again, it is
impossible to be absolutely accurate,
but this position satisfies all the detail
seen in MJK 3. I have left the door
ajar to show that my earlier argument
still holds good. Even from this angle,
a strip of light from a partially open
door would not be visible to the
It the bed was in the middle of the
room when MJK 3 was taken, why
was the victim’s right leg painted
in later? Let’s first consider the size
of the table in the diagram above
(approximately 4.0’ long) as we look
again at a plan of MJK 1 in Diagram
No. 4A.
I think that MJK 1 was taken through
the window. This diagram shows the
camera outside the window, its 60°
field of vision marked in grey with
white lines showing the photograph’s
Diagram 4: Position of bed and table in MJK 3 and position of camera field of view. The small circle marks
© Simon Wood the centre of the bed.

between the partially open door and

the door frame. If the door, which
opened inwards, was ajar, the camera
would have seen the leading edge of
the door - the view marked by the
solid centre line - overlapping the
door frame, with daylight illuminating
the corner by the smaller of the
room’s two windows. But in MJK 3
that corner of the room is almost in
complete darkness. This means that
the door is closed. So, what accounts
for the strip of light? We’ll soon get
to that.
In the meantime, look closely at
MJK 3. You’ll see an upright wooden
chair sitting at an angle across the
corner of the room, somewhere
between the door and the smaller of
the two windows. Diagram No. 3 on
the previous page shows the chair in
place relative to the bed and table as
seen in MJK 1.
I made the chair 16 inches square,
though its actual size is immaterial.
Diagram No. 3 shows the angle formed
by the table and the chair. Note
how, from the position of the bed as
shown in MJK 1, this angle converges
towards the door. Now look again at
MJK 3. The angle formed by the table
and chair converges in the opposite
direction. This means that when MJK Diagram 4a: MJK 1 - relative table sizes
© Simon Wood
3 was taken the bed and table were in

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 11

I don’t know the size of Kelly’s - and cloud cover was at 100%. Hardly
bedside table. I only know that it was sufficient illumination to create the
smaller than the table found by the hot spots of light seen on (a) the items
larger of the two windows. In this plan on the table; (b) the knee, hand and
it works out to just over 2.0’ long. pelvic region; and (c) the internal
The rectangle offset behind it is the organ dangling from the ceiling.
4.0’ table from the previous diagram Neither could it account for the shaft
at the same scale. With its forward of light cutting across the top left
edge set in the same position as the hand corner of the picture.
bedside table, it wouldn’t fit in the The white asterisks denote hot
room. Therefore the table in MJK 3 is spots of light. All of them, including
not the same as in MJK 1. the internal organ hanging from the
Let’s now return to the strip of ceiling, have been illuminated by a
light. How can we account for it if bright light source - a flare from
the door was closed? The answer is which is just visible in the top right
simply that it is not a strip of light. corner of the picture - and all of them Magnesium burning
Courtesy of Theodore Gray
If the door were partially open, a fall within a small +/- percentage of
strip of light would run all the way to intensity of each other. What was the
the floor. But this one stops short of light source then? Perhaps an earlier MJK 1, is well exposed with no harsh
the table. Besides, it’s in a different version of the photographic accessory shadows.
plane from the door, ie, nearer the shown below. Let’s recap. In MJK 3, the door to
camera. It’s something hanging from Room 13 is closed. A chair stands in
the ceiling which has been caught in the corner preventing the door from
the bright light source coming from opening easily. The bed and table are
the right of the photograph. I have in the middle of the room. An internal
no great knowledge of the working organ dangles from the ceiling. All of
parts of the human body, but I would this is illuminated by a magnesium-
suggest that this is an internal organ. ribbon light source emanating from
Notice how it’s almost symmetrical the right of the photograph. By the
in shape and slightly bulbous at its time MJK 1 is taken, the bed has
base and appears stretched in places been moved, and the larger table,
as though pulled down by its own together with its contents, has been
weight. substituted for the smaller bedside
As to the bright light in MJK 3, it table. Armed with this information
looks like the curtains on the larger we can start to build up a scenario
of the room’s two windows had been and timeline.
opened and the light source was Alerted to Kelly’s murder by
sunlight. The only problem with this, her landlord, John McCarthy, and
Magnesium Ribbon Holder Thomas Bowyer, Inspector Walter
though, is that at mid-morning, 9
Courtesy of Theodore Gray
November 1888, the sun was towards Beck arrives at Millers Court shortly
the south - while Mary Kelly’s windows after 11.00am, followed by Doctor
faced north and her door faced west Picture 11 above shows a 1913 George Bagster Philips at 11.15am
Kodak magnesium ribbon holder. It was and Inspector Frederick George
used to measure out a pre-determined Abberline at 11.30am. The door and
length of ribbon calculated to generate windows to Room 13 are locked. At
the amount of light needed to expose Doctor Philips’s behest - according
film on the basis of the brightness and to Abberline - no attempt is made
the rate at which the ribbon burns: to break into the room as everyone
about 1 to 2 seconds per inch. waits for the bloodhounds to arrive.
You pull the amount of ribbon The New York Herald noted on 10
required out of the holder, which has November 1888:
a spool inside, and light it. When the Not even the reporters were
flame reaches the tip of the holder, allowed within the police line. It was
it goes out, automatically timing the determined this time to keep the clews
exposure. In other words, it is a slow- from being effaced, tampered with or
motion flash bulb that can be moved distorted. Besides, bloodhounds were
about while burning to avoid hard to be employed, and scent must not
shadows. But if the photographer’s be obliterated.
assistant in MJK 3 did not have access Everybody cools their heels until
to one of these holders, he could have 1.30pm when Superintendent Thomas
simply held a length of magnesium Arnold arrives with news that the
ribbon in his hand with little danger of bloodhounds aren’t coming and
getting burned. Magnesium provided instructs McCarthy to break open the
a powerful light source, but its slow door, which he does with a pickaxe.
burning rate limited its use to static Doctor George Bagster Philips later
subjects. It was ideal, then, for use reported:
MJK 3 Spots of light
in MJK 3, which, in comparison to On the door being opened it

12 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

knocked against a table which was consensus was that when Kelly was The murderer probably cut Kelly’s
close to the left-hand side of the killed her bed was in the position right carotid artery with the bed in
bedstead, and the bedstead was shown in MJK 1. And here is where we roughly the position shown in MJK 1.
close against the wooden partition… find evidence that the circumstances He later moved it to the centre of the
and by subsequent examination I am surrounding Kelly’s death are not what room to carry out the mutilations.
sure the body had been removed, we have imagined them to be. For the This would have allowed him 360°
after the injury which caused death, past 117 years we have believed that access to Kelly’s body. But he certainly
from that side of the bedstead the door and windows of Room 13 wouldn’t have bothered moving it back
which was nearest to the wooden were locked and that nobody entered again into its former position, since
partition previously mentioned. The the room until the door was broken an eight or nine-stone dead weight
large quantity of blood under the open at 1.30pm by McCarthy. But lying on a heavy wooden-framed bed
bedstead, the saturated condition someone has lied to us. isn’t an easy thing to move silently
of the palliasse, pillow, and sheet MJK 3 shows the bed in the centre of and by oneself. Accordingly, when
at the top corner of the bedstead the room, demonstrating clearly that, he left Room 13 the bed would have
nearest to the partition leads me to at some time between 11.00am and been in this position. Logic dictates
the conclusion that the severance of 1.30pm, the police defied Warren’s that this is the position in which the
the right carotid artery, which was order, entered the room, took a bed was discovered and subsequently
the immediate cause of death, was number of photographs – of which I photographed.
inflicted while the deceased was lying believe MJK 3 is only one - moved Dr Bagster Philips was in Millers
at the right side of the bedstead and Kelly’s bed, removed certain items of Court from 11.15am when, in his own
her head and neck in the top right- evidence and rearranged the murder words, ‘I looked through the lower of
hand corner. scene. Furthermore, MJK 3 must the broken panes and satisfied myself
that the mutilated corpse lying on the
bed was not in need of any immediate
attention from me,’ until 1.30pm,
when the door was broken open by
McCarthy. This means that Dr Bagster
Philips examined Kelly’s body in the
full knowledge that the room had
been entered and the murder scene
According to police and press
reports, prior to 1.30pm not only was
the door to Room 13 locked. So were
the windows. We know this because
we are told that, after sending a
telegram to Police Commissioner
Sir Charles Warren, Superintendent
Arnold ordered the removal of an
entire window in order to gain access
to the room.5 But the police did not
remove the window, as the exterior
photograph of Room 13 attests.
The brickwork surrounding both
window frames is intact, showing
no evidence of either window being
removed, though their removal would
have resulted in fairly extensive
damage. Note the broken panes in
the smaller window and open curtain
in the larger. Perhaps this photograph
was taken at some time in the morning,
before a window was removed? No.
The angled shadow on the brickwork
by the far side of door, cast by the
brickwork above the alley connecting
26 and 27 Dorset Street, indicates
that the sun was in the west when the
photograph was taken. Consequently,
the photograph was taken in the late
Exterior of Room 13, Millers Court afternoon of 9 November, after Mary
Jane Kelly’s body had been taken
away in a coffin, but before ‘the
Dr Bagster Philips was joined by Dr have been taken before the door was windows were boarded up and the
Bond, divisional surgeon of A Division, broken open by McCarthy; otherwise door padlocked’.6
Dr Gordon Brown, Dr J R Gabé of the chair standing just inside the door
How did the murderer leave Room
Mecklenburgh Square, and others. The would not be there.
13? Via the door, which he locked

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 13

behind him? In this case, why did he it? Abberline did say that it was ‘quite melting may have occurred at an
leave a chair positioned just inside easy.’ Simply, because that would earlier date. But of real interest
the door? You might do that if the have destroyed the illusion of the here is the answer Abberline gave the
door didn’t lock and you wanted to ‘locked room’ on which so much Coroner regarding the burning of the
prevent its being opened easily from of the ‘mystery’ relied and which, clothing in the fire:
the outside. But the door to Room 13 later, the story of the missing key I can only imagine that it was to
was locked. Why else would it have to would reinforce. Abberline’s vague make a light for the man to see what
be broken open? assertion about the key serves no he was doing.
The murderer could just as easily useful purpose other than to confuse Instead of something definite, such
have exited through the larger of the matters by neatly planting in our as ‘because the embers were still hot
two windows. It would have been easy minds the tantalising possibility of a or warm or smouldering, I suspect…
enough, the sill being only a little previous encounter between Kelly and etc. etc,’ Abberline says, vaguely
over two feet from ground level, and her murderer. and without a shred of corroborative
makes a lot more sense than running At Kelly’s inquest, Abberline told evidence, ‘I can only imagine… etc.
the risk of being seen locking the door Coroner Roderick Macdonald: etc,’ and in one deft phrase makes
from the outside. If the murderer I subsequently took an inventory the fire an indelible ingredient of the
did exit this way, he would not have of the contents of the room [since locked room mystery.
been able to re-lock the window from missing]. There were traces of a The fire has always bothered me.
the outside. This means that the large fire having been kept up in the Clothing tends to smoulder. Bundle
police could have easily opened the grate, so much so that it had melted up a woman’s dress and throw it
window. Which is precisely what they the spout of a kettle off. We have into a small fireplace and it will
must have done. How else could they since gone through the ashes in the probably douse the flames. For it
have got in to take MJK 3? The door fireplace; there were remnants of to burn it would have to be torn up
was locked. Superintendent Arnold’s clothing, a portion of a brim of a hat, and fed to the flames in pieces, with
order to remove an entire window and a skirt, and it appeared as if a some sort of accelerant used to get
makes no sense except to reinforce large quantity of women’s clothing the fire roaring in the first place.
in everyone’s minds the notion of a had been burnt. Furthermore, to be hot enough to
‘locked room’.
Let’s turn now to Kelly’s ‘lost’ key:
[Inspector Abberline]: ‘Barnett
informs me that it [the key] has
been missing some time, and since
it has been lost they have put their
hand through the broken window,
and moved back the catch. It is quite
easy.’ This is an interesting remark.
Barnett moved into Mrs Buller’s
Boarding House on 30 October, the
day of his quarrel with Mary Jane
Kelly during which two window panes
were broken. This event happened
before the key went missing. Barnett
didn’t visit Room 13 again until nine
days later, on 8 November. How did
he know the key had gone missing,
and why, if he wasn’t living there,
would he say that he and Kelly used
to reach through the broken window
to slip the bolt? Some say the key had
been missing for some time before the
fight. If this is true, how did Kelly and
Barnett get into the room before the
window panes got broken?
[Inspector Abberline]: ‘An
impression has gone abroad that the
murderer took away the key of the
From a practical point of view, it
doesn’t matter if Kelly’s door was Diagram 5: Position of light sources in MJK 3
locked or bolted. Secure the door, © Simon Wood
commit the murder, exit through the
window. The important thing, then as
As far as I know, we have never been melt a kettle spout, the fire would
now, is that everybody thinks the door
told whether the ‘traces of a large have required constant attention.
was locked. But if the door wasn’t
fire’ were warm, still smouldering or This would have been frustrating for
locked, we have to ask ourselves a
cold, and many people have suggested the killer, who wouldn’t have wanted
question. Why didn’t someone reach
that the incident of the kettle spout to risk setting the room ablaze whilst
through the broken window to open
14 Ripperologist 62 December 2005
busily engaged in murder, heavy everyone’s mind that the murder moustache and small parcel in hand.
furniture moving and mutilation. Can must have been committed at night. At the stroke of Abberline’s pen, Sara
we really imagine a lone killer coping Secondly, the strong possibility that Lewis’s unidentified ‘man and woman’
with all this? A fire this hot would also other photographs were taken – since became Kelly and the ‘Ripper’,
have produced a lot of smoke and ash the police certainly wouldn’t have magically transported to the right
as the flames eventually subsided and broken into the room to take only place at the right time.
the remnants of clothing smouldered, one - means that further amounts Hutchinson’s story supported
and some of these ashes would have of magnesium were burned in Room Abberline’s assertion about the ‘large
settled in the room, covering surfaces 13. So how better to account for fire’ in the grate and also neatly
and contaminating evidence. any possible questions about demolished Mrs Maxwell’s story of
Based on MJK 3, Diagram No. 5 contamination of evidence by the seeing Kelly on the morning of the
shows the general area in which the residues of burnt magnesium than for murder, which, officially, took place
magnesium ribbon was burned and its Abberline to suggest that they were at between 3.00 and 4.00am. How
circle of light. I have taken the liberty ashes resulting from ‘a large fire’ in could she have seen Kelly after she
of opening the larger window - but not the grate? had been dead for several hours?
necessarily the curtains - to provide At Kelly’s inquest, Sara Lewis Mrs Maxwell must have confused
ventilation. testified that, at 2.30am: the dates. Abracadabra! The press
Theodore Gray, co-founder of ...opposite the lodging-house I saw swallowed Hutchinson’s story and the
Wolfram Research Inc. and Chemical a man with a wideawake [hat]. There official version of events remained
Elements columnist for Popular Science was no one talking to him. He was a watertight. But with ‘the large fire’
magazine, generously conducted an stout-looking man, and not very tall. in the grate in doubt, it is quite
experiment on my behalf. He burned The hat was black. I did not take any possible that Mrs Maxwell saw Kelly
lengths of magnesium ribbon in a notice of his clothes. The man was either before or during the murder in
space about half the size and height looking up the court; he seemed to Room 13.
of Room 13. The space soon filled with be waiting or looking for some one. Mary Ann Cox, a resident of Millers
smoke. Gray said: Further on there was a man and Court, had the following exchange
I think the degree to which the woman - the latter being in drink. with the Coroner:
smoke would interfere with a longer Before this, Caroline Maxwell, [Coroner] How many men live in
exposure would depend mainly on who stated that she saw Kelly twice the court who work in Spitalfields
how high the ceiling was. It [the between about 8.00 and 8.45am on Market?
smoke] goes up and stays at the top, the morning of 9 November, had been
[Mary Ann Cox] One. At a quarter-past
so in a high-ceiling room it might stay cautioned by the Coroner: ‘You must
six I heard a man go down the court.
out of the way. be very careful about your evidence,
That was too late for the market.
Burning longer lengths [for longer because it is different to other
[Coroner] From what house did he
exposures] without some form of people’s.’
ventilation, you could not stay in the The Whitechapel murders had
[Mary Ann Cox] I don’t know.
room long enough to finish the ribbon attracted unprecedented levels of
burning, and the picture would be press coverage. The activities of the [Coroner] Did you hear the door bang
seriously impacted by smoke. police were under intense scrutiny, after him?
Returning to the possibility that and the official version of events [Mary Ann Cox] No.
the photographer’s assistant in MJK had to remain watertight. Mindful [Coroner] Then he must have walked
3 didn’t have access to a magnesium of this, Abberline returned after the up the court and back again?
ribbon holder, Gray mentioned that: inquest to Commercial Street police [Mary Ann Cox] Yes.
Magnesium ribbon is really a station, where at 6.00 that evening [Coroner] It might have been a
very calm material, and puts out a truly miraculous event took place. policeman?
surprisingly little heat for the amount George Hutchinson walked in and [Mary Ann Cox] It might have been.
of light. It can be burning just an inch testified that he had been in Dorset
or two away from your hand and you Street at about 2.30am, when he
On 22 October, two weeks prior to
feel no heat. When dropped it puts saw Mary Kelly entering Room 13,
the murder in Room 13, Superintendent
itself out quickly with no danger of Millers Court, in the company of a
Arnold requested the augmentation of
catching the rough wood floor on man bearing an uncanny resemblance
H Division by 25 men to ensure that all
fire. to an almost prototypical description
patrols were filled nightly. He wrote:
of the Ripper, complete with curled
[And when burned] the ribbon puts I beg to recommend that the
off a combination of fine smoke which Division be augmented by twenty
gets in and around everything, and five Constables for the duty, and
clumps of the same material float any not required for that purpose
around but settle out much more be employed in specially patrolling
quickly than the fine smoke. neighbourhoods which may be
The photo opposite shows remains considered more dangerous than
of burnt magnesium ribbon, which others, or where any complaint has
generally break off and fall to the been made upon which it is thought
ground after a few inches have necessary a Constable should for a
burned. time be placed on a short beat.7
Abberline’s vague statement about Dorset Street was certainly
the fire providing illumination achieves Burnt magnesium considered a neighbourhood ‘more
two things. First, it establishes in Courtesy of Theodore Gray
dangerous than others’, and Mary

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 15

Ann Cox’s testimony suggests that, of the door to Room 13, upon which Abberline’s inventory of the room.
even without Superintendent Arnold’s letters have been daubed in a large There are three other pieces of
augmentations, police patrols were a semi-circle. Despite my efforts, no evidence from Room 13 which we can
common occurrence. Yet, strangely, amount of adjustment made these add to our list.
no testimony about activity, suspicious letters any more legible, so your At the inquest, Thomas Bowyer
or otherwise, was sought from the guess about what they are is as good stated:
constables who regularly patrolled as mine. At the centre of the picture
There was a curtain. I put my hand
Dorset Street and Millers Court. Where can be seen the entrails hanging from
through the broken pane and lifted
were the police throughout the early the ceiling, and beneath them, on the
the curtain. I saw two pieces of flesh
hours of 9 November? table, is a knife with a bloodstained
lying on the table.
Missing policemen, a kettle spout handle.
[Coroner]: Where was this table?
melted, lost keys, locked rooms,
[Bowyer]: In front of the bed, close
broken windows, suspect testimony
to it.’
from George Hutchinson three days
after the event - plus a hurried This tallies with Dr Thomas Bond’s
inquest at which medical evidence post-mortem report, in which he
was withheld. All these reek of sleight wrote: ‘The flaps removed from
of hand and the misdirection of an the abdomen and thighs were on a
elaborately-staged illusion. The table.’
circumstances surrounding Kelly’s There is a pile of human flesh on
murder are extremely suspicious and the table in MJK 3 but, as I have
The murder weapon?
transcend any notion of its being the demonstrated, the contents of the
work of a lone killer reaching some table in MJK 1 are different. Here
sort of murderous apogee. But it is the centre section of the is the detail of the table from MJK
The actions of Inspector Abberline photograph which is of most interest. 1, showing the victim’s head in the
in rearranging the murder scene, background.
tampering with photographs and A small box sits on the corner of
removing pieces of evidence point to the table nearest the camera. Behind
an alternative scenario in Room 13. it, against a pile of unidentifiable
But what could have happened in that detritus, is a small hand mirror. The
dismal room to make him undertake back of the glass and its handle are
such an elaborate cover-up? What clearly visible, and once you know it
could have been so unthinkably is there you can easily see it in most
gruesome or politically sensitive that published versions of the photograph.
it had to be sanitised and passed off Also identifiable on the bedside table,
as the fifth Ripper murder? For an though impossible to see at a glance,
answer to this we must again return is a ring in a trinket box.
to MJK3; or rather, to my restored Objects on the bed
version of MJK3.
But let me offer first a few words
of explanation. During my research I Look between the victim’s thighs.
used only materials freely available The flat circular object is a china
in the public domain. For my copy plate with a patterned border, behind
of MJK3 I went to that most valuable which stands a bowl partially obscured
of resources, the Casebook Jack the by a smaller, lipped, bowl and a
Ripper ( for which bottle laying on its side. Behind this
Stephen Ryder deserves our heartfelt large bowl are three smaller shallow
thanks. vessels. Atop these, sloping from left
In my restored version of MJK3 (see to right, a spoon rests in a heart-
back cover) there is no retouching shaped dish, behind which sits what
or trickery and no colour has been might be a plume of feathers or a
added. All I have done is retrieve bunch of leaves. And to the right of
and restore the colour information the photograph, half out of shot, is a
within the photograph. The colour is round short-necked glass or porcelain
crude, but the results are sufficient container which is possibly for wine,
for our needs. The image you see is beer or spirits. Also on the china Handmirror on the bedside table
a composite, which was necessary plate is a small lump of unidentifiable
because the two main sections of the matter.
photograph required very different I will leave it to others to discern Doctor Bond’s post-mortem report
levels of adjustment to reveal detail. any possible symbolism in this of flesh on the table suggests that, if
Only the painted-in leg at the bottom tableau. But, symbolism aside, why he was telling the truth, he examined
of the picture remains untouched have we never heard about any of the body as shown in MJK 3. But if
– making it look all the more phoney this evidence? A bloodstained knife, a this is correct, why didn’t he mention
and out of proportion. plate, five bowls, a spoon in a dish, a the bloodstained knife, which must
bottle and an alcohol container, plus have been something of a clue? It
At the top of the photograph, we
graffiti and hanging entrails. It has all even matches one of the possible
can see the chair by the door. Visible
disappeared - vanished - along with murder weapons he describes in his
to the left of the chair is the inside

16 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

10 November report to Sir Robert Irish Constabulary visited 13 Millers Superintendent Thomas Arnold12 and
Anderson. And if he examined the Court.8 What possible interest could Sergeant Stephen White, who was
body as shown in MJK 1, why didn’t they have had in the murder of a ‘rewarded and commended by the
he question the unlikely presence of a Whitechapel prostitute? Maybe more Home Office’ for his actions at the
small hand mirror amidst the detritus than we realise. Tower.13
on the bedside table? When dealing with scans of old The second notation is less certain.
photographs it’s easy to think pixel It could be ‘police department 2 of 4’,
patterns are letters and symbols. I suggesting that the photograph was
made this mistake many years ago number 2 in a set of 4. This doesn’t
when I suggested that there might be entirely square with the figure 4
initials on the partition door in MJK 1 clearly visible at the bottom right
– and look where that led! That said, hand corner of the photograph, but
writing is indeed visible all over the together they suggest that there were
photograph we know as MJK3. Most of at least three other photographs.
it is illegible or nonsensical, probably Whatever their exact meaning,
the result of people writing on the these notations confirm that Abberline
envelope in which the photograph was had knowledge of the existence and
kept. But at some point an original circumstances of this photograph.
print was die stamped. In the area Further investigation, however, is
below the raised left knee clearly required into his connections with the
visible concentric circles contain the Secret Irish Branch, which at the time
letters HO. Home Office? Within the was under the immediate control of
circles, and to the left, a notation Detective Chief Inspector Littlechild.
reads ‘SIB8FGA’ and, beneath, a Of course, we have to ask ourselves
second reads: ‘pd 2/4’. why, if MJK 3 was so sensitive, it
ever surfaced in the first place. I
Ring in trinket box have no definite thoughts on this,
but do realise that owing to its lack
of provenance many may now decide
The mutilated body, together with to dismiss it as evidence. As for me,
all the above paraphernalia complete I believe it to be the genuine article
with hanging entrails, must have and I’m convinced that its anonymous
been a truly horrifying spectacle. sender was aware of its evidential
Yet, strangely, Bowyer and McCarthy, value. I could kick myself that it took
the very first people to see the dead The notation on MJK 3 me 16 years to see what was staring
body, mentioned none of it. Both men us all in the face.
described the body as it appears in
I have no fully-formed thoughts
MJK 1, which suggests to me that It’s not too much of a stretch to about the who or the why of what
they were coached in the story about interpret the first as ‘Secret Irish happened in Room 13. It’s clear,
rent arrears to provide a plausible Branch [Department?] 8 Frederick however, that the original photographs
trigger for the body’s discovery. But George Abberline’. He was no stranger were recognised as evidence of these
somebody over-egged the pudding in to the secret world, having been events, which is why they were
its telling. What Whitechapel slum on ‘special service’9 many times, cropped and the leg painted in on
landlord would have allowed a tenant most notably on 24 January 1885 MJK 3 to make it correspond with MJK
to run up six weeks’ rent arrears? when he arrested Cunningham, an 1. The authorities were also content
With the doubts about the ‘large Irishman, for his part in the bombing to let events at 13 Millers Court rest
fire’ in the grate pointing to the killing of the Tower of London. Cunningham’s squarely upon the shoulders of Jack
having taken place during the early accomplice, Harry Burton, was the Ripper, who had been curiously
daylight hours, you must marvel at arrested on 3 February at lodgings inactive for the six weeks leading up
the astonishing speed with which this in Prescot Street, off Leman Street, to the murder and was never heard
crime was committed, discovered, Whitechapel. Believed to be prime from again afterwards.
‘investigated’, brought to inquest and movers in a conspiracy hatched in
Remember the quotation with
laid to rest. Ten days from beginning America, the two men were charged
which I prefaced this article:
to end. Somebody was impatient with high treason10 and sentenced to
Obfuscation: The activity of
to get the affair brushed under the life imprisonment on 25 May 1885.11
obscuring people’s understanding,
carpet. What’s interesting is that two other
leaving them baffled or bewildered.
On 12 November two MPs, a policemen involved with Abberline
in the Tower of London bombing also With all the rumours and
high-ranking Post Office official
worked on the Whitechapel murders: disinformation Abberline and others
and two members of the Royal

Write for Ripperologist!

