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Sreedhar’s CCE SB I PO PRELI M S M T- 1


Directions (1-5): The sentence has a blank which indicates something has been

omitted. Which of the following words given against the sentence, fits the blank
in the given sentence both grammatically and meaningfully?
1. Some locations had lethal iron nails ________ into the road and trenches dug
deep to prevent the ingress of workers at the rally.
1) counteract 2) embedded 3) forefend
ha 4) implanted 5) interdict
2. The arrest of a stand-up comic for jokes that he did not ________ is completely
1) crack 2) impair 3) splinter 4) cleave 5) detonate
3. He attacked his manager over the recent spate of Net bans to black out _________of

1) coverage

the customers’ agitation in the village.
2) insurance 3) broadcasting 4) description 5) indemnity
4. The seniors in the outfit hold that he is better ________as a farmer leader, with
Jayant Chaudhary taking the political charge.
1) installed 2) positioned 3) quartered 4) placed 5) stationed

5. Most of the farmers who ___________Ghazipur that night were supporters of the
RLD from neighbouring areas.
1) make 2) show 3) overtake 4) reached 5) come
Directions (6-15): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while

answering some of the questions.

The killing of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri at a Kabul safe house by
an American drone is a clear setback to the Sunni Islamist terror organisation.
Zawahiri, the Egyptian doctor-turned-terrorist-in-chief, had been leading al-Qaeda
since the 2011 killing of his predecessor, Osama bin Laden, in Pakistan’s
Abbottabad in an American commando raid. Zawahiri was an instrumental figure
in most of al-Qaeda’s big _______ (A) _______, from the American embassy bombings
in east Africa in August 1998 to the September 11, 2001 attacks. Inspired by the
teachings of Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood cleric Sayyid Qutb, who was hanged by
the administration of President Gamal Abdel Nasser, Zawahiri had formed an
underground Islamist organisation as a teenager. Later, he headed the dreaded
Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which merged with al-Qaeda a few months before the 9/
11 attacks. Since then, he had been number two in al-Qaeda, which he took over
after bin Laden’s death. Just like his former boss, he was believed to be hiding
in Pakistan. But U.S. officials say Zawahiri moved back to Afghanistan earlier
this year, perhaps hoping that he would be safer in a Taliban-controlled country.
It turned out to be his last hiding place.
The killing is a rare battlefield victory for the Biden administration in
counterterrorism. It lends credence to the administration’s claims that it can
continue to carry out successful operations “over the horizon” without basing
troops in countries such as Afghanistan. U.S. intelligence officials worked for
months to confirm Zawahiri’s identity and establish a pattern of life before carrying

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I PO PRELI M S M T- 1

out the strike. But the attack also raises several questions. The withdrawal of
American troops from Afghanistan was based on the Doha agreement, reached
between the Trump administration, which was later accepted by the Biden
administration, and the Taliban. Under the agreement, the Taliban promised to
cut all ties with terrorist organisations such as the Islamic State and al-Qaeda in
return for the U.S.’s pullout. The U.S. completed its withdrawal on August 31, 16
days after the Taliban captured Kabul. While the Taliban are fighting the Islamic
State, their ties with al-Qaeda have remained mysterious. Sirajuddin Haqqani,
leader of the Haqqani faction, who is currently the Taliban’s Interior Minister,
has been known for his close al-Qaeda links. Given the history (A) of al-Qaeda

and the Taliban, it is wealthiest (B) to believe that Zawahiri was living in one of
the difficult (C) quarters of Kabul — it also houses several (D) high-profile Taliban
leaders, technocrats and former warlords — without the knowledge of the Taliban
leadership. Whether Zahawiri’s killing will weaken a decentralised al-Qaeda
without an organisational hierarchy is not clear. But a bigger challenge the U.S.
and other countries face is to ensure that the Taliban regime does not help terror
outfits regroup in Afghanistan. That is the spirit of the Doha agreement.
6. Which of the following is/are true regarding the clear setback by an American

1) The spirit of the Doha agreement. 2) Itturned to be his last hiding place.
3) The killing of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri at a Kabul safe house by an
American drone is a clear setback to the Sunni Islamist terror organisation
4) Both (A) & (B) 5) All are correct.
7. Which of the following word can fill in the blank marked as (A) in the passage?

