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Version 1.2


Michael Masberg

Christina Masberg, Daniel Simon Richter, and my crew.

Gerd Altmann (
Free for commercial use.

Original material © 2020 by Pig of Spades, a label of Michael Masberg

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This product was created under license. Coriolis and its logo, are trademarks of Fria Ligan AB.
This work contains material that is copyright Fria Ligan AB and/or other authors.
Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Michael Masberg and
published under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.


The PCs are located in one of the most icon-forsaken places of the Third Horizon:
the Odacon system, scene of the last and most terrible battles of the Portal Wars.
An ancient treasure awaits them, which could solve all their problems - or seal their

HYAENAS OF ODACON is a short, action-packed adven- ty that is forgotten today. It left the planet, but not
ture around a treasure hunt with serious conse- the system.
quences. The PCs experience the consequences of The darkness between the stars got into the Fazar.
reckless greed at first hand as they bring the horrors Terrible creatures, later known in the Third Horizon
of the darkness between the stars to a place that as the Dogs of Tirides, haunted the cruiser and atta-
normally promises safety: their own ship. cked the crew. The last survivors preferred to des-
The adventure is designed to be played with the troy the ship rather than bring the curse to their de-
crew and the ship of the players or with pre-genera- signated place of refuge.
ted PCs. You find them in the appendix, together Unfortunately, they did not succeed as thoroughly
with their ship, the old salvage cruiser Hyaena. Since as they had hoped. The Fazar was torn apart by the
it introduces many aspects of the game - from pro- explosion, but part of it survived. For over 150 cy-
blem-solving and a short space battle to horror -, the cles, the wreckage has lain dormant hidden in Oda-
adventure is a perfect one-shot for beginners. Origi- con's Ash belt. Its treasures await discovery - and
nally, HYAENAS OF ODACON was written for conventi- with them the old curse.
ons and has been successfully executed several Recently a mining ship picked up an old distress
times.. signal but did not dare to go deeper into the belt.
The crew preferred to sell the information. This is
BACKGROUND how the antique dealer Lea Marhoun found out
about it. She will hire the PCs to follow the trace and
The Odacon system was hit particularly hard in the
recover a special treasure she suspects to be in the
last days of the Portal Wars. The disasters destroy-
wreck of the Fazar.
ed the planet Matush, among others.
Before the planet cracked, countless people tried to
get to safety. Especially the rich and powerful got OVERVIEW
with their treasures off the planet. But not everyone The story is very straightforward and divided into
reached their destination. Among the unfortunate three acts. In the first act, the PCs explore a wreck
spaceships was the relic cruiser Fazar from a dynas- from the time of the Portal Wars in the Ash belt of
Odacon and recover a long-lost relic for their client.


In the process, they discover clues that something into the plot. Briefly introduce the characters to your
terrible must have happened to the crew of that players and let them choose who they want to play.
time. Give them time to become familiar with the charac-
The second act is a short interlude. On the way ters and their relationships with each other. Give
back, the PC’s ship is attacked by corsairs who them the deck plan of the Hyaena and talk them
smell easy prey. The main purpose of the fight is to through. Players will already have the opportunity to
familiarize players with the ship combat system. It add details and personalize the ship.
also distracts them from the actual threat. Read the intro, which you will find below, and then
The third act begins a few hours later. While the PCs start with the first scene.
are still underway, their ship is haunted by an old If you play the adventure as part of your own cam-
curse. The darkness haunts their ship, and the PCs paign, you'll know best why the crew visited the
must give everything to survive the terrible horrors. Odacon system. Feel free to customise the begin-
ning to fit your campaign. It doesn't have to be the
ABOUT THE HYAENA antique dealer Lea Marhoun, nor does it have to be
Please use the plan of the salvage ship Kamruk from the idol of the Glistening One. You're welcome to
the Core Rulebook for the Hyaena. Everything else you exchange the relic for another artifact, making the
need to know about the Hyaena - and how it differs quest an important element of your campaign.
from the Kamruk - can be found here from page 21.
For more information on the Odacon system, please
refer to the Corebook and the Atlas Compendium.
When you play HYAENAS OF ODACON with the pre-
generated characters, you can jump almost directly



You are in the Odacon system, one of the darkest mon goal to leave this system as soon as possible.
corners of the Third Horizon. It was a rich system of But you still lack the necessary Birr to replace the
the Firstcomes once. But that was long before the navigation computer and to be able to make a safe
Portal Wars and the Long Night. Today, it is a shatte- jump through the unpredictable portal.
red system, with three sparsely populated, hostile So the job came in handy for which nobody on
planets and the remands of a fourth, destroyed in the Khôban who was brave, crazy, or desperate enough
final, most fierce battles of the Portal Wars. They was found.
orbit an unstable star together with the inexorably The antique dealer Lea Marhoun owns the coordina-
disintegrating portal station Khôban. tes of a shipwreck. She suspects it to be the Fazar, a
No one comes here voluntarily. Not even you. But legendary necropolis ship of a dynasty that perished
here you are, the crew of the salvage cruiser Hyaena. in the Portal Wars. Its mission was to bring a special
Captain Zabah, her sister Ghalia and the mercenary cult object to safety: the idol of the Glistening One.
Aqilah belong to the original crew. You have a shared But the ship never left the system. For over 150 cy-
past on the infamous industrial planet Algol, which cles, the Fazar was considered lost or destroyed.
orbits around a merciless twin sun. The first mission Until recently, when a mining cruiser picked up a
aboard your newly acquired (though not new) ship weak distress signal that sparked into the darkness.
brought you to Odacon, but already the arrival turned The crew did not take the risk of following the signal.
into a disaster: The jump through the unstable portal And you would probably do the same if it weren't for
not only destroyed the navigation computer but also the 11,000 Birr that Lady Marhoun has promised you
cost the lives of two of your companions. The dar- if you find the Fazar, recover the art treasures and
kness took them during the cryogenic sleep. bring them safely back to the Khôban station.
One segment has passed since then. The most se- And so you set off for the Ash belt of Odacon, the
rious damage to the ship has been repaired, and two darkest place of this cursed system. Down into the
new members have joined on Khôban: technician darkness to find the treasures with which you can buy
Dalal and analyst Jibril. You are united by the com- your way out of this hell.