We welcome well-researched articles on any subject
related to Jack the Ripper, Victoriana or the East End.
Please send your submissions email to

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 17

in the know continued to encourage
well after the event, is there now
any reason to wonder at the lack
of consensus amongst detectives and
high-ranking civil servants of the time?
We have all been dazzled, astonished
and mystified by the grand illusion of
Mary Jane Kelly’s murder, supposedly
at the hands of the Ripper, and the
master conjuror standing at the
centre of it all appears to have been
Inspector Frederick George Abberline.
But MJK 3 blows a big hole in the
official Ripper story. The jig is well
and truly up for Abberline. All we have
to do now is find out how and, more
important, why he staged the trick.
I hope that Scotland Yard will make
the original photographs available for
independent analysis and that the
Home Office will release its secret files
on the case together with the other
photographs and missing evidence
from Room 13. Perhaps we will then
learn what happened, at some time
during October 1888, to the killer of
Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman,
Catherine Eddowes and, possibly,
Elizabeth Stride, and discover the
true identities of the victim in Room
13, the murderer(s) and the woman
we know as Mary Jane Kelly.
In closing I would like to leave
you with a final thought. If you can’t
accept that Abberline contrived to
cover up the nature of the crime in
Millers Court and make it look like a
Ripper murder in extremis – toning
down the crime scene considerably
in the process - then consider this.
Somebody took MJK 3 before the door
to Room 13 was broken open. If it
wasn’t the police, who was it?
My sincere thanks for the generous
and invaluable assistance of Theodore
Gray and Charles Shotwell, who Simon Wood’s restored colour version of MJK 3
may be visited respectively at ©Simon Wood and www. I should
archives.htm). 1893.
also like to thank most especially Laura
Candelaria for the author’s photograph 4 My wife, who is roughly the same 10 The Nation, 12 February 1885
accompanying this article. height as Mary Jane Kelly (5’ 8”),
11 The Journal of John Daniel
kindly volunteered her leg for this
Notes measurement.
Thompson (http/homepage.powerup.
1 For those who are interested, my
5 Star, 10 November 1888, The Times,
original research material is indexed 12 Superintendent Arnold’s retirement
10 November 1888.
at Tower Hamlets Local History interview, Eastern Post, 3 November
Archive: stock number L. 8383, class 6 Manchester Guardian, 10 November 1893.
number 341. 1888.
13 News of the World, 14 October 1900.
2 The Imperial brick of a nominal size 7 Home Office file A49301C/10 contains
of 9.0 x 4.5 x 3.0 inches was widely the official response to Arnold’s
adopted in 1840. request, which was granted.
3 The first Metropolitan Police 8 Irish Times, 13 November 1888
photographer wasn’t recruited until Next article
9 Superintendent Arnold’s retirement
1901. See Metropolitan Police Website
interview, Eastern Post, 3 November Back to contents
( w w w. m e t . p o l i c e . u k / h i s t o r y /

18 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

Up until World War II, the cat’s-
meat man was a familiar sight in
British cities. He sold wooden skewers

From the Bars

of meat trimmings unfit for human
consumption and horse meat for prices
which, at the time of the Whitechapel

of the Cradle murders, ranged from a farthing to a

halfpenny. Fresh horseflesh, either
raw or cooked, was both good for
cats and liked by most cats, but if
there was the slightest suspicion of
its freshness, it must be cooked. Offal

Ripperologist readers are well

aware that I believe Jack the
Ripper was James Hardiman, a
horseflesh purveyor and cat’s-
meat seller. His mother was
Harriet Hardiman, who lived in
the ground-floor front room at
29 Hanbury Street, the bleak
building in whose back yard
Annie Chapman’s mutilated
body was found on 8 September
1888. In previous articles I have
chronicled Hardiman’s life,
showing how he moved about
the East End and analysing the
factors that substantiate my
theories. I now return to this
subject, confident that new
information resulting from
my continuous research will
reinforce my conclusions as to
my suspect’s eminent suitability
as the Ripper. We shall begin right
in the heart of Whitechapel.
12 October 1859
James Hardiman is born at 31
The High Street, Mile End, New
Town, in the registration district of
Whitechapel (Greatorex Street today).
His parents are Edward Hardiman,
a shoemaker, and his wife Harriet,
formerly Stockton.
1861 Census
The Hardimans now live at 2 Well
Street. The family consists of James,
his parents and his older sister Sarah,
age 3. Their house is described as a
dairy general, sandwiched between
a butcher’s shop and a coal shed.
The butcher is appropriately named ©Jane Coram
Chas Meatyard, age 40. He is listed
as married, but, oddly enough, age 13, and Harriet, age 8, and his
his unnamed wife is recorded as brothers Edward, age 6, and Samuel, should always be cooked because of
having ‘gone away since delivery of age 4. At the age of 11, James has not parasites and their eggs. The meat
schedule’. followed his father’s profession but was sometimes dyed blue-green to
has become a horseflesh vendor or prevent its being sold as human food
1871 Census
cat’s-meat man. He would remain in and on occasion was too rotten or
James lives at 24 Preston Street
this trade for the rest of his life. foul for cats to eat. Customers had
with his parents, his two sisters, Sarah,
to inspect the meat carefully, dipping

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 19

Scott at St Thomas’ Church in the no other James Hardiman born in
The Cat’s-Meat Men Parish of Bethnal Green. He now lives Bermondsey who fits the information.
at 1 Union Street and his occupation This must then be the same James
From The Illustrated Police
is given as a cat’s-meat seller. The Hardiman listed in the census as living
News: Cats’ meat man
bride’s address is 9 Charles Street, at 29 Hanbury Street. Perhaps the
attacked by dogs
Mile End, Old Town. She was born on census takers took someone’s word
(August 1876)
25 February 1859 at Bishop Street, that James lived at 29 Hanbury Street,
South Birmingham - just round the perhaps James was imprisoned on
corner from Rea Street, which would the same day the census was taken,
feature later in the case as the return perhaps the prison authorities made a
address on a letter purportedly sent mistake. I am inclined to believe the
by Jack the Ripper on 23 November first explanation.
1888. Sarah’s parents were Henry This new information unlocks
Scott, a bricklayer journeyman, and another door in the story of Jack the
Catherine Scott, formerly Showell. Ripper. We have seen that James was
1877 September Quarter brought up next to a meat shop and
by the age of eleven he was already
Death of James’s father-in-
selling cat’s meat. Perhaps it was
law, Henry Scott, age 43, in the
inevitable that he would wind up in
Whitechapel district. The cause of
Her Majesty’s Prison at Wandsworth
death is not known.
Common, where the gallows were
24 February 1880 popularly known as ‘The Cold Meat
Death of James’s father Edward, Shed’.
On Friday last week, within
age 43, at 19 Hanbury Street. Cause It is not known for what offence
a mile or so of Middleton, an
of Death: Hypertrophy and Dilation of James was sent to prison, or what
itinerant purveyor of meat
Heart (3 years), Bronchitis (1 month). length of sentence he served, but
to dogs and cats, was going
His wife Harriet was present at his his conviction adds weight to the
his usual rounds, when to his
death. notion that the man who would
infinite surprise and alarm, a
pack of hounds rushed at his 1881 Census become known as Jack the Ripper
barrow and basket he carried, had committed crimes and seen the
27 Hanbury Street
and proceeded to devour the inside of a prison before beginning his
Harriet Hardiman (James’s mother),
food so ravenously that the poor murderous rampage in 1888. Neither
age 44, widow, born London. Her
cat’s meat man began to think the date nor even the year when
children Sarah (age 23), Harriet (age
that he was himself destined James was discharged is known at this
19), Edward (age 17), John (age 12)
to fall a victim to his voracious time, but it was certainly before the
and Walter (age 9) live with her. The
assailants. Resistance being out next significant date in his life. The
census also lists Catherine or Kate
of the question he therefore let old saying, ‘Out of the frying pan and
Hardiman, age 19, born Liverpool,
the animals eat up the dainty into the fire,’ springs to mind.
as a boarder. Although her marital
viands without attempting to The 1881 census also records the
status is given as unmarried, further
offer any opposition. The keeper following couple: Catherine Scott,
research has revealed that at some
of the dogs eventually arrived age 43, wife–widow, occupation
point she married James’s brother
with a heavy whip and managed Laundress, and Richard Cox, age 41,
Edward. Kate’s maiden name was
to keep them in subjection Lodger, occupation Tanner. After the
while he fed them with meat death of her husband Henry in 1877,
29 Hanbury Street James’s mother-in-law, Catherine
from the barrow. It transpired
that the dogs had been a long James Hardiman, age 22, Scott, took up with Richard Cox. I
time without food and the gate occupation: Dealer in Horse Flesh haven’t found any record of their
of the yard in which they were (Knacker), born Mile End. Mrs James marriage, but Catherine eventually
kept had been accidentally left Hardiman (Sarah), age 22, born adopted his surname, Cox, as her
open, and hence it was that Birmingham. own. Her place of birth was given as
they rushed out and made an It is at this point that the situation Stourbridge, Worcestershire, and his as
onslaught on the cat’s meat gets really interesting: James Hardiman Whitechapel. They lived at 20 Heneage
man. is listed twice in the 1881 census. The Street, Mile End New Town, together
second record is as follows: with two of Catherine’s children by
James Hardiman, born about her late husband: Catherine Scott,
it in weak vinegar and water, or in 1858 – prisoner, ‘Her Majesty’s born in 1864 in Lambeth, and William
plain boiling water, and then rubbing Prison’, Wandsworth Common. Born Scott, born in 1873 in Whitechapel.
it with a cloth to remove flies’ eggs Bermondsey, Surrey – occupation meat 28 August 1884
and maggots, before feeding it to seller.
Catherine Sarah is born to Edward
their cats. The name, year of birth and and Kate Hardiman, who were living at
1873 September Quarter occupation are accurate; the place 134 Brick Lane. Edward’s occupation
of birth is wrong, but incorrect was given as carman.
The death of James’s younger
information was not uncommon
brother Samuel, age 6, is recorded in 8 January 1885
in the Victorian prison system.
the Whitechapel district.
It could even have resulted from James’s older sister, Sarah, age 26,
2 October 1876 James’s deliberately misleading the dies at 29 Hanbury Street. Cause of
James marries 18-year-old Sarah authorities. Furthermore, there is death: Epilepsy. James is recorded on

20 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

the death certificate as being present complicated disease which can cause
at her death. He is now residing at
28 Cudworth Street, Bethnal Green
many varied conditions at different
stages. It is known as ‘The Great
The Cat’s-Meat Men
- very close to Bucks Row, where Mary Imitator’ because of its ability to From The Voyages of Dr
Ann ‘Polly’ Nichols would be found mimic other diseases. Dolittle: The Cobbler’s Son
murdered on 31 August 1888. I believe that Syphilis or, more (1822)
21 August 1886 exactly, Congenital Syphilis, was the Hugh Lofting
main force driving Jack the Ripper to
Death of Catherine Sarah Hardiman,
murder and mutilation.
age 23 months, daughter of Edward
and Catherine (Kate) Hardiman, who 18 June 1888
are present at the death at 5 Clifton On the same date her daughter
Street, Shoreditch. Cause of death: Harriet Maria died, Sarah was admitted
Tubercular Meningitis Convulsions. to the London Hospital as a Paraplegia
This is an infection of the membranes case. She was Patient No. 813/1888,
covering the brain and spinal cord Admission Ticket No. 307, address 13
caused by the bacteria that causes Heneage Street, Spitalfields, age 29,
tuberculosis. Victorian disease and wife of James Hardiman, Cats’ Meat
death were casting their terrible Vendor. Recommended by N Boulwood
shadow over the Hardiman family. – Physician Dr Stephen Mackenzie.
1886 September Quarter James and Sarah’s address, 13
Death of Richard Cox, age 46. Heneage Street, where James
lived throughout the period of the
June 1887 Whitechapel murders, is an almost
Although I could find no record of perfect central point for all the murder
her birth, it was about this time that sites in relation to the psychological Another friend I had was
James and Sarah Hardiman’s daughter, profile of a serial killer of the Jack Matthew Mugg, the cat’s-meat-
Harriet Maria, is born. the Ripper type. Is it just a bizarre man. He was a funny old person
3 – 4 April 1888 coincidence that Mary Kelly, whose with a bad squint. He looked
Murder of Emma Elizabeth Smith death was widely regarded as the rather awful but he was really
– the first of the Whitechapel murder last and most gruesome of the Ripper quite nice to talk to. He knew
victims. She died at the London murders, was butchered in a tiny everybody in Puddleby; and he
Hospital on 4 April, one day after cramped room that also bore the knew all the dogs and all the
being viciously attacked in Osborn unlucky No. 13? We will shortly see cats. In those times being a
Street, at the bottom of Brick Lane. why this inauspicious number may cat’s-meat-man was a regular
have stuck in the Ripper’s warped business. And you could see one
18 June 1888 mind. nearly any day going through
Harriet Maria Hardiman, aged 12 the streets with a wooden tray
months, dies at 20 Heneage Street, the
7 August 1888
full of pieces of meat stuck on
address of her grandmother Catherine Murder of Martha Tabram in George
skewers crying, “Meat! M-E-A-
Cox, who was present at her death. Yard Buildings.
T!” People paid him to give
The child died of Tabes Enterica 21 August 1888 this meat to their cats and dogs
and Marasmus - a 19th century term A daughter is born to James’s instead of feeding them on dog-
for Inherited Syphilis. The cause of brother John and his wife Amelia biscuits or the scraps from the
death is defined as Degeneration (formerly Downs). They name her table.
of Sensory Nerve of the Intestine Amelia Maud. John’s occupation is I enjoyed going round with
causing emaciation due to lack of listed as a Purveyor of Horse Flesh. old Matthew and seeing the
muscle action associated with the The couple reside at 27 Buxton Street, cats and dogs come running
nerve damage caused by Untreated Mile End, New Town. to the garden-gates whenever
Syphilis. Marasmus may result from they heard his call. Sometimes
severe disease of the heart, lungs,
31 August 1888
he let me give the meat to the
kidneys, urinary tract or chronic Murder of Mary Ann ‘Polly’ Nichols
animals myself; and I thought
bacterial or parasitic disease, or from in Bucks Row, close to the London
this was great fun. He knew a
malabsorption due to surgical removal Hospital and Cudworth Street.
lot about dogs and he would tell
of a length of small intestine. 8 September 1888 me the names of the different
Harriet Maria may have contracted Murder of Annie Chapman in the kinds as we went through the
the disease from her mother Sarah back yard of 29 Hanbury Street. town. He had several dogs of
through congenital Syphilis. Bacteria James’s mother Harriet and her 16- his own; one, a whippet, was a
can pass from an infected pregnant year-old son, James’s brother Walter, very fast runner, and Matthew
woman across the placenta to the also known as William, live in the used to win prizes with her
developing foetus, resulting in the ground floor, front room, of the at the Saturday coursing races;
disease being present at birth. Sarah house. another, a terrier, was a fine
may have suffered from Syphilis for Among other residents at this ratter. The cat’s-meat-man
some time, perhaps developing one address was an elderly widow named used to make a business of
of the many complications associated Sarah Cox whom the landlady, Amelia rat-catching for the millers and
with it, such as Tabes Dorsalis, which, Richardson, allowed to live in an attic farmers as well as his other
along with other symptoms, causes a room rent free. trade of selling cat’s-meat.
form of paralysis. Syphilis is a very

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 21

The 1881 census records Sarah as 14 April 1842 in Wolverhampton and Brick Lane, shortly before moving to
Sarah Wilcox – an example of the spent part of her life in Birmingham. Millers Court.
inaccuracies that sometimes plague Like Sarah Hardiman, she eventually
16 November 1888
census information. She is described as wound up in London’s East End.
A letter posted in London NW on
a widow, age 64, occupation Tailoress, Amongst the ‘Jack the Ripper’
this date is signed: ‘Joe the cats meat
born 1817 at St Georges, Middlesex, correspondence held in the Public
man & woman hunter’. Its author
living at 29 Hanbury Street. Record Office and the City of London
claims to be 30-years old and living
The 1871 census lists Sarah B Cox, Record Office there are several letters
in George Street. At this time, James
born about 1821 in Hanover Square, that contain links to Birmingham.
Hardiman was 29 years old and a Cats’
London, and her husband George One letter dated 12 September 1889
Meat Man. Perhaps he had moved
R Cox, born about 1822, Islington, is from someone calling himself
westwards to lodge at one of the doss
London. They live in Gateshead, ‘Brumigan Bill the Slaughterman’. He
houses in George Street, in the Flower
County Durham, with their son writes ‘…I have not got the right cow
and Dean Street area, after his wife’s
William B Cox, born about 1850 in yet, I have sworn to catch the right
death. This would place him closer
Gateshead. one that as Injured me…’ and goes
to Mitre Square and Dorset Street.
The 1891 census records Sarah Cox, on to say ‘For they are all Brumigan
George Street should not be confused
born about 1818 in London, living Women, that I have settled for they
with the George Street that ran close
back in Gateshead with William B Cox, have ruined many a honest man in
to Heneage Street, which was known
born about 1859, and Emily M Cox, their own native town, and have
by a different name at the time of the
born about 1850. come to Injure honest men here but I
murders. The author of this letter also
The 1901 census records Sarah intend to stop there little game’. He
asserts that he is chiefly in Hampstead
Cox, born about 1819 in Hanner Mill, ends the letter with ‘I am Sir your’s
Road and ‘Tottinham court Rd’. Could
London, and William B Cox, born Brumigan Bill the Slaughterman Not
this be where James plied his trade,
about 1849. They live in a house Jack the riper.’ Other letters are
conveniently staying out of the way
in Gateshead and have a servant signed ‘Bill the Boweler’ and ‘Jim the
during police activity following each
named Caroline Georgeson. This is a Cutter’.
far cry from the squalor of 29 Hanbury The anonymous author of a letter
to Scotland Yard dated 8 October 17 July 1889
1888 wrote: ‘I am as you see by this Murder of Alice McKenzie in Castle
At some point during my
note amongst the slogging town of Alley.
investigations it occurred to me that
Sarah Cox might have been a relative Brum… My bloody whim must have 8 September 1889
of Richard Cox, the man who lived with its way… For I know you cannot catch Discovery of a female torso
James’s mother-in-law, Catherine, me and may I be even present in your underneath a railway arch in Pinchin
after the death of her husband. So dreams - Jack the Ripper.’ This letter Street.
far I haven’t found any evidence to is decorated with drawings of crossed
daggers, skull and crossbones with September Quarter 1890
corroborate my theory.
halo, a coffin and skeleton and a red Death of Amelia Maud Hardiman,
13 September 1888 ink smudge. age 1, in the Whitechapel district.
Death of Sarah Hardiman, age 29, Another letter of particular interest Daughter of James’s brother John and
at the London Hospital. The death was sent from Rea Street Lodging Amelia Hardiman. The cause of death
certificate records Sarah as the House, Birmingham. As we have seen, is not given.
wife of James Hardiman, Cats Meat James’s wife Sarah was born at Bishop 13 February 1891
Seller, address 13 Heneage Street, Street, South Birmingham, round the Murder of Frances Coles. She was
Spitalfields. Cause of death was corner from Rea Street. found under a railway arch in the area
Pthisis Pulmonalis (Tuberculosis) and
9 November 1888 known as Swallow Gardens. Although
Exhaustion. Sarah had been confined
Murder of Mary Kelly in her room at its name sounds rather picturesque,
to the hospital for 87 days.
13 Millers Court, off Dorset Street. Swallow Gardens was in fact a dismal,
Was this ill-fated date – the 13th
dimly-lit alley that ran between
– another factor in Jack the Ripper’s As we have seen, James and Sarah’s
Chamber Street and Royal Mint Street.
further descent into madness? Would daughter Harriet’s middle name was
Frances Coles was the last victim in
his own address at 13 Heneage Street, Maria - a variation of Mary which
the Whitechapel murders.
combined with the date of his wife’s is turn is derived from the Hebrew
death and Mary Kelly’s room number Miryam, a name of uncertain origin 1891 Census
at Millers Court trigger off his worst whose meaning has been interpreted 29 Hanbury Street
bout of insanity? as ‘bitter’ - as in bitterly wished- Harriet Hardiman (Head), aged
for child – or as the ‘beautiful’ or 52 – born Whitechapel (widowed) -
24 September 1888
‘perfect’ one. But no other member occupation Purveyor of Horse Flesh.
The very first letter purporting to of James or Sarah’s families bore
come from the Whitechapel murderer James Hardiman (son), aged 31 – born
the name Maria. Could this therefore Whitechapel (widowed) - occupation
is sent to Sir Charles Warren at be a link with Mary Jane Kelly, who
Scotland Yard. Its author claims to be Purveyor of Horse Flesh. William
liked to call herself Marie Jeanette? Hardiman (son), aged 18 – born
a horse ‘slauterer’. Marie is the French equivalent of Mary Whitechapel - occupation Moulder in
30 September 1888 or Maria. Mary Jane Kelly’s partner, Clay.
Murder of Elizabeth Stride in Berner Joe Barnet, once lodged at a house
31 Lloyd Row, Clerkenwell
Street. in Heneage Street and lived with (off Goswell Street)
Murder of Catherine Eddowes in Mary Jane as a couple in George
Edward Hardiman (James’s brother),
Mitre Square. Catherine was born on Street, off Commercial Street and
age 27 - occupation Vendor of Horse

22 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

Flesh (with the word Cat written
The Cat’s-Meat Men above it) - born Mile End. Catherine
Hardiman (wife), age 27 - occupation
From London Labour and the London Poor: Assists Husband - born Liverpool.
Of Cats’ and Dogs’-Meat Dealers (1851) Edward Hardiman (son), age 2, and
Henry Mayhew Sarah J Hardiman (daughter), age 5
months, both born in Clerkenwell.
20 Heneage Street, Spitalfields
The supply of food for cats and Catherine Scott (formerly Cox,
dogs is far greater than may be formerly Showell) – widow – born about
generally thought. ‘Vy, sir,’ said 1834 – Stourbridge, Worcestershire.
one of the dealers to me, ‘can
William Scott (son), born about 1873
you tell me ‘ow many people’s
– Spitalfields, London.
in London?’ On my replying,
upwards of two millions; ‘I don’t 22 December 1891
know nothing vatever,’ said my 29 Hanbury Street
informant, ‘about millions, but I Death of James Hardiman, age 32,
think there’s a cat to every ten occupation: Purveyor of Cats’ Meat.
people, aye, and more than that; Cause of death: Pthisis Hæmoptysis
and so, sir, you can reckon.’ [I told (coughing up of blood with sputum due
him this gave a total of 200,000 to Tuberculosis). His mother Harriet
cats in London; but the number of was present at the death. The cause
inhabited houses in the metropolis
of death was certified by William
was 100,000 more than this, and
P Dukes MD. Dr Dukes was a Police
though there was not a cat to
Surgeon based at 75 Brick Lane. He
every house, still, as many lodgers
was at Millers Court, the scene of the
as well as householders kept cats,
murder of Mary Kelly, on 9 November
I added that I thought the total
1888. Although he was not called to
number of cats in London might be
give evidence at Kelly’s inquest, he
taken at the same number as the
was present at her autopsy, along with
inhabited houses, or 300,000 in
Dr George Bagster Phillips, who had
all.] ‘There’s not near half so many
dogs as cats. I must know, for they all knows me, and I sarves about 200 cats
relieved him at Millers Court.
and 70 dogs. Mine’s a middling trade, but some does far better. Some cats has In my view, James Hardiman’s
a hap’orth a day, some every other day; werry few can afford a penn’orth, but death signalled the passing of Jack
times is inferior. Dogs is better pay when you’ve a connection among ‘em.’ the Ripper.
The cat and dogs’-meat dealers, or ‘carriers,’ as they call themselves, 1901 Census
generally purchase the meat at the knackers’ (horse-slaughterers’) yards. James’s mother Harriet is now
There are upwards of twenty of such yards in London; three or four are in living at 45A Cheshire Street, Bethnal
Whitechapel, one in Wandsworth, two in Cow-cross - one of the two last Green. This is north of Hanbury Street,
mentioned is the largest establishment in London - and there are two about at the top of Brick Lane, running close
Bermondsey. The proprietors of these yards purchase live and dead horses. to Buxton Street. Harriet is aged 62,
They contract for them with large firms, such as brewers, coal-merchants, a widow, occupation undefined. No
and large cab and ‘bus yards, giving so much per head for their old live and
other family members live with her.
dead horses through the year. The price varies from 2l. to 50s. the carcass.
William Hardiman, age 28,
The knackers also have contractors in the country (harness-makers and
unmarried, lodges at 8 Morgan Street,
others), who bring or send up to town for them the live and dead stock of
Mile End Old Town. He has changed
those parts. The dead horses are brought to the yard - two or three upon one
cart, and sometimes five. The live ones are tied to the tail of these carts, and his occupation from Clay Moulding to
behind the tail of each other. Occasionally a string of fourteen or fifteen are Metal Working.
brought up, head to tail, at one time. The live horses are purchased merely Edward Hardiman is still living in
for slaughtering. If among the lot bought there should chance to be one that Clerkenwell with his wife Catherine
is young, but in bad condition, it is placed in the stable, fed up, and then put and their children Edward, born about
into the knacker’s carts, or sold by them, or let on hire. Occasionally a fine 1889, Sarah, born about 1891, James,
horse has been rescued from death in this manner. One person is known to born about 1893, Amelia, born about
have bought an animal for 15s., for which he afterwards got 150l. Frequently 1895, and Catherine, born about
young horses that will not work in cabs - such as ‘jibs’ – are sold to the horse- 1899.
slaughterers as useless. They are kept in the yard, and after being well fed, John Hardiman, age 31 - occupation
often turn out good horses. The live horses are slaughtered by the persons Butcher, working at home: 19 London
called ‘knackers.’ These men get upon an average 4s. a day. They begin work Street, Bethnal Green; Amelia
at twelve at night, because some of the flesh is required to be boiled before Hardiman, wife, age 35 – occupation
six in the morning; indeed, a great part of the meat is delivered to the carriers undefined; and their children John,
before that hour. The horse to be slaughtered has his mane clipped as short as age 11, born Spitalfields, William, age
possible (on account of the hair, which is valuable). It is then blinded with a 17, born Bethnal Green, and James,
piece of old apron smothered in blood, so that it may not see the slaughterman age 2, born Bethnal Green. Also living
when about to strike. A pole-axe is used, and a cane, to put an immediate end with John and his family are Catherine
to the animal’s sufferings. Scott and her son William. Is this an
...continued insight into John and Amelia’s kind