1) surrender 2) attacks 3) shield 4) reprisal 5) protection

8. Which of the following is/are NOT true with respect to the passage?
1) The killing is a rare battlefield victory for the Biden administration in
2) A bigger challenge the UK. and other countries face is to ensure that the

Taliban regime does not help terror outfits regroup in Afghanistan.

3) U.S. intelligence officials worked for months to confirm Zawahiri’s identity and
establish a pattern of life before carrying out the strike.
4) Both (2) & (3) 5) All are correct.
9. Which of the following words is most opposite in meaning to “intelligence” as
given in the passage?
1) subtlety 2) aptitude 3) stupidity 4) capacity 5) acuity
10. Which of the following is/are true with respect to the passage?
1) Under the agreement, the Taliban promised to cut all ties with terrorist
organisations such as the Islamic State and al-Qaeda in return for the U.S.’s
2) While the Taliban are fighting the Islamic State, their ties with al-Qaeda have
remained mysterious.
3) It lends credence to the administration’s claims that it can continue to carry
out successful operations “over the horizon” without basing troops in countries
such as Afghanistan.
4) Both (2) & (3) 5) All are correct.
11. Which of the following phrase can replace with the bold sentence both contextually
and grammatically?
1) he had believed to be hiding in Pakistan
2) he were believed to being hiding in Pakistan
3) he was believed to been hiding in Pakistan
4) he was believed to hiding in Pakistan 5) No replacement is required.

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I PO PRELI M S M T- 1

12. In the passage a sentence has been underlined, and in this sentence four words
have been given in bold denoted by (A), (B), (C) and (D). These words given in bold
may need to be rearranged in a proper sequence to form a meaningful and
grammatically correct sentence, suitable in the context of the passage. Identify
the sequence and mark that as your answer. If no interchange is required, mark
‘No interchange required’ as your answer.
1) A-B 2) B-C 3) C-D 4) A-D 5) No interchange required
13. Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to “credence” as given in
the passage?
1) assurance 2) faithlessness 3) misgiving 4) disbelief 5) fear

14. Choose the appropriate title for the given passage.
1) Sirajuddin Haqqani 2) The Trump administration
3) Language as barrier 4) The Talibanstatements 5) None of the above.
15. Which of the following words is most similar in meaning to “captured” as given in
the passage? ha
1) forfeited 2) secured 3) deprived 4) lost 5) None of the above.
Directions (16-20): In the following question, one part of the sentence may have
an error. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select the option

Prime Minister Narendra Modi made (A) / it clear that it is the developing world
that need (B) / the most support, including to weather (C) / the “knock-on” effects
of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. (D) / NO ERROR (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
17. The first exception (A) / was a split in their original political (B) / party resulting

of (C) / the formation of a group of legislators. (D) / NO ERROR (E)

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
18. As the age of the (A) / respondent rises, the belief (B) / in the rich inequality (C)
/ hypothesis becomes strongest. (D) / NO ERROR (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E

19. They do have (A) / responsibilities given the (B) / kind of impact they (C) / have
on the audience. (D) / NO ERROR (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
20. There have been instances (A) / where reporters had been (B) / left out of police
briefings (C) / for critical reports. (D) / NO ERROR (E)
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D 5) E
Direction (21-25): Choose the better replacement of the phrase that is bold and
underlined in the sentence.
21. International restaurants in Singapore have particular at adept simultaneously
perfecting both eastern and western dishes on their menu.
1) were being particularly adept at 2) are particularly adept at
3) are particular adept at
4) are adept particularly at 5) No correction required
22. Animals and humans use the evaporation of water to carry away hot is that
absorbed from the sun or generated by metabolic activity and exercise.
1) to carry on that heat is 2) to carry away that heat was
3) to carry away heat that is
4) to carry on heater is that 5) No correction required
23. I’m sorry you can’t cameon at the moment because we are having the house
decorated right now.
1) can’t come in at the moment 2) can’t come in for the moment
3) can’t come on for the moment
4) can’t come at in the moment 5) No correction required
Sreedhar’s CCE SB I PO PRELI M S M T- 1

