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Here's the report you asked for on Chinese kung fu. You had
better make sure it stays eyes only. If word gets out that I'm
working for a round-eyes, the length of my continued existence
here in Shan Fan can be measured in heartbeats.
I've included some general background on our culture. I know
you're too busy whining about all the reports you have to write
for Denver to actually pick up a book, so I took it upon myself to
educate you.
I have to say, I'm pretty dubious about this idea you have to
get some Pinkertons trained in the martial arts. First, you have to
find a kung fu master who is willing to train Westerners (they're
about as common as a nun in a whorehouse). Second, you have
to find recruits who are up to the challenge. Nothing against
your regular agents, but I doubt most of them have what it takes.
You might get lucky with some military veterans, but even they
probably won't be able to handle the totally unquestioning
discipline required to master the fighting arts.
Anyway, I've included information on the basic martial arts and
some descriptions of more advanced techniques-you know, the
"magical" ones. I also threw in some sketches of people, places,
and fighting stances I encountered while putting this report
When are you going to
pay me my hazard bonus
for that report on the

Your humble

Huang Li

- Page 1 -
The Chinese inhabitants of the Maze brought secrets with
them from their homeland. The most famous of these are those
of their ancient fighting arts. For centuries, practitioners of kung
fu and other Chinese martial disciplines have made extraordinary
claims about their fighting traditions.
According to legend, the most accomplished martial artists can
perform acts of superhuman power. Since the Reckoning, those
claims have been proven. Legendary powers are now within reach
of ordinary folk. Good students progress much faster in these
disciplines than they ever did before.

Anyone raised in 19th-century Chinese culture has been

ingrained with the assumption that this culture is clearly and
obviously superior to that of the arrogant Westerners. Chinese
civilization goes back for over 2,000 years. The Chinese Emperor
is like a god, and when things are right with the Emperor,
perfection abounds. Many of the inventions you take for granted
were discovered in China—paper and gunpowder, for example.
China is the center of perfection in the world, so why would it
be interesting to expand past the borders of an enormous country
just to bring their culture to the
barbarian hordes outside? When the
barbarians have invaded China,
they've proven this point by
adopting Chinese culture and values
as their own. The current rulers of
China, the Manchus, are barbarian
horsemen trying to out-Chinese the
Chinese. The Europeans whose
gunboats pound on China's shores are
thought by its elite to be gnats that will
either go away or adopt Chinese ways.
Of course, many Westerners view the
Chinese as a corrupt and decadent people.
They're thought of as opium-smoking
degenerates who plan to come over and
out-populate the white man. (Never
mind the fact that it was the Europeans
who brought opium addiction to China.)
Herein lies the main source of friction
between the two cultures.

- Page 2 -
just like with the Indians, it turns out the people Westerners
lump together as Chinese see themselves as belonging to a whole
lot of different groups. Although there are a large number of these
racial groups, almost all Chinese in the Maze are of the Han
Just to confuse matters further, a single racial group might speak a
number of mutually incomprehensible languages or dialects.
Cantonese is the dialect of the vast majority of Chinese Mazers, who
hail from the southern province called Canton. If you think you have
all that figured out, consider that the more than 30 different
Chinese dialects all use the same form of writing: the ideograms
called hanzi.

The Chinese immigrants in the Maze are not typical of their

countrymen because they took the unusual step of leaving China.
Most Chinese are reluctant to leave China at this time. First, the
average Chinese person sees the rest of the world as full of uncouth
Second, there is the importance of ancestor worship to ,
Chinese culture. People believe the spirits of their ancestors are
keeping an eye on them and they must pay proper homage to their
ancestors. To do so, one must be near the graves of one's ancestors to
clean the graves of dead kinfolk every year. Those who come to the
Maze are turning their backs on this sacred obligation. Some feel
guilty about this, and some fear retribution from the spirits.
Others, though, have come here precisely to deal with the issue
of suffering ancestor spirits. Immediately after the Great Quake,
large numbers of Chinese people started having weird dreams about
the Maze. In these dreams, they saw their ancestors trapped in the
Maze, an ocean away from where they ought to be. The ancestors
cried out that they were prevented from reincarnating, as they
ought to do, by some terrible supernatural happening.
Most people discounted the dreams, but others took them
seriously. They came to rescue their ancestors from eternal doom
and are here to see what's what.
Third, the oppressive Manchu government takes a dim view of
emigration. If people who leave China come back, they're subject to
beheading. The bureaucrats behind the government are obsessively
concerned with face, you see, and take it as an insult that anyone
would try to leave their perfect land. ("Face" means the appearance of
respect, and it keeps Chinese in line the way guilt keeps Christians
contained. To be the recipient of private disrespect may be bad, but
the shame of public disrespect is devastating.)

- Page 3 -
On the other hand, there are good reasons for Chinese to
First of all, the government is oppressive. It's run by the
Manchu Dynasty, a pack of former Mongol bandits from the
north who took over the Emperor's throne several centuries back.
Like any nouveau riche, the Manchus are trying to be more
Chinese than the Chinese.
The Manchus are considered no-good, outsider invaders by the
Han Chinese, and lately they've been living up to that billing by
turning decadent and cruel. China has been wracked by a series
of terrible revolts, with millions killed and just as many others
displaced. One of these incidents, called the Taiping Rebellion,
killed more people than any other war in human history. It
makes the War Between the States look like a Texas chili cook-off.
The countryside is lawless, and in the cities you can get your head
chopped off for wearing your hair the wrong way.

When they heard of the first gold strike back in '48, a number
of Chinese immigrants came over here to make their fortunes.
The Chinese were treated badly, almost worse than the Indians.
In the wake of the second wave of Chinese immigration, there
are maybe 30,000 Chinese people in the Maze, all told. As the
number of Chinese grow, discrimination against them seems to
be waning. This could be due to Westerners becoming more
familiar with Chinese culture, but it's most likely due to strength
in numbers. It may also have to do with the martial prowess of
the Chinese. People have become less brave about mistreating
Chinese folks—they never know who might be packing a spin
kick with their name on it.

Chinese culture has certain core values which most Chinese

have drummed into their heads from the time they can pick up a
pair of chopsticks.

One of the major schools of thought in Chinese life is

Confucianism, a philosophy with religious undertones. It teaches
respect for tradition and for one's elders and social superiors.
In many ways, this tradition of respect is totally at odds with
the "every man for himself" spirit of the frontier in general and
the Maze in particular.