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 23

nature or should another story be
read between the lines? Continued from previous page
3 June 1910 After the animal is slaughtered, the hide is taken off, and the flesh cut from
the bones in large pieces. These pieces are termed, according to the part from
Harriet Hardiman dies at the age
which they are cut, hind-quarters, fore-quarters, cram-bones, throats, necks,
of 73 at Hackney Union Infirmary,
briskets, backs, ribs, kidney pieces, hearts, tongues, liver and lights. The
Homerton. She is recorded as the
bones (called ‘racks’ by the knackers) are chopped up and boiled, in order to
widow of Edward Hardiman and her
extract the fat, which is used for greasing common harness, and the wheels of
address is given as 54 Barnsley Street,
carts and drags, &c. The bones themselves are sold for manure. The pieces of
Bethnal Green, a location very close
flesh are thrown into large coppers or pans, about nine feet in diameter and
to Cudworth Street, near Bucks Row.
four feet deep. Each of these pans will hold about three good-sized horses.
Cause of death: Senile Decay, Cardiac
Sometimes two large brewers’ horses will fill them, and sometimes as many
Failure. The death certificate records
as four ‘poor’ cab-horses may be put into them. The flesh is boiled about an
Edward Hardiman (son) in attendance. hour and 20 minutes for a ‘killed’ horse, and from two hours to two hours and
His address is given as 1 Arlington 20 minutes for a dead horse (a horse dying from age or disease). The flesh,
Street, Clerkenwell. when boiled, is taken from the coppers, laid on the stones, and sprinkled with
I like to think that James confessed water to cool it. It is then weighed out in pieces of 112, 56, 28, 21, 14, 7, and
to his mother in his deathbed that he 3_ lbs. weight. These are either taken round in a cart to the ‘carriers,’ or, at
had committed the murders ascribed about five, the carriers call at the yard to purchase, and continue doing so till
to Jack the Ripper. If indeed he did, twelve in the day. The price is 14s. per cwt. in winter, and 16s. in summer. The
Harriet took his secret to the grave. tripe is served out at 12 lb. for 6d. All this is for cats and dogs. The carriers
then take the meat round town, wherever their ‘walk’ may lie. They sell it
to the public at the rate of 2d. per lb., and in small pieces, on skewers, at
a farthing, a halfpenny, and a penny each. Some carriers will sell as much as
a hundred-weight in a day, and about half a hundred-weight is the average
quantity disposed of by the carriers in London. Some sell much cheaper than
others. These dealers will frequently knock at the doors of persons whom they
have seen served by another on the previous day, and show them that they can
let them have a larger quantity of meat for the same money.
The class of persons belonging to the business are mostly those who have
been unable to obtain employment at their trade. Occasionally a person is bred
to it, having been engaged as a lad by some carrier to go round with the barrow
and assist him in his business. These boys will, after a time, find a ‘walk’ for
themselves, beginning first with a basket, and ultimately rising to a barrow.
Many of the carriers give light weight to the extent of 2 oz. and 4 oz. in the
pound. At one yard alone near upon 100 carriers purchase meat, and there are,
upon an average, 150 horses slaughtered there every week. Each slaughter-
house may be said to do, one with another, 60 horses per week throughout the
year, which, reckoning the London slaughter-houses at 12, gives a total of 720
horses killed every week in the metropolis, or, in round numbers, 37,500 in the
course of the year.
The London cat and dogs’-meat carriers or sellers - nearly all men - number
at the least 1,000. The slaughtermen are said to reap large fortunes very
rapidly - indeed, the carriers say they coin the money. Many of them retire
after a few years, and take large farms. One, after 12 years’ business, retired
Acknowledgements with several thousand pounds, and has now three large farms. The carriers
My thanks to Jonathan Evans, Trust are men, women, and boys. Very few women do as well as the men at it. The
Archivist, The Royal London Hospital carriers ‘are generally sad drunkards.’ Out of five hundred, it is said three
Museum, for information on Sarah hundred at least spend 1l. a head a week in drink. One party in the trade told
Hardiman’s admission records, and me that he knew a carrier who would often spend 10s. in liquor at one sitting.
to Dr Hakim for his help in defining The profit the carriers make upon the meat is at present only a penny per
medical terms. pound. In the summer time the profit per pound is reduced to a half-penny,
Sources owing to the meat being dearer on account of its scarcity. The carriers give a
great deal of credit - indeed, they take but little ready money. On some days
For more information on my continuous they do not come home with more than 2s. One with a middling walk pays for
research on James Hardiman see my his meat 7s. 6d. per day. For this he has half a hundred-weight. This produces
articles: Jack a Knacker? Ripperologist,
him as much as 11s. 6d., so that his profit is 4s.; which, I am assured, is about
issue 50 (November 2003); The Whore
a fair average of the earnings of the trade. One carrier is said to have amassed
Slaughterer, Ripperologist, issue 52
1,000l. at the business. He usually sold from 1 to 2 cwt. every morning, so
(March 2004); Wallah Wallah Cat’s Meat,
Ripperologist, issue 53 (May 2004); and that his profits were generally from 16s. to 1l. per day. But the trade is much
The Butterfly Collector, Ripperologist, worse now. There are so many at it, they say, that there is barely a living for
issue 60 (July 2005). any. A carrier assured me that he seldom went less than 30, and frequently 40
miles, through the streets every day. The best districts are among the houses
of tradesmen, mechanics, and labourers. The coachmen in the mews at the
Comment back of the squares are very good customers. ‘The work lays thicker there,’
said my informant.
Back to Contents
Next article

24 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

Old maids are bad, though very plentiful,
customers. They cheapen the carriers down
so, that they can scarcely live at the business.
‘They will pay one halfpenny and owe another,
and forget that after a day or two.’ The cats’
meat dealers generally complain of their losses
from bad debts. Their customers require credit
frequently to the extent of 1l. ‘One party owes
me 15s. now,’ said a carrier to me, ‘and many
10s.; in fact, very few people pay ready money
for the meat.’
The carriers frequently serve as much as
ten penny worths to one person in a day. One
gentleman has as much as 4 lbs. of meat each
morning for two Newfoundland dogs; and there
was one woman - a black - who used to have as
much as16 pennyworth every day. This person
used to get out on the roof of the house and
throw it to the cats on the tiles. By this she
brought so many stray cats round about the
neighbourhood, that the parties in the vicinity
complained; it was quite a nuisance. She would
have the meat always brought to her before
ten in the morning, or else she would send to a
shop for it, and between ten and eleven in the
morning the noise and cries of the hundreds of
stray cats attracted to the spot was ‘terrible to
hear.’ When the meat was thrown to the cats on
the roof, the riot, and confusion, and fighting,
was beyond description. ‘A beer-shop man,’ I
was told, ‘was obliged to keep five or six dogs
to drive the cats from his walls.’ There was also
a mad woman in Islington, who used to have 14
lbs. of meat a day. The party who supplied her had his money often at 2l. and 3l. at a time. She had as many as thirty cats at
times in her house. Every stray one that came she would take in and support. The stench was so great that she was obliged
to be ejected. The best days for the cats’ meat business are Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays. A double quantity of meat
is sold on the Saturday; and on that day and Monday and Tuesday the weekly customers generally pay.
’My father was a baker by trade,’ said a carrier to me, ‘but through an enlargement of the heart he was obliged to give up
working at his trade; leaning over the trough increased his complaint so severely, that he used to fall down, and be obliged to
be brought home. This made him take to the cats’ and dogs’ meat trade, and he brought me up to it. I do pretty comfortably.
I have a very good business, having been all my life at it. If it wasn’t for the bad debts I should do much better; but some
of the people I trust leave the houses, and actually take in a double quantity of meat the day before. I suppose there is at
the present moment as much as 20l. owing to me that I never expect to see a farthing of.’
The generality of the dealers wear a shiny hat, black plush waistcoat and sleeves, a blue apron, corduroy trousers, and
a blue and white spotted handkerchief round their necks. Some, indeed, will wear two and three handkerchiefs round their
necks, this being fashionable among them. A great many meet every Friday afternoon in the donkey-market, Smithfield, and
retire to a public-house adjoining, to spend the evening.
A ‘cats’ meat carrier’ who supplied me with information was more comfortably situated than any of the poorer classes
that I have yet seen. He lived in the front room of a second floor, in an open and respectable quarter of the town, and his
lodgings were the perfection of comfort and cleanliness in an humble sphere. It was late in the evening when I reached the
house. I found the ‘carrier’ and his family preparing for supper. In a large morocco leather easy chair sat the cats’ meat
carrier himself; his ‘blue apron and black shiny hat’ had disappeared, and he wore a ‘dress’ coat and a black satin waistcoat
instead. His wife, who was a remarkably pretty woman, and of very attractive manners, wore a ‘Dolly Varden’ cap, placed
jauntily at the back of her head, and a drab merino dress. The room was cosily carpeted, and in one corner stood a mahogany
‘crib’ with cane-work sides, in which one of the children was asleep. On the table was a clean white table-cloth, and the
room was savoury with the steaks, and mashed potatoes that were cooking on the fire. Indeed, I have never yet seen greater
comfort in the abodes of the poor. The cleanliness and wholesomeness of the apartment were the more striking from the
unpleasant associations connected with the calling.
It is believed by one who has been engaged at the business for 25 years, that there are from 900 to 1,000 horses, averaging
2 cwt. of meat each - little and big - boiled down every week; so that the quantity of cats’ and dogs’ meat used throughout
London is about 200,000 lbs. per week, and this, sold at the rate of 2d. per lb., gives 2,000l. a week for the money spent in
cats’ and dogs’ meat, or upwards of 100,000l. a year, which is at the rate of 100l.-worth sold annually by each carrier. The
profits of the carriers may be estimated at about 50l. each per annum.
The capital required to start in this business varies from 1l. to 2l. The stock-money needed is between 5s. and 10s.
The barrow and basket, weights and scales, knife and steel, or black-stone, cost about 2l. when new, and from 15s. to 4s.

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 25

in the street. Anyone who, like him,
lived and worked in a cat’s-meat shop,
could easily explain away any blood

Mister Ripper or
on his person or in his residence.
William might also have picked
up some rudimentary anatomical

Master Ripper? knowledge both on the job and from

going to the slaughterhouse where he
and his mother got the meat. What’s

Harriet Hardiman’s Other Son more, someone in his trade had access
to many types of cutting instruments.
REID Not to mention the letter authorities
received on 16 November from a
We’ve seen James Hardiman suspected that Jack the Ripper ‘woman hunter’ signed, ‘Joe the cats
named as a Ripper suspect. What lived within a couple of blocks of meat man…’
the intersection of Commercial and Besides, William’s home was only
about Harriet Hardiman’s other
Hanbury Streets. The reasons why about one eight of a mile from where
son – the one we know for sure I believe this are, first, that the Emma Smith was assaulted on 3 April.
was at No. 29 Hanbury Street two murders where he may not have Before dying, she said that one of
in the wee hours of the eighth been finished until about dawn - the her attackers was a youth. And,
of September 1888, as Annie murders of Annie Chapman and Mary finally, the Goulston Street graffito
Chapman was being murdered in Kelly - were just down the street and the blood-spattered apron were
from that junction; and, second, that found on a direct line between Mitre
the back yard? We are looking at at that hour he could not have risked Square, where Catherine Eddowes
sixteen-year-old Master William walking very far through the streets was murdered, and No. 29 Hanbury
Hardiman. with his hands and clothes covered Street.
A sixteen-year-old Ripper suspect? with blood. Was William Hardiman Master
What about common sense? First of Jack the Ripper? Since William can
all, let’s agree that a little uncommon no longer defend himself - I don’t
sense is perhaps in order, since A sixteen-year-old Ripper suspect? think we’ve got a 133-year-old serial
common sense has already been tried What about common sense? killer on the loose out there - and I
in this case and failed. But I don’t First of all, let’s agree that a believe that everybody is innocent
really think this hypothesis it’s all until proved guilty, I should leave it
that farfetched. There have been little uncommon sense is perhaps
at that. He does look like a good one
several teenage serial killers. Indeed, in order, since common sense has though.
Jesse Pomeroy got started when he already been tried in this case and failed.
was fourteen and there have been Notes
But I don’t really think this hypothesis
others who have beaten even him to 1 In March 1874, fourteen-year-old Jesse
the punch.1 it’s all that farfetched. There have been Pomeroy murdered a ten-year-old girl
One of the most puzzling aspects several teenage serial killers. near his home in Boston,
Massachusetts. The following month,
of the Ripper case is why East End
he killed a four-year-old boy. Pomeroy
prostitutes, no matter how desperate,
was sentenced to solitary confinement
continued to go off alone with William not only lived near
for life. He died in 1932, after 58
strange men despite the knowledge Commercial and Hanbury Streets; he years in prison.
that a killer was about. So far the actually lived at one of the murder
explanation has been that the killer sites. Together with his mother, he 2 At the inquest into Annie Chapman’s
occupied the front room, ground death, Elizabeth Long stated that
was a non-threatening individual
she had seen Annie talking to a man
such as a woman, a policeman, a floor, at No. 29 Hanbury Street, from
near No. 29 Hanbury Street at about
clergyman or a famous person. I don’t where they ran a cat’s-meat shop. In 5:30 in the morning of her murder. Mrs
wish to suggest in any way a psychic fact, I suspect that William watched Long described the man as a
solution, but some nights ago I had a Annie Chapman finish up with the ‘foreigner’.
dream where I saw the Ripper - and foreign-looking man seen by Mrs Long
he was a youth. That led me to think and attacked her as soon as the
of another type of person whom the man left. [2] He could then have
women would not have feared: a very cleaned himself up before the murder
young man. was even discovered. It is also worth
Why choose William Hardiman recalling that William’s business was Back to Contents
over all other young men living in chopping up meat, usually horseflesh, Next article
Whitechapel in 1888? I’ve always for cat food sold out of the shop or

Write for Ripperologist!

We welcome well-researched articles on any subject related to Jack the Ripper,
Victoriana or the East End. Please send your submissions to

26 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

Man of
the Shadows
Jack the Ripper and
the Tasmanian Press

More than a century has passed Others lived on for a number of years,
the mysteries of Sherlock Holmes
since the faceless, name- some well into the 20th century.
and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? There
Among the former were Montague
less killer who has become is something almost magical about
John Druitt, who killed himself in
immortalized as Jack the Ripper a shadowy figure in an Ulster coat,
December 1888, and Aaron Kosminski,
top hat and Gladstone bag, suddenly
spread terror throughout the East who was interned in an asylum in
looming out of the dark amidst the
End of London. There have since 1890. The latter include Walter
murky fog of a long-ago London night,
been more books, films, plays, Sickert, who died only in January
something that appeals strongly to our
documentaries, exhibitions, 1942. Some were contemporary
imagination. Add to this heady mix a
suspects, investigated more or less
displays, board games, web- destitute, vulnerable woman working
diligently by the police at the time,
sites, message boards and even the streets, desperate to get doss
while others are modern-day inventions
money for her night’s lodgings, the
magazines devoted to the Ripper
sudden flash of a knife in the darkness
than to any other serial killer in and a muffled scream that echoes
history. Why? in our memory through decades and
The Ripper murders hardly stand centuries. Is this why the Ripper’s
out for sheer savagery when compared crimes still fascinate us?
to those perpetrated by the ever- To understand the Ripper’s
increasing number of 20th and 21st disturbing fascination we must go back
century serial killers nowadays found to 3:40am on the morning of 31 August
across the globe. Some link the Ripper 1888, when the body of 42-year-old
to almost every murder that occurred Mary Ann ‘Polly’ Nichols was found in
in the East End between 1887 and Buck’s Row, Whitechapel. Polly was a
1891. Others assert that the lone prostitute whose death could easily
killer was just a myth and several have been catalogued as just another
individuals actually committed the murder. She was penniless, and since
crimes. Most believe that the Ripper there were no signs of sexual contact,
was responsible for a few murders her murder appeared motiveless. But
only: perhaps three, perhaps five - as Suspect M J Druitt the post-mortem findings suggested
the widely accepted ‘Canon’ suggests colourisation ©Jane Coram something darker and more sinister.
- over a brief three-month period. Polly’s abdomen was ripped open and
Then he stopped, as suddenly as he her throat cut so deeply that her head
put forward by scholars, writers and
had begun. A century after he stalked was almost severed from her body.
armchair detectives. Some suspects,
the streets of the ‘abyss’ of Victorian The enduring legend of the Ripper
such as Dr Pedachenko, may not even
society, as another Jack, London had begun.
have existed. Finally, theorists have
this one, described it, repeat killers Murder in Whitechapel! Another
claimed the Ripper’s nationality to
murder victims in their dozens over ‘orrible murder in Whitechapel! This
be anything from British, Russian and
several years. So, what makes the refrain became the call of the day.
Portuguese to Polish, Scandinavian,
Ripper special? Why is he the one and News boys shouted it on street corners
American and so on, seemingly
perhaps only serial killer whose fame and people made it part of their daily
including half the membership of
and infamy endure? conversation as the women of the East
the United Nations. New suspects
Is it because of the wide choice End stayed home at night for fear of
are suggested almost monthly. Is the
of suspects? Over the years, we’ve becoming the next victim. A mixture
memory of the Ripper kept alive by
been presented with suspects from of sympathy for the victims, shock at
the new theories being continuously
all levels of society. They range the killings and outrage at the inability
advanced? Does our interest in the
from wandering lunatics to Royal of the police to apprehend the killer
Ripper never wear out because there
physicians, from Princes to poets, caused riots, protests, lynch mobs and
is always something new to discuss?
from artists to policemen, from irate letters to the government and
Does the root of our fascination
arsenic addicts to black magicians - the press.
with the Ripper lie in the setting
and everything in between. Some died Newspaper reporters and illustrators
of his crimes? A romantic vision of
or were incarcerated in an asylum competed to convey the horror of
the Victorian era, with its gas-lit
or prison shortly after Mary Jane the murders. ‘The way to doom’,
alleys and hansom cabs, coupled
Kelly’s murder, usually considered as ‘the gruesome scene’, and ‘her final
with our personal remembrances of
the last of the ‘Ripper’ murders.
Ripperologist 62 December 2005 27
moment’ were just a few out of the Ripper. As with other newspapers,
dozens of phrases used to emphasise there was little or no mention of
the ghastliness of the crimes and the the Whitechapel Murders until after
viciousness of the murderer. Let’s see the double event on September 30.
how the Star described him: The long and detailed articles came
London lies today under the through early October and after the
spell of a great terror. A nameless Mary Kelly murder on 9 November.
reprobate - half beast, half man Everything, from Jack the Ripper -
- is at large, who is daily gratifying Another Letter to The Resignation of
his murderous instincts on the most Sir Charles Warren, appeared along
miserable and defenceless classes of the news of the day. Unfortunately,
the community… The Tasmanian Mail has not survived.
The ghoul-like creature who stalks The last microfilm reel for it runs out
through the streets of London, stalking in June 1935 - 58 years after it first
down his victim like a Pawnee Indian, entered production.
is simply drunk with blood and he will The Launceston Examiner
have more. The Launceston Examiner, the
Newspapers jumped at the very first proper newspaper to be
opportunity to print grisly stories, printed in Tasmania, began production
especially newly founded newspapers in Launceston, a city in North-East
such as the Star, which used the case Tasmania, in March 1842. We found
to get off the ground. A fair amount several good ‘Jack the Ripper’ articles
of the press coverage of the murders in The Launceston Examiner on
was error-ridden and misleading. One microfilm reel, though not of quite
newspaper stated that the murders the length or quality we were hoping
were so horrific that blood was found for. The Launceston Examiner is still in
streets away; another, that a trail production today under the shortened
of blood led away from the scene. title of The Examiner.
Journalists went to any lengths to The Mercury
find out every macabre detail of the The Mercury began production
murders, even when the police tried in July 1854, 12 years after The
to downplay them as much as they Launceston Examiner. Like the other
could. The result of such behaviour newspapers, The Mercury had little
was that evidence became mixed with or nothing to say about ‘Jack the
gossip and rumour, some of the most Ripper’, ‘Leather Apron’ or ‘The
ridiculous nature, still surviving to Whitechapel Murders’ until after the The murders of Polly Nichols and
this day. double event on 30 September and Annie Chapman were reported in
Naturally, with all these wild the New Zealand newspapers
the Mary Kelly murder on 9 November.
rumours floating amidst the latest In later articles it mentioned the
‘Orrible Murder cry, it did not take earlier murders of ‘Polly’ Nichols and asserted that two imitation rings were
long for the international press to Annie Chapman. The Mercury is still in taken from Annie’s fingers and placed
grab the story. Soon, it had spread all production today. at her feet. The Daily Telegraph
over the world, even to an island as Other Tasmanian newspapers in stated that ‘there were also found
far away from England as Tasmania, print today, such as The Advocate, two farthings polished brightly, and,
Australia, which is home to one of didn’t begin production until after the according to some, these coins had
the authors of this article [Adam Ripper murders, while newspapers in been passed off as half sovereigns
Went]. Now, some might ask, why existence at the time of the Ripper, upon the deceased by the murderer.’
would Jack have been of interest to such as The North-West Courier, The myth was soon transformed into
anyone in Tasmania back then? Yet had so little mention of the murders ‘fact’ and was reported in many books.
there was much more information that we decided they weren’t worth But the truth was very different.
in the Tasmanian newspapers of the using. Neither the witnesses nor Inspector
time than one could imagine. Much of Chandler nor Dr Phillips mentioned
Two days after Polly Nichols’s
it consisted of reprints of stories from any rings or farthings placed by
burial, while many people in the East
British and American newspapers, but Annie’s feet. Finally, and perhaps most
End were still reeling from fear and
we will cite only those reports that important, ‘Leather Apron’ surfaced
shock, the Ripper struck again. This
have something interesting to say. The as the appellation of the murderer
time the victim was 46-year-old Annie
newspapers used as sources for this just before the Chapman murder. The
Chapman, murdered in the backyard
article are: Star was the first to report it, and it
of 29 Hanbury Street, Spitalfields,
became popular almost instantly. Yet
The Tasmanian Mail as the first light of dawn began to
it wouldn’t endure. The killer’s new
The Tasmanian Mail began appear. Annie’s murder is especially
nom de plume was coined less than
production in July 1877. Reading significant. First of all, because of
three weeks later.
through microfilm reels at the Elizabeth Long, the first witness to see
a Ripper victim with a man thought to The ‘Dear Boss’ letter - written
State Library of Tasmania, I [Adam
be the killer. One of the best known in red ink, posted to the Central
Went] found The Tasmanian Mail to
myths of the case originated with News Agency on 27 September 1888
be the newspaper with the longest
this murder. The Pall Mall Gazette (though it was dated 25 September)
and most interesting articles on the
and forwarded to Scotland Yard on