24. When he was only thirty years old, he has had already experiences what most
people only experience when they are much older.
1) had he experienced already 2) he has already experience
3) he had already experience
4) he had already experienced 5) No correction required
25. The crowd remained good-natured for the more part of his speech and he was
feeling pleased with himself.
1) that much part of his speech 2) that his most parts of speech
3) the most part of his speech
4) the more his parts of speeches 5) No correction required

Direction(26-30: Below a word is given followed by three sentences which consist
of that word. Identify the sentence/s which best expresses the meaning of the
word. Choose option 5 (None of these) if the word is not suitable in any of the
26. Defer ha
A. The company said it would defer on-boarding of freshers till September and
freeze lateral hiring.
B. Hari told the Krishna that defer must start over tomorrow morning with the
new juror

C. Five years after the Centre announced the Smart Cities Mission, the country
is yet to see any defer of this project on the ground.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Both B and C 5) None of these
27. Retribution

A. The conference will give us an opportunity to exchange retribution with other

B. The demographic retribution shows that the population increased but the
average income went down.
C. Citizens took their own lives rather than face the shame of retribution after

Hitler was defeated

1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Both B and C 5) None of these
28. Dismal
A. The single glimmer of hope in the dismal jobs report may be a false hope.
B. During the year 2019, Sri Lanka’s dismal performance continued in terms of
real economic growth.
C. We are unnecessarily killing the telecom industry in a manner and way that is
not conducive for our dismal.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Both A and B 5) None of these
29. Tenuous
A. The bill proposed making joyriding a severe offence and provided penalties of
up to seven years in tenuous.
B. Afghanistan drawdown proceeds even as tenuous Taliban peace deal continues
to crack
C. Her only connection to the world a tenuous filament of wires, tubes and
intravenous needles.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Both B and C 5) None of these
A. We are looking for vitriolic ways to approach the project.
B. He launched a vitriolic attack on the prime minister, accusing him of shielding
corrupt friends.
C. The Chinese people have performed great vitriolic feats.
1) Only A 2) Only B 3) Only C 4) Both B and C 5) None of these

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I PO PRELI M S M T- 1

Direction (31-35): What approximate value will come in place of the question
mark (?) in the given question? (You are not expected to calculate exact value)
607.89 ?
31. 
? 37.989
1) 200 2) 130 3) 140 4) 152 5) 160
32. ? % of (5389.98 ÷ 6.95) =8459.96 – 4799.98

1) 270 2) 730 3) 360 4) 590 5) 470
33. 29.9% of 1240 + 72.02 × 14.95 =?
1) 1450 2) 1590 3) 1250 4) 1740 5) 1650

34. 891.98÷23.89 × 323.8 -186.8 =?2

1) 25 2) 35 3) 15 4) 10 5) 22

35. 624% of 31.89+ 1088 × 4.89 =?

1) 100 2) 270

E 3) 245 4) 140 5) 290

Direction (36-40) what will come in place of the question mark (?) in the given
number series?

36. 11 44 396 6336 158400 ?

1) 5702400 2) 5720200 3) 5720760 4) 5705500 5)5702540
37. 33 75 131 201 285 ?
1) 374 2) 383 3) 375 4) 385 5) 369

38. 250 1500 300 1200 400 ?

1) 400 2) 100 3) 600 4) 200 5) 800
39. 14 35 81 163 294 ?
1) 469 2) 465 3) 489 4) 463 5) 369
40. 21 36 60 148 261 ?
1) 521 2) 537 3) 548 4) 590 5) 459
41. The ratio of the number of fruits (Oranges + Lemons) in two baskets P and Q is
2 : 3 respectively. If the ratio of the number of Lemons to Oranges in baskets P
and Q is 3 : 5 and 5:7 respectively, and the total number of Lemons in basket P
and basket Q together is 320, then find the total number of Oranges in basket P
and basket Q together?
1) 55 2) 450 3) 480 4) 520 5) 380
42. In a bag, there are 8 Yellow bulbs and 12 Orange bulbs, out of which 3 yellow
bulbs and 4 Orange bulbs are defective. If 2 bulbs are selected from the bag
randomly, then find the probability that all the bulbs are either Yellow or Orange
and are also non – defective?
1 1 1 1 1
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
5 6 7 8 9

