WW1 Test Notes

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Which was most important cause of ww1?

- I think alliances were the main reason of WWI because more nations joined in since they
were allies because if one was at war the other was immediately at war. The war may
very well have ended between Austria-Hungary and Serbia but due to alliances, all other
nations joined in, including Russia, which was called in to support Serbia, and Germany,
seeing Russia mobilizing, declared war on Russia. WW1 was so significant because so
many countries participated which is why I believe alliances were the most important that
caused the outbreak of WW1.

A total war is a war in which every human, economic, & military resource that's available in the
nation is used to increase the likelihood of victory.

Because the entire country had to work together rather than just its military, World War One is a
total war. The government, farmers, industry, women, media all had a part in keeping the war
going at home. For example, the government started to collect income taxes to pay for the
soldiers fighting overseas. The public was kept optimistic by the media, which promoted the
purchase of war bonds. Men were replaced by women in the workforce, showing that women
actively supported and participated in the war from home. Factories switched from creating cars
and trucks to creating bombs, tanks, and ammo demonstrating that the war was a total war in
which everyone on the home front was doing all in their power to help the war.

Then in June 28 of 1914, the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated by a terrorist
group of Serbians called the “black hand”. That marked the beginning of WW1, since it made
Austria declare war on Serbia, which caused Russia to declare war on Austria and Germany to
declare war on Russia. So France said he would help his ally Russia, so Germany declared war
on France too. Then Germany invaded Belgium, which caused Britain to declare war on
Germany because of its alliance with Belgium. After that all of the countries started joining
without even thinking about the problem. They just joined and supported their allies. A lot of the
countries that had decided to stay neutral started joining because of their alliances with other

The triple alliance Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy This alliance was formed with the
purpose of stopping Italy from attacking Austria-Hungary in the war with Russia.

When the war started, the alliances were divided into two; the Allied Powers and the Central
Powers. The main countries of the allied powers were Russia, France, Britain and Serbia. Italy
joined later after breaking the “Triple Alliance” with Germany and Austria-Hungary. The central
Powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Ottoman city.

The schlieffen plan

The schlieffen plan involved germany attacking france by going through belgium and the idea
was to surprise the french to avoid heavy french border defenses.

Germnay had to employ the schilifeen plan because they know that once the war starts they’ll
have to fight both france and russia since they are allies and fighting both of them at the same
time, the two largest armies in the world is not ideal so their plan is to attack france in a way
they can win very fast and then go and fight russia on the other side. Germany and France
always fight each other at the border that is shared between them. THey both have castles,
fortresses, military and campments that they fought for. It used to belong to germany before
franco prussian war.

Germany’s plan is france is expecting the war to be at the border but instead germany is going
ot surprise them by going quickly through belgium since they arent expecting them, into the
north of france and swoop around and capture paris and once thats done they can turn around
and take their army to face Russia. (usually when u capture the capital city of a country they
usually surrender)

As soon as they went through belgium, that's when britain would be involved because of its
alliance with germany. Britain and France agreed not to fight each other, they were not allies.
However, Belgium was established during the Franco-Prussian War to help keep France and
Germany from becoming too dominant, and as a result, Britain had pledged to protect it which is
why when Germany invaded Belgium, it drew Britain into the war.

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