The adventure begins immediately. The PCs are with their ship in the dangerous
Ash belt of Odacon and have just discovered the wreck of the Fazar. They descend
into it and have no idea what events they will set in motion.

hangs like a shroud between


the stars. The remains of the planet Matush has

merged with countless wrecks and space junk to The PC’s ship is already in the Ash belt and at the
form an ominous reminder of the Portal Wars. A coordinates provided by Lady Marhoun. In order to
very vivid place of death: Not only are there adven- follow the trace, the sensor operator makes an ef-
turers and brutal corsairs on the loose. There are fortless (+2) DATA DJINN test.
also persistent rumors that the Ash Mist itself has a Failure: A signal is received, but it always breaks
consciousness. When it awakens, dense clouds of off again. The sensor operator leads the ship –
dust darken the light of the stars. Gluttonous ashes following the trace – into a labyrinth of space
then hunt for the last life among the debris and are junk. A successful PILOT test is necessary to
said to be able to decompose whole spaceships manoeuvre the ship through without damage. A
within moments. All that remains of the unfortunate failure creature 1 point of HP damage.
ships and their crews is dust, which will join the Limited Success: The Hyaena receives a weak
ashes for all eternity. signal, but this is sufficient to have a clear direc-

Critical Success: As before, but with additional
insights: It's not the Fazar itself that sends the
You begin with as many DPs as there are players.
distress signal, but an escape pod that must
have once belonged to the Fazar. Does the PCs
await nothing more than an age-old escape




The Hyaena draws nearer to the Fazar, which has Critical Success: Textbook docking! The only
been drifting through the darkness for generations. thing that diminishes your success is the fact
that in this emptiness nobody sees this smooth-
THE SITUATION ly executed manoeuvre.

The wreck of the Fazar – an ancient ship of the

dead from the heyday of the Firstcomes – drifts
The crew of the Hyaena can use their shuttle to fly
between huge boulders and all kinds of space junk.
over to the wreck. This broadens their options. Ins-
Where the bridge must have been, there is a huge
tead of using an airlock, they can enter through one
hole. Something tore the ship apart, and only the
of the many holes in the hull - or directly through
rear part remained. Dark and dead – if it weren't for
the big hole midships. For all options, a normal PI-
the weak signal from inside, which the people are
LOT test is required (+1 due to the shuttle’s Maneu-
receiving more and more clearly: A last beacon in
the darkness.
Failure: The shuttle rams around drifting space
The wreck is too big for the salvage station of the
junk or the wreck itself and suffers 1 point of HP
Hyaena, so it can't simply be pulled into the ship. (In
fact, the PC's ship and the wreck are about the
Limited Success: A light scratch, a strong jolt -
same size. Treat the wreck like a class IV ship)
and the SC are where they wanted to be. The
However, there are several ways to enter the wreck.
pilot's ego may have suffered more than the
e DOCKING shuttle.
Critical Success: You glide along like a leaf in
The PCs can dock at the rear of the wreck. This is a
the wind and bring the shuttle perfectly to its
demanding undertaking, as there are no active posi-
tion lights to assist the manoeuvre and nothing and
nobody is holding the wreck still. The PILOT test is
therefore modified by –1.
The PCs can leave their ship or the shuttle in exo
Failure: The Hyaena’s outer hull screeches alar-
suits and float over to the wreck. The short space-
mingly as it rams the wreck. The airlock is mis-
walk requires a demanding (–1) DEXTERITY test.
sed, and the ship suffers 1 point of HP damage.
Failure: You are drifting and must be captured
In the second attempt, the pilot succeeds in the
by your companions. You do not suffer any phy-
sical damage, but you do suffer 2 points of
Limited Success: Docking is successful, even if
it is anything but elegant. A powerful jolt goes
Limited Success: Your heart is racing, your
through the ship, but then both ships are con-
hands are sweating, and for a moment it seems


that you are missing the wreck. But then every- WITS roll to avoid 2 points of stress; if they are
thing is fine. not attached on any cable, the other PCs have
Critical Success: You reach the wreckage as if to rescue them). COST: 1 DP
you were constantly in zero gravity.
Too much momentum (optional): A miscalcula- SEPARATED?
tion causes the PC to repel with too much mo- It makes perfect sense that not all PCs are coming.
mentum.They either hit a solid body hard (suc- Especially the pilot and possibly the sensor operator
cessful MOVEMENT roll to avoid 2 points of da- could stay behind to keep an eye on the surroun-
dings to be prepared for a quick escape.
mage) or drifts off into emptiness (successful


The exploration of the shipwreck is the actual pro- e ANCIENT GUARD DRONES
logue of the adventure and should put the PCs in
Three automatic guard drones (page 10) protected
the mood for the coming events. They get an im-
the dead and their treasures. They were not des-
pression of a fate that could also threaten them.
troyed or ejected into space at the end of the Fazar,
but they have not been active for a long time and
THE SITUATION yet the corridors and rooms of the wreckage float.
When the last battles of the Portal Wars had alrea- The guard drones resemble metal jellyfish with an
dy been fought and the planet Martush laid in ruins, umbrella-like head and eight tentacle arms. The
people still fled the system. Among the refugees arms are less suitable for grasping but have ma-
were members of the old ruling dynasty that would gnets at the ends so that an active drone can move
soon disappear into obscurity. along the floor, walls, and ceiling. An accelerator
The crew of the Fazar included the last loyal mem- pistol is built into the head.
bers of this doomed dynasty. Actually, their task Fortunately, however, the drones have not been ac-
was to bring the bones of important ancestors out tive for a long time – right?
of the system. However, they left behind the pre-
cious idol of the Glistening One, the image of the THE PC’S GOAL

dynasty's patron. The captain ordered the return to The mission is simple: The PCs have to find the whe-
the burning system. The idol was recovered. But reabouts of the idol they are looking for, recover it and
unknowingly, the darkness was brought on board. bring it safely to their ship.

This finally led to the destruction of the Fazar,

which has been drifting through the Ash belt forgot- REAR
ten ever since. The torn ship resembles an ancient hammer with a
broken shaft. In this picture, the rear is the head of


