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Co-branding Guidelines

Version 1.2 – July 10, 2019

Revision history
1.0 9/20/2018 Corporate Brand Guidelines document created
1.1 2/25/2019 Corporate Brand HP logo usage update, refreshed examples
1.2 7/10/2019 Corporate Brand Use of Intel logo in lock-up configuration

1. Overview 3. Partner-led
Why do we co-brand Partner-led co-branding
The brand partnership spectrum HP logo
50/50 logo treatment Imagery
3+ logos Insignia
Insignia use
2. HP-led
What not to do
Creating HP-led materials

4. Legal and morality clause

5. Resources


Why do we co-brand
The HP brand is an extremely valuable asset and
one that we need to fiercely protect. Our current
and prospective partners recognize the benefits
in establishing associations with HP. From their
perspective, the HP brand enhances their own.
Therefore, we should negotiate from a position
of strength.

Ideally, HP should always have equal or greater

visibility. This deck provides co-branding
guidelines for partnerships that are HP-led and

This document is intended to provide generic co-

branding guidelines. For Partner First, Strategic
partnerships, Sponsorships, Events and
Wearables please refer to their
dedicated guidelines on Brand Central.

The brand partnership spectrum

Partner manufactures or distributes 100% HP

HP only brand
branded products

HP-led HP is primary brand

50/50 Limited instance when partner brand strength or

contribution is equal to HP

Partner-led Partner is primary brand

Ingredient brand HP or partner as a component in the other’s product

Partner only brand When no value is added by the HP brand

Situations covered by this document. For the other cases, please consult the equivalent documents on Brand Central or reach out to the Corporate Brand team.

Types of co-branding
Usually assets created by HP marketing or our
agencies, with placeholders for partner
information. These should be your first and
preferred source of content.
Because these are provided ready-to-use there
are no specific rules about what to do with HP-
led assets.
This content is available to you through HP Asset
With partner-branded assets, it is critical that
you reinforce your presence through your own
brand identity.
For partners that are not under the HP Partner
First program, the use of the HP logo will be
determined according to each specific situation
and program.
A few things to be mindful of:
• Adhere to partner agreement and do not
misrepresent yourself as part of HP
• Use messages aligned with what HP created,
don’t develop unique taglines for HP

A logo lock-up is reserved for unique scenarios where both
partners are truly contributing equally. This should be an 0.5x 0.5x
exception and not the rule. The lock-up is also applied in
situations when we have a 50/50 partnership type.

When using this layout, the brand identity should follow

the look and feel of the leading brand (I.e. the logo in the
0.5x 0.5x
primary position). In rare occasions a 50/50 partnership will
call for a neutral look and feel.
0.5x 0.5x
Proportion and arrangement: Measurements for the HP
logo, divider line and partner logo are based on the width
of the HP logo.

Divider line: The divider line is black with a line weight of 0.5x 0.5x

Clear space: A minimum of 0.5X clear space is
recommended around each lockup configuration. The 0.5x 0.5x
width of the partner logo determines the proportion of the
clear space.
Minimum size: Do not scale lockup configurations below 0.5x 0.5x
0.25" or 20px on-screen at 72 ppi.

Use of the lock-up configuration with Intel logo: if you want

to use a line to separate the HP and Intel logos, you need
to get approval in email from the Intel rep with whom you
are working on the event/activity.

3+ logos
Occasionally, several partners are working
together with HP. In these scenarios, there are
several approaches to be considered.

The preference for multiple logos would be for

the HP logo to lead, larger and in the primary
spot on the material. Then the remaining logos
can be locked up to show their participation
with HP.

The HP logo can also be locked up together with

multiple logos similar to the 50/50 lock-up if
one of the other brands is leading and/or
a neutral weighting is more appropriate.

Arranging all of the logos spatially should not be

done (I.e. logos scattered throughout the asset).

Use of the lock-up configuration with Intel logo:

if you want to use a line to separate the HP and
Intel logos, you need to get approval in email
from the Intel rep with whom you are working
on the event/activity.


Creating HP-led materials
As the dominant brand involved, HP sits at the
forefront of these projects in the eyes of the
consumer. All marketing assets should lead with
the HP brand and brand identity elements.

The HP logo is visually larger than the partner

logo in a spatial configuration.

In some scenarios, when a spatial configuration

doesn’t work, a lock-up configuration is
permitted, with the HP logo always in the prime

Keep Reinventing

As a rule of thumb Keep Reinventing should not

be used on co-branding. If used, it should never
exist on a lock-up.


When creating HP-led assets make sure to add

placeholders for the partner logo, partner
insignia and call-to-action. They should ideally
be in close proximity to one another. Keep in
mind these elements should be smaller than the Partner

HP logo.