28 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

hands, curse it. No luck yet. They say
I am a doctor now. Ha! Ha!’
The whole of this extraordinary
epistle is written in red ink in a free
bold clerkly hand. It was, of course,
treated as the work of a practical
joker, but it is singular to note that the
latest murders have been committed
within a few days of the receipt of
the letter, that apparently in the
case of his last victim, the murderer
made an attempt to cut off the ears,
and that he actually did mutilate
the face in a manner which he has
never before attempted. The letter
is now in the hands of the Scotland
Yard authorities. The Central News
says: ‘A postcard bearing the stamp
‘London, E., October 1,’ was received
yesterday morning, addressed to the
Central News office ; the address and
subject matter being written in red
and undoubtedly by the same person
from whom the sensational letter,
already published, was received
on Thursday last. Like the previous
missive, this also has reference to
the horrible tragedies in East London,
forming, indeed, a sequel to the first
letter. It runs as follows:
‘I was not codding, dear old boss,
when I gave you the tip. You’ll hear
about Saucy Jacky’s work tomorrow.
Double event this time. Number
one squealed a bit; couldn’t finish
straight off. Had not time to get ears
for police. Thanks for keeping last
letter back till I got to work again.
Jack the Ripper.’
The card is smeared on both sides
with blood, which has evidently been
29 September - was the source of the on the right track. That joke about impressed thereon by the thumb or
nickname of the murderer who was Leather Apron gave me real fits. I am finger of the writer, the corrugated
terrorizing London. The text of the down on ---, (whores), and I shan’t surface of the skin being plainly
letter was published in the Daily News quit ripping them till I do get buckled. shown upon the back of the card.
on 1 October and a facsimile of it in Grand work the last job was. I gave Some words are nearly obliterated by
the Evening News of 4 October. The the lady no time to squeal. How can a bloody smear. It is not necessarily
‘Saucy Jacky’ postcard, also thought to they catch me now? I love my work, assumed that this has been the
come from the Whitechapel Murderer, and want to start again. You will work of the murderer, the idea that
was dated 1 October. This is how The soon hear of me with my funny little naturally occurs being that the whole
Tasmanian Mail reported on them: games. I saved some of the proper red thing is a practical joke. At the same
‘The Whitechapel Murders. stuff in a ginger-beer bottle over the time the writing of the previous letter
An Extraordinary Letter’ last job to write with, but it went immediately before the commission
(Manchester Courier.) thick and I can’t use it. Red ink is fit of the murders of Sunday was so
The Central News says: On enough, I hope, ha, ha. The next job I singular a coincidence that it does not
September 27 the following letter, do I shall clip the ladies’ ears off, and seem unreasonable to suppose that
bearing the ‘E.C.’ postmark, and send to the police officers, just for the cool, calculating villain who is
directed in red ink, was sent to this jolly, wouldn’t you? Keep this letter responsible for the crimes has chosen
agency: back till I do a bit more work, then to make the post a medium through
give it out straight. My knife’s so nice which to convey to the Press his grimly
September 25, 1888. and sharp, I want to get a chance. diabolical humour. Consternation has
Dear Boss Good luck. been caused locally by the report
I keep on hearing that the police Yours truly, Jack T. Ripper. that ‘Jack the Ripper’ has sent a
have caught me, but they won’t fix post-card to Barrett’s confectionery
Don’t mind me giving the trade factory at Woodgreen, saying that he
me just yet. I have laughed when they
name. Wasn’t good enough to post shall visit the neighbourhood and ‘do
look so clever, and talk about being
this before I got all the red ink off my for’ six of the girls employed at the

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 29

factory. It is further said that a man Schwartz also said that there was Most of what is known about the
answering the published description a second man on the other side of Eddowes murder stems from the
of the supposed murderer has been the street. Was he involved with the testimony of just one witness: Joseph
seen in Woodgreen. People speak of first man and the assault, or was he Lawende. Along with two companions,
their intention to carry arms to be simply a passer by, like Schwartz? Harry Harris and Joseph Hyam Levy,
prepared for any sudden attack. ‘ Was the man who assaulted Stride Lawende left the Imperial Club in
The Tasmanian Mail, also her killer? How likely is it? What Duke Street at 1:30 to 1:35am on the
17 November 1888. is the importance of Israel Schwartz’s night of the murder. A short distance
testimony? Is he believable? And from the club, the trio spotted a
spinning off from that, does the large man and a woman, whom Lawende
Three weeks went by with no
increase in the number of witnesses later identified as Catherine Eddowes,
murders. The East End began slowly
to the Stride murder mean anything? standing outside the entrance to
to settle down. Women appeared in
Church Passage, which led into Mitre
the streets again. The case was still
Square. The couple appeared to be
making the headlines, but, had the
engaged in friendly conversation and
fear passed? Were the murders over?
the woman looked as if she was
Then, the night after Scotland Yard
leaning against the man. Less than 15
received the ‘Dear Boss’ letter, the
minutes later, her body was found,
Ripper struck again. This time he did
horribly mutilated. There was not a
not claim one victim but two – and
soul in sight.
he reached levels of cold-hearted
viciousness never seen before. Lawende’s description of the
man seen with Eddowes was largely
The first victim on the night of the
consistent with the description given
so-called Double Event was Elizabeth
by Israel Schwartz of the man last
Stride, also known as Long Liz. Her
seen with Elizabeth Stride. According
body was found at 1am on the morning
to Lawende, the man was aged 30, 5
of 30 September in Dutfield’s Yard, off
ft 7 or 8 in tall, fair complexion and
Berner Street, by Louis Diemschutz, a
moustache, and of medium build.
jewellery pedlar and the steward of
He was dressed in a pepper and
the International Working Men’s Club,
salt jacket and a grey peaked cap,
a radical association. Long Liz’s throat
wore a red neckerchief and had the
had been cut only a few minutes
appearance of a sailor.
before she was found. There was a
large trickle of blood running down The testimony of Lawende and his
the yard, but, unlike the previous companions also raises questions: Why
two victims, she had not suffered any did Levy leave when he saw the man?
abdominal mutilations. Long Liz is an Did Harris really see nothing, as he
important piece of the Ripper puzzle. claimed? If he didn’t, why did Lawende
Was she really a Ripper victim? If see so much more, when they were
not, who killed her? Was the killer walking together? Did Lawende even
interrupted? If so, how many other see Eddowes? Is identification simply
victims like her might the Ripper have by the woman’s clothes sufficient? As
killed? regards Lawende, the most perplexing
and interesting question is this: Was
A key witness emerged from Long
he the witness to whom Sir Robert
Liz’s murder. A Jew named Israel
Anderson referred when he said that
Schwartz stated that on the night
a witness had identified a suspect at
of the murder he had turned into
the Police’s Seaside Home in 1891 as
Berner Street from Commercial Road
Jack the Ripper but refused to testify
at about a quarter to one and got as
against a fellow Jew?
far as the gateway where the murder The ‘Double Event’ murders of Liz Stride
was committed when he saw a man and Catherine Eddowes were widely The most controversial question
stop to talk to a woman. According reported in the New Zealand newspapers regarding Eddowes’s murder
to Inspector Swanson’s report of 19 concerns the graffito discovered at
October 1888, Schwartz added that he the Wentworth Model Dwellings in
Less than an hour after Stride’s Goulston Street at 2:55am on the
‘saw the man try to pull the woman
body was found, PC Edward Watkins night of the double event: ‘The Juwes
into the street, but he turned her
discovered the body of Catherine are The men That Will not be Blamed
round and threw her down on the
Eddowes in Mitre Square, Aldgate. for nothing’ was the message scribbled
footway and the woman screamed
We know she had been arrested for with chalk on the wall. Beneath it lay
three times, but not very loudly.’
drunkenness earlier on the night of a torn portion of Eddowes’s apron,
The man who assaulted Stride yelled
her death. Had she sobered up by the stained with blood, grime and bodily
‘Lipski’ and Schwartz moved away
time she was killed? Was she drinking fluids. Was this a message from the
quickly. He described the man as about
again after beings released from Ripper? When was it written? What did
age 30, 5 ft 5 in tall, fair complexion,
the police station? Why the facial it mean? Are there any clues hidden
hair dark, small brown moustache,
mutilations? Is the timeline between within it? Why the spelling ‘Juwes’?
full face, broad shouldered, wearing
her last sighting and the finding of the Why was it left in Goulston Street?
a dark jacket and trousers and a black
body too short, or was there enough Why not closer to Mitre Square? If the
cap with peak. He had nothing in his
time in between? Ripper didn’t write it, who did? And

30 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

how did the apron end up beneath therefore determined to make her murder and mutilation of women
it? These questions continue to be identification as difficult as possible. has been by the same hand that
debated to this day. The announcement of Dr Brown of the committed the previous crimes, and
A Tasmanian newspaper covered disappearance of the uterus revived quite a panic prevails among the
the Inquests resulting from the Double for a time the theory put forward by inhabitants of the localities where
Event in this way: Mr Wynne Baxter, the coroner, in the these shocking crimes have occurred.
Hanbury-street case. The police are denounced for not
English Mail News
The British Medical Journal, tracing the crime, and the citizens
--------------------------- however, states that the foreign of London are signing a petition to
Per RMS Ionic physician who sought to purchase the (----), praying for the offer of a
--- specimens was a gentleman of the large reward for the detection of the
The Whitechapel Tragedies highest respectability, that he did not murderer.
--- offer a large price, and that he left Later:
What The Inquest Revealed London 18 months ago. The Hon. Henry Matthews, Secretary
--- The Tasmanian Mail, of State for the Home Department, has
6 October 1888. refused to recommend a reward being
London, October 6.
given, and the public are indignant.
The Press Association states that Following the Double Event, October The citizens have subscribed 1,000
the excitement and indignation which 1888 was eerily quiet. Rumours were (pounds), and the Corporation of
are apparent in East London was rife, but the Ripper himself made no London has offered an additional 500
increased yesterday by the startling appearance. Had the murders finally (pounds.)
announcement by Dr Brown, at the come to an end? On 16 October, The Daily Telegraph, referring to
inquest, that a similar organ to George Lusk, President of the Mile the refusal of the Home Secretary to
that missing from the body of Annie End Vigilance Committee, a private sanction a reward, refers to the Kelly
Chapman had been cut away from citizen group on the hunt for the murders in Ireland, and the efficiency
the body of Kate Eddowes, found Ripper, received a small parcel in of Government reward in that instance
in Mitre Square. There had been the mail accompanied by a letter. in bringing the murderers to justice.
suspicion of this fact, which now Nothing could have prepared him for The Times suggests the employment
renders the murderer’s object the what he found when he opened it: of blood hounds to track the
more mysterious, since the doctor is half a human kidney. The heading of murderer.
so emphatic in his assertion that the the letter, ‘From Hell’, would later The Mercury,
obtaining of these portions of the become the name for several Ripper 3 October 1888.
woman’s body could be of no use of books and the most recent film on the
medical research. Dr Brown stated subject.
that the clever manner in which Mary Jane Kelly, the youngest and
Questions, again, spin off from this
the left kidney and other organs most attractive of the Ripper’s victims,
correspondence: first and foremost,
were removed betokened that the was murdered on the morning of
why were the letter and kidney sent
murderer was well versed in anatomy, Friday, 9 November. She was the only
to George Lusk? Were they really from
but not necessarily human anatomy, one to be killed indoors. Her body was
Jack the Ripper? Was it a hoax? If it
for he could have gained a certain viciously mutilated and her organs
was a hoax, who was responsible for
amount of skill by reason of his were found in different locations
it? If it was not a hoax, was the kidney
being a slaughterer of animals. These about her room. The murderer
taken from Eddowes in Mitre Square?
remarks conclusively show that the extracted her uterus, kidneys, liver,
If the correspondence is real, could
same hand which caused the death bladder, intestines and stomach, cut
other correspondence such as the
of previous victims is also responsible off her breasts and mutilated her face
‘Dear Boss’ and ‘Saucy Jacky’ letters
for killing Kate Eddowes and, in all beyond recognition. Even ghastlier, Dr
also be real?
probability, Elizabeth Stride in Berner Bond’s report stated that her heart
The refusal of the Home Secretary, was absent. Surviving photographs
street, although in the latter case he
Henry Matthews, to offer a reward show what words cannot describe.
may have been disturbed before he
for the capture of the murderer and Mary’s murder was the last of the
had time to complete the mutilation,
the public indignation resulting from so-called ‘Canonical Five’ murders
in the peculiarly horrible manner
his decision were covered in the generally accepted as the work of the
which characterizes his fiendish
Tasmanian newspapers as follows: Ripper. With the discovery of her body
work. The Central News says: - The
surgical evidence given at the inquest The murder of women in London. the newspapers went into a frenzy all
yesterday has caused a profound over again:
sensation. It had been supposed that Panic among citizens. The Whitechapel Murders.
the murderer did not have time to
------- -----
do more than take his victim’s life,
A Government reward for conviction Another horrible tragedy.
and then roughly mutilate her body,
of murderer refused. ------
but now it appears that he completed
his horrible work with reckless ------- (From the Melbourne Herald.)
deliberation, and removed certain The people indignant.
To-day London has again been
organs. The additional mutilation of -------
shocked and alarmed by the discovery
the face is believed to be due to Liberal subscriptions forth. of the perpetration of another of
fears on the murderer’s part that ------- the series of horrible murders which
he may have been seen in the
London, October 1. were discovered a few weeks since
woman’s company by someone, and
It is believed that the last reported in Whitechapel, Houndsditch, and

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 31

adjacent portions of Eastern London. the day before was somewhat discussed in the House of Commons.
In this instance the atrocity was not overshadowed by Mary’s murder, it Major-General Sir Charles Warren,
committed in the streets as were wasn’t missed out either: Commissioner of the Metropolitan
the previous ones, but there can
be no doubt from the attendant
circumstances that the perpetrator
of the latest murder is identical with
he man who committed the previous
ones. It is believed that he feared the
continued watchfulness of the police
in the streets, and therefore beguiled
his victim into a house and there
butchered her.

The facts are that last night a woman

of loose character, accompanied by a
man, engaged a room at one of the
low houses which are common enough
in Whitechapel. The pair retired for
the night. Nothing more was heard
of them till late this forenoon, when
as neither of them ad been seen,
the door was tried and found to
be locked. It was eventually burst
open, and then the horrible discovery
was made that the woman had been
brutally murdered. The head had
apparently first been severed, and
after that the breasts and certain
organs had been removed. The limbs
had also been separated from the
trunk. The breasts and organs referred
to were the only portions missing. In
this case, as in the others, there
was unmistakable evidence of the
murderer possessing a certain amount
of anatomical knowledge. This was
made the more plain inasmuch as he
had less fear of being disturbed, and
therefore did his horrible work more
leisurely. After he had completed it
he seems to have taken the portions The resignation of Sir Charles Warren was almost overshadowed in
the Tasmanian press by reports of Mary Kelly’s murder
of the body he required with him, and
stolen from the room which, when
burst open, presented a fearful scene The Whitechapel Murders.
of blood. He locked the door on the Police, has resigned, consequent on
----- newspaper attacks on the incapacity
outside and took the key with him,
An anonymous writer, ‘Jack The of the police to track the assassin,
his object probably being to delay
Ripper’, Avows himself the Assassin. and his being officially censured for
the discovery of the crime for as long
a time as possible in order to enable --------- writing an article in Murray’s Magazine
him to make good his escape. He was Resignation of Sir Charles Warren. defending the police department.
not observed leaving the house. ------- The Mercury,
An open verdict has been returned 14 November 1888.
The report of this, the eighth and in the murder case in Whitechapel.
most awful of the terrible series The previous murders have all been Following Mary Kelly’s murder, the
of crimes on record, has created a committed in the street, but this newspapers came up with further wild
profound sensation. The inhabitants occurred in the unfortunate woman’s ideas about how to catch her killer.
of the East End, and especially the lodgings. Her features were mutilated
The Whitechapel Atrocities.
women of abandoned character, are and organs extracted.
in a state of the wildest excitement The police and others continue
and alarm. The police appear to be Black trackers suggested.
to receive letters signed ‘Jack the
utterly helpless in the matter. Ripper,’ admitting that the writer -----
The Launceston Examiner, has committed the murders, and The police have not the slightest
12 November 1888. threatening to commit more shortly. clue to the perpetrator of the last
The refusal of the Home Secretary Whitechapel murder. The Times,
to offer any Government reward for evidently at loss for better suggestion,
Although the resignation of Police
discovery of the murderer is to be advocates that black trackers should
Commissioner Sir Charles Warren

32 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

be employed, with the hope that that Jack the Ripper was never A correspondent of the Standard
their skill will be as useful in crowded caught. His myth and his legend were writes: - May I suggest that it would
London as elsewhere. born as he vanished in the dark and be well if the police were, for once,
The Mercury, gloomy alleys of Whitechapel. Who not to confine their attention to
13 November 1888. was Jack the Ripper? This is the ‘suspicious characters’ (so-called)?
most commonly asked question. If When a man commits four separate
it had been answered, most of the murders in the same way, and on each
Well, at least they said they didn’t
fascination of the case would have occasion escapes without notice, the
have any better suggestions!
evaporated and present-day interest inference is irresistible that there
Just as the manhunt was at its
in him would probably not have is nothing whatever suspicious in his
peak, when all of London, Britain
reached the same levels. We can appearance. On the contrary, he is
and the world were looking for this
continue to speculate on his identity, probably a man of most respectable
elusive killer, the crimes stopped.
though, and we can still debate the exterior, calm and composed in
Jack the Ripper disappeared as he
greatest murder mystery in history. In manner, certainly dressed in dark
had appeared. As silent as when he
a way, he is a link with the captivating clothes, wearing probably dark
murdered his victims, he vanished,
world of Victorian London, and his gloves, and possible even a tall hat.
never to be heard from again.
murders are a significant part of the His modus operandi involves no such
Why did the Ripper stop killing? history of that bygone era. He killed struggle as would tear or disarrange
This question has remained a lively amidst a repressed society that was his clothes. Standing, as he does,
subject of debate. Almost every unaware of the type of murders he at the right shoulder of his victim,
scenario has been analyzed in detail committed. The case drew attention and a little behind her, he would
by generations of armchair detectives to the existence of hundreds of not be bespattered by the blood.
in hundreds of books, documentaries, ‘unfortunates’ who lived amid dire His left hand, which he places over
websites and films. Perhaps everything poverty. Even George Bernard Shaw his victim’s mouth and chin, would
that could be said has already been labelled Jack ‘some independent also escape pollution. Nor is it at
said about the case. But why, even genius’ who had done more to shed all necessary that in his horrible
though the identity of this man will light on the condition of the poor in subsequent proceedings he need be
almost certainly never be discovered the East End than anyone else before covered with blood, if he stands well
and proved beyond any doubt, does him. Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes away from his victim as he bends over
this dead-end, unsolved mystery stories and Robert Louis Stevenson’s her. That his hands should altogether
continue to fascinate generations Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde completed the escape bloodstains is improbable,
of Ripperologists from all over the formula. Indeed, a Tasmanian Mail working, as he does, in the dark, and
world? correspondent said so in so many it seems clear that he wipes them,
The answer is combined in a words: and then, in all probability, puts on
synergy of all the factors we listed a pair of dark gloves. Thus, when he
at the beginning of this article. The Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
leaves the scene of his crime, there is
most important factor is probably in Real life
absolutely nothing in his appearance

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 33

to excite suspicion. For my part, I get a story and was not completely modus operandi was unusual, though
do not doubt that he passed several correct factually, back in 1888, when not completely unheard of. The
policemen on Sunday morning. The there was nothing else to go on, murders were quick, silent - and
respectability of his appearance is the newspapers were very influential very brutal. The Ripper mutilated
proved by another consideration. and spread many myths and rumours. his victims in dark places with what
Nothing else would account for the The fascination with Jack can partly must have been incredible speed.
willingness of his last two victims to be attributed to how contemporary Police and medical reports help us to
be led into danger while the whole Londoners took up theories that understand better his technique, but
neighbourhood was still aghast at the largely stemmed from local gossip and many unanswered questions are still
crimes previously committed. Each newspapers reports. On the other side debated. Psychological profiles and
must have said to herself ‘Well, I of the coin, the newspapers also gave forensic science contribute new ideas
am quite safe with him!’ -- that is, details of certain events and provided and new theories - but the Ripper
there can have been nothing rough some interesting stories. While the remains unidentified.
or suspicious in his appearance. relationship between Ripper fact Whereas many other factors exist,
Probably, too, there was the offer of and press report must remain bitter- those discussed here generally explain
gold; but even this by itself would not sweet, it must be admitted that the our ongoing fascination with the
have been sufficient to induce them newspapers played a very important Ripper. We have re-visited the murders
to place themselves at a stranger’s role in the case. and discussed issues with which most
mercy had not his appearance been The people directly affected by the people are already familiar. It is our
such as to disarm suspicion. When to Ripper were another major element. hope that, in doing that, we may have
these considerations we add the fact Without him, none of the victims suggested a solution to at least one
that the manner in which the crimes would ever have been heard of. While question, even if thousands of others
have been perpetrated goes far to alive, they were not well known, remain unanswered. In completely
prove that the perpetrator is a man and yet, without ever being aware different ways, we are all victims of
of education, we are, I think, driven of it, they have been major topics of the Ripper, his mystery and his never
to a conclusion very different to that discussion for over a century. They ending fascination.
at which the police have arrived. It are also a link to Victorian times,
Adam Went’s
is not in the common lodging houses though they were innocent victims
of Whitechapel that such a criminal who played an unwilling role in the
must be sought. Were he such a man I’d like to take this opportunity to
murders and can’t be trumped up as
as haunts these places he must have thank several people who have made
being anything more than that.
been detected long ere (before?) this. this article ‘work’: First, a special
But the Ripper did not affect only
It seems much more likely that he thanks to Glenn Andersson and Don
the victims. Since 1888, many names
does not live in Whitechapel at all. Souden, the original co-authors of the
have emerged as suspects in the case:
He is probably a lonely, brooding article, who helped kick it off. On that
Prince Albert Victor, King Leopold of
monomaniac, well provided with same note, thanks also to Alan Sharp,
the Belgians, Lewis Carroll, Walter
money, occupying, very likely, a house who provided ideas and suggestions
Sickert, Richard Mansfield et alia -
by himself. Then, at night he puts and helped with some ‘final edits’.
even the Elephant Man! Would they be
on his murder suit, lets himself out Sincere thanks also to Eduardo Zinna,
remembered otherwise?
with the latch-key, does his deed of who persevered with me and my early
Then there are the witnesses. problems with this article and offered
horror, and quietly returns home,
Had it not been for the Ripper, they help whenever and wherever he could.
none knowing when he went out, or
would also have remained unknown. A big thank you also to Howard Brown
when he came back, or having any
In short, the Ripper shed light on for his assistance. It was through
reason to suspect him. In fine, this
the life and times of hundreds of him that I met the co-authors of
is, I think, a case of Dr Jekyll and Mr.
people and affected everyone at the this article, Amanda Howard and
Hyde in real life, suggested possibly
time. This is another reason for our Antonio Sironi. Thanks also to Peter
to some diseased imagination by that
fascination with him: his links with Sipka, Jennifer Pegg, David O’Flaherty
very story.
so many people, some of whom are and Chris Scott, who all provided
The Tasmanian Mail, remembered only because of him. assistance with newspaper reports,
6 October 1888.
There are also the discoveries both on Casebook: Jack the Ripper
continuously made in the case. The ( and in private
As we can see, the Whitechapel
1980s and 1990s were filled with communications. Thanks again to you
Murders offer, because of their
brand-new ones: the Littlechild letter, all!
brutal nature, seeds for speculation,
the ‘Diary’ of Jack the Ripper and
imagination and fantasy. They are, in Sources
the presumed lost medical reports of
a way, a kind of ‘LEGO’, which you can
Dr Thomas Bond. At the same time, Begg, Paul, Martin Fido and Keith Skinner:
shape any way you prefer. They have
the Ripper magazines were launched: Jack the Ripper A-Z (1996); Feldman, Paul
that flexibility. Even if their story has H: Jack the Ripper: The Final Chapter
Ripperana, Ripperologist, Ripper
been written and re-written hundreds (1998); Howells, Martin and Keith Skinner:
Notes. Of course, the Internet has
of times, it continues to fascinate. It’s The Ripper Legacy (1987); Russo, Stan: The
helped to fuel the fire and broaden
not hard to see why. Jack the Ripper Suspects (2004); Sugden,
the scope of discussion to a level
The press has always played a major Philip: The Complete History of Jack the
never seen before. New suspects and Ripper (Revised Edition 2002); Thomas,
part in the fascination with Jack.
theories are constantly proposed. Donald: The Victorian Underworld (1998);
As we have seen, the newspapers
There is never a drought of Ripper Casebook: Jack the Ripper; The State
printed sensational reports on the
issues to discuss and it’s a safe bet Library of Tasmania: Microfilm Reels of
murders all over the world. Even
that there never will be. The Launceston Examiner; The Mercury;
though much of what they published and The Tasmanian Mail.
Last but not least, the Ripper’s
resulted from their eagerness to

34 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

that Knight had indeed solved the
puzzle of the Ripper crimes and found

A Long
a solution consisting of a wayward
heir, star-crossed lovers, a Royal
conspiracy, misguided loyalists out to