the hammer. Besides the drives, it houses the old e MORTUARY

The heart of the building is the mortuary, which is
sheathed in several layers. Only a single door al-
lows access. The decorated door has the shape of
There is an airlock on each side of the transition an isosceles triangle. From each corner, a stylized
from the rear to midships. Both airlocks are inactive dog's head looks to the center, which shows a sun
and must be opened manually. This takes a few disk.
minutes but otherwise does not pose a challenge. The door has an energy supply, which has been at
rest for a century and a half. It supplies the lock: a
retina scanner in the centre of the sun. If the people
The corridors are dark and mostly empty. Walls, do not want to weld themself through the door in a
arches, and ceilings are broken in all places, and long and tedious process, a data djinni may try to
cables hang out. There are traces of fires and fight- trick the system. This is a hard (–2) DATA DJINN
ing, especially bullet holes from projectile weapons. test.
Bitter fights have taken place here. Failure: The eyes of the dogs light up and an
ominous hissing sounds. The hairs on the back
of the PC's neck stand up: It feels as if some-
The service station is a mess. The tools and spare thing in their back is scurrying through the cor-
parts floating around here are no longer of use. ridors. As they look around, another layer sud-
Someone has burned glyph into the metal of one denly closes over the door. Now the only option
wall with a cutting torch or similar tool. The glyphs left is to work through both layers - which of
still resemble today's characters sufficiently to be course takes much longer.
interpreted. However, the message is written in the Limited Success: As before, except that the ad-
now-dead Odaci, the official language of the old ditional layer does not close completely, but
dynasty. It is most closely related to Miri. stops abruptly before the actual door opens
The translation requires a demanding (–1) CULTURE after a second of shock.
test. Critical Success: The door splits in the middle
Failure: The translation is: The blind spot is wait- and opens by the segments disappearing into
ing. the corners.
Limited Success: The translation is: It lurks lifel-
Behind the door, a large, eerily empty hall is waiting.
essly in the corner.
Only a deactivated guard drone floats around. Then
Critical Success: The translation is: Death lurks
the gaze falls on a large, elongated chest that looks
in the corner.
like a mixture of cryogenic coffin and sarcophagus.
Inside, the PCs find the idol of the Glistening One
they are looking for.
The machine halls house two graviton projectors,
which once powered the ship and provided gravity.
They have been ruined for a long time.


A floating exo suit is visible through the window.

THE IDOL OF THE GLISTENING ONE Just as they look through the window, it turns
The cult object is a splendid, approx. 30-inch-high towards the PCs. A mummified face looks through
statue. It cannot be identified as any known icon. Wi- the helmet’s visor.
ckerwork of precious metals (instead of a head) con- The door can be opened mechanically within a few
tains a fist-sized gemstone inside. The gem reflects all
minutes. If they search the corpse, they find an old,
light many times stronger. This makes the Glistening
loaded Vulcan PDW and an antique tabula. Its bat-
One look as if it has a star for a head.
The absence of any known attributes, as well as the teries are empty and need to be charged first.
fact that the idol has no face, could indicate an in- A brief examination reveals that the unidentified
carnation of the Faceless One. But that icon is gene- woman has locked herself in and activated the dist-
rally considered to be a mistress in the shadows, not ress transmitter, but without triggering the escape
a figure of light.
capsule. Also, all food supplies are used up. The
corpse has no visible wounds. Did the dead woman
MIDSHIPS (voluntarily?) starved to death or suffocated?
A double passage once connected bow and rear.
The front third is missing, where the ship broke EVENTS ONBOARD
apart. A carefully steered shuttle can land in this
Below you will find events that you can use. If they
are tied to a specific location onboard or require
e ESCAPE PDOS Darkness Points (DP) to activate them, this is men-
tioned in the description.
There are two doors on each side. Originally, the
Fazar had four escape pods: spherical modules
without a drive for up to four people.
One of the ancient guard drones still has life in it. It
One door is sealed and the pod is gone. Two more
suddenly activates and attacks the PCs.
pods contain nothing of interest. In the fourth pod,
an important and terrible discovery waits for the
This pod sends the distress signal, which the PCs
followed. It is a standard signal with which an ac-
SKILLS: Dexterity 3, Force 4, Observation 1, Ranged Com-
tivated capsule transmits the current position. It
bat 2
seems like a miracle that the transmitter is still ac-
tive, especially since the pod was not released at
all. To add to the strangeness of the situation, the WEAPONS: Accelerator pistol (+1, damage 2, CRIT 1)

signal suddenly stops as soon as the PCs open the Flaw: The armour is only effective if the drone is
door. attacked either from the front or from the side. A
hit from behind, directly between the tentacles,


ignores the armour completely. However, this is e A GHOST?

a hard attack and the test is modified by –2.
A light glows behind the corner. What seems to be
an old machine at first, soon after flickers like cand-
lelight. There, a curious PC is awaited by the ghost-
Something strange is happening near the PCs. For ly appearance of a crew member of the Fazar. The
a heartbeat, it seems as if the shadows are tilting, ghost looks at the PC in horror, but he is looking at
then a piercing cold passes through their bodies. In something behind him. Suddenly he raises his arms
the comms a painful screeching sounds like the as if to protect himself and emits a silent scream.
howl of a tortured animal. Something invisible tears him apart.
Each PC is asked to test EMPATHY. If they fail, they Every PC who witnesses the scene makes a WITS
suffer 2 points of stress. test. A failure results in 2 points of stress.
The phenomenon is gone as fast as it appeared. COST: 1 DP



The legends about living ash clouds are true. And leave under time pressure. Describe how a dark
they are indeed very voracious. Even if the pheno- cloud, moving like a swarm in weightlessness, co-
menon will not reveal its secret in this story, it can mes closer and closer. It seems to be mainly inte-
be used by you. This is especially recommended if rested in metal, which it devours within a few mo-
players are up for another thrill. ments.
Using the living ashes will cost you 2 Darkness The skills required for a successful escape depend
Points. on how the PCs entered the wreckage. They may
have to steer the shuttle back (pilot) or glide
THE SITUATION through weightlessness (dexterity) while the cloud
eats through the wreckage behind them. Failures
Should someone has stayed on board and scanned
can mean stress or damage to the hull. Eventually,
the environment, the sensors suddenly go crazy.
the Hyaena can take off and escape the closing
Something is approaching the Hyaena from all si-
clouds at the last moment. The Fazar finally beco-
mes a legend.
This is recommended when the PCs are just leaving
the wreck to return to their ship. Now they have to


The PCs are on their way back to the Khôban station, but they have not yet left the
asteroid belt. In the second Act, a confrontation with corsairs occurs. The PCs
have to prove that they can defend the recently won treasure.

THE WRECK DISAPPEARS behind the Hyaena and beco- Reduce stress: If a PC has suffered stress, he
mes a piece of scrap metal in the dark Ash belt can regain 1 Mind Point if they is not otherwise
again. The PCs are granted a short break while they engaged in any activity.
set the course for the portal station Khôban, where Recover Hit Points: As long as the PC is not
their client is waiting. Give the players a chance to engaged in strenuous activity, they regenerates
take a deep breath. It will not long last. 1 Hit Point per hour.
Repair hull damage: A successful technology
DARKNESS POINTS test restores Hull Points equal to the number of
You receive 2 additional Darkness Points at the be- sixes on the roll. One ordinary spare part is
ginning of Act 2. used.