Partner-led co-branding
The key principle to Partner-led co-branding is
to follow the partner brand identity, including
fonts, colors, icons, illustration. Make sure
to adhere to the partner agreement and do not
misrepresent yourself as part of HP.


The partner logo should always be in the

primary location. The HP logo should never be
larger or more prominent than your company

HP logo is not required. However, with product-

focused pieces you may want to call out the HP
brand. You may use the HP logo in relation to
product imagery.


Partner insignias should be used as a secondary

element. Given space limitation we do not
recommend adding insignias to small assets like
digital banners.

The minimum size for insignias is 50px high.

HP logo
When it comes to partner-led materials the HP
logo may only be used in relation to a product
photo or text specific to an HP product, solution The HP logo is a blue circle with transparent HP
or service. The HP logo should never be larger or letters. It is at its best sitting on clear space.
more prominent than your company logo.

Clear space: When using the HP logo keep it

clear of competing text, images and graphics by
maintaining, at the minimum, a 20% of the logo
size of clear space on all four sides.

Minimum size: The HP logo is there to be seen. It Use the inverse (white) logo on color or dark
is the symbol of who we are and what we backgrounds. Or on premium product assets.
• The minimum size for digital use of the HP
logo is 20 x 20 pixels at 72dpi.
• The minimum size for print use of the HP
logo is 0.25” square of 6.35 mm square.

Color Use the black logo on one color print or premium

• R0, G150, B214 product assets.
• Hex #0096D6
• Coated
– PMS 2925C
– C79, M18, Y0, K0
• Uncoated
– PMS 2955U In all cases, the background must provide
– C79, M18, Y0, K0 adequate contrast and visibility to the HP logo.

Spot the difference
The HP logo should not be altered in any

Here are some examples of what to avoid when

using our logo.

On backgrounds that don’t Do not place the HP logo on a Do not use an outline version
offer enough visibility to the complicated or patterned of the HP logo.
HP logo. background.

Do not add effects like drop Do not rotate the HP logo. Do not fill the HP letters,
shadows and reflection to the even with white.
HP logo

Do not use old HP logos. Do not use the HP progress Do not use other logo colors
mark. than the approved ones.

We have an expansive imagery library for your
use, in the HP Asset Hub. A separate log-in and
enrollment process is required.

We take a lot of pride in our product

photographs so please use the photos as

In addition to product photography, you also

have access to lifestyle and product in use
photography. These are proprietary, make sure
you apply them in an HP context.

Select partner programs utilize an HP Partner
insignia. The insignia is provided to partners
only after specific requirements are met.

This is proof to our customers that we are in this

together. It is meant to be exclusive. It is meant
to be a badge of honor and a reflection of a deep
partnership with HP. And to retain its value, it
must be used consistently, every time.

For questions about your specific insignia,

please refer to your HP program representative.

Insignia use
Identifying your program

When used standalone, an insignia should be

used as shown.

To promote awareness of partnership, the


• Can be used by the partners on collateral,

websites, other supporting documents

• Surrounding elements should be in the

partner's look and feel to ensure the
association with HP is not overstated

• Should always be displayed in color unless

manufacturing limitations exist. In that case
the insignia should be displayed in black and
white (not grayscale).

• Is only for use by partners with a current

corresponding partner agreement with HP

What not to do
• Do not modify these HP partner insignias in
any way—including color or proportion—
from the original artwork supplied by HP.

• Do not reproduce the HP partner insignia any

smaller than the stipulated minimum size.

• Do not make the channel partner logo more

prominent than the HP partner insignia.

• Do not place the HP partner insignia on a

busy or distracting background.
Don’t display multiple HP Don’t place the partner logo Don’t lock up the partner logo
• Do not display multiple partner insignias on badges. Only use the most near the HP insignia with the HP insignia
the same content appropriate insignia

• Do not lock-up the insignia with your logo

• Don’t crowd the insignia with other copy or

visual elements.

• Don’t create new insignias

Don’t float the HP insignia Don’t make the HP insignia visually Don’t change the color of
larger than the partner logo the insignia. Only use the
approved colors

Legal and morality clause

Co-branding and morality clause
HP reserves the right to refuse to co-brand an event based on mismatch with the values HP wants to convey.
HP also reserves the right to refuse to fund an event based on mismatch with the values HP wants to convey to its
partners and customers.
Examples of activities that may be a mismatch with HP values include:
• Activities that promote violence
• Activities with guns, weapons, or shooting
• Activities or events that support discrimination of any kind
• Activities or events that promote or encourage sexual misconduct
All co-branding activities that carry the HP logo should be approved by the Global brand team.

HP logo files
HP Sales Central - HP branded collateral and imagery


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