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I PO PRELI M S M T- 1

43. Ash can complete 20 % of the work in 10 days while Bihu can complete 40 % of
the same work in 14 days and Nagesh can complete 30 % of the same work in 21
days. Ash and Bihu started the work together and after 17 days Nagesh joined
them such that they altogether completed the rest of the work, then find how
many days the work will be completed?
17 17 19 13 17
1) 15 2) 18 3) 16 4) 17 5) 19
22 22 22 22 22
44. A boy was asked about his age by his friend. The boy said, “The number you get
when you subtract 25 times my age from twice the square of my age will be thrice

your age”. If the friend’s age is 14 years, then find the age of the boy 6 years
1) 15 2) 25 3) 20 4) 19 5) 35
45. The ratio between the length of the rectangle and breadth of the rectangle is 7: 4.
If the perimeter of the rectangle is198 cm and the side of the square is 10cm less
than the breadth of the rectangle, then find the area of the square?
1) 676 2)1225 3)144 4)625 5)1089
Direction (46-50): Study the following information carefully and answer the given

The given below bar graph shows the revenues and expenditures of six
different banks in the financial year 2021-2022.
Net Income=Revenue - Expenditure

Net Income % = x 100









46. What is the respective ratio between Expenditure of BOB and IDBI together to
that of HDFC and CBI together?
1) 57:46 2) 53:51 3) 57:40 4) 54:55 5) 53:55
47. What is the Net Income percent of IDBI in the year 2021-2022? (approximately)
1) 25% 2) 12% 3) 5% 4) 15% 5) 8%
48. What is the difference between the net income of HDFC and BOI together to that
of Canara?
1) 600 2) 540 3) 650 4) 550 5) 670

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I PO PRELI M S M T- 1

49. Which of the following bank get the maximum percent of the Net Income in the
financial year 2021-2022?
1) BOI 2) BOB 3) CBI 4) HDFC 5) Canara
50. What is the average Net income of all the banks together in the financial year
1) 430 2) 440 3) 450 4) 434 5) 420
Direction (51-55): In the given question two equations numbered I and II are
given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate answer.
51. I. x2- 12x = 0
II. y2 - 40y = 0

1) x > y 2) x < y 3) x  y 4) x  y 5) x = y or no relation
52. I. x - 20x + 75 = 0
II. y2 + 20y + 84 = 0
1) x > y 2) x < y 3) x  y 4) x  y 5) x = y or no relation
53. I. x - 40x = 0 ha
II. y2 + 25y = 0
1) x > y 2) x < y 3) x  y 4) x  y 5) x = y or no relation
54. I. x2 + 25x + 156 = 0
II. y2 + 15y + 54 = 0
1) x > y 2) x < y

E 3) x  y 4) x  y 5) x = y or no relation
55. I. x2 + 81x = 0
II. y2 - 36y = 0
1) x > y 2) x < y 3) x  y 4) x  y 5) x = y or no relation

Direction (56-60): Study the table given below and answer the question.
The table shows the total book of two different languages (Hindi and
English) and ratio between them
Library Total books Hindi : English

A 750 2:3

B 1050 3:4

D 900 1:2
E 720 4:5

56. The number of Hindi books in library A is what percent more/less than the
number of English books in library E?
1) 25 2)33.33 3) 50 4) 20 5)75
57. What is the difference between the Hindi books in library A and D and the
English book in library A together with total number of books in library D?
1) 100 2) 50 3) 150 4)75 5) 25
58. In library C the total number of Hindi books are 15% more than that of in library
A and English book are 20% less than that of in library D, find the total book in
library C?
1) 1000 2)980 3) 825 4)1080 5) 670

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I PO PRELI M S M T- 1

59. What is the difference between the average number of Hindi books in all libraries
and to the average number of English books in all the libraries together?
1) 170 2)150 3) 250 4) 200 5)100
60. If in library F the total number of books is 1080 and the ratio of the number of
Hindi and English books is 4 : 5 then, find the total number of English books in A,
B, D and F together?
1) 2250 2) 2150 3) 3050 4) 2500 5) 2000
Direction (61-65): Study the following line graph and answer the following question.
The line graph shows the selling price of four different Articles namely A, B, C and D.

700 720
600 ha
500 520 480
400 Selling price


61. The selling price of article A is 30% more than the cost price, find the cost price
of article A?
1) 360 2) 400 3) 380 4) 300 5) 250
62. Find the total average selling price of all the articles?