Between the departure from the wreck and the be- If a PC wants to deal with the tabula possibly found in
the wreck, you will find all relevant information on
ginning of the next scene, the PCs have about three
page 16. The device needs to be charged first. Then it
hours, which they can use for recovery.
takes time to translate the contents, so they will not
complete the process until the corsair scouts beco-
me aware of the Hyaena. Nevertheless, let them start
already if their player wants them to.


Act 2 is an exciting space combat between the ry encounter between two ships: The PCs have to
Hyaena and two fast fighters of local corsairs. It fight against two opposing units that are signifi-
serves to give the players a feeling for this rule part cantly smaller and more agile than their ship - but
of the game. At the same time, this is not an ordina- can take fewer hits.



ORDER PHASE: omitted
The Hyaena passes the territory of the Dust Vultu- ENGINEER PHASE: 4

res, a group of corsairs. The Vultures have about PILOT PHASE: 8 (+2 by Maneuverability)
half a dozen fast (and ragged) fighters, who work in
ATTACK PHASE: 7 (+2 by Autocanon)
teams of two looking for worthwhile prey. The goal
is to shoot the other ship unmaneuverable or to
keep it busy until the mothership arrives and the
pirates board the prey. The PC sensor operator makes two DATA DJINN
Both fighters have their transponders turned off tests, one for each fighter. Each roll is modified by
and maintain radio silence so as not to draw atten- –2.
tion to their presence while scanning the surroun- Failure: The fighter remains undetected. The
dings with passive sensors. sensor operator may repeat the test when the
If the Hyaena does not run silent, the pirates will fighter takes action. For now, however, this atta-
automatically detect the ship at medium range (2 cker has a free turn.
CU). Otherwise, each corsair pilot can do a normal Limited Success: The fighter is detected. You
DATA DJINN test (with 6 dice). Alternatively, you can get information about the distance - and that it
spend 2 DP to skip the roll. is approaching the Hyaena!
Critical Success: You will also receive informa-

VULTURE ATTACK tion about the attacker's ship class and wea-
In the following, we describe the fight against the
two corsair fighters step by step. The encounter e INITIATIVE
uses the space combat rules from the Core Rule-
The initiative is determined according to the rules
with a COMMAND roll. Each fighter pilot uses 3 dice.


CLASS: I The space combat follows the usual rules. Remem-
ENERGY POINTS: 3 ber that the attackers skip the order phase because
HULL POINTS: 3 the fighters are only manned by one person.
You can also use Darkness Points in space combat
to give the PCs additional challenges.
It is recommended to be quietly stingy with the
MODULES: Autocanon (+2, contact range, damage 2,
Darkness Points at this point. You'll need them later,
so let the PCs enjoy an easy encounter. The safer
FEATURES: Ejector, Robust Hull, Tuned Accelerator
they feel, the harder the horror hits them on board
their ship.


The old problem of the Hyaena: Since the jump in the PC) and no longer poses a danger. COST: 1
into the Odacon system, the ship's system tends DP
to shut down. This combat is no exception. If Wrath of the Belt: A swarm of meteorites cros-
the problem is activated, all PILOT tests have 1 ses the PC’s flight path. For one turn, all tests on
dice less. If the PCs are using another ship, you PILOT, DATA DJINN, and RANGED COMBAT get –1
can activate that ship's problem for 2 DP ins- penalty per DP spent. At 3 DP, the swarm is es-
tead. COST: 2 DP pecially strong: a failed PILOT test causes 2
Overloaded sensors: The sensors suddenly points of HP damage. COST: 1 to 3 DP
overload. The sensor phase cannot be perfor-
med for three turns. COST: 1 DP CAPTIVES
The Corsair somersault: An enemy pilot per-
The PCs may be taking prisoners. If a Dust Vulture
forms an unexpected maneuver and changes
does not retreat and the fighter is only immobilized
the initiative. This allows them to act in this
but not destroyed, it is easy for a ship like the Hyae-
round before their turn. COST: 2 DP
na to capture the smaller spaceship. If the PCs are
Problems rarely come alone: The corsairs have
hoping for a bounty, they are not wrong: Each pirate
informed the other Dust Vultures and are rein-
is worth of W6 x 1,000 Birr. (Roll the figure separate-
forced. For 1 DP, two more Corsair fighters join
ly if the PCs take several prisoners).
the fight. For 2 DP, a larger Corsair ship appears
Ask your players where on board they will place
(see Core Rulebook, page 160, for statistics).
their involuntary guests. This may become relevant
You should choose this option especially if the
for the next act.
PC's ship is particularly strong. COST: 1 or 2 DP
If the PCs should cold-bloodedly shoot a unmano-
I don't have to listen to you: When you play the
euvrable fighter and its pilot after the fight, the dar-
adventure with the pre-generated characters,
kness grows. You will receive 3 DP.
the personal problem of pilot Ghalia is activa-
ted. She ignores a command from her sister
(and therefore cannot benefit from a bonus of
You have to be very desperate or hard-boiled to
the order phase). Even worse, she dares a ma-
choose the Ash belt as your home. The latter de-
noeuvre that can put the whole crew into trou-
scribes the two Dust Vultures Kameera and Jabed
ble. (This is an example of how you can get a PC
perfectly. They have lost so much or possessed so
into trouble by triggering their personal pro-
little in their lives that the horrors of the belt have
blem). COST: 1 DP
no power over them. And they are by no means
Loose object: An object comes loose and is hur-
reckless. They have simply accepted that they can
led uncontrollably through the bridge. The ob-
die at any time.
ject moves as fast as the projectile of an accele-
Kameera grew up on the ice planet Qayna. She has
rator gun towards a crew member. The PC has
learned to survive because others do not. Still, she
the choice of dodging (and losing all actions in
is loyal to the Dust Vultures, just not necessarily to
this round) or taking the hit (2 points of dama-
individual members. Jabed is the only one who can
ge). Afterward, the object is stuck a console (or
get along with her.


Jabed fought for the Legion until he was dishonor- CHARACTER: Hard-boiled. Keep their lips tightly clo-
ably discharged. He hates Zenithians and blames sed. Talking mainly to insult.
them for everything – especially for everything that
went wrong in his life. ATTRIBUTES:

APPEARANCE: Kameera wears a kameez of different HIT POINTS: 7

shades of blue over her lined flightsuit. Her left eye MIND POINTS: 5
is bright blue. However, this is a freak of nature and REPUTATION: 2
not the result of an augmentation. SKILLS: Command 1, Data Djinn 2, Melee Combat 2, Pilot
Jabed's right half of the face is slightly paralyzed. 4, Ranged Combat 3, Technology 1
Because of the bushy full beard, this is only notice- TALENTS: Rugged (Kameera); Malicious (Jabed)
able at second glance. His hair is militarily short.
ARMOR: 1 (Flightsuit)
Also, the black, bruised helmet with the skull of the
WEAPONS: Vulcan pistol (+1, INIT +1, Damage 2, CRIT 2)
legion gives a hint about his past.