- Page 4 -
Most Chinese see themselves as a member of a group first
and an individual second. They are intensely loyal to any groups
or causes to which they belong and are much more willing to
sacrifice themselves for the sake of the group than your average
Westerner might be.

There are a number of

different religious traditions in
China; the most common of
these are Buddhism and
Taoism. These two religions co-
exist in China, where the
boundaries between beliefs aren't
as hard and fast as in Western
cultures. Many ordinary folk follow
some Taoist practices and some
Buddhist ones.

Buddhism is an import from

India which is now widespread throughout Asia. Its aim is to
detach the worshipper from an illusory world full of distracting
concerns and to attain a state of bliss called nirvana. The tools
for achieving this are humility, self-deprivation, and meditation.
Many martial arts schools are also Buddhist orders— the Shaolin
monks are the foremost example of this.
You may be asking yourself, how does kung fu combat tie into
Buddhism? First, China is a place where the pure of heart have to
defend themselves. Second, the ability to fight is seen as merely
a by-product; the religious use of kung fu training is that it
teaches you the severe self-discipline necessary for spiritual
progress. The most spiritually evolved practitioners could boot
you into the next century, but choose not to.

Taoism (sound the "t" as a "d") is native to China. Its ultimate

aim is to achieve a state of harmony with nature, one of
simplicity and spontaneity. Many followers of this system are less
philosophers and more practitioners of folk Taoism, which
includes elements of traditional medicine, exorcism, and even

- Page 5 -
Enough palavering. Here are
the new rules for martial arts
heroes. While most folks out West
Your martial artist must think there's only one way to
have the martial arts training fight someone—dirty—the
Edge. You must also take the Chinese have actually
fightin' Aptitude with a developed all sorts of subtly
concentration in one of the different styles. If your hero's
martial arts styles listed in the taken the martial arts training
sidebar. Edge, then she must also pick
Once these minimum up a fightin' Aptitude with one
requirements are met, your of the following Chinese-style
hero can buy any of the concentrations.
martial arts Edges, maneuvers, Your character's choice of
and ch'i powers listed below. style doesn't restrict your
Buying a power costs double choice of other Aptitudes or
the level it is purchased at, so powers listed in this book.
level 1 costs 2 points, level 2 Each special Aptitude was
costs 4 points, etc. This can discovered by a particular
add up pretty quick, so we've school, but techniques don't
also included some martial- remain secret for long in the
artist-only Hindrances. Up to 10 world of martial arts. Any
points of these can be taken in martial arts teacher knows
addition to your normal 10 moves from a variety of
points of Hindrances.

- Page 6 -
different styles. Heroes may also which sheer force is used to
have picked up some moves by exert good, old-fashioned
observing other martial artists crushing damage. The Leopard
in action. works with knuckles. The Tiger
Unlike standard fightin' style is all about ripping away
concentrations, each of the at opponent's muscles.
Chinese kind allows the use of Shuai Chiao: This Chinese
a variety of weapons. form of wrasslin' bends the
eyes when one tries to watch
it. The practitioner grabs or
throws his opponent while
sneaking in all kinds of highly-
Drunken Style: Masters directed rabbit punches.
weave around like they're out Tai Ch'i: Practitioners focus
of their tree on firewater, something called ch'i, or
making their moves hard to internal energy, which then
follow and predict. allows them to smack their
Eagle Claw: This is a fast, opponents halfway to
vicious style in which the Philadelphia. Their internal
hands are held like claws, organs are also in exceptional
whaling away on opponents' shape and can move around
pressure points. inside their bodies body to
Mantis: In this style, hands avoid taking wounds. (Heroes
are held in a hook-like manner. gain no actual game benefits
Users move from mesmerizing for this effect, but that doesn't
stillness to sudden striking. stop them from constantly
Monkey: Based on the bragging about it.)
movements of apes, in this
style the martial artist hunkers
down, screws up her face, and
then moves with sneakiness
and speed. This surprises
opponents who've
underestimated them because
they look so dang funny.
Shaolin Temple: Moves are
based on five animal styles.
The Crane jabs at people with
fingers pressed together in a
beak-like manner; also, you
stand on one leg a lot. The
Snake is sneaky and fluid. The
Dragon is a punching style in

- Page 7 -
Tan Tui. In this style, users people trying to stomp your
mostly kick their opponents. character flat. Needless to say,
Some have taken to calling this laying down in front of such
kickboxing. Up in Shan Fan, unfriendly types is not a good
where martial arts prize-fights idea.
are held all the time, Tan Tui is Prone combatants suffer a -4
very popular. penalty to fightin' attacks, and
Wing Chun. This style if they do happen to connect,
emphasizes power and big they subtract -4 from the hit
flurries of punches at the location roll. Fighters who have
opponent. Its moves are both someone lying at their feet get
offensive and defensive at the a +2 to their fightin' rolls
same time. against that easy target. It
doesn't cost anything to throw
yourself on the ground, but
getting back to your feet
Since martial artists spend requires an action.
more time fighting up close
and personal than your average
cowpoke, we thought we'd
clarify and expand some of the We've got a few new Edges
fighting rules-in particular for you. Some of them are even
being stunned and being prone good for folks that don't truck
(voluntarily or otherwise). with Chinese fighting.

STUN People shouldn't get you

As you know, stunned hero mad. They especially
characters cannot take any shouldn't get hurt you in a
offensive action against their fight. When that happens, you
opponents. They are also at a get like a cornered wildcat. You
disadvantage when it comes to fight like a maniac or fights
defending themselves. Someone dirty. Or both.
who is seeing stars cannot Add Xd4 to your hero's
vamoose and does not add her hand-to-hand damage, with X
fightin' level to her opponent's equaling her highest current
TN in hand-to-hand combat. wound level sustained in the
current combat. For instance, if
PRONE she's taken a serious wound,
We covered the effects of that would be 3 wound levels,
being prone against shootin' and she'd add +3d4 to her
attacks in the Deadlands damage rolls.
Anyone may buy this Edge.
rulebook, but we didn't say
much about how it affected

- Page 8 -
You've achieved the spiritual
discipline necessary to focus
and control your ch'i energy.
Enlightened characters may
purchase any ch'i power (more
on these in a bit). If you you
want your hero to use these
powers, you must also buy at
least one level in the ch'i
Your hero must have the
martial arts training Edge to
purchase this Edge.