Last Journey
save the throne and a series of murders
made all the more brutal because its
authors were not madmen but sane
men. Their motive in wielding the
The St Saviours Story knife and plunging their hands into
the steaming insides of their victims
EDUARDO ZINNA was not red-hot sadism but stone-cold
raison d’état. A few more years of
In 1973, BBC Television broadcast only was the bride a humble shop imperial glory had been bought at the
a six-part documentary on Jack girl, wholly inadequate to be the cost of human suffering and human
consort of the future King Emperor. blood.
the Ripper combining fact and
She was a Roman Catholic to boot. At But Knight’s triumph was short-
fiction: the latest research the time, the possibility of revolution lived and Sickert’s story was soon
on the Whitechapel Murders was thought to be a very real one demystified and discredited. A few
presented by detectives Barlow – and the problems of Ireland were at years later, Melvyn Fairclough told
and Watt, the protagonists of their height. The marriage of the heir the tale again, more unlikely and
the popular series Z Cars. to the throne to a Roman Catholic far-fetched than ever, in The Ripper
was certain to bring disgrace to his and the Royals. Knight died young.
family and damage the monarchy Fairclough grew disillusioned. Only
irreparably. Joseph Sickert remained unwavering
At first, the secret of the Prince’s and unrepentant in his beliefs about
marriage was known only to a few the royal heritage of which he claimed
intimate friends. Then, as secrets will, to have been unfairly deprived. At
it leaked and spread. Government the United Kingdom Jack the Ripper
agents intervened, swiftly and Conference at Bournemouth in 2001,
ruthlessly, to eliminate every vestige he repeated his extraordinary tale of
of Prince Eddy’s injudicious union. tea with the Queen, Royal coaches
The lovers were separated, never sliding silently in the night and
to see one another again. Ann was homicidal hirelings roaming the back
caged in hospitals, asylums and alleys of the East End.
On 17 August, during the final workhouses until her early death.
episode, a bearded, bespectacled Her friends were stalked by a motley
man told, in measured tones, in a soft team of assassins composed of Royal
Cockney voice, a wondrous tale of surgeons, police officers, coachmen
cruel ministers and royalty in disguise, and amateur killers. Five women were
of besotted princes and beautiful murdered, one by one: the last one
commoners, of forbidden love and was Mary Jane Kelly. Alice Margaret,
secret ceremonies. The man was a the Prince’s daughter, was rescued
painter and restorer who gave his name from a frightful fate by her father’s
as Joseph Sickert. He recounted how, friend, Walter Sickert. He became her
a few years before the Whitechapel protector and, late in life, her lover.
murders, Prince Albert Victor, better Joseph Sickert was their son.
known as Eddy, grandson of Queen In the beginning, Joseph Sickert’s
Victoria and third in line to the throne, tale did not make much of an
was introduced to the world of art by impression. But, shortly after the
his mother’s friend, the Impressionist documentary was broadcast, a young
painter Walter Sickert. In Sickert’s and determined journalist, Stephen
company, the Prince learnt to feel at Knight, interviewed him for his
ease with artists and, perhaps more newspaper, the East End Advertiser.
significantly, with models. Among the Following the interview, Knight
latter was one Ann Elizabeth Crook, a developed Sickert’s narrative into a
shop’s assistant in Cleveland Street. full-length book, Jack the Ripper: The
Final Solution, which would become Prince Albert Victor
The Prince was handsome; Ann was
beautiful. They became lovers. In possibly the most successful book on
due course, their relationship bore the Ripper ever written, still in print Outside of literature and the
fruit: a baby girl whom they named 30 years after it was first published. cinema, Joseph Sickert’s tale has not
Alice Margaret. In 1885, they got Knight’s story was, if anything, more aged well. Much of it has been shown
married. The witnesses were Sickert fantastic than Sickert’s original tale to be imprecise, inaccurate or plainly
and the baby’s nanny, an Irishwoman had been; the kind of yarn that can untrue. No record was ever found, for
called Mary Jane Kelly. It was a secret be believed only by someone who instance, of the marriage of Prince
marriage, and an unwise one. Not wants to believe it very badly. But Eddy and Ann Elizabeth Crook. All
many thought, at least for a while, Sickert knew was that they had gone

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 35

life-sized saints. In a letter to the
Times Literary Supplement, Father
Anthony Symondson recalled William
Butterfield’s chapel at St Saviour’s as
‘one of the most fascinating buildings
in London.’ He added that the baroque
choir stalls ‘were far too big for
their severe mid-Victorian setting and
created an impression of crushing
magnificence only alleviated by the
clear light of the sanctuary.’6
The choir stalls had come from the
Charterhouse at Buxheim in Bavaria,
Germany, a Carthusian monastery
founded in 1402. For many years the
monastery flourished, including within
its confines agricultural buildings,
vineyards and forests. Through their
own diligence as copyists and authors,
as well as through large donations
of money and personal libraries, the
Carthusians of Buxheim were able to
amass books on a previously unknown
scale. By the early 16th century, after
Hilprand Brandenberg of Biberach
donated his personal collection of
some 450 books, the Charterhouse’s
library owned well over 1,000 volumes
- something only a few European

Choir Stalls, Buxheim Charterhouse, and detail (right)

through a ceremony at St Saviour’s of the Ripper murders and the tales

Infirmary private chapel. But the woven round them have speculated
location of this chapel proved just as on the chapel’s true location.2 Andy
elusive as the marriage records did. and Sue Parlour discussed several
Ian Sharp, a BBC researcher, explored options, including an Islington house
several possibilities, of which the celebrated in Sir John Betjeman’s
most plausible was St Saviour’s poem St Saviour’s Aberdeen Park.3
Infirmary in Osnaburgh Street, off The Parlours were unable to find
the Euston Road – a stone’s throw much information about Aberdeen
from Cleveland Street. But by 1973, Park, but, oddly enough, Betjeman
when the programme was broadcast, featured prominently in what may
the Infirmary had long been removed well prove to be the last chapter in
to Hythe, on the South Kent coast, the St Saviour’s story. libraries at the time could match.
where no records of the old institution On the eve of his departure for Hilprand is well known among
survived. Australia in 1962, journalist Hugo bibliophiles on account of his ex
Years later, Melvyn Fairclough went Williams had lunch with Betjeman, libris bookplate - one of the earliest
to Hythe. There he learnt that the Barry Humphries and Charles Osborne, bookplates to be printed. The choir
Little Sisters of Mercy who had run an assistant editor at London stalls and figures in the chapel were
St Saviour’s as a cancer hospital were Magazine.4 After lunch, Betjeman took carved by Tyrolean artist Ignaz Waibl
the first order established after the his companions on an unusual tour of assisted by his apprentices and master
Reformation. An article published in London which included such places as cabinet-maker Peter of Memminger
the Graphic on 6 November 1886 Aldersgate Station, Farringdon, Great between 1687 and 1691.
reported that St Saviour’s had been Portland Street and a Diorama in In 1803, the monastery was
founded in 1872 by a lady who had Peto Place. The main purpose of the secularized and handed over to the
introduced ecumenical principles that tour was to visit the Convent of St von Ostein family as compensation
allowed mixed-faith marriages to take Saviour’s in Osnaburgh Street, which for the losses suffered during the
place in the Chapel: had been built in 1850 by William French occupation of 1794. Upon
The Chapel of the Hospital is very Butterfield, a prominent exponent the death of Count Johann Friedrich
beautiful and the services there are of the Gothic revival.5 The visitors von Ostein in 1809, the Counts
greatly appreciated by the household. followed a dark corridor into a tiny Waldbott von Bassenheim inherited
The sick of all denominations are chapel. Williams had an impression the property. By 1883, the profligate
received and no attempt to interfere of a dimly lit room full of black Count Hugo Waldbott von Bassenheim
with their religion is allowed. 1 stalagmites and stalactites, and was threatened with financial ruin.
then, gradually, of towering black He was forced to auction off the
That seemed to be the end of the choir stalls seemingly occupied by 16,000 volumes in the library, both
trail. For years afterwards, students
36 Ripperologist 62 December 2005
manuscripts and incunabula, which had covered them in Britain, repaired Osnaburgh Street, with its severe
are now scattered over 50 libraries the damages suffered in the course of architecture and its baroque choir
across Europe and North America, three centuries and replaced missing stalls? We may never find the answers
with quite a few in private hands. parts in accordance with the original to these questions. What we have
He also sold the chapel furniture design. The stalls are now light brown, instead is the history of St Saviour’s:
at auction in Munich, where the deprived of the blackness that gave its origins, its strange beauty, its
catalogue described it as a ‘splendid, them their unforgettable dramatic many journeys and its final fate.
incomparable masterpiece of German effect.7
carving and sculpture whose equal Let’s now imagine St Saviour’s
I should like to thank Father Anthony
does not exist in Germany’. The choir chapel as it was in 1885: a small,
Symondson SJ, Hugo Williams and Mike
stalls turned up in the art market austere room overwhelmed on all
Umbers of the Hythe Civic Society for
in London, where the founder and sides by huge, intricate, ebony-black
their kind replies to my inquiries and
benefactress of the Order of the carvings of heaven and earth, saints,
their permission to quote from their
Little Sisters of Mercy acquired it for apostles and prophets, angels and
St Saviour’s. demons, columns, leaves, flowers and
Fairclough, Melvyn: The Ripper and the
Royals; Jones, Elwyn and John Lloyd: The
Ripper File; Knight, Stephen: Jack the
Ripper: The Final Solution; Parlour, Andy
and Sue: Will the Real St Saviour’s Ever be
Found?, Ripperologist No. 22 (April 1999);
Umbers, Mike: The Buxheim Carvings,
Hythe Civic Society; Ripperologist; The
Times Literary Supplement (TLS).
The Charterhouse of Buxheim, Bavaria, Germany, as it is today.
1 Cited by Melvyn Fairclough in The
Ripper and the Royals.
Forty-two years later, Williams fruits. The pungent smell of incense
2 The question was further complicated
returned to Osnaburgh Street, hangs heavily in the air as solemn
by the existence of another St
but found no trace of St Saviour’s music issues from an unseen source.
Saviour’s in the Ripper saga. At Mary
among the new buildings. After some A tall, pale young man stands at the Jane Kelly’s inquest, John McCarthy
investigations, he was able to piece altar holding by the hand a woman, stated that she used to visit a fellow
together the further history of the almost a girl, whose delicate features unfortunate at St Saviours, in the
Convent with the assistance of Mike are half hidden by a thin veil. The Elephant and Castle area. Joseph
Umbers of the Hythe Civic Society. voice of a man, perhaps a priest, Barnett also referred to these visits
In 1962, shortly after Williams’s first drones melodiously, his words familiar in an interview with the Star. Among
visit, the Convent had succumbed but also archaic and remote. The the researchers who have attempted
to the advances of developers. With witnesses to these furtive rituals are to locate this St Saviours have been
John Carey, in Mary Kelly in the 1881
money from its sale, the Little Sisters a raffish, strikingly handsome man
Census, Ripperologist No. 16 (April
of Mercy built a new St Saviour’s and a red-headed woman whose eyes
1998), Alan Hayday, in Dead Men
hospital in Hythe. Butterfield’s chapel sparkle in the semi-darkness. As the Tell No Tales, Ripperologist No. 16
was demolished with the Convent, light of the candles shifts and shivers, (April 1998) and Bernard Brown, in The
but the Sisters took the choir stalls their shadows glide back and forth St Saviour Mystery Solved?,
with them. The new chapel was across the massive choir stalls. An Ripperologist No. 18 (August 1998).
designed round the stalls and gave engaging vision, no doubt. But was it
3 See Parlour, Andy and Sue: Will
them the freedom of scale they had ever true? I think not.
the Real St Saviour’s Ever be Found?,
originally enjoyed at Buxheim, though Joseph Sickert is no longer of this Ripperologist No. 22 (April 1999).
not at Osnaburgh Street. The Sisters world, and an old injunction calls upon
remained at Hythe until 1975 when 4 Williams, Hugo: Freelance, Times
us not to speak ill of the dead. Suffice
Literary Supplement, 24 June 2005.
they became too old to carry on and it to say that his stories straddled the
St Saviour’s became a BUPA Hospital. realm of credibility. They were like 5 William Butterfield (1814-1900)
It is still there, now owned by Classic fairy-tales where the famous spoke to adhered to the Ecclesiological doctrine
Hospitals Ltd., at 73 Seabrook Road. the unknown and the highest in the that churches must be planned and
Before leaving, the Sisters sold realm walked together with the lowest designed as metaphors for the
‘spiritual functions of sacrament
the stalls for £49,000, which went of the low. Some of the characters in
and worship’. His style was High-
into their medical foundation. In his stories may not have even existed;
Church Gothic-Revivalist. As an
1980, the stalls were bought for others, like Ann Elizabeth Crook and architect, he reinterpreted the Gothic
ten times as much for the Buxheim her daughter, Alice Margaret, did. language into contemporary terms
Charterhouse from where they had So did a coachman named Joseph that would meet the functional and
come one hundred years before. The Netley. Who were they? How did spiritual needs of his buildings, which
chapel at Buxheim had survived, Sickert come to know so many details were mainly religious in nature.
though without its furniture. Prior to about their obscure lives? What was 6 Symondson, Father Anthony: Letters,
placing the stalls again in their former his relationship to those long dead Times Literary Supplement, 1 July
locations, restorers used 3,500 litres and half forgotten people? Why did 2005.
of denatured alcohol to strip them he have their photographs? How did
7 Symondson, Father Anthony: loc. cit.
of the coating of black lacquer which he come to know of the Chapel in

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 37


going to the children’s charity Dreams

Come True.

The 2005 Following a well-deserved evening

buffet a exclusive preview of a new

UK Ripper
Ripper film, The Last Victim, was
shown with its creator Phil Peel actively
seeking feedback. This proved to be

unlike any Ripper film seen before,
and with Frogg Moody’s involvement
several members of the Whitechapel
Society made appearances. It’s hoped
Phil will take on board comments
made by the audience and it won’t
The recent Ripper conference delegates collected their information
be too long before we see the revised
in Brighton was the fifth held in packs and perused the itinerary over
version of The Last Victim. And so
a pint or two with friends old and
the UK. The previous four had to bed, or in the case of most, the
new. This conference was to be the
been of such a high standard bar...
best attended so far, with over 100
that the organisers of this year’s Saturday morning saw the first
lecture of the weekend, with Robert
event would be hard pushed to
McLaughlin delivering a fantastic talk
go one better. on the victim photographs and the
From the hard work of Rosie Howells man who took them. This coincided
in creating the conferences in Ipswich with the official launch of his book,
and Norwich, via the Bournemouth The First Jack the Ripper Victim
weekend in 2001 which saw a display- Photographs, which is reviewed in
case full of original memorabilia, to this issue. Without Robert’s solid
2005’s Liverpool jamboree, it was professionalism however, it could
clear that Claudia Aliffe, Andy Aliffe have been a disastrous start to the
and Adam Wood had learned and conference as the laptop being used
tweaked the conference accordingly. to show his slides refused to work;
Later morning starts, improved room moreover, the next scheduled speaker,
usage and sound quality was all Chris Scott, had been struck down
implemented to make the weekend a with illness and was unable to attend.
great success. Luckily Jennifer Pegg had some
The seafront location of the venue sensational news based on her recent
was a plus, and was at its most research into the work carried on by
attractive during the Saturday post- Tony Williams and Humphrey Price
banquet entertainment, when Philip Chris Coopey and Jeremy Beaadle with the while working on Uncle Jack, and at
Hutchinson delivered an illustrated original Baxter certificate ©Claudia Aliffe extremely short noticed was willing
talk on the Ghosts of the Ripper, with to report this and take questions
the lights on Brighton pier twinkling from the floor. It soon transpired
behind him atmospherically. Kicking off the conference was our
that Jenni had uncovered serious
old friend Jeremy Beadle, reprising
Before this though was the small discrepancies between the documents
his role as Host. Jeremy swiftly
matter of registration, where used in Uncle Jack and the original
introduced the Mayor of Brighton,
files. A fascinating and brave talk in
Bob Carden, who bade us welcome,
the circumstances, and it has to be
before the Mayor of Lewes, Jim Daly,
hoped that satisfactory answers to the
gave some words of thanks for the
allegations will be forthcoming from
conference’s acknowledgement of his
the authors in due course.
predecessor, Wynne Baxter, the main
An eventful first morning was
focus of weekend. In fact Baxter
discussed over lunch before we moved
was, as Jim informed us, the first
into the centrepiece of the conference,
2005 CONFERENCE : BRIGHTON Mayor of Lewes. We were to find
the Wynne Baxter session. Don
out a whole lot more about Baxter
Rumbelow delivered his authoritative
during the course of the weekend.
lecture on the Siege of Sidney Street,
Jeremy then introduced Chris Coopey,
which we were to discover was but
who was representing Wynne Baxter
“I have no doubt that if one of the famous inquests presided
solicitors, the first ever sponsor of the
the perpetrator of this foul murder over by Baxter. In can be said that
is eventually discovered, our efforts conference. Chris expressed his delight
will not have been useless.” Don never disappoints, and to hear
that Wynne was being honoured, and
this exceptional presentation in the
WYNNE E BAXTER offered up for auction the original
context of a Ripper weekend was a
26 September 1888 certificate awarded to Baxter on his
enrolment as a member of the Widows
Sponsored by
and Orphans Fund of the Ancient And so to the keynote presentation,
Order of Foresters in 1876. The Andy Aliffe’s lecture on the life and
framed certificate eventually went to career of Wynne Baxter, based on
Delegate pack ©Adam Wood the research of Adam Wood (see
Jeremy Beadle for £130, all proceeds
Ripperologist 62 December 2005
heading off for ‘Suspects on Sunday’.
The first lecture of the session was
given by Ivor Edwards on D’Onston,
assisted by Tyler Hebblewhite. It’s
been said in the past that Ivor’s
theory of the murder sites being pre-
determined is too complex to grasp
properly, but hearing him explain
it in detail and seeing these ideas
illustrated made a lot of attendees
think again. Indeed, Jeremy suggested
to Ivor that an interactve DVD might
be the most suitable format to put
forward his theory. Whether this comes
to pass or not, Ivor’s lecture was very
well received and left many people
prepared to take another look.
Next up was Christopher George,
North American Editor of the Rip, who
presented an illustrated update on
Chris Coopey, Richard Clarke and the Mayor of Brighton
unveil ‘Wynne Baxter’ ©Claudia Aliffe research into Francis Tumblety. With
data collated from numerous sources,
Ripperologist 61). Andy was ably first recipient of this was chosen by including articles published here by
assisted by Philip Hutchinson and the organisers, but it’s hoped that Joe Chetcuti, Chris all but blew away
Richard Clarke, the latter acting future winners will be nominated by Tumblety as a viable Ripper suspect,
the part of Baxter. It transpired delegates. Loretta spoke at length but revelaed that research is continuing
afterwards that Richard had been outlining the advancement of research into this slippery character.
on board for less than a week, which over the past few years, primarily All weekend, raffle tickets had been
is a testament to his abilities. With thanks to the internet. The main sold with aplomb by Ally Reineke, and
speaker Richard Patterson loaning the protagonist of this, in terms of Ripper during the lunch break we finally had
organisers his laptop, we were spared data collation, is of Stephen Ryder, a chance to see if we would be lucky
the possibility of Andy et al presenting with the focus being his Casebook enough to win the unique print of
without any slides, and the dozens of website. To great applause Stephen Wynne Baxter and Winston Churchill,
images shown superbly illustrated the modestly accepted the award and signed by all the speakers, or the
events of Baxter’s life and career. A thanked Adrian Phypers, sadly no signed copy of Robert McLaughlin’s
highlight of the weekend. longer with us, as the person who limited edition book. Alas, while many
Completing the morning’s events, helped raise the Casebook’s profile left with smiling faces nothing came
and the Wynne Baxter session, was with the magnificent newspaper our way...
the unveiling of an official Brighton reports section. A nice way to mark The final lecture slot, filled at
bus bearing the name ‘Wynne Baxter’. the efforts of those who might previous conferences by Joseph
Mayor Carden explained this was a otherwise go unrecognised, and a Sickert and Jean Overton Fuller,
tradition of the town’s, one which genuinely worthy winner. has traditionally been reserved for
the organisers were delighted to ‘unusual’ topics. Virtually nobody in
have persuaded the bus company the audience knew anything about
to agree to in an attempt to have Francis Thompson, the Victorian poet
Baxter recognised in the same put forward by Richard Patterson
was as Frederick Abberline was in in his book Paradox, self-published
Bournemouth. The naming ceremony in 1997. As Richard unveiled
itself was conducted by the Mayor, the story of Thompson’s life, and
Richard Clarke still in Baxter-mode, revealed numerous coincidences of
and event sponsor Chris Coopey. A Ripper-related events with Saints’
maiden voyage around Brighton was Days, delegates became more and
offered to those who felt the urge! more engrossed in this overlooked
Stephen Ryder accepts his Outstanding
The free afternoon gave delegates Achievement award from Loretta Lay suspect, and jaws literally dropped
the opportunity to explore Brighton ©Claudia Aliffe when Richard displayed a sample of
and its excellent second-hand Thompson’s handwriting alongside
bookshops, before returning in best Still seated at our tables following that of the Dear Boss letter. In terms of
bib-and-tucker for the pre-banquet the banquet, we were treated to writing it’s the closest match seen.
drinks reception. After a glass or two the hugely entertaining presentation A revealing and fascinating end to
of wine, Jeremy ushered the throng by Philip Hutchinson, as mentioned yet another triumphant conference.
to their seats for the three-course before, complete with illustrations All that remained was for Jeremy to
banquet. It’s safe to say that the food by the incomparable Jane Coram. conduct the closing speeches, and to
at this year’s event was excellent. Another great day, with delegates put forward Blackpool as a potential
The clattering of cutlery and glasses celebrating long into the night. venue for the 2007 event. The Rip
was hushed for the introduction of Those with sore heads no doubt now understand that the organisers
Loretta Lay, sponsor of the inaugural appreciated the later starts and were have 90% decided on the location...
Outstanding Achievement award. The able to grab some breakfast before watch this space!

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 39

son Thomas James and daughter Alice
(presumably named after the pub). In
1885, the new landlord was Richard
Dipple, who was at that time also the
All the news that’s fit to print... landlord of The Queen’s Head. Rather
than provide temporary management

I Beg to Report cover for The Princess Alice, Dipple

combined successfully the duties of
both pubs before handing Alice to
Arthur Ferrar in 1888. Within six years
Ferrar, Robert Knapston and Elizabeth
Cruse had been and gone. John Beech
became landlord in 1895. He started
WELCOME BACK, PRINCESS ALICE. a sequence of long-serving managers:
NEWS After 20 years going under the name Beech 12 years, Alfred Lamb five
of The City Darts, The Princess Alice years, William Lashmar nine years and
pub, located at 40/42 Commercial Samuel Goldstein 12 years. Charles
United Kingdom National Archives
Street on the corner of Wentworth Alexander served two years until
Learning Curve Education Service has
Street, has acquired a new landlord 1937, when Albert Harris took over.
established a workshop designed to
and recovered its name and much of Anyone who has seen the well-known
investigate why the police were unable
its former glory, as plush leather sofas photograph of The Princess Alice will
to catch Jack the Ripper. Students
replace wooden chairs. The Princess have noted his name. Harris was
will study original correspondence
Alice is one of the few remaining pubs still in charge in 1959, after which
taken from the Metropolitan Police
with bona fide Ripper connections. In landlords’ names are not listed in
Letter Books and the ‘Jack the Ripper’
an article on the pubs of Commercial Kelly’s. Truman’s brewery sold The
letters held at the National Archives
Street in Ripperologist 19, Adam Wood Princess Alice to Thorley Taverns in
and research the different methods
quoted the Star of 5/6 September the early 1980s. It was renamed The
employed by the police in their efforts
1888: ‘...Leather Apron would most City Darts in May 1985 as part of
to apprehend the Ripper, as well as
likely be found in Commercial Street, a refurbishment and relaunch made
those suggested by members of the
opposite the Princess Alice Tavern.’ outside Council Planning control. As
public, to question whether or not the
either Darts or Alice, the pub has
police were to blame for not bringing
served since 1997 as the venue for
him (or her!) to justice. They will also
the meetings of the Cloak and Dagger
examine the ‘Jack the Ripper’ letters
Club, now the Whitechapel Society
to understand the impact they had on
the police investigation of the case
and what they reveal about society’s Tower Hamlets History File TH12568,
attitudes to the murders. In addition Kelly’s Directories for London 1850-1959.
to this, students will examine original
census returns from 1881 to build up JACK AND WALTER TOGETHER AGAIN.
a picture of Whitechapel at the time On 7 December 2005, the Art Gallery
of the murders and consider how this of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
evidence can also help to understand presented Walter Sickert: Was he Jack
the difficulties faced by police in their the Ripper? Local lawyer Hartley R.
investigations into the case. Nathan QC analysed the case against
To find more information and to Sickert and showed prints and drawings
download materials relating to the by him and his contemporaries before
workshop click here. a sold-out house. If you have hopes of
a repeat performance, click here.
JACK, TELL ME A STORY. The Minnesota
Society of Children’s Book Writers TO BOLDLY GO WHERE NO RIPPER
and Illustrators has awarded Natalie SUSPECT HAS GONE BEFORE. James
Rosinsky a Letter of Merit as a runner- It is also alleged that Frances Coles met Doohan was a Ripper suspect in fiction
up in this year’s Magazine Merit Thomas Sadler here on 11 February only – but then, it was in fiction only
Competition for her article “‘Facing” 1891. Although a sign at The Princess that he was the Scottish chief engineer
Jack the Ripper: Forensics Then Alice says Est. 1884, the tenancy of on the spaceship USS Enterprise in
and Now’, (January 2004 Odyssey- the pub can be charted back to at the original Star Trek TV show and
Adventures in Science). Ms Rosinsky least 1850, when James Budden was subsequent films. Doohan wasn’t even
is the author of several books for its landlord. His son Thomas took Scottish, but Canadian, and no one
young readers on economics, science, over the pub in 1852 and ran it for 16 ever said ‘Beam me up, Scotty’ to him
American Indian tribes and – you years until his death in 1868. At this either. In a departure from his usual
guessed it - Jack the Ripper. For point it would have been likely for a stalwart characterization, Doohan
further information on the prize click new manager to come in, but instead played a murder suspect in one of the
here. Ms Rosinsky’s books are listed in Thomas’s widow Ann, then aged 40, series’ best remembered episodes:
all the major Internet bookshops. continued to run The Princess Alice for the Robert Bloch-scripted Wolf in the
a further 16 years with the help of her Fold. He held the audience’s attention