The final act confronts the PCs with the true encounter of the adventure: They
have to realize that they have brought a terrible curse onboard: the horror that has
already caused the downfall of the Fazar. Will the PCs survive or perish in the dar-
kness between the stars?

THE PCS ARE STRUCK by a dark disaster onboard their round space). On the Hyaena, the rescue capsu-
ship: the Hounds of Tirides (see Core Rulebook, les are especially suitable for this. But since the
page 327). These relentless hunters do not disap- beasts are not stupid creatures, this should not
pear until they have been destroyed or have killed be too easy.
all victims. Thus a fight to the death breaks out The destroyed idol: The Hounds have a strong
between the beasts of darkness and the PCs. connection to the idol. One – for a crew bitterly
dependent on Lady Marhouns Birr – very painful
DARKNESS POINTS possibility is to destroy the idol or to shoot it
You receive 3 additional Darkness Points at the be- into space. Neither destroys the Hounds but
ginning of Act 3. weakens them strongly: From now on they suf-
fer a modifier of –3 (destruction) or –2 (off the
RECOVERY ship) on each roll.

Once again, the PCs can recover. This time, they

have six hours to recover. INSIGHTS
Before and during the confrontation with the hell-
THE SITUATION hounds, the PCs can gain various insights that will
give them advantages against the threat.
Three Hounds from Tirides haunt the Hyaena. The
PCs must stop them to save themselves.
Destroy the Hounds: Once the PCs have realized
the danger, they can try to destroy the dogs with Possibly the PCs took the dead's tabula from the

pure force. To do so, they must take them out wreck with them. Unfortunately, the device is ex-

one by one. tremely antique, and first of all the energy cells

Locking the Hounds: It is possible to lock the have to be replaced. This is an effortless (+2) task,

Hounds in a round room or container, which they but a failure on a TECHNOLOGY test damages the

cannot leave (the same way they cannot enter a recording (use the incomplete version).


The tabula contains a voice message. The recorded e SINISTER SIGNS

person speaks the extinct Odaci dialect, which re-
A terrible noise from the temple: all the images of
quires a demanding (–1) CULTURE test for under-
the icons have fallen to the ground. One statue is
also broken (the icon of the PC who takes the first
Failure: If the tabula was damaged, nothing can
be understood. Otherwise, the PC will hear the
COST: 0 DP (necessary event)
incomplete version.
Limited Success: The PC hears the complete e SOMETHING’S SNEAKING AROUND
version. If the tabula is damaged, you hand the
One PC, who is alone, hears a noise. When they
incomplete version out.
listens more closely, they thinks they can hear the
Critical Success: The translation is the comple-
muffled sound of paws running over metal, accom-
te version in all cases.
panied by a distant panting.
Both variants can be found as a handout in the ap-
They makes an EMPATHY test. A failure results in 2
points of stress.
To know the legend of the Hounds of Tirides, it re- e THE ENEMY ON YOUR NECK
quires a successful hard (–2) CULTURE or MYSTIC
One PC hears very clearly the sniffing of a dog, who
POWERS test. You can find the legend of the Hounds
catches the scent. The sound comes closer and
in the Core Rulebook on page 327.
closer. Suddenly they feels a warm breath down
their neck ...
There is nothing behind them, the sound is gone.
A mystic with the talent Artificer (like the pre-gene-
They makes a demanding (–1) EMPATHY test to avo-
rated PC Jibril) can contact the idol and see that
id suffering 2 points of stress.
there is a connection between the artifact and the
This connection can be used against the Hounds. e DEAD GUESTS
With a successful demanding (–1) MYSTIC POWERS
If the PCs took prisoners after the encounter with
test, they can tame the Hounds for a short time
the corsairs, you can one person be the first victim
(similar to the mystical power Stop). They have to
of the Hounds. Maybe the crew locked the person in
be in sight and short range (up to 20 meters), hold
a room or put them into cryogenic sleep. When the
the idol in their hand, and spend 1 DP.
victim is awake, they can hear their screams ringing
through the ship. If they dies in cryogenic sleep, the
EVENTS system will report the loss of life functions.
Use the following events to slowly build tension Onsite, the PCs are facing a bloody mess. The vic-
until the Hounds finally reveal themselves and tim's throat was ripped out by powerful jaws. Every-
strike. You can use some scenes later to make the thing looks like the work of a wild animal, but there
fight against the Hounds even more dramatic.


are no further traces. The room or cryogenic coffin think about bottlenecks, weak points, and spots whe-
is sealed … re the Hounds can suddenly appear. The PCs can
move freely, but so can the Hounds. Their ability to
warp reality gives them an advantage over the crew.
On the other hand, probably nobody knows the ship
e DARK MANIA as well as the crew. If the players know how to use this
Mania (Core Rulebook, page 337) takes over one PC: knowledge to their advantage, support it. Do not
Either an indefinite, panicky fear, an illogical com- make it easy for them, but be fair.

pulsive act, or complete apathy. To treat the delusi-

on successfully, an easy (+1) MEDICURGY test is re-
quired. The treatment takes at least one hour. Failu- Possibly the PCs took the body from the wreck with

re does not lead to healing but results in 2 points of them to give her a dignified burial. Or one of the

stress. crew's guests lost his life to the Hounds.

If the Hounds are not already enough of a challen-
ge, the darkness can take possession of the body
e YOUR PERSONAL DEMONS and raise it as undead.
The problem of a PC is activated and causes trou-
ble for the whole crew.

Suddenly the reactor shuts down. Except for the
emergency supply, nothing works anymore. Eleva- SKILLS: Melee Combat 2

tors jam, doors can only be opened manually and ARMOR: 0

with great difficulty, but above all, the artificial gra- WEAPONS: Bite (damage 1, CRIT 3)
vity is gone.
It takes 4d6 hours to restart the reactor. Someone
has to go to the reactor and to succeed in a TECH-
NOLOGY test. With a Critical Success, the highest die The Hounds manifest from a cloud of black smoke,
is removed to determine the boot time. With a Failu- which continues to surround them, just as if their
re, the lowest die is rolled again. contours were merging with the shadows.
COST: 3 DP The beasts take the form of sinewy, furless hunting
dogs. Their naked flesh is as pale as the skin of fat
maggots. Their mouths are pointed and open up
like a three-parted beak. Inside, they are full of
The PCs are facing a terrible enemy in a confined
space. They may have experienced something simi- sharp fangs. A thin skin stretches between the front
lar in other adventures. But this time the scene is their legs and the chest, but does not enable them to fly
ship. or glide.
You must familiarize yourself very well with the ship
during preparation. Have a look at the deck plan and


ATTRIBUTES: hin short range, driving them insane. All victims

must test EMPATHY at –2. Failure results in 2
HIT POINTS: 9 points of stress. COST: 1 DP
MOVEMENT RATE: 12 Warp armor: The Hound can warp reality to pro-
SKILLS: Dexterity 3, Force 4, Melee Combat 3 tect itself from physical weapons. COST: 1 DP
ARMOR: 3 per 2 negated points of damage.