You have trained for years in

the martial arts, under the
tutelage of a sifu (master). The
sifu may have been the well-
respected head of a renowned with a hand or foot. This
school of martial artists. Or damage may be brawling-type
maybe he was a poor, damage or lethal damage-your
wandering wise man that choice. He can also use his
unknowing folk might mistake fightin':martial arts Aptitude
for a saddletramp. with a Chinese-style sword.
The sifu taught your hero Your hero can't take this
the secrets of fighting, both Edge without also taking the
standard and mystical. She also fightin' skill with one of the
taught him a spiritual Chinese concentrations
philosophy which he can use to described earlier.
achieve harmony with nature This Edge also entitles him
and to spout poetical-type to pick the other goodies
proverbs that make him sound detailed in this book.
really wise and peaceful just
before he goes out to crack
To better enable him to Maybe you've been trained
crack those skulls, he deals to avoid situations in which
additional damage when you might be surprised, or
fighting hand-to-hand. That's maybe you just don't seize up
STR+ld6 damage when striking under pressure like most.

- Page 9 -
Either way, there's a tiny part lands a punch, it sounds like a
of you that always expects an thunderclap going off; folks
ambush. can hear the blows she lands
When making Cognition rolls for miles around. Crackling
to see if your hero has been energy patterns surround her
surprised, he never faces a when she fires up a power.
Target Number higher than 5. In short, she stands out like
Even if he fails that roll, he a circus clown at a funeral.
still gets 1 action during the Anyone who sees her in action
round in which he is knows there's something not
supposedly surprised. In any right about her. If they're
case, he's never surprised past regular folks, they run in terror,
the first round. as if she's some kind of
Anyone may buy this Edge. abomination.
If somebody watching her
knows about martial arts, he
knows what she's all about
and likely targets her as the
The following Hindrances are person to shoot first in a fight.
available only if your hero has And believe me, anybody with
martial arts training. any experience of the
weirdness lurking behind the
surface of the Maze is going to
know all about martial arts.
Your ch'i energy is powerful. She also gets challenged by
A mite too powerful in fact. other fu-artists and shunned
Whenever you use fightin': (any as some kind of twisted freak
martial-arts concentration) or by ordinary folk.
any of the powers described in On the upside, she has an
this book, your internal energy easier time replenishing her
goes all external and wreaks store of ch'i points (see
high holy havoc on the Focusing Your Ch'i on page
surrounding terrain. 17). All ch'i rolls made for this
If your hero uses monkey purpose are made against an
goes to the mountain to fly Easy (3) Target Number. This is
down a sandy hillside, clods of not without a drawback
earth explode beneath her as if however. If she should gain
somebody's planted the hill more ch'i points than she can
with firecrackers. When she store, she immediately takes 1
leaps into the air to kick a wound to her guts, plus an
body, winds whip up all around additional wound for every 5
her, whirling sand and leaves points by which the ch'i gained
all over. Every time she exceeded her maximum.

- Page 10 -
You are still in contact with
You're easily challenged to a your sifu, the master who
fight, especially if the so-called trained you. Whenever you see
challenger has the cojones to him, you must bow before him
claim to be a better fighter and otherwise act as if you're a
than you. miserable bug and the sun
Your hero is so proud of his shines out of his patoot.
martial arts abilities that he Your hero must show his
turns three shades of purple sifu this treatment even in
when anyone dares to question public or in front of friends.
his prowess. Not only that, but Although your hero can
there's something about the expect the sifu to constantly
way he carries himself that castigate him for not living up
attracts other hotheads with to some impossible Confucian
bone-headed attitudes similar ideal of behavior, he's not
to his own. And for some allowed to give any lip. There is
reason, challengers are extra no amount of humiliation he
likely to approach him at a isn't willing to endure to show
moment of maximum possible his devotion to your sifu.
inconvenience. The Marshal should know
His ability to resist a that it's okay to threaten your
challenge is determined by how hero's sifu, thus motivating him
many points of this Hindrance
you select.

Value Level
1 To turn down a
challenge, make an
Onerous (9) Smarts
2 To turn down a
challenge, make an
Incredible (11) Smarts
3 Forget it, pardner. Your
hero has to fight each
and every time he's

- Page 11 -
to go out and save the old otherwise making sure that he
bugger on a regular basis. On continues get the full kick out
the other hand, she should try of this Hindrance.
not to let the sifu kick the Although the sifu has more
bucket. kung fu in his little pinkie
Sometimes, though, a than your hero has in his
Marshal can't keep an extra whole body, for some reason
alive without blowing her he never ends up helping out
credibility all to bits. If the sifu much. If your hero asks for his
does take one too many assistance on a mission, he has
Winchester rounds to the head, other things to do. If he's
the hero's required to go along on a fight, he likely gets
through a lengthy period of himself wounded in the first
weeping and wailing. If you scene and needs protecting
don't then buy off the throughout the adventure. (This
Hindrance (see The Quick and is when the hero cries "Sifu!
the Dead for how to do this), Sifu!")
the sifu's sifu shows up and If the sifu's still healthy by
immediately commences the time he meets the bad
bossing your hero around and guys, he turns up his nose and
refuses to engage such measly
opponents. In other words, you
can't use this Hindrance as a
back-door method of having
your hero's bacon saved
whenever he gets into trouble.
The sifu isn't the cavalry.
Of course, if your Marshal
has already decided to pull
your hero's hash out of the
fire and needs a justification
for it, having the sifu show up
to knock heads isn't a bad way
to do it. But that's the
Marshal's call, not yours.
The value of this Hindrance
decides how big a role the sifu
plays in your hero's life. If
you're thinking of taking a 4-
point "Sifu! Sifu!" talk it over
with your Marshal and fellow
players first. If the sifu is
forever showing up and