40 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

and violence inflicted by her husband,
who also raped his two daughters when
they were very young. In 1996, when
Angiolina and her daughters learnt
that Pacciani would be acquitted
and released, they took refuge in a
religious institute.


fingerprint evidence, on which police
forces worldwide have relied from
but the killer turned out to be not him the early twentieth century until the
but fellow actor John Fiedler playing advent of recent forensic techniques
the spirit of Jack the Ripper. Doohan such as DNA testing, has come under
died last July, aged 85. In accordance scrutiny. The Sunday Herald reported
with his last wishes, his remains on 20 November that Euan Innes,
will be sent into space along with the head of the Scottish Fingerprint
tributes from his fans and the ashes Service (SFS), has expressed the
of 200 other people. The remains opinion that fingerprint evidence
will be placed into a tube ejected is more a matter of opinion than
from the Falcon One rocket and orbit science. A leaked report by Innes with guns manifested by Burroughs
Earth for up to 200 years before argues that fingerprint identification began at age eight when he was taken
eventually burning up when they cannot be viewed as fact. The report duck hunting by his father. Shortly
re-enter the atmosphere. Originally ‘also makes the case for two or before his death in Lawrence, Kansas,
planned for December, the launch has more experts being able to examine in 1997, Burroughs began to paint
been postponed to February pending the same print but legitimately artwork as targets to shoot, creating
further engine tests. come to different conclusions about some unusual if not bizarre artwork.
identity.’ The Herald continued: ‘The ‘Burroughs painted these targets
revelations have led to an outcry from and then shot them with his .38
WIFE OF THE RIPPER. The Ripper of international fingerprint experts, Smith & Wesson,’ said Paul Pieroni,
Florence, that is. Admirers of the and predictions from legal figures manager of the Riflemakers Gallery.
novels and films featuring Dr Hannibal that the divisions at the most senior ‘He created a range of bogeymen
‘the Cannibal’ Lecter will remember levels of the service could lead to a – cops and other figures of authority,
that Hannibal took place mostly in flood of appeals against conviction in but also nuns, dead boys, junkies
Florence. Dr Lecter’s creator Thomas the courts. Last night it also led to and hustlers he used to know from
Harris had attended the trial of Pietro pressure on the justice minister, Cathy New York. He’d line them up and
Pacciani - also known as The Monster Jamieson, to launch an inquiry into say, “Which one of you is next?”
of Florence – and mentioned him in the SFS and calls for its head [Innes] Then he’d pop four or five shots into
his novel. Pacciani, a farm labourer to resign.’ Leading British fingerprint whichever one he’d choose.’ Powder-
with convictions for murder, wife- expert Allan Bayle said: ‘For the head tinged bullet holes form part of the
beating and sexual molestation, of the Scottish Fingerprint Service to finished work. The artwork of William
was convicted in 1994 of a series argue this is astonishing. To start going S Burroughs, including the ‘Ripper’
of murders committed between 1968 down the route of viewing fingerprint sketch, is on view at the Riflemaker
and 1985. He was later freed on identification as opinion, where it Gallery, 79 Beak Street, London W1
appeal, only to die in mysterious is legitimate to disagree about an 9SU throughout December.
circumstances on 23 February 1998, identity, will put the whole of forensic
before he could face a retrial. Click for website.
science at risk.’ Click here for the full
Liverpool Daily Post reported on 24
I SHOT THE RIPPER. Whoda thunk it?
October the discovery of the grave of
American writer William S Burroughs
Joseph Williamson, the ‘Mole of Edge
(1914–1997) had a thing for Jack the
Hill,’ who built a mysterious series
Ripper. Well, don’t we all? Forty of
of tunnels in Liverpool in the early
Burroughs’ offbeat artworks, complete
nineteenth century. The Post added:
with bullet holes that testify to the
‘Archaeologists yesterday uncovered
writer’s lifelong love of firearms, are
the lost grave of philanthropist Joseph
on display at London’s Riflemaker
Williamson for just a few hours,
Gallery as part of a retrospective:
before burying the tomb once more.
Dead Aim: The Unseen Art of William
Local historians from the Friends of
S Burroughs. One of his acrylic
Pietro Pacciani the Williamson Tunnels have been
paintings, Jack the Ripper, described
searching for the exact location of the
as a ‘black acrylic figure with top
His wife, Angiolina Manni, died on 20 grave for the past 10 years and said
hat on white card, 28.5’ x 22.5’, 12
November 2005 at the age of 80 in a the find came at the 11th hour… in a
gunshots, 1992’ is a ghoulish Edvard
rest home in Radda in Chianti, Siena. car park opposite police headquarters
Munch-like stick figure. The obsession
Her life was marked by poverty, abuse at Canning Place, which is part of the

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 41

new Paradise Street development.’ understand. But I also had to do a lot
Williamson, who has been the subject of research into Lizzie’s life to get the D E A R D I A RY
of writings by Ripperologist Richard part just right.’ The Favourite, which
Whittington-Egan, is believed to have was recently pulled down, was one of Until 18 February 2006
built the labyrinth of tunnels to provide the reasons Miss McManamon decided SAUCY JACK AND THE SPACE VIXENS
an occupation for local men who were to become a performer. She would Intergalactic, glitzy pop musical, a
out of work during the economic frequently enjoy evenings of dance combination of disco, cabaret and
slump following the Napoleonic Wars. and music there with her family and murder! Mondays to Saturdays 8pm,
The philanthropist had married into was surprised when she heard it had Saturday matinee 3.30pm, Fridays
the Tate family. When uncovered, been demolished. ‘I can’t believe 11.30pm.
The Venue, Leicester Place WC2
the family gravestone was found to they knocked down my bedroom. We
Telephone 0870 899 3335
have been amended to read: ‘Also had so much fun in that pub,’ she
the Remains of Joseph Williamson says. Her parents had also run one of 29 November - 22 December 2005
of Edge Hill Who died the 1st May the East End pubs where the notorious JACK THE RIPPER - THE MUSICAL
1840 Aged 71 Years.’ Williamson Kray Brothers could often be found The Jermyn Street Theatre Christmas
campaigner Gabriel Muies stated that during the 1950s - another East End Show. A Musical Romp Through
the area where the grave was found connection which allowed her to get Victorian London!
will be turned into a garden with more in touch with her character. Jermyn Street Theatre
16b Jermyn Street
a commemorative plaque thanks to Miss McManamon can act, sing and
London SW1Y 6ST
Paradise Street developer Grosvenor. dance. ‘I always wanted to act,’ she
Visit website.
Muies added: ‘I am absolutely over says. ‘I did Irish dancing from a very
the moon. Williamson was a great young age and loved it, but going to 12-21 December 2005
benefactor for the unemployed in Anna Scher – the Anna Scher Theatre SPITALFIELDS WINTER FESTIVAL
Liverpool. Grosvenor have agreed, at School in Islington - encouraged me to
2005 is the 10th anniversary of the
great expense, to turn [the area] into become an actress.’ Spitalfields Winter Festival. Discover
a garden and have saved it.’ music, education events, walks and
Further information.
Friends of Williamson’s Tunnels talks in this fascinating part of East
website. London.
Click to visit website.


Now that sounds familiar, doesn’t it? INTERIM MEETING
Whitechapel Society 1888
These days it’s hard to keep up with
the many versions of the Ripper saga The Whitechapel Society promotes the
set to music. Eat your heart out, study of the Whitechapel murders of
Oklahoma! The latest version is on 1888 and the social impact this event
from November 29 to December 22 had on the East End of London. Six
at the Jermyn Street Theatre, 16b meetings a year with guest speakers,
membership £6 a year.
Jermyn Street, London, SW1Y 6ST. It is
The Princess Alice
described as a musical romp through
Commercial Street
Victorian London, has a book and lyrics Click to visit website.
by Ron Pember and Denis de Marne and
music by Ron Pember, and is directed Know of an event? Please let us know!
by Tim McArthur. Trilby Productions
have this to say: ‘Phantom? Aristocrat? SMILE WHEN YOU CALL ME THAT. A
of real customers but had them sent
Or a local lunatic escaped from thief who was compared to Jack the
to bogus addresses. His crimes only
Bedlam? Rumours abound. Descend Ripper by a judge has failed in a bid
came to light after an audit.
with our thirteen-strong ensemble to clear his name. The Appeal Court
into the depths of Victorian London heard how Mr Recorder Parry, sitting
for a heady mix of nail biting terror, at Knutsford Crown Court in February, JACK THE RIPPER AS CULTURAL
suspense and musical comedy, leaving said: ‘Jack the Ripper had a good CONSUMPTION. The Department of
you breathless and entertained!’ character once,’ as he reminded jurors English of the University of London
The star of Jack the Ripper: The that Craig Dewhurst had a previously is offering a cross-disciplinary MA
Musical is Islington-born, red-headed unblemished record. Twenty eight- programme on Victorian Media and
Cathy McManamon, who plays Lizzie year-old Dewhurst, of Cherry Blossom Culture co-ordinated by the Royal
[sic] Stride, described as a vivacious Road, Runcorn, was subsequently Holloway Centre for Victorian
landlady who was once known to convicted on charges of conspiracy Studies. The programme harnesses
frequent the numerous pubs around to steal from his employer and theft the expertise and resources of several
the East End. Miss McManamon has and was sentenced to 45 months of the College’s most highly regarded
surprised herself by finding a number in jail. Appeal Court judges said departments. The foundation course
of similarities between Lizzie’s the comments were ‘inappropriate’ provides an advanced grounding in
character and her own upbringing. but refused to quash the conviction the theory and practice of cultural
When she was growing up, her parents and dismissed arguments to clear studies and an established framework
ran a well-known Irish music pub, The his name as ‘unsafe’. Justice Gibbs within which the student can explore
Favourite. ‘My parents were landlords heard how Dewhurst, who worked for key aspects of Victorian culture and
and so was Lizzie, so I could relate mobile phone giant O2, had ordered society. Seminar topics will include
to her in that way,’ she says. ‘It telephones worth £169,000 on behalf London and Cultural Topographies;
certainly made the role easier to

42 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

Art and National Identity: Painting to join in as the show builds to an new world to people.’ Although the
at the Palace of Westminster, 1841- extraordinary musical climax. The Museum has proved popular with
1907; The London Art Market and the characters slip out unnoticed in the the public, admission fees have
Triumph of Genre, 1845-65; William frenzied chaos, leaving the audience been insufficient to keep it open as
Powell Frith and the Anthropology of belting out the refrains to All I Need operating costs mount. The decision
London; Social Exploration and the is Disco as they carry on dancing the to close seems irreversible unless
City in the Age of Empire; Gender, night away until bar licence laws some funding source is found in the
Sexuality and the City; Reimagining ultimately draw the fun to a close. next few weeks. ‘If somebody steps up
Late Nineteenth-Century London; between now and then with some sort
Want to know more? Click here.
and – you guessed it - Jack the of giving plan, then we could maintain
Ripper: London Crime as Cultural it,’ Horne said. ‘But it just doesn’t
Consumption. THIS WAY FOR THE GIANT BAT. Visitors look like it.’ Until 31 December, the
planning to attend the US Jack the Museum will be open from noon to
The Department of English
Royal Holloway Ripper Conference in Baltimore in 3pm Wednesdays through Fridays and
University of London April 2006 will be disappointed to noon to 5pm Saturdays and Sundays.
Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX learn that the city’s American Dime Admission is $5 for adults and $3 for
Telephone: 01784 443214 Museum is set to close by the end of children aged 7–12 years, and free for
Click for website December 2005. The Museum, which ‘well-behaved’ children under age 6
opened in Maryland Avenue in 1999, years.
is designed along the lines of dime
museums of the nineteenth century 1801 Maryland Avenue
Come to the Cabaret: a seedy
as well as freak show exhibits of Baltimore, Maryland 21201.
cabaret club on the planet Frottage
the era. It is famous for exhibiting Telephone (410) 230-0263
III presided over by the alluring and
Abraham Lincoln’s last turd, a giant Email
charismatic Saucy Jack himself. All is
bat, a Peruvian Amazon giantess, a Click for website
not well, however, at Saucy Jack’s:
two-headed calf and other bizarre
danger lurks in every corner as the
cabaret acts are picked off one by SEE NO EVIL: THE STORY OF THE
one by a relentless serial killer. Soon MOORS MURDERS. Granada Television
the Space Vixens - interstellar, super- and ITV have enlisted the co-
fashion crime fighters - come to save operation of the families of Myra
the day by the Power of Disco! They Hindley and Ian Brady’s victims in
hit the ground singing the explosive turning the Moors Murders into a
house anthem Glitter Boots Saved two-part drama. Hindley is played
My Life. As the show begins, Vulva by Maxine Peake, who is best known
Savannah, promising entertainer and for another bleached-blonde role,
torch-song singer, has just become the the fiery Veronica in Channel Four’s
latest victim of the Slingback Killer - comedy Shameless. Newcomer Sean
the heel of a murderous shoe plunged Harris has taken the part of Brady. The
into her youthful chest! Against this film started shooting in Saddleworth
backdrop of gloom and fear, we meet Moor, northeast of Manchester, near
the characters at the bar: down- the Penine Way, in late October, and
trodden waitress Booby Shevalle, will be screened next year to mark
talented house saxophonist Sammy the 40th anniversary of Hindley and
Sax, cheesy barman Mitch Maypole, Brady’s trial at Chester Assizes. On 6
weirdo bar-fly Dr von Whackoff and May 1966, they were both sentenced
pan-galactic plastic smuggler Chesty to life imprisonment for the murders
Prospects. Dreams are shared, secrets of Lesley Ann Downey, 10, and Edward
revealed and the evil shadow of the Evans, 17. Brady was also convicted
A winged squirrell
Slingback Killer draws ever near. Love
interests develop, closets get opened,
items. This year, the Museum featured
girl gets girl and the audience gets
a display of mortuary artifacts,
including embalming shunts and
Victorian-era ‘animal-claw jewelry,’
which helped visitors understand the
evolution of death and grieving in
America. In a Baltimore Sun interview
earlier this year, curator Dick Horne
said, ‘I’m interested in anything
obscure and in bad taste.’ Describing
Maxine Peake and Sean Harris
the popularity of freak show exhibits
in the Victorian era, Horne stated,
of killing John Kilbride, 12. They had
‘They were collections of things
narrowly escaped the death penalty,
related to science and the oddities.
which had been abolished in Britain the
People were just then beginning to
previous year. In 1986, they confessed
be aware of the world around them.
to the murders of Pauline Reade, 16,
So the museums opened up a whole
and Keith Bennett, 12. The police

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 43

took them separately to Saddleworth alive.’ West’s wife Ann, Lesley Ann’s
Moor to look for the graves of their mother, died of cancer six years ago.
victims. They eventually uncovered Detectives trying to piece together
the body of Pauline Reade, but Keith enough evidence to convict her killers
Bennett’s body was never found and asked Ann to identify her daughter’s
the search was eventually called off. voice on a tape recording made as
Hindley died in prison of a heart she screamed and begged for her life.
attack on 15 November 2002, at the Those screams stayed with Ann for the
age of 60. Brady was declared insane rest of her life.
in 1985 and has since been held at
The killings began on 12 July 1963
the high-security Ashworth Psychiatric
when Hindley lured Pauline Reade into
Hospital, in Merseyside. For the past
her car as she walked to a dance at a
six years he has been on hunger
railwaymen’s club in Manchester. Brady
strike and is force-fed through a tube.
followed them in his motorcycle. The
He has failed in several legal bids
couple murdered Pauline in a remote
to be allowed to starve himself to
Brady and Hindley spot on Saddleworth Moor. Over the
death. When he heard of plans to
next two years they killed several
dramatise his crimes, Brady wrote to
their crimes, but also on the effects more children round Manchester. On
Granada threatening legal action. He
of those crimes on the families of 23 November 1963, they picked up
said that publicity about his crimes
their victims and on Hindley’s sister, John Kilbride at Ashton-Under-Lyne
was now ‘rivalling Coronation Street
Maureen. The response from the market. On 16 June 1964, they took
in longevity’ and added: ‘The true
families of the victims to the project Keith Bennett as he made his way to
facts have never been divulged, only
has been enormously encouraging and his grandmother’s house in Gorton.
speculation in numerous books.’ He
we hope the finished film will do them On Boxing Day 1964, they murdered
also questioned the show’s impact
justice.’ Lesley Ann Downey. On 6 October
on the families of his victims. The
1965, Hindley’s brother-in-law David
film-makers have spent two years in The producers have traced relatives of Smith was tricked into going late one
intensive research with detectives who all the victims except Edward Evans, night to her home at 16 Wardle Brook
worked on the case, relatives of the none of whose relatives is thought to Avenue, Hattersley, where Brady axed
murdered children and David Smith, be still alive. Jackie Reade, the niece Edward Evans to death in front of
who was married to Hindley’s sister of Pauline Reade, said: ‘I am pleased Smith in a bid to implicate him.
Maureen and was a key witness at the we have been consulted throughout But Smith rang the police from a
trial. Granada, which has made dramas and I think it’s been handled very call box on the edge of Hattersley.
about Bloody Sunday, the murder of sensitively. No matter what, we’ll The police found Evans’s body at
black teenager Stephen Lawrence never forget what happened.’ Danny Hindley’s home and immediately
and the Hillsborough disaster, said Kilbride, the brother of John Kilbride, arrested Brady and charged him with
that See No Evil: The Story of the said: ‘I’ve gone through the script with murder. A neighbour recalled several
Moors Murders would be ‘sober’ and the producer and it seems accurate. trips she had made with the couple
‘unsensational’ and that the subject I’m pleased it’s being produced to Saddleworth Moor. The police
matter would be handled sensitively locally and I’d rather it was made in uncovered the body of Leslie Ann
with no re-enactments of the my lifetime so I can help as much as Downey in the Moor. A few days later,
abductions or murders. ‘We felt that I can to try and make it true to life. during another search of Brady’s flat,
now was the right time to make this These events shouldn’t be forgotten they found two left luggage tickets
programme’, said Executive Producer and every time a child goes missing for Manchester Central Station which
Jeff Pope. ‘In the anniversary year of it all comes rushing back. The more led them to a pair of suitcases. Inside
the trial when Myra’s heavily pregnant children are warned not to speak were nude photographs of Leslie
sister Maureen took the stand against to any strange men or women, the Ann, tape recordings of her final
her, we’re going to take an in-depth better.’ Winnie Johnson, the mother moments and a notebook containing
look at how two of Britain’s most of Keith Bennett, said: ‘Keith was my John Kilbride’s name. Using a series of
notorious child killers were caught.’ eldest son and I won’t rest until he is snapshots as a reference, police paid
All the material set to be included is found. All I want in life now is to keep another visit to Saddleworth Moor,
thought to be in the public domain. the story in the public eye and keep where they unearthed John’s body.
The drama has been written by Neil the case open until Keith is returned to They now had evidence against both
McKay, who has worked with Pope on me.’ Alan West, Lesley Ann Downey’s killers. Although they also suspected
previous factual dramas, including stepfather, said: ‘People have got to Brady and Hindley of killing Pauline
This Is Personal: The Hunt for the know what happened. The younger Reade and Keith Bennett, they had
Yorkshire Ripper. McKay said: ‘It tells generation might not know anything no bodies and no other evidence. The
the extraordinary story of how Ian about it, but should do. It’s part of truth would not be known for another
Brady and Myra Hindley were brought our history and it’s important to me 20 years.
to justice, but the focus is not only on to keep the memory of Lesley Ann

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Adverts cost £50 for a full page and £25 for a half page. All adverts are full colour and can
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44 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

1999 request for DNA testing was made
to the West Yorkshire Police during the
making of the documentary Manhunt:

Wearside Jack
The Search for the Yorkshire Ripper.
In July 2005, an ongoing police audit
had discovered that the original hoax

letters and cassette tape had also gone
missing. It appears that subsequently
the envelopes were located and tests
were conducted enabling a DNA profile
C H R I S TO P H E R which implicated Humble. As a result
T GEORGE of the hoax the hunt for the Ripper
switched from Yorkshire to the North
WEARSIDE JACK CAUGHT? On 20 257 words and much like the original East. Thousands of local men were
October, 49-year-old John Humble, ‘Jack the Ripper’ communications interviewed, and anyone without
an unemployed labourer and former in 1888, the speaker taunted the a Wearside accent was eliminated
security guard on the Ford Estate in
Sunderland on Wearside, appeared at
Leeds Magistrate Court charged with
having perverted the course of justice
during the enquiries into the ‘Yorkshire
Ripper’ murder spree of a quarter
century ago. With Humble’s arrest
and arraignment, Yorkshire Police
believe they have cracked the case
of who sent the tape recording and
communications that led the enquiry
into the Yorkshire Ripper murders
off track in the late 1970s and early
1980s. Ultimately, Peter Sutcliffe
was convicted for the murders of
13 women. He is now aged 59 and
serving a life sentence in Broadmoor
psychiatric hospital.
The hoaxer sent letters postmarked
from Sunderland beginning March 1978
in which he claimed ‘I am The Ripper.’
Then, most dramatically, a tape
recording with a voice with a distinct
North-eastern accent led the chief of
the enquiry, Assistant Chief Constable
George Oldfield, and his team to John Humble: Wearside Jack?
believe the killer of prostitutes sought
in the major manhunt was not a West
Yorkshire man but a man from the Tyne police.‘I’m Jack,’ he said. ‘I see you from the inquiries. The murders
and Wear areas of England. The two- are still having no luck catching me... meanwhile continued. It was only
minute long tape recording contained I think it’s eleven [sic] up to now isn’t by luck that Police finally arrested
it? Well, I’ll keep on going for quite lorry driver Peter Sutcliffe in January
a while yet. I can’t see meself being 1981 following a routine traffic
nicked just yet. Even if you do get inquiry. Sutcliffe, born in Bingley,
near I’ll probably top myself first. West Yorkshire in 1949, had previously
Well, it’s been nice chatting to you been interviewed and passed by in
George. Yours, Jack the Ripper.’ The the massive enquiry. He had a broad
message concluded with a 22-second Bradford or West Yorkshire dialect. At
clip from the song by Andrew Gold, his Old Bailey trial, Sutcliffe claimed
Thank You For Being a Friend. On 26 that the hoax letters and tape acted
June 1979, the tape was broadcast as a ‘diversion’ and allowed him to
nationwide by West Yorkshire Police. carry on with his ‘mission’ to kill
Obviously, Oldfield was convinced women. He has also claimed the
that the speaker was the ‘Yorkshire hoaxer was a friend. Sutcliffe is not
Ripper.’ Analysis of the tape recording easily believed, however, as he has
appeared to show that the speaker told many lies. The Yorkshire Ripper
was a man from the Castletown area story was further complicated when
of Sunderland. Joseph Sickert claimed that he had
The envelopes of the ‘Wearside met Sutcliffe and that the murders
George Oldfield plays the Jack’ letters had been reported as were part of a Masonic conspiracy,
‘I’m Jack’ tape at a press conference missing as long as six years ago when a thus emulating one of the theories

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 45

about the original Ripper case of
1888. In 1978, Sickert recanted this
claim to The Times. He said the story
of the Masonic conspiracy was ‘…a
hoax. I made it all up.’
Police are not dismissing the
possibility that Humble is more
than just the author of the hoax
letters and tape and are exploring
the possibility that he killed Joan
Harrison of Preston, Lancashire, whose
murder was mentioned in one of the
Sunderland letters. In that letter,
the writer stated: ‘Up to number 8
now you say 7 but remember Preston
‘75.’ Detective Inspector Joe Kellett
of the Lancashire Police said: ‘We
will liaise with our colleagues in West
Yorkshire and we will be reviewing
our case papers on the Joan Harrison
murder. Then we will make a decision
on whether to go and interview Mr
Humble.’ The real Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe
John Humble would have been age
22 in March 1978 when the first Leeds, Humble’s application for bail
communications from Sunderland was presented by his barrister, David
were received by the police. He is Taylor. The application was rejected
believed to have been one of the by the judge, the Recorder of Leeds, Click here to listen to
thousands of men interviewed and Norman Jones. Humble was remanded the Wearside Jack tape
eliminated during the Sunderland in custody. He is scheduled to next Comment
enquiries. At his 26 October appear in court on 9 January 2006 to
appearance in Leeds Crown Court, make a plea, with a provisional trial Back to Contents
via video link-up from Armley Jail, date of 20 February 2006. Next article