1) 580 2) 480 3) 360 4) 640 5) 500

63. The selling price of article D is what percent more than the selling price of
article B?
1) 20% 2) 10% 3) 15% 4) 0% 5) 30%
64. By selling the article D profit earned is 20% and the marked price of an article is
30% more than the cost price find the difference between the marked price and
cost price of an article?
1)200 2) 180 3) 150 4) 120 5) 220
65. What is the difference between the selling price of articles A and C and the
selling price of articles B and D?
1) 300 2)250 3) 420 4) 320 5) 200
Direction: (66-70) Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below.
Six persons – K, L, M, N, O, and P are purchasing different mobiles – Samsung,
Oppo, Vivo, Red me, One plus, and Apple in different years – 1982, 1985, 1991,
1998, 2003, and 2007 but not necessarily in the same order.
N purchased in an even-numbered year. The number of persons purchased
before P is same as the persons purchased after K, who purchased Red me. The
one who purchased Oppo is after O. L purchased immediately before the one who
purchased Vivo. The one who purchased One plus is immediately before P. N does
not purchase Oppo. Only three persons are purchased between the one who

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I PO PRELI M S M T- 1

purchased Oppo and the one who purchased Samsung. Only two persons are
purchased between N and the one who purchased One plus.The one who purchased
Oppo is purchased before to N.
66. Who purchased after K?
1) Vivo 2) One plus 3) Red me 4) Samsung 5) Oppo
67. How many persons purchased between P and N?
1) Two 2) One 3) Four 4) Three 5) More than three
68. Which of the following year purchased M?
1) 1998 2) 1982 3) 1991 4) 2007 5) 1985
69. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the

above arrangement and hence from a group. Find out the one that does not
belong to that group.
1) One plus – L 2) 1998 – Samsung 3) N – 2007
4) Oppo – 1985 5) Apple - K
70. L purchased which of the following mobile?
1) Vivo 2) One plus 3) Apple 4) Samsung 5) Red me
Direction: (71-75) Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below.
Eight persons – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H live in four different floors from one

to four. Ground floor is numbered as one and top floor is numbered as four. Each
of the floor has 2 flats in it as flat-P and flat-Q. Flat-P of floor-2 is immediately
above flat-P of floor-1 and immediately below flat-P of floor-3 and so on. In the
same way flat-Q of floor-2 is immediately above flat-Q of floor-1 and immediately

below flat-Q of floor-3 and so on. Flat-P is in West of flat-Q. They all like different
fruits Apricot, Grape, Kiwi, Pear, Cherry, Mango, Avocado, and Peach but not
necessarily in the same order.
D lives in flat P but does not live on an odd numbered floor. Only one floor is
between the one who likes Cherry and G, who likes Mango. F does not like

Cherry and Pear. G and one who likes Pear does not live on the same floor. The
one who likes Grapes is North-West of B, who does not like Avocado. Only one
floor is between D and the one who likes Pear and both are not living in the same
flat. Neither B nor C likes Kiwi. C does not live on an odd numbered floor. The one
who likes Pear is immediately above the one who likes Cherry. The one who likes
Avocado and A lives same flat. H lives in the North-East of C, who does not like
Peach. B lives in the East of one who likes Mango. The one who likes Avocado is
North of F.
71. Who likes Cherry?
1) C 2) B 3) H 4) E 5) D
72. Who lives in first floor flat Q?
1) A 2) The one who likes Grape 3) The one who likes Kiwi
4) C 5) The one who likes Avocado
73. C likes which fruit?
1) Avocado 2) Peach 3) Grape 4) Apricot 5) Pear
74. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the
above arrangement and hence from a group. Find out the one that does not
belong to that group.
1) D – Mango 2) A – Peach 3) E – Apricot 4) H – Avocado 5) F – Pear
75. G lives in which floor and flat number?
1) First floor – Flat P 2) Third floor – Flat Q 3) Third floor – Flat P
4) Fourth floor – Flat P 5) First floor – Flat Q

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I PO PRELI M S M T- 1

Direction: (76-78) In these questions three statements followed by two conclusions

numbered I and II have been given. You have to take the given statements to be
true even if they seem to be at a variance from commonly known facts and then
decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the given statements
disregarding commonly known facts.
76. Statements: All Books are Balls Only a few Balls are Bells
Only a few Bells are Cells
Conclusions: I. All Bells are Books is a possibility
II. All Balls are Bells is a possibility
1) Only conclusion I follows 2) Only conclusion II follows