- Page 12 -
ordering your hero out on in Chapter Three of The Great
missions or getting himself Maze, or you can just make
into scrapes, that's going to one up. If you use one of the
affect the direction of the former, you already have a
entire campaign. built-in rival school. If you
make up your own, you've got
to make up the name of a
rival school as well.
Every member of that rival
Value Effect school is guaranteed to hate
2 The sifu shows up your hero's guts. They can
infrequently. He only identify her as a member of
rarely sends your her school just by watching her
hero on missions and moves when she's fighting.
only rarely requires And wouldn't you know it, it
rescuing. just so happens that she seems
3 The sifu shows up to constantly be running into
once every couple of members of this rival school,
sessions. He requires no matter how rare it is. She
a mission or rescue isn't obligated to fight them,
about one out of four but they might feel obligated to
sessions. fight her. When combined with
4 The sifu shows up "My kungfu is superior!" this
every session. Almost can be a dilly of a Hindrance.
every adventure is a
mission picked by
him: a rescue attempt Although you may have
or somesuch. learned moves from a number
of disciplines, your sifu mainly
trained you in one particular
There are countless different style of fighting arts.
schools of Chinese martial arts. This adherence to tradition is
These organizations have long a big part of the spiritual
histories, and those histories essence of kung fu. It also
almost invariably include a makes martial arts easier to
deadly, ancient grudge against teach to large numbers of
another school. Entire students, seeing as it uses set
adventures might center around formulas and techniques. The
the feuding between rival disadvantage of this training
schools. method is that your hero's a
It's up to you to pick the sucker for the classic moves
name of your hero's school. associated with certain other
You can choose one described schools.

- Page 13 -
Choose up to three different your hero. If your total is
styles described under Fightin' higher, the attack misses. Make
Styles. When fighting an an opposed Strength roll; your
opponent that just happens to hero adds +2 for each raise you
be using a concentration in get on the disarm roll. If the
one of the styles you have attacker loses the Strength
chosen, her Target Number to contest, he drops his weapon.
hit your hero is reduced by 3.
You get 1 point for each style
you so designate. Your hero may launch
herself through the air at her
opponent, leaping a distance
equal to her total movement
toward the target this round.
Kung fu masters can do She's at -4 to hit with this
more than just beat the snot attack, but if she connects, she
out of their opponents. Most does an extra Id6 damage and
schools teach a variety of adds +2 to the hit location roll.
special maneuvers which allow If she misses, she must make a
the martial artist to look good Fair (5) Nimbleness roll to avoid
doing it. It's assumed all coming down hard and losing
characters with martial arts Id6 Wind.
training know some form of
each these basic maneuvers.
Unless otherwise specified, use This is a powerful kick with
a character's fightiri: martial a lot of speed behind it. Your
arts concentration for any hero suffers a -2 penalty to hit
needed rolls. with this attack, but if it hits,
he gets to add +ld4 to the
damage roll.
Associated Trait: Deftness
This is a special form of
vamoosin'. If your hero has an This is a non-damaging
Action Card available when attack, but your hero gets +4 to
attacked in hand-to-hand
combat by an armed opponent, hit with it. If it hits, the foe is
you may spend the card to knocked off his feet and must
make a disarm roll. spend an action to get up.
Then, just compare your
hero's disarm check to the
opponent's attack roll. If the This maneuver can be used
enemy's roll is higher, he hits to attack or (if your hero has
an unused Action Card) as an

- Page 14 -
active defense. Either way, if
your hero hits your opponent,
she can chuck him to the Associated Trait: Nimbleness
ground anywhere within six This Aptitude allows your
feet of you. He takes no hero to use the deadly flying
damage from this attack. claw—a nasty metal claw
However, he must make an attached to a length of chain-
Easy (3) Vigor check to avoid as a normal melee weapon. To
being stunned. This Target use this weapon to its fullest
Number increases by +2 for kung fu potential, your hero
every raise you get on your also needs the flying claw ch'i
roll. Even if he's not stunned, power.
he must spend an action to get
to his feet.
Associated Trait: Nimbleness
This Aptitude allows your
If somebody knocked your hero to use the flying
hero down, he can use this crescent— a metal blade
maneuver to pop right back up attached to a length of chain-
and take an action on the as a normal melee weapon.
same card. This normally (Sure it's like the flying claw,
requires a Fair (5) roll, but the but different.) To use this
Marshal may adjust this for weapon to its fullest kung fu
treacherous footing, high potential, your hero also needs
winds, and so on. the flying crescent ch'i power.

Associated Trait: Spirit
Your hero must have the
enlightened Edge to take this
Aptitude. This skill is a
measure of the martial artist's
ability to tap into the spiritual
power of the Hunting Grounds.
This Aptitude is not required,
but without it, a fu fighter
cannot generate the energy
needed to use special ch'i
powers (see below for more

- Page 15 -
Associated Trait: Deftness
Associated Trait: Knowledge This Aptitude is really only
This new concentration of useful if your hero has the
the medicine Aptitude is not a seize the pearl o' death ch'i
martial arts Aptitude. Any power. She can try chucking
character can take it, although bullets at your foes without it,
generally only Chinese folks but it probably won't amount
have it. Otherwise, your to much.
Marshal may call on you to
explain how your hero learned
it, especially if it seems out of Associated Trait: Deftness
step with his history. This doesn't do your hero a
A practitioner of Chinese lick of good unless he also
traditional medicine, like a gets the associated ch'i power.
general practitioner in the But then it's wicked.
Western style, can heal
anything up to a heavy wound,
unless that wound was
inflicted by or on a martial
artist. In that case, the Chinese
practitioner can heal up to a Chinese martial artists have
serious wound. He can also brought with them a number
cure martial-arts related of weapons not commonly
ailments such as the lingering seen in the Weird West. They're
effects of a venom punch. each listed on the Chinese
Weapons Table below.

Weapon Defensive Bonus Speed Damage Cost

Flying Claw - 2 STR+2d4 $30
Flying Crescent - 2 STR+2d8 $50
Flying Guillotine - 3 special1 $1502
Pole, 10-Foot +3 1 STR+2d6 $2
Pole, 5-Foot +2 1 STR+ld6 $1
Chinese sword +2 1 STR+2d8 $15
See the flying guillotine ch'i power description.
Must be specially manufactured by an unscrupulous
metalworker familiar with the cruel and ancient techniques
of its manufacture.