Loretta Lay Books

Over 200 Jack the Ripper and associated titles on the website
Jack the Ripper Pub Sign approx. 14” x 10” £15
Trumans Bitter Pub pottery ashtray of the period. ‘The Brewery Brick Lane, E1/Trumans Hanbury
& Brixton’ written around edges - approx. 7” x 5.5” £15
JtR navy blue mug with red lettering which includes ‘Jack the Ripper Whitechapel Tour 1888’ and
details of canonical 5 etc. approx. 5” high. New £10
JtR Handmade Stoneware Pottery Mug approx. 4” high - New boxed £15
Reproduction 1870 Metropolitan Police Whistle - New boxed £5
Videos @ £5 each - The Lodger (Hitchcock 1926 b/w); The Secret Identity of JtR (Ustinov/
Leeming); Hands of the Ripper; JtR: The Final Solution; JtR Phantom of Death; The Diary of
JtR: Beyond Reasonable Doubt; JtR (Caine/Seymour/Collins)
Beadle (William) Jack the Ripper: Anatomy of a Myth hb/dw new signed £12
Connell (Nicholas) Walter Dew hb/dw new signed label £20
Hinton (Bob) From Hell.... Reprinted May 2005 p/b new signed label £8.50
Hodgson (Peter) Jack the Ripper Through the Mists of Time p/b new signed £50
Leighton (D.J.) Montague Druitt hb/dw new signed £15
McLaughlin (R.J.) The First JtR Victim Photographs softcover new signed £15
24 Grampian Gardens, Macpherson (Euan) The Trial of Jack the Ripper softcover new signed label £10
London NW2 1JG Miles (Chris) On the Trail of a Dead man: The Identity of JtR softcover new signed £17
Tel 020 8455 3069 Rumbelow (Donald) The Complete JtR Fully Revised & Updated p/b new signed label £9
mobile 07947 573 326 Scott (Christopher) Will the Real Mary Kelly...? p/back new signed £10 Storey (Neil R.) A Grim Almanac of JtR’s London 1870-1900 h/b new £17 Turnbull (Peter) The Killer Who Never Was h/b scarce £190
Williams/Price Uncle Jack hb/dw new signed label £17
Wolff (Camille) Who Was Jack the Ripper? hb/dw new with 15 signatures £130
Wolff (Camille) Who Was Jack the Ripper? hb/dw Nr. F. 1st Edn. signed by 52 contributors £300

46 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

Link Wray
Innovative rock and roll the anti-social demeanor proved
pioneer and guitarist Link a huge influence on later rockers.
The Who’s guitarist-composer
Wray, who wrote his name
Pete Townshend once wrote in
into Ripper history with liner notes that ‘if it hadn’t been
the 1963 song Jack the for Link Wray and Rumble, I would
Ripper, died at his home never have picked up a guitar.’
in Copenhagen, Denmark, at Wray’s influence has continued
age 76 from a heart ailment. down through the decades to
punk and grunge bands.
Wray, known for the gutsy,
As he aged into the 1970s, Wray
menacing sound established settled down with his brothers at
on his breakout 1958 hit, a chicken farm at Accokeek south
Rumble,was born in Dunn, of Washington, DC, recording
the popular Milt Grant bandstand
North Carolina, the son of from a coop and studio they
show. Grant had asked Wray to
sidewalk preachers. christened ‘Wray’s Shack Three
play a popular song of the day,
Track.’ Married a total of four
By his twenties, Wray’s family The Stroll, by the Diamonds.
times, his first three marriages
had settled in the Washington, Brother Doug started to pound ended in divorce. He had little
DC, area, and he teamed with his out the underlying beat on the contact with his eight children
brothers Vernon on vocals and Doug drums. ‘So I said “Okay,” and by those marriages after going to
on drums to make appearances started going GRRRRRMMM, live in Denmark with former fan
in local clubs under the name GRRRRRMMM, GRRRRRMMM with and girlfriend Olive Julie Polvsen
of Link Wray and the Raymen. my guitar, and [Doug] started Ray and their son in the early
Trying to make his way in the playing the drums, and all 1980s.
music business of the late 1950s the... kids started hollerin’ and
and early 1960s, Link realized Although Link Wray drifted in
screamin’ at me and they forgot
that he lacked the talent and and out of the music business,
all about the Diamonds.’
finesse of such idols as guitarist he continued to tour occasionally
When Rumble was recorded the until near the end, appearing
Chet Atkins. He chose instead record was banned on some radio
to pioneer a raunchier sound at the Shim Sham Club in New
stations who interpreted the Orleans in 2002, and was pleased
featuring loud and clanging guitar song to be a celebration of gang
chords and sound distortions that to see his early songs featured in
warfare. The publicity helped to movies such as Quentin Tarantino’s
were distinctly different to the make the song a million-seller
insipid and ice creamy sounds Pulp Fiction. During a tour of
hit. Meanwhile, Wray perfected the United States in 1997, Wray
of the popular music day that his persona of black leather
featured performers such as Paul made the statement, ‘I’ve still
jacket, greasy pompadour, and got black hair, I’m skinny and
Anka, Bobby Vee, and Frankie an unending capacity to pepper
Avalon, of the airbrushed beach playing rock ’n’ roll. I’m 68 years
interviews with a capacity for old, but my music is 20 years old.
movies made with co-star Annette profanities. Rumble was followed
Funicello. I’m just playing rock ’n’ roll the
by the hits Raw-Hide (1959) and rest of my life.’
Wray’s million-selling 1958 Jack the Ripper four years later.
song Rumble featured purposeful Wray boasted that his music ‘has To hear Link Wray’s
guitar distortion known as ‘power always represented something Jack the Ripper click here.
chords.’ He achieved a rawer screaming, something dangerous,
sound by punching holes in his To read more about
something not normal.’ With a
amplifier, producing a dark, the Ripper in song, click here.
statement like this, Ripperologists
grumbling sound. might thus see why the topic Comment
The song Rumble originated of Jack the Ripper might have Back to Contents
during a television appearance appealed to the musician.
in Fredericksburg, Virginia, on Link Wray’s look, the sound, and Next article

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 47

Sudan to see if any exhibits could
have influenced Jack the Ripper.
I am now convinced that James

Dear Rip Hardiman was Jack the Ripper

and that syphilis and, more
notably, congenital syphilis were
the motive that drove him to
Your Letters and Comments murder and mutilate his victims in
the way that he did.
3 I have suggested that the marks
C L I C K TO E M A I L U S on Catherine Eddowes’s face
could refer to the complications
caused by untreated syphilis and
Algernon Haskett-Smith but there is proof that Druitt knew that the mutilations in general
and M J Druitt the Haskett-Smiths, who came from refer to congenital syphilis
Goudhurst, Trowswell. - hence the attacks on the womb.
Email to Ripperologist
Maybe this information will help, Jack the Ripper used his knife to
Dear Rip, maybe it will not. The fun is always in carve his bloody message. I believe
the chase, anyway. that he wanted to draw attention
While looking up information on
to Catherine’s eyes with the nicks
the Haskett-Smith family, I found John Crawford
to her eyelids and the arrow
a connection with Montague John 15 October 2005
shaped cuts beneath.
Druitt. Algernon Haskett-Smith was
a barrister in the same building as Rob Hills
Druitt. He died of a gunshot wound The Butterfly Collector 19 October 2005
at age 31 in 1887. My grandmother, Email to Ripperologist
his niece, believed he had committed Liz Stride: The Documentary
Dear Rip,
suicide. Other reports referred to
Email to Ripperologist
an accidental gun cleaning, but she Thank you for drawing my attention
thought otherwise. Her father, E L to the questions posed by Howard Dear Rip,
W Haskett-Smith, told her about the Brown and Neil Bell in connection
In view of the many emails received
suicide in later years. with my article The Butterfly
from Ripperologist readers inquiring
Druitt is also listed alongside Collector, published in issue No. 60 of
about our documentary on the early
one W P Haskett-Smith in the Inn’s Ripperologist (July).
life of Elisabeth Stride, Jack the
Court records for 4 November 1884. 1 The word JEWES refers to the Ripper’s Swedish Victim, I would like
I presume W P already knew Druitt, nickname given by the City Police to bring you all up to date on recent
as they both were at Oxford at the by their Metropolitan counterparts progress. As you are aware, the
same time. W P was the father of due to their headquarters at documentary will focus on Elisabeth’s
rock climbing in Britain. He was an 26 Old Jewry. This theory was put life in Sweden (1843-1866). It will be
avid Mason who wrote a book on the forward by Paul Harrison in his approximately 45 minutes long and
Druses. If Druitt was also into rock book Jack the Ripper: The Mystery will be released in two versions, one
climbing he would have had strong Solved. with a Swedish and one with an English
arms and hands - perhaps good for 2 I contacted the British Museum narration. The Swedish narration will
strangling. initially because of PC Bowden be done by Thomas Karlsson, who
In about 1900, Haskett-Smith wrote Endacott’s duties there and the is best known as a musician and
of a colleague that he ‘had prodigious map of the priory that once stood songwriter with the Swedish metal
muscle power. I have seen him go at Mitre Square being on display band Therion. Thomas has narrated
up one edge of a house gable, over at the museum in 1888. I also several television documentaries and
the ridge and down the other side, sent the Museum a basic sketch of will be a wonderful addition to our
swinging by his fingers all the way Catherine Eddowes’s facial team. As for the English narrator… you
from the edges of the slates.’ If Druitt mutilations and a description will have to wait and see. Nothing is
was the Ripper this could explain of the mutilations in general with confirmed yet, but we are confident
how he was able to escape: climbing a ritualistic element in mind. They that it will be someone who is known
up buildings and off into the night. I kindly forwarded this to the to all in Ripperological circles.
have no evidence that Druitt belonged Funerary Specialists within the When we began our shoot in
to Rock-Climbing clubs at that time, Department of Ancient Egypt and November 2004 my good friend

Got something to say?

What do you think of the new electronic Rip?
Got comments on an feature in this issue? Ot found new information?
Please send your comments to

48 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

Christian Granqvist was behind the a print magazine which requires no
camera. In April 2005, Christian was proving.
forced to withdraw from the project Adam Wood’s article was especially
because of other work commitments. remarkable in the fact of its depth
For several months we searched for and assimilation of reams of research
someone who could handle a camera presented in a highly entertaining
as well as do post-production work. and absorbing way. How ever did
Only last week, 26-year-old, multi- Adam find the time to work on his
talented Ulrik Hedin stepped into the article, create the Rip’s stunning
breach. Ulrik hails from Trollhattan visual layout and attend and
on the West Coast of Sweden. His CV contribute to the organisation of the
shows that he has been a cameraman Brighton Conference? Truly Adam must
for several music videos starring such be a devoted Ripperophile and an
bands as Lord Belial. Our first day inspiration in what may be achieved.
of shooting with Ulrik in freezing- So thanks to Adam and the editorial
cold Gothenburg was 24 October. It team for more happy Rip reading
all went very well indeed and we material for the memory archives.
are quite excited about the next Spiro Dimolianis
shoot, which will take place during 16 November 2005
We are still aiming for a June or
July 2006 release date for our DVD. The Goulston Street Graffito
We are working on the cover layout Email to Ripperologist
and an accompanying booklet and Dear Rip,
we soon intend to open our website. is not in dispute and therefore we do I am a crossword and anagram
Keep watching this space for further not feel our case for John Williams addict and also a genealogist. For
news. as Jack the Ripper is in any way many years I have been researching
Daniel Olsson, Gothenburg undermined. We have never made a the family backgrounds of the Ripper
25 October 2005 claim for the handwriting to be an victims. A few weeks ago I spent
issue that indicts John Williams. time looking through old notes and
Tony Williams and Humphrey Price found that some years ago I had
Uncle Jack 2 November 2005 investigated the possibility that the
Email to Ripperologist message on the wall might be an
Dear Rip, Ripperologist 61 epigram and I had come up with the
(September 2005) following: ‘Mr Abberline, judge the
Thank you for sending through the one man with the tens that follow.’
press release from Ripper Notes. Email to Ripperologist
This was based on THE JUWES ARE
It won’t come as any surprise to Dear Rip, THE MEN THAT WILL NOT BE BLAMED
you to learn that we are both shocked FOR NOTHING. This would explain
and dismayed by this discrepancy. The latest Rip was truly impressive,
the need to spell ‘Juwes’ in such a
How it came about is as baffling to us as no doubt you know. The production
peculiar way. You would need the ‘u’
as it must be to your readers. of this particular issue was very high
for the word ‘Judge’. It also gives an
indeed and simply demonstrates the
I [Tony Williams] first visited the indication that the Ripper may well
qualified expertise of Ripperologist’s
National Library of Wales in January have killed ten and that there were
editorial team in the publishing of
2001 and ordered a photocopy of ten to follow. It tells us that although
the page in the medical notebook solving epigrams was a pastime of the
that carries Mary Ann Nichols’ name, well to do and educated, it would not
and it is this copy that has been have been the kind of thing the lower
reproduced in Uncle Jack. Humphrey classes of the East End would have
[Price] came to the library with me in been doing at that time. Too busy
August 2002 to see the archive there trying to find food to eat!
for the first time, and neither of us Pauline Reeves
noticed anything about the page in 30 November 2005
the notebook that appeared in any
way different to the photocopy I
We’d love to hear from you! Please
write to us at PO Box 735, Maidstone,
Since then we have only on occasion Kent ME17 1JF or email us at
looked again at the page but without We look
noticing the changes apparent in the forward to your views. Ripperologist.
document obtained by Jennifer Pegg.
Naturally we are as keen as your
readers will be to learn how this came Comment
about and we will be looking further
into it. Next article
Contrary to what you say in your
email, however, the appearance of Back to contents
Mary Ann Nichols’ name in the notebook

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 49

case, I have to say that I agree with
Mr Berry-Dee on this. Nevertheless,
almost 60 years later, Heirens remains

On the
Mr Berry-Dee’s analysis of John
Cannan, who has been convicted of

murdering a young married woman
and of multiple rapes, and who is,
of course, the principal suspect in
the Suzy Lamplugh case, is graphic
and chilling. It makes one completely
understand why the judge at his trial
recommended that Cannan should
GLOUCESTERSHIRE MURDERS Curiosities such as never be released.
Linda Stratmann the United Kingdom’s The Patricia Wright case may be
S/B, 154 pp., Illus., first female contract off the book’s theme but is still
Sutton Publishing, £12.99 killer, Maori interesting. However, someone
Ramgimara Ngarimu, deserves a rap on the knuckles for
The latest in Sutton’s
and Ma Duncan, who not noticing that John Cannan’s name
True Crime History
hired two thugs to continues to appear on the right hand
Series. A book on
kill her pregnant pages devoted to the Wright case.
the publisher’s
daughter-in-law Buy now
home county is a
because she considered the poor girl
comparative rarity.
was not worthy of her son, are just
Ten cases two who figure in the book. A GRIM ALMANAC OF ESSEX
including the
The seventh in the Gangland series Neil R. Storey
unique Campden
and certainly one of the best. S/B, 180 pp., Illus.,
Wonder of 1660, in which a mother
Sutton Publishing, £12.99
and her two sons were hanged for the Buy now
murder of William Harrison, on the Readers of this
confession of one of the sons, only for column will know
TALKING WITH I am a great fan
Harrison to turn up alive with a most
SERIAL KILLERS 2 of this series.
improbable story two years later. Also
Christopher Berry-Dee High profile cases,
included are Beatrice Pace, acquitted
of poisoning her brutal and violent H/B, 289 pp., Illus., including Browne
husband, and the case of the torso John Blake Publishing, £17.99 and Kennedy and
found in the Severn. The final case A follow up to the the Moat Farm
covers the acquittal of Ann Cornock author’s earlier murderer Dougal,
on a charge of murdering her husband title, this one are here, as well as the neglected
in 1946. This case - with its allegations covers John Gacy, Lothario, James Canham Read, and
of Cecil Cornock’s dressing in women’s Kenneth Bianchi, Eric Brown, who disposed of his
clothes and making his wife beat William Heirens crippled yet bullying father by putting
him, together with suggestions that and John Cannan, a grenade mine under a cushion on his
she was having a relationship with plus an American wheel chair.
a younger crippled man -was the h u s b a n d - k i l l e r, Witches abound, as well as the
tabloids’ delight at the time. Patricia Wright. infamous Witchfinder-General,
Strongly recommended. Having extensively interviewed Matthew Hopkins. A sad case is
Gacy and Bianchi, the author is able reported on 27 March 1829, when 16-
Buy now to bring out many angles on their year-old James Cook was sentenced
murderous careers and confirms them to death for arson. At his execution
GANGLAND – as willing to go to any lengths to many women were recorded as
THE CONTRACT KILLERS achieve their gross desires. When ‘openly weeping’
James Morton writing about Heirens, who at the age As with the other offerings in
of 17 was given three life sentences the series, a great collection of the
S/B, 344 pp., Illus.,
without parole for the murders of bizarre. Strongly recommended.
Time Warner Books, £12.99
two women and the kidnapping, Buy now
Another in the Gangland series and,
killing and dismembering of a six-
as usual, packed with information and
year-old girl, the author comes to
very readable. All varieties of contract
a different conclusion and supports Comment
killers are covered from Mafia-inspired
the claim that Heirens confessed to
murders to spouses hiring hit men to Next article
the murders after being threatened
get rid of their one-time beloveds.
with the electric chair. Having done
It ranges all round the world. a fair amount of reading about this
Back to contents

Got an email address? Got the Rip!

50 Ripperologist 62 December 2005
piece. McLaughlin also swings past
an article by Dr Andre Lamoureux in
a book published in 1894, which also
published a photo of Kelly, the first
to do so.

Reviews McLaughlin’s story of the photographs

is essentially broken down into three
parts. The first, as said, looks at the
origin of the photographs in print,
particularly the influence of Arthur
MacDonald on French researchers; the
second looks at police photography
and provides a brief biography of
police photographers Louis Gumprecht
Jack the Ripper in the ever followed up, but the story is in
and Joseph Martin; and the third is
Provinces: The English fact well known story and mentioned
an attempt to identify who might
Provincial Press Reporting in several books, including the A to Z,
have provided Lacassagne with the
of the Whitechapel Murders the man’s name being Thomas Coram
and his testimony, given at Stride’s photographs he reproduced - and in so
Stawell Heard doing produces an overview of everyone
inquest, was widely reported in the
London: Stawell Heard who is known to have possessed copies.
London press.
15 Glenluce Road, Blackheath Now, I have a very vague memory of
The bulk of the pamphlet is taken
London SE3 7SD, 2005 many years ago perusing a letters book
up with the historical context, Heard at Scotland Yard and there being a
covering in considerably less detail
softcover, illus., 37pp, £10 (inc p&p) note therein concerning a request from
than one feels he is able, the role of
someone to reproduce one or more
This pamphlet results from Heard’s the provincial press, the history of
of the photographs. The request was
master’s dissertation, ‘Images of the crime reporting and the so-called ‘New
refused, but there was a brief comment
Ripper’, undertaken when at the Journalism’ that was emerging at the
about previous requests and if memory
University of Wales and is an attempt time of the Whitechapel crimes. He also
serves, which it probably doesn’t, the
to be a companion to L Perry Curtis’s looks at how the newspapers reported
source was probably Scotland Yard
superb Jack the Ripper and the London the crimes. All is interesting, albeit to
itself (otherwise the Commissioner),
Press. some extent covered elsewhere, but is
responding to a formal request.
The provincial press is a very useful where the value of the pamphlet lies.
If all this sounds particularly dry, the
source of additional information about On a final note, the price tag of £10
fact is that McLaughlin’s writing style
the Whitechapel murders, partly, seems high these days.
and general enthusiasm for his subject
as Stawell Heard points out in this
makes the book riveting reading.
pamphlet, because they emphasised
local connections, Eddowes being the The First Jack the Ripper You have to have a fair amount of
most notable, both the Birmingham Photographs knowledge of the case to understand a
Robert J McLaughlin lot of it, but that’s par for the course
and Wolverhampton newspapers
with specialist books such as this one
following up her local connections, London: Zwerhaus Books, 2005
and it was gratifying that McLaughlin
and the Maidstone newspapers working softcover, 157pp, illus;
didn’t elect to sacrifice valuable space
up her visit to Kent for the hop-picking sources and notes to a potted history of the case. His
and her purchase of a jacket and boots ISBN: 0973379405 research was also impressive, all the
in Maidstone itself (where the shop
Frankly, when one more so as he was treading largely
still exists). The other reason, not
first heard of this virgin territory, itself an enviable
mentioned by Heard as far as one can
book it sounded achievement in the well-trodden world
recall, is that they very often carried
contrived and likely of Ripper studies.
the full press agency reports verbatim,
to be so devoid of
one after the other, so one can read Buy now
new or interesting
what the Press Association had to say
material that one
and then the story as told by Central
News. This can be a very useful way
expected a great By Ear and Eyes:
of identifying the source of dubious
deal of padding. The Whitechapel Murders
stories and common errors.
What we got instead Jack the Ripper and the
is probably one of the best-written Murder of Mary Jane Kelly
Stawell Heard’s small pamphlet and most interesting Ripper books of
unfortunately contains very few Karyo Magellan
the year.
examples of the nuggets of new Longshot publishing, 2005
We’ve always known that Alexandre 300 pages.
information to be found in the
Lacassagne published a photograph of
provincial press and in fact falls foul of In an era fraught
Catharine Eddowes and Mary Kelly in
one of the common problem of finding with disposable
an 1899 book Vacher l’Eventreur et les
what appears to be new information Ripper books read
Crimes Sadiques, reprinting therein an
but isn’t. Heard found a report in the by few and quickly
article by Arthur MacDonald published
Cambridge Chronicle of 5 October 1888 forgotten by most,
in 1893, but neither books nor their
about Thomas Cronin finding a large By Ear and Eyes is a
authors have been studied in any kind
bloodstained knife in Whitechapel fresh breath of East
of detail. McLaughlin does so and does
Road. It’s ‘a tantalising clue’, says End air (oxymoron
it fairly exhaustively, even pointing out
Heard, who speculates whether it was intended). If there’s
the numerous errors in MacDonald’s
any justice at all

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 51

in our little square-mile corner of At least I believe this is what Magellan Ripper Notes:
historical study, Magellan’s work will was getting at. It’s rather hard to The International Journal
emerge as the most controversial, follow his line of reasoning in this for Ripper Studies
if not most important, Ripper book section as it figures into its foundation Editor: Dan Norder
of 2005. While eschewing a suspect the ramblings of sources either
2N Lincoln Ridge Dr, Apt # 521,
theory, Magellan, like his seafaring uncorroborated (ie newspaper reports,
Madison WI, 53719 USA
namesake (give or take an ‘L’), sets Barnett, and Overton-Fuller) or all but
forth for uncharted territory by applying discredited (Joseph Gorman). Despite
his skills as a research scientist to these perceived deficiencies, and prose No. 24, October 2005, 132 pp
delve deeper than any writer before as dense as London fog, Magellan’s USA $40, Canada and the UK $45,
him into areas of the case that are, work has more to recommend it than Other Countries $50, for four issues
quite probably, most important in any other book this year, and at least We’ve always said that Ripper Notes
fully understanding the case but are as much going for it as any work of is a good product. Unfortunately so
nevertheless frequently ignored by original research published in recent has Dan Norder. He rarely misses an
commentators because either they memory. Put simply, By Ear and Eyes opportunity for slapping his own back
lack the requisite knowledge to offer is required reading for anyone who and kicks off this issue with a typically
anything new or, for the less scrupulous considers himself a Ripperphile. Very self-congratulatory editorial saying
among us, pick and choose what they strongly recommended. ‘hey, I’m tired out producing this
will discuss based on the standards (or, super-long issue’ and explaining that
Buy now
if you prefer, limitations) set by their its very respectable 132 pages means
preferred suspect. Magellan offers an it has ‘a lot more content than any
exhaustive study of the circumstances Jack the Ripper: other regular Ripper periodical has.’
surrounding each of the Whitechapel Comprehensive A-Z So, well done, Dan.
murders – placing particular emphasis Maxim Jakubowski This isn’t a case of ‘never mind the
on the wounds inflicted on the victims and Nathan Braund quality, feel the width’ either. The
– with the intention of determining quality is pretty good too, although
Eddison, New Jersey:
which of the women were slew by the more than half the magazine is
Castle Books, 2005
same hand. Some of his observations provided by two contributors, Wolf
(Original Publication:
and revelations make so much sense Vanderlinden, unquestionably Notes’
that it is almost inevitable that they The Mammoth Book of Jack the
Ripper. London: Robinson, 1999.) most valuable asset, and Robert Clack,
should, over time, change the way who, like most of Notes’ contributors,
many view the case. For instance, he hardcover, 499pp, ISBN: 078581616X
is a habitué of the Casebook message
offers the most persuasive argument $9.99 boards.
to date – for those who still need Not a lot to say Vanderlinden starts with a report
one – for the Ripper having had some about this one. on the recent Ripper conference
measure of medical skill, and a re- Originally published in Brighton, a slightly odd editorial
evaluation of the ‘Lusk kidney’ that in softcover six years choice for a lead article, especially
soundly casts serious doubt on the ago, it provided a still as it’s followed by the loudly touted
notion that it could have come from valuable overview of demolition of the book Uncle Jack by
Catherine Eddowes. The book abounds the case, including Jenni Pegg. And a very thorough job it
with similar discoveries and fresh a chronology of the is too. To some extent it regurgitates
interpretations of the evidence, but I murders, the basic criticisms levelled at the book in
will leave it to the enjoyment of the facts, areas that are various reviews and on the internet,
reader to find these little nuggets in dispute, as well as sections on but it clearly demonstrates that many
for themselves. Instead, I’ll take a witness statements, autopsy reports, of the claims made by authors Williams
moment to note that some of the the letters, police opinon and disputed and Price completely lack substance.
book’s more controversial conclusions documents. Its chief points are that the J Williams
will, not surprisingly, find a much This was followed by a series of in the Whitechapel Workhouse records,
harder time gaining support, such as essays by authors and commentators argued by the authors to be Sir John
Magellan’s conclusion that Mary Kelly on the case, perhaps the best known Williams, is in fact a T Williams, and
was most certainly not killed by Jack being Martin Fido and Colin Wilson. that the reproduction in the book
the Ripper, while Frances Coles and Others included William Beadle, Melvyn of a document preserved among Sir
Alice McKenzie most likely were. While Fairclough, Paul Harrison, Shirley John Williams’ papers at the National
I am not at all sold on these ideas, Harrison, Bruce Paley, Sue and Andy Library of Wales saying that Williams
personally, I appreciate how and why Parlour, M J Trow, James Tully, Peter performed an abortion on a ‘Mary Anne
Magellan reached these conclusions. Turnbull, Nick Warren, and A P Wolf. Nichols’ in 1885 has been tampered
Nevertheless, the credibility so capably The essays were the selling point with. The authors have a very serious
earned in the first three quarters of of this book six years ago, but time question to answer, but it’s important to
the books suffers a blow in the final has passed and some are less relevant remember that the original document
section pertaining to the murder of today than they were even so short a still names Nichols, so the argument
Mary Kelly, where Magellan spends far time ago. Newcomers will particularly advanced by Williams and Price is
too much time determining that Walter value the various sections, some of unaffected, not that it was much of an
Sickert and company did, in fact, which, such as the chapter briefly argument to start with.
know a Mary Kelly - though not the stating the weather at the time of the The prolific Wolf Vanderlinden
Mary Kelly – who, Magellan suggests, crimes, are handy even for seasoned follows his first offering with the second
may have got herself into trouble in veterans. What’s remarkable, though, is part of his long article about Frances
1886, leaving our Mary Kelly, two years the price – a mere £6 for a hardback! Tumblety, and an excellent piece it
later, to pay the price through a very
Buy now is too, with lots of new information
unfortunate case of mistaken identity.
about Inspector Andrews’ trip to

