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Why Are You Are Fighting

Imperial Forces
You are responding to the call for help, leaving the civil unrest to the planetary defence militia, you send in an
exploratory boarding force into the invading Hulk.

Chaos Forces
You were on the Hulk, one of the many Arks of Omen sent out to search for part of Vashtorr's Key, but something
went wrong while in the warp and several other ships fused into the Hulk damaging the engines bringing you out
of the warp early, those ships weren't empty, time to sweep the decks.

Aeldari Forces
The Spirit Council has foretold that there is something buried on Coridella that needs to stay buried and the
appearance of the Hulk as the potential as a catalyst to let that something out, even your darker brethren agree
that letting that something free is a bad idea and send forces to help in pacifying the threat.

Ork Forces
Youz fleet wuz on za way to da next Big Fight, den Gork n' Mork bless da Boyz by landing youz ships inta a
Spiky Bois ship, time fir a good crumping befur da Big Fight.

Necron Forces
You wake up, your on Ashtore, the "dead" planet further out in the same system. You see that some parasites
have taken over your territory while you slept, time to exterminate the vermin, starting with the disgusting
eyesore of a Hulk orbiting around the planet.

Leagues Of Votann
Space Hulks quite often have some good rare materials to mine, given interesting and valuable properties as
they travel through the work. You respond to the distress call in hopes of laying claim to your stake.

You respond to the distress call. Helping out a potential candidate for being brought into the greater good is
always a worthwhile goal.

Genestealer Cults
-the time is nigh to start the call for the Star Children. Cult cells spread around the world start their work to start
worker uprisings while the planetary governor is distracted by the Space Hulk, they didn't even realize that all the
scouting parties were infiltrated by the cult. Now you just had to figure out what the glowing red pyramid you
found underground was.

Campaign Rules

This is an escalation campaign to be played out over the Imperial Hive Planet Coridella using Arks Of Omens

It will be played over 3 rounds to celebrate the end of 9 th edition

• 500 point Boarding Action game
• 1000 point GT Incursion games
• 1500 point GT Strike Force Games

500 Point Game Round: The Arrival (April 1st – April 30th)

500 point battles fought using the boarding action rules. Alternatively players can play a normal 500 point
Combat patrol game due to the lack of boarding action terrain but it is recommended to play on a boarding action
board if available.

The first round of 500 point games will be a round robin up to 9 games (depends on number of participants).

To prevent list tailoring you will be able to change your list only once during the first round of games. Once
changed your list is locked in for the rest of the round.

All non played games will be considered a 0-0 draw

Game Scenario
1 Access Junction Primus
2 Deck Sweepers
3 The Pipeline
4 Power Struggle
5 Death in the Dark
6 Hull Breach
7 Control Centre
8 The Furnace
9 Rad Leak

1000 Point Game Round: The Uprising (May 1st – May 31st)

1000 point games will be played out using the Arks Of Omen GT rules for Incursion Battles

Depending on the number of participants, be either a round robin or a more proper league setup with fixed
number of rounds run through BCP.

No Lords of War during this round, don’t be a try hard

To prevent list tailoring you will be able to change your list only once during the second round of games. Once
changed your list is locked in for the rest of the round.

All non played games will be considered a 0-0 draw

Game Scenario
1 1-1
2 1-2
3 1-3
4 2-1
5 2-2
6 2-3
7 3-1
8 3-2
9 3-3
1500 Point Game Round: The Battle of Coridella (June 1st – June 30th)

1500 point games will be played out using the Arks Of Omen GT rules for Strike Force Battles.

This round will be a proper League Style Tournament, run through BCP.

There will be no changing of your lists this round, match-ups will be made after all lists are in.

4 rounds

Game Scenario
1 1-1
2 1-2
3 1-3
4 2-1

Rules to live by

-Remember that this is a game and your opponent is trying to win the same as you, dice can spike, good or bad,
and the game isn’t perfectly balanced.

-This campaign is for fun, don’t be “that guy” that ruins the game for everybody. Everyone should have full
sportsmanship scores

-All models are to be WYSIWYG and built

-Models do not need to be painted but it is recommended and points for battle ready will be used

-Rules arguments should be kept to a minimum and when unable to come to a decision, consult another player
or dice off.
Boarding Action Scoring Sheet

Round Mission Round Mission

Players Name Players Name

Starting CP Starting CP

Progressive Objective Progressive Objective

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Battle Round 2 Battle Round 2

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Battle Round 3 Battle Round 3

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Battle Round 4 Battle Round 4

0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Battle Round 5 Battle Round 5

Progressive Total Progressive Total

End Game Objectives End Game Objectives

Battle Ready Battle Ready

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