- Page 16 -
If your hero is enlightened The thing that really
enough to tap his ch'i, you may separates the martial artist
select for him any from your typical barroom
of the following brawler is his ability to tap
powers. Each has an into his ch'i power and use it
Activation Cost, to perform truly superhuman
Maintenance Cost, feats.
Speed, and To the martial artist, ch'i is
121 the internal energy which all
possess and can learn to focus
and tap. The spiritual and
physical discipline learned
Buying or increasing power through martial arts training is
costs two times the level the key to using this power.
purchased. Each level must be There's a little more to it than
bought before the next one that, but that's something only
may be reached, so increasing Marshals need to know. All the
a power from 3 to 5 costs 18 kung fu masters know is that
points (8 for level 4, and 10 for since 1863 they have seen their
level 5). The maximum level for powers increase tremendously.
a power is 5.
A martial artist needs three
things to learn a new ch'i
power: a willing teacher
(characters with sifu! sifu! at 3
points or better can assume
their sifu is willing to teach
them), time to learn, and 10
Bounty Points.
The teacher must have the
power at level 3 or higher. It
takes a number of weeks equal
to the power's base Activation
Cost to learn it. At the end of
this period, the martial artist
pays the 10 Bounty Points and
makes a Hard (9) ch'i roll. If
successful, the hero now has
the power at level 1. If the roll
is failed, she must start over.

- Page 17 -
works well. In between fights,
you can simply mark them
Your martial artist has a down on your character sheet.
store of ch'i energy upon There is a maximum number
which he can draw to activate of Ch'i Points your character
her kung fu powers. In game can store. This is equal to your
terms, this is represented by hero's Spirit die type times her
Ch'i Points. Ch'i points are Coordination in that Trait.
spent to activate and maintain A fighter with a 2d8 Spirit,
powers. Once his pool of Ch'i for example, could store 16 Ch'i
Points is exhausted, your Points. Someone with a 3d8
warrior must spend time in Spirit could store 24 points. A
rest and meditation to restore martial artist with a 3dl2 Spirit
this power. could store 36!
To do this, you must spend a Any Ch'i Points gained in
Fate Chip. Once the chip has excess of a character's
been spent, make a ch'i roll maximum are lost.
against an Onerous (7) TN. Your
hero gains a certain number of
Ch'i Points for each success on
this roll-the exact amount
depends on the color of the Fate Ch'i Points
chip spent. Chip Spent Gained
If your hero goes bust, he White 3 per success
not only doesn't gain any new Red 5 per success
Ch'i Points, but all stored points Blue 10 per success
are lost.
Your martial artist must
spend a half hour in quiet
meditation for every 5 points
gained. If he's interrupted, he The Activation Cost is the
gets the points he's completed number of Ch'i Points which
meditation for, and he can go must be spent to make the
back and concentrate on the power active.
others when he has less The Maintenance Cost is
pressing matters at hand. listed for those powers which
In combat, your hero's Ch'i may be continued over a period
Pool may change often, so we of time.
recommend using some sort of A power's Speed is how
markers (pennies, glass beads) long it takes to activate the
to keep track of those Ch'i power. Powers with a speed of
Points—a different colored paper "Instant" take no time to
clip on your Wind track activate. A speed of "Vamoose"

- Page 18 -
indicates that the power may
be used as a vamoose action,
assuming the martial artist has Activation Cost: 3/wound
a spare Action Card. level
The description outlines the Maintenance Cost: —
exact game effects of the power. Speed: Varies with level
Some people can use their
ch'i to accelerate healing.
To use blood of gold, pick a
wounded location and pay the
Activation Cost: 1 + 1/target appropriate Activation Cost.
Maintenance Cost: — Make a Vigor roll against the
Speed: Instant wound's TN (figure this as if
This ability allows your hero you were trying to heal it
to string and fire multiple normally). Each success on this
arrows simultaneously. At roll reduces the wound level of
lower levels, these arrows must the selected location by one.
all be aimed at a single target. If a hero is wounded in
Higher levels of mastery allow multiple areas, each area must
your hero to divide his arrows be treated separately. This
between multiple targets. Make power only heals damage. It
a bow roll against the does not restore limbs, cure
opponent with the highest TN blindness, and the like.
to hit. If the roll is successful,
all the arrows hit. If the roll
fails, all arrows fired miss their
If he fires multiple arrows at
a single target, roll a separate
hit location for each.

No. of No. of
Level Arrows Targets
1 2 1
2 3 1
3 3 3
4 4 3
5 5 5

- Page 19 -
for someone to move within
range, but your hero doesn't
receive any bonus for them.
Level Speed If your hero takes any
1 1 hour action other than moving at
2 30 minutes half Pace, all cards set aside
3 10 minutes are lost. If she is attacked in
4 5 minutes hand-to-hand combat while
5 1 minute preparing, she gets her normal
defense but may not vamoose
without negating the power.

Activation Cost: 2/stored

card Activation Cost: l/d6 Wind
Maintenance Cost: — restored
Speed: Varies Maintenance Cost: —
The character's sifu taught Speed: Varies with level
her to wait patiently and This ability allows the user
conserve her energy until the to recover lost Wind. While
enemy presents her with an using it, the character is
opening-then attack with a involved in intense, focused
single, powerful strike. meditation. This may be done
Any time during a combat, during a fight, but a hero can't
you may declare that your hero do anything else while closing
is preparing for a cobra strike. the gate. They can't dodge, for
Once begun, no other actions example, and they do not add
may be taken on your Action their fightin' to their foe's TN
Cards-other than walking at for any hand-to-hand attacks
half Pace-until the cobra strike made against them. If your
is unleashed. As each card character takes damage before
comes up, set it aside. completing his meditation, he
Your martial artist may must begin again from scratch.
unleash the strike on any If your hero completes the
action. When she does, she required meditation time, you
lashes out in a lightning-fast, may spend as many Ch'i Points
hand-to-hand attack at +2 to as you like on this power. Roll
hit and damage for each Action Id6 for each point spent, and
Card set aside earlier. add them up (you may reroll
You may only set aside a aces). The total is the amount
number of cards equal to your of Wind your hombre recovers.
hero's cobra strike level. After This may not increase your
this limit, you may continue to hero's Wind above its normal
set aside cards while waiting maximum.