WEAPONS: Bite (damage 2, CRIT 1)

Reality Warp: At the cost of 1 DP, the Hound can
You can make the strength of a single Hound depend
slip through a tiny crack (such as underneath a on the size of the pack. The three Hounds of Tirides
door) or manifest itself in a corner of the room onboard the Hyaena are therefore incarnations of
where its intended victim is located. COST: 1 DP one dark being. The death of one Hound weakens the
The hunter’s howl: The Hound can let out a pri- others. For each Hound destroyed, the remaining
ones have one die less for all rolls.
mal howl, that tears at the souls of victims wit-


The outcome of the story is entirely in the hands of roam. Soon the ship is discovered by a patrol,
your players. But you should not make it too easy whose crew is preparing to come onboard …
for them to escape the horrors onboard. The lost idol: The PCs decide to destroy or
Below you will find a few possible conclusions of otherwise get rid of the Glistening One’s idol.
the scenario outlined: This weakens the Hounds but robs the crew of
The worst end: The crew gradually falls victim their reward. With the right words tongue (and a
to the Hounds. With their last victim, the beasts MANIPULATION test), it is however possible to get
disappear into the shadows again. The ship at least a few Birr from Lady Marhoun for a de-
continues on its course and is soon discovered tailed report of the events. (Each 6 rolled is
by a patrol of the portal station. This may not be worth 1,000 Birr.)
the last time that the Third Horizon is haunted
by the curse.
A sacrifice to prevent worse: The PCs (or part of
the crew) decide to blow up the ship or steer it
into Odacon's unstable sun, to destroy the
Hounds. The survivors escape with an escape
pod and are soon rescued.
A safe hideout: The PCs hide from the Hounds
in the rescue pods, but the beasts continue to


Horizon. But perhaps all this serves only as a pre-

THE SECRET OF lude to your own stories or the next clue in your
We intentionally leave open who or what the Glis- Were the Hounds of Tirides the guardians or the
tening One is and why their idol lures out the dar- hunters of the idol? Did they want to protect it or
kness between the stars. The true background can prevent a powerful tool against the darkness from
become one of the countless mysteries of the Third falling into the wrong hands? And does the trace of
the Glistening One point to forgotten horizons?


The Hyaena is the ship of the pre-generated PCs, a worn-out Kamruk-class salvage
ship. This is a short presentation to the ship and its modules. Ask the players to
add more details to the descriptions and let the Hyaena become their ship.

THE KAMRUK IS just as often used by mining crews or only weapon. The torpedo tube and the loading me-
scrappers. Its long grabber arms, large empty chanism are ignored.

spaces and sturdy build makes it a vessel fit for

demanding jobs far from civilization. Comfort was LEVEL 1
not a priority for its designers, and many Kamruks The lowest level includes the landing gear and the
look like scrap-yards on the inside as well. holding for the shuttle.


CLASS: IV The shuttle is just as much worn-out as the salvage
ENERGY POINTS: 6 ship itself. It can easily be mistaken for a piece of

scrap metal hanging under the Hyaena. It carries up
to five people and can be entered from three sides -
port and starboard and through a hatch from above.
Lifts at the end of the airlocks lead up to the cargo
platform on level 2.

MODULES: Accelerator canon, Cabins, Cargo hold, Do- THE SHUTTLE

cking station, Escape pods, 2 Hangars, Medlab, Salvage
station, Service station, Stasis hold, Workshop
FEATURES: External cargo, Robust hull, Ship system
PROBLEM: Worn-out ship computer

The basis of the description is the deck plan of the
salvage ship Kamruk from the Core Rulebook. Howe- MODULES: Cargo hold, Docking station

ver, there are some differences. The Hyaena carries FEATURES: Atmospheric Entry
no other ships than the shuttle – the hangar on level 3
is empty. Furthermore, the accelerator cannon is the


This ramp is usually used to enter and leave the The reactor stretches over two levels. It cannot be
ship when it has landed in a hangar. entered directly. The control panel is on the second
level. It is used to check the reactor’s performance,
e MAIN CONNECTION BETWEEN to switch it off in case of an emergency, and to start
THE LEVELS it up after a breakdown or repair.
The elevator and steps lead from here through all
levels up to the bridge. This is the main connection e ESCAPE PODS
of the ship - and the ideal place for an ambush. The elongated chamber harbours the four spherical
rescue capsules of the Hyaena. The capsules con-
LEVEL 2 tain oxygen and supplies for a week and are equip-
ped with exo shells, medicine, and other useful
The second and largest level is dominated by the
items. An emergency transmitter is installed in
salvage compartment and the cargo platform. The
each capsule, but it is not powered. Each capsule is
space is large enough to hold small ships (up to
large enough to hold four people.
class II).


The roof can be opened like the mouth of a starving This Level looks mostly like a big scrapyard. Old
giant fish, which is fed by the claws and cranes of freight boxes, burnt out modules, and all kinds of
the higher levels. There is also a hatch to the shut- items that "might be useful at times" turn the main
tle. area into a dark labyrinth.
Without salvaged material, it is mainly a large, em-
pty hall. e CARGO ELEVATOR
Cargo can be moved with this very slowly and
e CARGO PLATFORM screeching moving platform between the two le-
A statement that also applies to the neighbouring vels.
freight platform. Freight boxes can be reliably secu-
red with floor holders and magnetic contactors, e STASIS BEDS
even if gravity fails. Ten stasis pods put living beings into cryogenic
sleep during portal jumps. Two pods are so serious-
e AIRLOCKS ly damaged that they can't be used anymore. They
Two airlocks depart from the cargo platform. The are a memorial to the two former crew members
starboard airlock is big enough to hold cargo con- who died in them.
tainers. The port lock, on the other hand, is desi-
gned for persons and smaller goods.. e HANGAR
A dark corridor leads to the unused hangar, which
can hold up to two class I ships. The corridor and