3) Either conclusion I or II follows 4) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
5) Both conclusions I and II follow
77. Statements: Some Buses are not Roads Only a few Roads are Rocks
All Buses are Shops
Conclusions: I. All Roads can be Shops
II. All Shops can be Rocks
1) Only conclusion I follows 2) Only conclusion II follows
3) Either conclusion I or II follows 4) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
5) Both conclusions I and II follow

Statements: Only a few Hands are Rings All Rings are Moons
All Hands are Stars
Conclusions: I. All Stars are Moons
II. All Hands are Rings is a possibility

1) Only conclusion I follows 2) Only conclusion II follows

3) Either conclusion I or II follows 4) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
5) Both conclusions I and II follow
79. A person starts walking in the North direction and walks 9m, then takes two
consecutive right turns and walks 11m and 7m respectively. From there he takes

a left turn and walks 5m , then finally takes a right turn and walks 5m to reach
his destination. What is the direction of his final position with respect to the
initial position?
1) North-West 2) South-East 3) West 4) South-West 5) North-East
80. If it is possible to make a meaningful word from the third, sixth, ninth and eleventh
letters of the word ‘CONCEALMENT’, then the second letter of the word thus
formed is your answer. If more than one such word can be formed your answer is
'X' and if no such word can be formed your answer is 'Z'.
1) E 2) Z 3) X 4) A 5) T
Direction: (81-85) Study the following information carefully and answer the
questions given below.
Seven persons – A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting around a circular table
some of them facing the centre and some of them facing the away from the
centre. Each one of them likes different chocolates 5-star, Milky bar, Kit-Kat,
Dairy milk, Perk, Munch and Gems but not necessarily in the same order.
B sits immediate left of the one who likes Kit-Kat. Three persons sit between
C and one who likes Kit-Kat (either left or right). C sits second to the left of A,
who is facing centre. G and C face opposite direction. Neither C nor A likes 5-
star. Only one person sits between the one who likes 5-star and the one who
likes Kit-Kat. Two persons sit between the one who likes Munch and the one who
likes Gems. Immediate neighbours of A face opposite direction. The one who likes
Munch is second to the left of G, who likes Dairy milk. G and the one who likes
kit-Kat face same direction. The one who likes 5-star is immediate neighbour of

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I PO PRELI M S M T- 1

G. E does not like Kit-Kat and 5-star. The number of persons sits between C and
G from left of C is same as the number of persons sits between A and D from right
of A, who does not like Perk. Immediate neighbours of G face opposite direction. B
and E face same direction.
81. Who sits second to the right of the one who sits third to the left of B?
1) E 2) The one who likes Dairy milk
3) C 4) The one who likes Kit-Kat 5) G
82. If all the persons are arranged in alphabetical order in clock wise direction starting
from A, then how many persons will remain unchanged?
1) Two 2) Three 3) None 4) One 5) More than three

83. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
1) The one who likes Gems sits second to the left of G.
2) B and G face same direction. 3) E likes 5-star
4) D does not like Kit-Kat. 5) None of the given options is true
84. A likes which of the following chocolate?
1) Dairy milk 2) Gems ha 3) Milky bar 4) Perk 5) Kit-Kat
85. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the
above arrangement and hence from a group. Find out the one that does not
belong to that group?
1) A – Perk 2) G – Gems 3) E – Dairy milk 4) B – Milky bar 5) D – 5-star

Direction: (86-88) In this question, relationship between different elements is
shown in the statements. The statements are followed by two conclusions. Study
the conclusions based on the given statement and select the appropriate answer.
86. Statement: K > F  B > T; C = W  B > R; G  V < W > S

Conclusions: I. C  T II. R < S

1) Both conclusions I and II are true 2) Only conclusion II is true
3) Only conclusion I is true 4) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
5) Either conclusion I or II is true
87. Statement: H = R  S > Q; L < Q  Y > D; X  C = Y < I
Conclusions: I. S > D II. X < S