- Page 20 -
as normal. This attack does no
physical damage, but if it hits,
make an opposed ch'i roll
Level Speed against your opponent. Add the
1 4 character's crumbling dam level
2 3 to this roll. The opponent loses
3 2 Id6 Ch'i Points for every
4 1 success and raise you get on
5 this roll.
Instant This power has absolutely
no effect on characters who
are not enlightened.
Activation Cost: 3
Maintenance Cost: -
Speed: Instant
This power can only be used Activation Cost: 5/added
in conjunction with throwiri or damage die
bow. It can't be used with a Maintenance Cost: —
gun, hex, or any other kind of Speed: Instant
weird nonsense. You must This power allows the
declare the use of this power invoker to transfer additional
and pay the Activation Cost ch'i energy from her body to
before your hero's attack roll is that of her opponent, causing
made. If the shot hits, you may him no end of hurt.
modify the hit location roll by Use devastating ape strike
an amount equal to the martial immediately after your hero
artist's level with crane guides successfully hits an opponent
the arrow. This is in addition to using any martial arts fightin'
any modifications due to raises concentration. For every 5 Ch'i
on the attack roll. Points spent on a devastating
ape strike, add an additional
die to your martial artist's
damage roll. The die type
Activation Cost: 3 depends on her level with this
Maintenance Cost. - power.
Speed: 1 This sudden transfer of ch'i
With the fu power known as energy is quite hard on the
crumbling dam, some folks can user of this ability. Your
actively use their ch'i to negate martial artist takes Wind equal
the ch'i of others. to the number of dice added to
Your fu-fighter may make a the damage roll.
crumbling dam attack in place This has led some martial
of a normal martial arts attack. artists to call it the desperate
Roll fightiri: martial arts to hit ape strike.

- Page 21 -
The flying claw is a metal
claw on the end of a long
chain. It can be used as a
normal melee weapon against
Die Type
opponents within 10', or if the
Level Activation Cost is paid, it can
1 d4 be propelled through the air at
2 d6
3 d8
an opponent.
4 d10 There are no range
5 d12
modifiers. Simply make a
normal fightin' roll to hit. If the
claw causes at least one
wound to the target, a user can
Activation Cost: 5 yank on the chain on his next
Maintenance Cost: — action. This pulls the opponent
Speed: 1 back through the air to land at
Your hero may make a fangs the claw user's feet, where he
of the serpent attack in place can lay a regular whipping on
of a normal martial arts attack. her.
Roll fightiri: martial arts to hit. The maximum range at
This attack does no physical which this feat can be
damage, but if it connects, performed is equal to 5 yards
make an opposed ch'i roll times the power level.
against the opponent. Add the
hero's fangs level to your roll.
The opponent loses Id4 Ch'i
Points for every success you Activation Cost: 2
get. Your martial artist gains 1 Maintenance Cost: —
Ch'i Point for every 2 drained Speed: Instant
from the opponent. This is another weapon
This power has absolutely no which requires some spiritual
effect on characters who do not power to use to its fullest. Your
have the enlightened Edge. character must have at least 1
level in fightin': flying crescent
to purchase this power.
The flying crescent is a big,
Activation Cost: 5 pole-arm-style blade on a
Maintenance Cost: — chain. It can be used as a
Speed: Instant regular melee weapon against
This power allows your hero any opponents within 10'.
to use the flying claw to its When powered by your
full potential. He must have at hero's ch'i, she can chuck it at
least 1 level in fightin': flying opponents (like a fisherman
claw to purchase this power. casting a fishing lure) and hit

- Page 22 -
them with its huge blade. On
her next action, she can then
whiz the blade back to herself,
so she can go a-chucking it
again. There are no range
modifiers; simply make a
normal fightin' roll to hit.
Although slower to use than a
bow and arrow, it deals plumb
awful damage to those it hits.
The maximum range for this
weapon is equal to 5 yards
times the hero's power level.

Activation Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: -
Speed: Instant
Only martial artists who guillotine to purchase this
want to identify themselves as power. All attempts to hit with
Pure Evil on a Stick use the a flying guillotine suffer at
dreaded flying guillotine. It's a least a -6 penalty for the
wire mesh bag attached to a required called shot to the
ring. Inside the ring are a head, but you may add your
series of telescoping, ultra- character's level with the flying
sharp blades. The ring is guillotine power to the total.
attached to a long, steel chain. The Marshal may assess
Using the guillotine is sort further penalties if the
of like a ring toss. If a wielder intended victim is hiding under
succeeds in tossing the ring eaves, wearing large hats, or
over an opponent's head, he otherwise impeding the flow of
then yanks the chain tight, the ring over her head.
activating the blades inside the If your hero succeeds with a
ring. The blades slice right on flying guillotine hit, the target
through the opponent's neck. suffers a maiming wound to
The user is left with a head in the head. And that's why they
the wire mesh bag which can call him Evil.
be jerked back to him. The Some martial artists who
opponent is left headless and specialize in fighting undead
spurting lots of blood all over have begun using this weapon.
the sagebrush. This flying guillotine has a
Your character must have at Range Increment of 5 and a
least 1 level in throwin': flying maximum range of 30.

- Page 23 -
palms and claps them over her
opponent's ears. Not only does
Activation Cost: 1 this set up a ringing in his
Maintenance Cost: I/round ears, but it temporarily severs
Speed: Instant his connection to his
Your character is able to use ancestors, the source of his
an object not normally prosperity and good fortune.
considered a hand-to-hand The game effect of this is that
weapon when fighting. That the target suffers a penalty
weapon might be an umbrella, a equal to your hero's hell's
suitcase, your own hair thunderclap level to all rolls for
(assuming it's long enough), or the next ld6 rounds (rolled
any other odd weapon. You secretly by the Marshal).
have to be able to describe how In some cases, the Marshal
to use it as a weapon to your may determine that a target
Marshal, who is allowed to has been cursed by his
disqualify anything she finds ancestors. This most often
too unbelievable. happens when a Chinese
For all the (possibly) gory person fails to engage in the
details on your gimmick proper honorific rituals. If
weapon power, check out the someone disrupts a character's
table below. ancestral curse, the hell's
thunderclap level is applied as
a positive modifier!