hangar are dark. Only a low emergency light gives e MEDPOD

The medpod is used in serious emergencies or ca-
ses of prolonged injury. It puts the occupant into
stasis sleep, while at the same time supporting
The medlab is somewhat difficult to reach and only recovery.
equipped with the most necessities to treat
wounds. Nevertheless, it is enough to give a bonus e LOWER HANGAR & HOLD
of +1 on MEDIGURGY.
This additional cargo area is usually used for more
valuable cargo that is not collected or salvaged in
LEVEL 4 space. It has two airtight doors to the second level
It is at this level that most of the crew's everyday cargo platform and another loading ramp.
life takes place. This room must be crossed to get from the com-
munal area to the other rooms.
The sleeping area has five coffins that share a LEVEL 5
common hygiene unit. The adjoining captain's cabin This plain is dominated by the ship's workshop and
is a little more comfortable with its own hygiene is Dalal’s territory. A cargo elevator connects the
unit and a small working area – but only concerning level with the cargo space below. There is also a
privacy. port to the outer hull, through which you can leave
the ship for repairs.
A separate workshop store is mainly used for spare
Here food can be prepared (or warmed up) and the parts. It often serves Dalal as a cabin when he
crew meets here for meals or meetings. wants to avoid other crew members. Since it can be
locked, it could theoretically be used as a prison
An area reserved for the worship of icons, with eight
visible icons and asymmetry in their arrangement
for the Faceless One. Grants +1 on prayers to the
Icons. The ship’s bridge. Five operator stations are con-
trolled by the crew positions. There is only one
entrance to the room, which makes it easy to de-
fend – if it weren't for the many corners.



01 _ Airlock
02 _ Escape pods
03 _ Service station
04 _ Machine halls
05 _ Mortuary



The beacon is extinguished, like the sun that has shone on the tundra of Sethlen will
fade. The darkness envelops Odacon like a cocoon. Our home was a sated caterpillar,
but when the cocoon bursts open, it will be the moth of all nights, of deadly beauty that
leaves the viewer in despair.
You have followed my signal, wanderer, but I do not call for help. I cry out my warning
to you. Turn around and leave everything you found behind. It is a false image and it
will only bring you death. As it happened to us.
When it's too late, learn from me. I am weak and will die soon - starved or suffocated if
I do not put an end to myself. But this pod is not my crypt. It is not my prison. It is my
sanctuary. And it has kept me safe long enough to give you this warning, stranger.
Death lurks in the corner. That's why they can't reach me here.


The wind comes out without sunlight and Tundra Sethlanim is illuminated. Dark Oda-
con is like a nut. [ERROR] was our home, but when [ERROR] was broken, the whole
night became moths, and [ERROR] deserved to deserve it.
I followed my wanderer, but I don't want to help. I warn you. Go [ERROR] save every-
thing I find. This is a misleading phenomenon that only [ERROR] death [ERROR]
If it is [ERROR], learn from me. I'm sick and about to die – [ERROR] run away or drown
in hunger. But this pod is not my cellar. Not prison. He saved me. And they hid [ERROR]
to show a strange warning.
Death in the corner. So she can't contact me here.




All you wanted to have was a fresh start. To escape e RELATIONSHIPS TO OTHER PCS
the hell of an endless war that was no longer yours.
Ghalia: Your younger sister, a constant source of
But now you've led your family and friends to another
worry and joy. You will always look after her.
hell. But the Laughing Hyaena - the incarnation of the
Gambler on your home planet Algol - hasn't left you Aqilah: You can always rely on him.
yet! You will find a way to a better future. And this Dalal: He doesn't like people, you don't like ma-
time no one will pay for it with their life. chines.
Jibril: He's afraid. You pity him.
Concept: Trailblazer (Scout)
Position: Captain e BACKGROUND
Icon: The Gambler You and your sister Ghalia grew up in the slums of
Problem: Paralysing guilt the ancient city of Akhandar-O-Sharif under the twin
sun of Algol. You joined the rebellion against the
ATTRIBUTES: Consortium early on. Your talents allowed you to
STRENGTH 3, AGILITY 3, WITS 5, EMPATHY 4 find new paths through the crater fields that the
HIT POINTS: 6 Year of Flaming Tears has left on the planet’s sur-
MIND POINTS: 9 face. But you knew that this was not your life. The
REPUTATION: 2 cargo ship Hyaena and a mad mission in the Oda-

SKILLS: Command 1, Culture 1, Infiltration 2, Manipulation

con system should have been the path to a new life.
1, Ranged Combat 2, Survival 1 But a miscalculation during the jump cost half your

TALENTS: Everything is for Sale (Group talent), Nine Lives,

crew their lives. Now you're stranded in the hostile
The Gambler’s Talent system and have to take every mission until you
ARMOR: 3 (Protective clothing)
have the necessary Birr to get away from here.

WEAPONS: Accelerator carbine (+1, damage 3, CRIT 1),

Vulcan carbine (+1, damage 3, CRIT 2), Dura knife (INIT +1,
damage 2, CRIT 1)

GEAR: Exo shell (–2, Armor 2), Long range communica-

tor, Hyper rope (+1), Survival Mask, Night sights, Envi-
ronment scanner (+2), Tag, Transactor, 2 Reloads



No one's gonna mess with your skills. When it flies, e RELATIONSHIPS TO OTHER PCS
you can control it - and everyone else is left behind!
Zabah: Your big sister needs to learn to relax!
The messenger is with you, and under his blessing,
Aqilah: Your best friend. You trust him comple-
you will glide along like a leaf in the wind. You know
that the day is coming when he will lead you into the tely.
afterlife like many of your friends. But you do not fear Dalal: His patronising manner annoys you.
it. You live like you fly, without compromise! Jibril: We used to fight the rich, not take care of
Concept: Pilot (Freighter Pilot)
Position: Pilot e BACKGROUND
Icon: The Messenger Your sister Zabah and you joined the rebels on the
Problem: Dangerous risk-taking demon star Algol early on and fought under its
relentlessly burning twin sun against the exploitati-
ATTRIBUTES: ve consortium. You have seen so many people die
STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 5, WITS 5, EMPATHY 2 – but you were always faster than death! Now you
HIT POINTS: 9 have followed Zabah to the edge of the horizon.
MIND POINTS: 6 Whatever awaits you here, you will laugh in the face
REPUTATION: 2 of danger once again.