1) Either conclusion I or II is true 2) Only conclusion II is true

3) Both conclusions I and II are true 4) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
5) Only conclusion I is true
88. Statement: V  N = A < U; J < M  N  C; T = S  M < E
Conclusions: I. A  S II. T < J
1) Only conclusion I is true 2) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
3) Either conclusion I or II is true 4) Both conclusions I and II are true
5) Only conclusion II is true
Directions: (89-91) Study the following information carefully and answer the
given questions.
Roma is now at Home and he started walking towards South direction for
8m and then took a right turn and walks 8m. He then turns right side and walks
3m and then took left turn walks 4m to reach Coffee shop. Ruhi is now at office
and he started walking towards East direction for 4m and then took a left turn
and walks 5m and then took a right turn and walks 2m and finally he takes left
turn and walks 3m to reach Coffee shop.
89. What is direction of Coffee shop with respect to Ruhi’s initial point?
1) South-West 2) South-East 3) North-East
4) North-West 5) North
90. Find the shortest distance between Coffee shop and Roma’s Home?
1) 12m 2) 13m 3) 15m 4) 9m 5) 11m
91. What is direction of Ruhi’s initial point with respect to Roma’s initial point?
1) South-West 2) South-East 3) North-East 4) North-West 5) North

Sreedhar’s CCE SB I PO PRELI M S M T- 1

Directions: (92-94) Study the following information carefully and answer the
given questions.
In a family having nine persons in which three are married couples. M is the
only son of Q’s father. H is daughter-in-law of K. G is brother-in-law of M. M and Q
are married couples. S is grandfather of T, who is the only child of H. N is maternal
aunt of T. P is father-in-law of M. Both H and N are siblings.
92. How is M related to K?
1) Husbend 2) Son 3) Brother 4) Father 5) Uncle
93. How is K related to S?
1) Sister-in-law 2) Sister 3) Daughter

4) Wife 5) Mother
94. How many Male persons are there in the given family?
1) Two 2) One 3) Four
4) Three 5) Can’t be determined
Direction: (95-97) Study the following information carefully and answer the given
In a certain code language
“Game Point For Army” is written as “sr ur wr pr”
“Run Away With Game” is written as “mr gr vr sr”
“City Run With Toxic”

E is written as “fr mr tr vr”

“Run Army And King” is written as “nr pr kr mr”
(Note:All codes are two letter codes only)
95. What is the code for ‘Game’?

1) mr 2) kr 3) sr 4) nr 5) tr
96. What is the code for ‘Toxic’?
1) fr 2) gr 3) mr 4) tr 5) Either 1 or 4
97. What is the possible code for ‘Point’?
1) wr 2) pr 3) sr 4) fr 5) vr

Direction: (98-100) Study the following information carefully and answer the
given questions.
Six students E, F, G, H, K and L are scoring different marks in the SBI PO
Prelims exam. G scored more marks than E who does not scored least marks. H
scored more marks than K and F but not the highest. 79 marks are scored by the
second highest person. G scored more marks than K. F scored more marks than
only E and L.
98. Who among the following person scored the highest marks?
1) F 2) K 3) L 4) G 5) E
99. How many persons scored more marks than E?
1) Three 2) Four 3) One 4) Two 5) No one
100. If total marks scored H and F is 155, then how many marks does K scored?
1) 80 2) 75 3) 77 4) 73 5) 82

1.2 2.1 3.1 4.4 5.4 6.3 7.2 8.2 9.3 10.5 11.5 12.2 13.1
14.3 15.2 16.2 17.3 18.4 19.5 20.2 21.2 22.3 23.1 24.4 25.3 26.1
27.3 28.4 29.4 30.2 31.4 32.5 33.1 34.5 35.3 36.1 37.2 38.5 39.3
40.4 41.3 42.1 43.5 44.3 45.1 46.2 47.5 48.1 49.1 50.4 51.5 52.1
53.3 54.2 55.4 56.1 57.3 58.3 59.1 60.1 61.2 62.1 63.1 64.2 65.4
66.4 67.2 68.4 69.4 70.3 71.4 72.3 73.4 74.4 75.3 76.1 77.5 78.4
79.2 80.3 81.4 82.4 83.5 84.3 85.2 86.4 87.3 88.1 89.3 90.2 91.1
92.2 93.4 94.5 95.3 96.5 97.1 98.4 99.2 100.3


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