Defensive Activation Cost: 5

Level Damage Bonus Maintenance Cost: 2/round
1 STR+ld6 - Speed: 1
2 STR+ld6 +1 By striking the ancient and
3 STR+ld8 +1 mystic pose of the Jade King,
4 STR+ldl0 +2 your hero can intimidate his
5 STR+ldl2 +2 enemies and make it difficult
to for them to attack him. This
applies even to those inferior
sorts who don't know the Jade
Activation Cost: 3 King from a jackrabbit. While
Maintenance Cost: — this power is active, any
Speed: Instant enemies within 30 yards who
Use this power immediately wish to attack your hero must
after making an unarmed make a Spirit roll. The Target
strike to an opponent's head. Number is determined by your
Instead of causing damage, level with this power.
your fu-fighter flattens her

- Page 24 -
If the roll is failed, the
assailant is overcome by your
hero's majesty and cannot
attack. If the roll succeeds, he
can attack but suffers a
negative modifier equal to your
hero's power level. Your hero
can speak and use other
powers which do not require
him to move while jade king's
stance is in effect, but if he
alters his pose in any way, the
power is immediately canceled.
This includes dodging or using
fightin' to defend himself-or
actually being hit.
While the power is active,
your hero may spend an
action to make an overawe
attempt against all enemies
within 30 yards. Add your
hero's Jade King Stance level to
the overawe total.
Your hombre doesn't tie it or
anything. He just runs up to a
foe and uses his superior
manipulation abilities to wrap
Level Enemy TN him up tightly. Make a normal
1 3 fightin' attack. If the attack
hits, the target is entangled in
2 5 the rope and incapable of
3 7 attacking or using any skill
4 9 which requires the use of arms
5 11 or legs. This lasts until he
takes an action to free himself
of the rope. At that point, make
Activation Cost: 3 an opposed roll, your hero's ch'i
Maintenance Cost: I/round plus slithering eel level versus
Speed: 1 the foe's Spirit. He wriggles
Your hero can wrap rope free if he beats your hero's
around an opponent so that it total. If your hero cuts off the
entangles. He needs nice, thick power, the victim can free
rope, like the kind used in himself automatically.
shipping-at least 20 feet of it.

- Page 25 -
nerve junctions and impairs the
flow of ch'i energies in the
Activation Cost: 5 + 2 per opponent's body. By choosing
recipient which nerve junctions to hit,
Maintenance Cost: 2/round your character can decide
Speed: 1 which of her opponent's Traits
This power allows your hero to temporarily reduce.
to connect her ch'i energy to Pick a Trait and make an
that of her companions in a opposed ch'i roll against the
field of positive juju. It is often target's Vigor. Add the mantis
used by Rung fu masters to aid pinch level to your hero's roll.
their students in a fight. During For each success scored, the
a fight, choose a number of target's die type in that Trait is
characters fighting on your reduced by one step. A Trait
hero's side and make a ch'i roll. can't be reduced below below a
The Target Number is 3, +2 for d4. This reduction lasts for a
every chosen character. number of rounds equal to
If the roll succeeds, your your hombre's mantis pinch
character has harmonized her level. Aptitudes used with the
ch'i with that of the recipients. affected Trait are reduced
This field of resonating ch'i accordingly.
empowers those affected by it
and makes them more resistant
to damage. All those involved Activation Cost: 2 + 2/attack
gain an effective +2 to their Maintenance Cost: —
Size. Your character's level with
this power is the maximum Speed: 1
number of people she may Many Westerners do not
harmonize her ch'i energy with. follow the unwritten rule that
A single group or person may only one opponent may attack
only harmonize their ch'i with you at a time.
one martial artist at a time. Many arms of the spider
allows your martial artist to
teach them some manners.
With this ability, a fellow can
Activation Cost: 3 crack multiple heads at once or
Maintenance Cost: - one head many times.
Speed: Instant Activate this power on any
Your fighter may activate action. When activated, your
this power immediately after hero may perform as many
striking an opponent hand-to-hand attacks on that
barehanded in hand-to-hand action as they have unused
combat. The blow does not Action Cards. You must discard
cause damage but hits critical a number of Action Cards-

- Page 26 -
highest first— equal to the
number of attacks performed.
Your fighter may attack as
many different opponents on
this single action (provided
they are within range) as her
many arms of the spider level.

Activation Cost: 3
Maintenance Cost: —
Speed: Vamoose
Is an opponent fixing to
make a ranged attack on
someone your character would
rather not see perforated? (Said
person can be the hero or
someone else.) With this ability,
your hombre can forfeit his
next action (assuming he still
has one this round) to kick or Activation Cost: 5 +
throw a nearby object between Activation Cost of copied
the opponent and his target power
and throw off his aim. Maintenance Cost: -
You must be able to Speed: 1
describe to the Marshal a Your fu-fighter's masters
suitable object that would trained him to carefully
logically be available to your observe other fighters and pick
character. Examples include up their tricks. Whenever your
floor tiles, rocks, tree branches, character sees someone using
lengths of rope, spittoons, a ch'i power or martial arts
horseshoes, or small, woodland maneuver in an actual, we're-
animals. in-genuine-danger-here fight,
To use the power, make an she may take an action to
opposed Deftness roll against make a mind of quicksilver roll.
the attack roll. Add your Roll the hero's Smarts versus
martial artist's merciful a Target Number of 5 plus the
sparrow level to your roll. If target's level in the power
your hombre wins, the attack is observed. If your hero
blocked. The maximum die type succeeds, she gains the use of
which can be blocked with this that power for a number of
power is d!2— no deflecting rounds equal to her level with
cannon balls. mind of quicksilver. During the

- Page 27 -
fight, she can use the power at actually leaping. Your hero
the same level as the character must occasionally touch down
from which she copied it—or on objects as he leaps,
her mind of quicksilver level, although these objects don't
whichever is lower. Mind of have to be strong enough to
quicksilver cannot temporarily support his weight normally.
increase the level of a power They can be treetops, branches,
already known. or lampposts, for example.
Doing this requires a
Nimbleness roll against a
Target Number of 1, +2 for
every 5 yards your character
Activation Cost: 4 wishes to travel. Add your
Maintenance Cost: - hombre's level with monkey
Speed: Instant goes to the mountain to this
Your martial artist can travel roll. If the roll is successful, he
great distances in the course covered the distance and
of one action. Although it looked good doing it. Your
looks like he's flying, he's character may make a normal
attack at the end of his leap.
If the roll fails, the poor sod
runs out of juice in mid-leap
and comes crashing back to
Buddha's green earth. For each
point of difference between the
actual result and the Target
Number, your hero takes Id4
Wind. To stay on his feet, he
must also make a Nimbleness
roll against a TN equal to the
amount of Wind taken.