52 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

Canada and about his prisoner Roland studies, which is stupid given that he railways, health and medicine, and,
Barnet and a chunk of stuff about the presided over the Yard during the latter naturally, poverty and destitution.
Parnell Commission that might be new years of the Whitechapel murders
Buy now
to some. Vanderlinden’s articles seem series and in particular the arrest and
to knock Tumblety further down the committal of Thomas Cutbush and the
totem pole of probable Rippers. ‘Kosminski’ case. Surviving papers in Prince Eddy:
Then come 30 pages from Robert Bradford’s files might therefore prove The King We Never Had
Clack about the murder in 1901 of illuminating.
UK Channel 4
Mary Ann Austin in Dorset Street. It’s As welcome as this biography is, it
Monday 21 November, 21.00–22.00
only peripherally Ripper-related, and is a somewhat disappointing book and
Review by Karyo Magellan
consists mainly of verbatim extracts would have benefited greatly from
from the newspapers, but it’s a very some editing assistance. Bradford’s Television documentaries produced
welcome, valuable and interesting involvement in the Thugee and Dacoity with the intention of airing revelations
piece. wars, is passed over with barely a that counter popular beliefs frequently
mention, his conduct in November sacrifice objectivity in order that the
Don Souden, Bernard Brown and
1889 of Prince Albert Victor, Duke of exposé might appear more robust.
Andrew J Spallek round off the
Clarence, on a tour of India that lasted Although such a limited perspective
magazine. Souden contributes a piece
until 28 March 1890 is little more than allows the proponents to go where they
about canards which, though well
an itinery, and there’s no mention of wish without fear of being challenged,
written, leaves one with a sense of
Jack the Ripper. the resultant programme, especially
déjà vu, since most if not all of
when used as a vehicle to introduce a
his canards have been discussed in This said, Constance Bradford’s book
forthcoming book, is usually too one-
sources which remain unnamed and is a good introduction to a remarkable
sided to ever be seriously engaging.
uncredited. We always like to read man who restored some peace to the
The Channel 4 offering on Prince Eddy
Bernie Brown’s chronicles of London Metropolitan Police.
was such a programme and with an
policemen, even though his present
Buy now imbalanced approach it turned out to
choice, Inspector Death, has absolutely
be a rather shallow affair.
nothing to do with the Ripper. Spallek’s
article sets forth the known info about Victorian London The central theme of the
the grave sites of the victims, who are The Life of a City 1840-1870 documentary was an assertion by the
sometimes forgotten by students of historian and biographer Andrew Cook
Liza Picard
the case. that Prince Albert Victor Christian
London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, Edward (1864-1892), the Duke of
2005 Clarence and Avondale, was far from
Ripperana.The True Crime being the sexually ambivalent dullard
Mystery Magazine hardcover, 368pp, illus; appendices; that popular history had portrayed him
Editor: Nick Warren notes; index. ISBN: 0297847333 to be. The secondary theme, and the
16 Copperfield Way, Pinner, HA5 5RY £20 reason why a review of the programme First off, this book finds its way into these columns, was
doesn’t cover the the accusation that Eddy was Jack
No.54, October 2005, 28pp,
last twenty years the Ripper. The two aspects are not
UK £8, Overseas £15, €25 or USA $25, of course linked and Eddy’s sexual
for four issues of Victoria’s reign,
so it misses the orientation or wittedness in any event
There’s nothing Ripper. There’s nothing have no impact whatsoever on his
Ripper murders
for us to say. We hoped a kick in the candidacy as a serial killer, which has
and their milieu.
pants might have encouraged Nick always been more a product of fiction
Nevertheless the
Warren to get his act together, but than of fact. By mentioning Jack the
book is an excellent
Ripperana just goes from bad to worse Ripper the programme was perhaps
introduction to life
- and that’s not just our opinion. assured of a few more viewers than it
in Victorian London in the decades
leading up to the 1880s. would otherwise have had, although
Truly A Great Victorian. this was only a relatively small part of
Liza Picard, of course, is the
the content.
A Quiet Man Before Whom distinguished anecdotal historian of
Rogues Trembled London and London life, her previous Central to Cook’s research, and the
books being Restoration London, Dr basis for his conclusion that Prince Eddy
Constance Bradford
Johnson’s London, and Elizabeth’s was in fact an educated, articulate
Mrs C.M. Bradford, The Barns, and able man who would probably
Tapnell, Yarmouth, Isle of Wight London. She begins this book with a
chapter about the smell of London and have made a good King, is recently
PO41 0YJ, 2004 discovered correspondence including
almost immediately provides the sort
softcover, 102pp, illus personal letters from Eddy to his cousin
of facts and figures that have made her
£12 books such a success: the horses that Prince Louis of Battenberg. Cook must
Colonel Sir Edward Ridley Colborne powered London each excreted 45lb of be congratulated for unearthing this
Bradford (1836-1911) was appointed faeces and 3.5lb of urine a day. That’s correspondence, especially since there
Metropolitan Police Commissioner in nearly 37,000 tons a year! is a dearth of personal documentation
1890, unenviably inheriting the post relating to Eddy after the royal family
Picard goes on to describe the interior
after the unhappy tenures of Sir Charles destroyed his diaries and personal
and exterior of Victorian houses, the
Warren and James Monro, but he proved papers following his death. However,
clothes people wore, what they did to
extremely popular and oversaw many Cook seems to have reached a number
entertain themselves – everything from
innovations, including the introduction of conclusions on the basis of not
museums to rat pits and dog fights
of fingerprinting. Bradford is one of very much and in this respect his
– how they travelled – the birth of the
the almost-forgotten figures in Ripper alternative assessment of Eddy’s

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 53

character is no more persuasive Cambridge’. And if that’s what Eddy that finally quashed the myth of the
than what already exists. Cook’s did then he probably continued such Prince’s intelligence; or rather the
characterisation of Eddy is a subjective activities after leaving university since lack of it’. But the correspondence,
interpretation of correspondence that he was also reportedly a member interesting though it might have been,
was almost certainly limited in terms of, and frequent visitor to, the gay was hardly of myth-quashing calibre
of the information it contained and and transvestite Hundred Guineas on the strength of what was revealed
biased in the manner in which it was Club in Portland Place. Cook did not and did not justify such a conclusion.
written. And because Cook did not clarify Eddy’s sexuality and although The position of Viceroy was largely
convincingly establish the nature of he placed emphasis on the several symbolic so it is doubtful that Eddy’s
the relationship between Eddy and women in the Prince’s life, culminating independent and liberal thinking, such
Louis in the programme there is no way in his engagement to Princess Victoria as it was, would ever have significantly
of knowing how candid their exchanges Mary of Teck, this is proof of nothing influenced national policy. In any
would have been. given the circumstances. It is also case matters progressed no further
Apart from Andrew Cook, no fewer doubtful that Eddy would have written because of Eddy’s untimely death from
than eight historians and authors were to anyone, including his cousin, about pneumonia before any meetings could
employed to support his thesis, with his sexuality either directly or by be arranged.
additional contributions from Donald inference; dullard or not he would The programme unintentionally
Rumbelow and Paul Begg towards the have been aware that correspondence illustrated the difficulties inherent
end of the programme specifically in always has the potential to pass into in the interpretation of personal
relation to Eddy’s candidature as Jack the wrong hands and even mentioned correspondence and although there
the Ripper. Suggestions that Eddy was as much in a letter to Sybil Erskine. To were suggestions that historians must
the Ripper started with a muddle of absolve Eddy from any involvement in always go back to original source
memories from Dr Thomas Stowell the Cleveland Street scandal it would documents and not rely upon hearsay,
published in 1970, as a consequence be necessary to prove beyond doubt there will always be a problem with
of which Eddy was accused of being that he was heterosexual and thereby personal letters as opposed to factual
Jack the Ripper, and progressed to a his dissipation could be excused. But records as a source material. By the
tangle of fantasy courtesy of Joseph even the vaguest of associations with very nature of personal correspondence
Gorman Sickert and Stephen Knight homosexual practices, illegal and much that is written may be done so
in 1976 in which there was a royal imprisonable at the time, would be with bias or under emotional influence,
or Masonic conspiracy to commit the cause for scandal that would surely may be designed to misinform or
murders to protect the heir to the have impacted upon his succession to manipulate, and what is omitted might
throne. The story and versions of it the throne. be more important than what is stated.
have been comprehensively dismissed Firm evidence in support of Eddy’s The programme would undoubtedly
many times since and there can be challenged intellect is lacking and have benefited from an alternative
few who seriously entertain a direct much opinion has come to rely upon perspective and had both sides of the
role for royalty in any of the murders. contemporary comments by those argument for Eddy’s character been
The most convincing evidence against entrusted with his education. The examined then it might have been a
Eddy’s involvement comes from the Prince’s tutor the Reverend John more engaging business.
published Court Circulars for 1888 Neale Dalton thought Eddy to have An unexpected highlight in the
which show that the Prince was not ‘an abnormally dormant condition of programme was a snippet of an interview
in London on the dates of the murder the mind,’ and his Cambridge tutor with Joseph Gorman Sickert which
of any of the canonical victims. As James Kenneth Stephen considered featured in a detective dramatisation
Paul Begg pointed out no one has that Eddy could not ‘possibly benefit of the Ripper crimes produced by the
ever managed to place Eddy in the from attending lectures’. Dalton was BBC in 1973 and written by Elwyn Jones
vicinity of any of the murders and until reportedly useless in his tutorage of the and John Lloyd. It was in this original
someone can produce evidence that Prince such that Eddy had, according to programme that Gorman Sickert first
he was not where he should have been the Duke of Cambridge, an ‘unaffected revealed his dubious royal connections;
then he has a cast iron alibi for each simplicity’ and ‘lamentable ignorance’ a curiosity from the archives that would
occasion. of worldly matters. There are certainly be fascinating to see again in full!
Whether or not Eddy was homosexual significant doubts as to the standard of As a balanced assessment of the
or bisexual has relevance to suggestions Eddy’s education but this should not be character and sexuality of Prince
that he was a visitor to male brothels and confused with his intelligence which is Albert Victor Christian Edward the
in particular the house of assignation rather more difficult to assess. Channel 4 documentary failed, but
at 19 Cleveland Street, the focus of a Cook emphasised Eddy’s popularity that was not the objective, and as
notorious scandal in 1889 relating to with the people but I’m not sure that an introduction to Cook’s forthcoming
homosexual liaisons involving members this was ever in any doubt and he book it worked well. It would be very
of parliament and nobility. Accusations generally seems to have been a likable unfair to criticise Cook’s book on the
that Eddy was panerotic stemmed prince. However, popularity is not a basis of this television programme but
from his university years and from function of intelligence. The premise while it will undoubtedly provide an
his subsequent alleged associations for Cook’s belief that Eddy was far intriguing read for anyone interested
with the ‘pleasure playground’ of more intelligent than he was ever given in the life of Prince Eddy, it may prove
London’s West End. During his time at credit for seems to have been based less informative for students of Jack
Cambridge University Eddy was within largely upon correspondence between the Ripper.
a homosocial environment in which the Prime Minister Lord Salisbury and
Prince Eddy: The King Britain Never
homosexual elements prevailed and Lord Wolsey the Commander-in-Chief in
gay and transvestite clubs were part Dublin in which it was agreed that the
Andrew Cook Published by Tempus
of the social scene for his coterie. Duke of Clarence should consider taking
Publishing, 15 January 2006.
As one contributor to the programme the position of Viceroy of Ireland. The Hardback ISBN: 0752434101, 272pp
suggested in relation to the period; programme narration suggested that £20.00
‘that’s what you do when you go to this correspondence was the ‘revelation
54 Ripperologist 62 December 2005
prevented Fenian
attacks, advised
Oscar Wilde to

hotfoot it, helped
Conan Doyle to solve
the Edalji case and

Publications almost caught Jack

the Ripper.
Buy now

Carol Margaret Davison Karyo Magellan ISBN: 0954977009, £17.95
Hardcover, 256 pages Paperback, 320 pages A novel recounting
Palgrave Macmillan Longshot Publishing ‘the “known” career
ISBN: 0333929519, £47.50 ISBN: 0955024005, £12.99 of Mary Kelly with
This book examines Presenting a new all the familiar
Gothic Literature’s theory on the most faces emerging as
engagement with enigmatic of the flesh and blood
the Jewish Question Ripper’s victims. The characters instead
and British national book is reviewed in of the often one-
identity over the this issue, and more dimensional figures
course of a century, information on the they appear in the non-fiction books.’
from Romanticism author can be found (Ripperologist, issue 61 (September
to Bram Stoker’s in his website. Click 2005)) The Rip also told its readers:
Dracula (1897). A chapter devoted to here. ‘You should like this book and it’ll
Dracula considers the vampiric Count keep you occupied and out of trouble
as a crypto-Jew, while immigration, for a while.’ Who could wish for
syphilis, Jack the Ripper, corporate anything more?
capitalism and the New Woman are all Buy now
Hardcover, 499 pages, Castle Books.
fin-de-siècle concerns connected with
ISBN: 078581616X, £19.98)
the assimilation of the Jews.
Edited by Maxim THE TRIAL OF
Buy now Jakubowski and JACK THE RIPPER: THE CASE
Nathan Braund, this OF WILLIAM BURY (1859-89)
is largely a re-issue Euan Macpherson
of the Mammoth Paperback, 192 pages
Nene Adams
Book of Jack the Mainstream Publishing
Paperback, 342 pages Ripper.
Cavalier Press, ISBN: 0974621064 ISBN: 1845960114, £9.99
Buy now Discusses Ripper
A novel which suspect William Henry
starts in August REVELATIONS OF Bury, who was hanged
1888, as consulting THE TRUE RIPPER in 1889 in Scotland
detective Lady for the murder of
Revelations of the True Ripper, by
Evangeline St Claire his wife. ‘…whether
Vanessa A Hayes and published by Ivory
rescues prostitute Bury was Jack the
Moon, was announced for publication
Rhiannon Moore Ripper or not,’ said
in October. No more information has
from the clutches Ripperologist in its
become available.
of a bloodthirsty review, ‘Macpherson’s book is a damn
murderer who would come to be known good read and a penetrating analysis
as Jack the Ripper. The two women
SHERLOCK HOLMES: of a nasty murder by an equally nasty
embark upon an investigation into an
THE BIOGRAPHY little man.’
unrelated case that soon becomes a Nick Rennison
Buy now
race against a killer whose only motive Hardback, 240 pp, Atlantic
is madness. While trying to save ISBN: 1843542749, £14.99
themselves and each other, Evangeline Precisely what it says it is – if you WAS A QUACK DOCTOR
and Rhiannon fall desperately in love. are willing to suspend disbelief. This JACK THE RIPPER?
A secondary character is a detective Biography is of particular interest to (NOTES ON A STRANGE
called Sherringford Pike. Now, doesn’t Ripperologist readers since it ventures WORLD): AN ARTICLE FROM
that name ring a bell? beyond Holmes’s published cases and SKEPTICAL INQUIRER
Buy now recounts how the great detective Publishedy by Committee for the

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 55

Scientific Investigation of Claims of causes in the delay has been the AND DON’T FORGET...
the Paranormal. ISBN: B000AJPJSE. scrupulous checking of all the facts
You’ll learn more about this one when by Mr Whittington-Egan’s editor, Tom THE ROYAL LEGACY OF HATE, a further
we do. Kelly, and the minute attention and volume of revelations concerning the
meticulous research which the latter regal ancestry of Joseph Sickert, who
has displayed in the construction of died on 9 January 2003; the eagerly
a really comprehensive bibliography, expected Second Edition of JACK THE
taking in for the first time all manner MYTH, by A P Wolf; and journalist Tom
PORTRAIT OF A KILLER: of obscure American book, magazine Slemen’s still untitled book on Charles
JACK THE RIPPER - and newspaper reference sources. Mr Regnier Conder. The publication of all
CASE CLOSED Whittington-Egan has stated his belief these books has been announced, in
Patricia Cornwell that the delay has been worth it, some cases several years ago, but no
Paperback, 400pp because what has resulted from it will information is available as to their
Penguin Group (USA). stand for all time. Hear, hear, we say. present status.
ISBN: 0425205479, $15)
A revised edition of her controversial
book reportedly including more SEPTEMBER 2006 RADIO DRAMA
evidence for her conclusion that ON COMPACT DISC
the killer was the artist, Walter PORTRAIT OF A KILLER:
Sickert. A British edition will follow in JACK THE RIPPER - SAUCY JACK, an original radio drama
September. CASE CLOSED by James Vita focusing on the Ripper
Patricia Cornwell murders, is available on CD from
Actors Scene Unseen, a Live Internet
Paperback, 416 pages
SPRING 2006 Time Warner Paperbacks
Radio Theatre company broadcasting
live from Charlotte, NC, USA. This is a
ISBN: 0751537225, £8.99
JACK THE RIPPER: THE FACTS totally new recording and remastered
The British edition of her revised edition of the live program originally
Paul Begg book. broadcast on 19 June 2004 on Actors
Paperback, 560 pages
Scene Unseen and features a new,
Robson Books Ltd, ISBN: 1861058705
larger cast and original music.
£8.99 LATE 2006 Another offering by Actors Scene
By Ripperologist’s Executive Editor, Unseen, MILLER’S COURT, is a two-
simply one of the most complete and UNCOVERING person drama by James Jeffrey Paul
authoritative books on the subject. A JACK THE RIPPER’S LONDON about the Ripper’s encounter with
must-have. his last victim. For information on
A book by Richard Jones, whose recent
documentary, On the Trail of Jack the programmes and schedules, to listen
RIPPEROLOGY Ripper, was described in issue 59 of to live broadcasts or to find out how
By highly respected Ripper author Ripperologist as ‘Perhaps the best to buy the CDs, go to their website.
Robin Odell, the book will be documentary to have been produced
launched by Kent State Press at the in recent years’. More info on Jones’s
American Jack the Ripper Conference web site. DVD: SUMMER 2006
in Baltimore, Maryland, in April 2006.
Mr Odell has described Ripperology JACK THE RIPPER’S SWEDISH VICTIM is
as ‘the story of what we have all STILL UNSCHEDULED a documentary by Daniel Olsson and
come to know as “Ripperology” with Vulvarich shot on location in Store
some personal reminiscences and CUATRO MIRADAS SOBRE Tumlehed, Gothenburg and other
a modicum of analysis.’ The book’s JACK EL DESTRIPADOR places frequented by on Elizabeth
introduction will be written by Donald Stride. The filmmakers hope to
Spanish-language collection of original
Rumbelow. complete all shooting by Christmas
essays on the Ripper to be published
2005, edit Victim and record the
in Buenos Aires. The authors are the
accompanying narration in Swedish
THE QUEST FOR late Juan-Jacobo Bajarlía, Juan José
and English between January 2005
JACK THE RIPPER: Delaney, Christopher-Michael DiGrazia
and March 2006 and have the DVD
A LITERARY HISTORY and Eduardo Zinna.
ready to ship by next Summer 2006.
1888-2000 More information may be found in a
By Richard Whittington-Egan, The SHADOW PASTS letter by Daniel Olsson in this issue of
Quest... is approaching its date of By Professor William D Rubinstein, Ripperologist.
publication after several years on the looks at Ripperologists and other
making. In its last issue, Ripperologist ‘amateur’ historians.
reported that one of the principal

Advertise in Ripperologist
Adverts cost £50 for a full page and £25 for a half page. All adverts are full colour and can
includes links to your website or email, or movie and sound files.

56 Ripperologist 62 December 2005

a ghost if you actually accept them to
begin with.
Now, I’m not suggesting that Mrs
Maxwell might have seen Kelly’s ghost;

The Last Word

or that, if she did, it was because
she wanted to. But I do wonder
about the nearly infinite capacity of
the subconscious mind to affect our
waking selves. Often we see or hear
CHRISTOPHER- something and, shaking our heads in
MICHAEL DIGRAZIA wonder, say ‘what a surprise! I wasn’t
thinking about that at all!’ Yet, if
It’s November. And in our little A ghost? Kelly is one now, certainly. someone carefully walks us through
neck of the world, that means But what about then? the events of the day, we see that we
that it’s once again time to talk It is, perhaps, indicative of the really did ‘think about that’, even if
quicksilver nature of Mary Kelly that ‘that’ was only a slight glimpse of a
about Mary Jane Kelly. I realize
she was not only unknowable in life; billboard, a half-heard song on the
that all three of you regular even in death she was a mystery. Take radio or a quick word glimpsed in a
readers perusing this column the case of Caroline Maxwell, who pile of papers shuffled over the desk.
for vicarious enjoyment of Your insistently testified before the coroner
Humble Columnist’s sybaritic that she saw and spoke with the living
Kelly at eight o’clock on the morning
lifestyle or for interminable
of November 9, more than six hours
rehashings of 1920s Hollywood after all medical opinion insisted she
scandals might find this month’s was dead. Mrs Maxwell is one of the
column a little off the beaten many nagging oddities that tantalise
trail, but for those of you who and frustrate the Ripperologist. What
think Ripperology ought to have did she see? A Kelly who was yet to
die or one who was already dead? It’s
some place in this magazine, off
been light-heartedly suggested that
we go. Maxwell might have seen a ghost, but
Mary Kelly, if you consider it, might if she did, then Kelly’s ghost seems to
nearly be the distaff Jack the Ripper. have been of an odd sort.
Like him, she is an unknowable; like Ghosts, so those who dabble in the
him, her motives were inscrutable, Contemporary illustration of Mary Kelly
field tell us, are of varying types, but
and, like him, were we to have most often they are attached to a
absolute proof of her identity, she locality (the bibulous spirit haunting So let’s go back to the morning
might well end up being not very his pub), locked in an otherworldly of 9 November. Could it be that
mysterious after all. It is the baffling Moebius strip (the ever-industrious Mrs Maxwell heard the buzz about
anonymity of Saucy Jack which grants maid cleaning eternal piles of cutlery) Kelly’s death running through the
these squalid East End murders their or reaching out from beyond the grave crowds gathered for the Lord Mayor’s
immortality, and the blank slate which to right a wrong or complete a sadly parade as she went for her husband’s
is Mary Kelly that elevates her from unfinished task. One doesn’t usually breakfast, but didn’t register it? Then,
common trollop to femme fatale of read of ghosts who stand wobbly over her mind primed for seeing Kelly,
the Whitechapel murders. a puddle of sick moaning that they’ve the Irish lass appears, woozy and
Despite oceans of ink and forests of just had their breakfast all up again! slurring over her vomit. Could it be?
pages, the real, unarguable identity Here in the States (and probably Probably not – after all, as you’re no
of the Ripper is beyond our ken. And across the pond with you as well), doubt taking pen in hand to tell me,
despite the best researches, the real you can hardly flick through a Indian Harry won’t find Kelly’s body
Mary Kelly lies beyond our grasp. As television channel without coming until nearly 10.45, not to mention
she was an enigma in life – was she across one or another ‘ghost hunter’ that we haven’t even considered the
Irish or Welsh? Was her name really programme. Generally these fellows problematic testimony of Maurice
Kelly? Were any of her stories true? arm themselves with mechanical Lewis. And even if Maxwell’s mind
– she is, too, an enigma in death. Was and digital whizbangs that measure was bent on creating a ghost for her
she the last victim of the Ripper? Was spiritual disturbances and run their to see after hearing of Kelly’s death,
she the intended victim of the Ripper? cameras non-stop in the hope of you’d more likely expect her to see a
Was she even a victim at all? Or could catching an otherworldly whisper or bloody revenant rather than a wobbly
she (fearful thought) have been the an ectoplasmic vision. Sadly, these colleen.
Ripper’s own handmaiden? We don’t ‘investigations’ are almost always So Caroline Maxwell, I submit, didn’t
know, and I would be tempted to say damp squibs – there might be noise, see a ghost. But if she was telling the
that we will never know. The razored or an odd visual, but for the casual truth – if she did ask a sickly, shivering
haunch of meat splayed out before viewer it seems that the only people woman ‘what brings you up so early,
our eyes in 13 Miller’s Court is a who see ghosts are those who want Mary?’ near eight o’clock on that cold
mocking rebuff to all our energies and to see them – in other words, like the November morning – then who was it
hopes to lay a hand on the ghost that X-Files slogan ‘I want to believe,’ you who answered ‘Oh, Carrie, I do feel
flits away from us. seem to have more chance of seeing so bad’?

Ripperologist 62 December 2005 57

The former City Darts reverts to its original name.
©Adam Wood

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