SKILLS: Data Djinn 1, Command 1, Observation 1, Pilot 3,

Technology 2

TALENTS: Everything is for Sale (Group talent), Zero-G

Training, The Messenger’s Talent

ARMOR: 1 (Flightsuit)

WEAPONS: Accelerator pistol (+1, damage 2, CRIT 1)

GEAR: Exo shell (–2, Armor 2), Orbital communicator,

Talisman of the Gambler (OBSERVATION or PILOT +1),
Kambra (+1), Mind-enhancing narcotics (AGILITY +1/-1),
Tag, Transactor, 2 Reloads



You are the good soul of the crew. Your heart is as e RELATIONSHIPS TO OTHER PCS
big as your appearance is imposing. You have learned
Zabah: The word of the Akbar is law.
that you do not have to use your strength to solve
Ghalia: You love her, but you're not good enough
conflicts – the mere threat is usually enough. But
when you strike, you send a dwarf elephant into the for her.
realm of the dreaming Icons. Dalal: He's a better man than he gives himself
credit for.
Concept: Soldier (Mercenary) Jibril: Somebody's gotta look out for that boy,
Position: Gunner and that's you!
Icon: The Faceless One
Problem: Self-doubt e BACKGROUND
Your life began in the Suq of the Lost Souls on Al-
ATTRIBUTES: gol, and you would have remained a slave all your
STRENGTH 4, AGILITY 5, WITS 2, EMPATHY 4 life if Akbar Zabah and her rebel friends had not
HIT POINTS: 11 freed you. From a working slave with cybernetic
MIND POINTS: 6 muscles, you became a freedom fighter. All you

want is peace. So you gladly followed Zabah aboard
the Hyaena into the Odacan system to leave the war
SKILLS: Dexterity 1, Force 1, Medicurgy 1, Melee Combat 2,
Ranged Combat 3 behind you. It is an inhospitable system, but here, in
the light of the red star, you may finally find peace.
TALENTS: Everything is for Sale (Group talent), Cybernetc
Muscles, Tough, The Faceless One’s Talent

ARMOR: 6 (Heavy armor)

WEAPONS: Twin carbine (+1, damage 4, CRIT 2), Axe (da-

mage 3, CRIT 2)

GEAR: Advanced scope (+1), Personal communicator,

Medkit with 13 m-doses (+2), Tag, Transactor, 4 Reloads



How you hate this system! But you had no choice: e RELATIONSHIPS TO OTHER PCS
when the Syndicate job went wrong, you had to flee,
Zabah: She's depending on you, and you're ta-
and the Khôban portal station seemed just far en-
king advantage of that.
ough away. And this piece of junk is an insult to a
man of your talents. Of course, one does need a bril- Ghalia: Her attitude makes you insecure.
liant mind like yours to do it. Just like the people on Aqilah: How can one person be so stupid?
this rusty space coffin! You do well by them because Jibril: He has fascinating powers that might be
they are your best hope of leaving the system. useful to you.

Concept: Scientist (Technician) e BACKGROUND

Position: Engineer You've always been a loner, better with machines
Icon: The Merchant than with people. On Coriolis, your modifications
Problem: Wanted by the Syndicate were asked by all factions. Only you shouldn't have
tried to betray the Syndicate. So you left the Corio-
ATTRIBUTES: lis and fled to the Odacon system. You're probably
not safe here either. You've been stuck at the
HIT POINTS: 6 Khôban portal station for the last triad. It was the
MIND POINTS: 8 will of the Icons that the Hyaena lost half its crew
REPUTATION: 5 when it jumped into the system. They need you, and
SKILLS: Culture 1, Force 1, Medicurgy 1, Observation 2, you're making them feel that.
Science 3, Technology 3

TALENTS: Everything is for Sale (Group talent), Gearhead,

The Merchant’s Talent


WEAPONS: Shock stick (+2, damage 1, CRIT stun)

GEAR: Exo shell (–2, Armor 2), Computer (–1 under

stress), Advanced tools (+1), Long range communica-
tor, Medkit with 10 m-doses (+2), Tag, Transactor, 2 ordi-
nary spare parts



You have been one of the privileged of the Horizon e RELATIONSHIPS TO OTHER PCS
from birth. You have enjoyed life and your status,
Zabah: You respect her and do not want to bring
unaware that your happiness would one day turn into
bad luck on her.
a curse. Mysterious powers have awakened within
you. Your friends have abandoned you, your family Ghalia: You feel mistrust for her. Keep your dis-
sees you as a tool at best. You are still privileged, but tance.
just as cursed and haunted, lonely in the darkness Aqilah: He's a good man. You can learn from
between the stars. him.
Dalal: He knows your secret. Can he understand
Concept: Data Spider (Analysr) you?
Position: Sensor Operator
Icon: The Judge e BACKGROUND
Problem: Paranoid You have enjoyed a fast-paced life in the Cloud City
on Dabaran, with grav race, shah tournaments, and
ATTRIBUTES: other pleasures open to the son of an Emir. But then
forces awakened within you that sprang from the
HIT POINTS: 5 darkness. They brought misfortune upon you. Final-
MIND POINTS: 8 ly, you could no longer hide the fact that you were
REPUTATION: 6 different. Your father was tempted to use your cur-
SKILLS: Culture 2, Data Djinn 3, Manipulation 2, Mystic se against his enemies. So you fled, further and
Powers 1, Observation 1, Science 3 further towards the darkness from which your
TALENTS: Everything is for Sale (Group talent), Artificier doom originated.
(Mystical power), The Judge’s Talent

ARMOR: 3 (Protective clothing)

WEAPONS: Stun gun (+1, INIT +1, damage 2, CRIT stun), Ex-
pandable staff (+1, INIT +2, damage 1, CRIT 3)

GEAR: Recon probe (+3), Proximity sensor, Tabula, Secu-

rity tablet, Short rang communicator, Proxy helmet,
Proxy trip (–2), Water purifier, Tag, Transactor, 1 ordinary
spare part



PIG OF SPADES offers you even more material for Coriolis – The Third Horizon on
DriveThruRPG! Check it out now and deepen your game experience!


This awesome PDF will help you get more out of this unique Year
Zero mechanic. It deepens your understanding of Darkness Points
and shows you how to use them without it being arbitrary.
You will also find over 50 new possible uses for Darkness Point, clear-
ly sorted according to different situations. Also, there are more gene-
ral tips and tricks as well as a brand new creature of the Darkness
that is just waiting to haunt your crew.



THE PROPHETESS OF MARAKANDA is a legendary artefact that has been
lost for centuries. It is said that whoever sleeps near her dreams of
the future. Now the prophetess has appeared on the Coriolis space
station - only to disappear again immediately. On behalf of a Zenithi-
an art collector, the player characters set out to find the relic. Soon
they find themselves caught up in a murderous intrigue between
some of the station's most powerful factions.

The PDF comes with five brand new pre-generated characters!

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