Activation Cost: 3
Maintenance Cost: -
Speed: 1
This power is preferred by
pacifist monk types. They use
it to humiliate evil-doers
without actually hurting them.
Using open-handed slaps,
holds, and the occasional trip,
they throw their opponents

- Page 28 -
about, preventing them from attacker to make the stun
taking any hostile action. This check instead of her. Make a
does no physical damage to the ch'i roll, adding her level in
opponent. Her pride, on the righteous reversal; the Target
other hand, may be severely Number is 5, +1 for each 10
injured. yards between her and the
Using palm of prevention attacker.
takes an action. Your hero must If she succeeds, the target
be in hand-to-hand range of must make a stun check. The
his opponent. Make a normal TN for this check is 5 plus
attack with your hombre's your character's level with
fightin': martial arts and add righteous reversal. If the target
his level with palm of fails the stun check, he must
prevention to the total. For make a recovery roll at the
each success, his opponent same TN before doing anything.
loses her next remaining If your hero fails, she is
action. Sleeve cards go last. stunned and loses an
If as the result of a single additional 2d6 Ch'i Points.
successful use of palm of
prevention the target is reduced
to zero actions for a round (she Activation Cost: 1
must have had actions to lose), Maintenance Cost: -
your hero may immediately Speed: Vamoose
make an overawe roll against Even the best fu-masters
her. This does not take an can't avoid every hit. With this
action. If the foe is broken, she power, they can at least have a
is demoralized and withdraws say in where the blow lands
from combat. If she is attacked When your hero is hit in
while she retreats, the effect is combat, he can use this power
canceled, and she may freely to change the location of the
attack once again. hit (no, the location can't be
moved off the body). Your
martial artist must sacrifice his
Activation Cost: 3 next action to do this. Once
Maintenance Cost: - activated, your hero can modify
Speed: Instant the hit location roll in either
Your hero's ch'i is so strong direction by an amount equal
that she can inflict a form of to his level with this power.
backlash on anyone rude Use of this power must be
enough to attack her. When declared before the hit location
your character is forced to roll is made. If your character
make a stun check, she may has no actions remaining, he
use this power to force her can't use this power.

- Page 29 -
damage as if fired from the
gun they came from. If the
bullet is not thrown
Activation Cost: 4 + 2/bullet immediately after being caught,
Maintenance Cost: — Speed: the opportunity is lost.
Vamoose Your hero's level with seize
If your martial artist is being the pearl of death determines
shot at with a gun of any kind, the largest bullet he can catch.
he can spend his highest Shotgun, scattergun and
Action to use this special canister rounds can't be seized.
active defense. It doesn't look
like he's vamoosing. He's
standing still, plucking any
bullets being fired at him out
of the air as they whiz toward
his noggin. This power lasts Maximum
until his next action. He can't Level Die Type
do anything else while seizing 1 d4
the pearl of death. 2 d6
Announce your character's 3 d8
intention to use seize the pearl 4 d10
of death as soon as he's been 5 d12
shot, but before hit location or
damage has been rolled. Make
a ch'i roll against a Target
Number equal to the gun's
damage die type (e.g., if he's Activation Cost: 5
trying to catch a round from a Maintenance Cost: -
4dlO buffalo rifle, his TN is 10). Speed: 1
If he succeeds, he has caught Step back to ward off
the bullet and is unharmed. monkey is useful when being
If he fails, roll a d6. If it shot at or when deadly objects
comes up odd, your hombre are being chucked in your
takes full damage to his right hero's direction. It's a series of
hand (left hand, if he's a body movements which
southpaw) in addition to taking confuse the eye. It takes an
damage to the rolled location. action to use. Once activated,
If your martial artist catches the Target Numbers of all
a bullet, he may immediately opponents' ranged attacks
throw it at an enemy using the against your character are
throwin': bullet aptitude. increased by his step back to
Thrown-bullet attacks have a ward off monkey level for the
Range Increment of 5 and do remainder of the round.

- Page 30 -
instead of causing normal
damage. This causes the hero
Activation Cost: 5 to land a flurry of lightning-
Maintenance Cost: 2/round fast blows designed to sap the
Speed: 1 opponent's strength. Make an
Your character's kung fu is opposed fightin': martial arts
so powerful she can beat on an roll against the opponent's
opponent many feet away. Vigor. Add your hero's thunder
Once she takes an action to strums the pipa level to the roll.
focus her ch'i energy, your hero If your fighter wins, the target
may use her fightin': martial subtracts the difference
arts Aptitude to attack between results from his Wind.
opponents outside of normal He must also make a stun
hand-to-hand range. The exact check against a TN equal to
distance at which she can the amount of Wind lost.
perform this feat depends on
her level with ten-foot punch.
Ten-foot punch does not work Activation Cost: 4
with weapons. Your character Maintenance Cost: 2/round
may only make normal bare- Speed: 1
handed (or bare-footed) attacks Your character's master
with this ability. taught him to manipulate the
flow of ch'i energy through his
body, allowing him to shake off
the effects of pain and shock.
Whenever your character is
Level Range stunned, he may take an action
1 2 yards
2 5 yards
3 10 yards
4 15 yards
5 20 yards

Activation Cost: 3
Maintenance Cost: —
Speed: Instant
When your enlightened one
strikes an opponent in hand-to-
hand combat, you may declare
he is using this power

- Page 31 -
to activate this power and The target takes this damage
automatically shake it off when the punch lands, and
without making a Vigor roll. then again at the beginning of
Also, as long as tiger shakes its each round. This damage
mane is active, he is only tapers off as the target's
affected by penalties for wound system adjusts to the foreign
levels over and above his level ch'i. Reduce the damage die by
with this power. one step each round.

Activation Cost: 10
Maintenance Cost: —
Speed: 1 Level Damage
When your martial artist 1 2d4
punches an opponent with her 2 2d6
bare hand (or, if you prefer, 3 2d8
kicks him with her bare foot), 4 2dl0
she may introduce a small 5 2dl2
amount of her own ch'i energy
into his system. This ch'i acts
as an irritant, in effect
becoming a poison that causes Activation Cost: 2
harm to the victim over a Maintenance Cost: —
period of time. Speed: Instant
The Activation Cost for this If your hero successfully hits
power must be paid prior to an opponent using a martial
making the attack roll. Once arts concentration of fightin',
activated, the attacking hand he can elect to throw her
or foot crackles with visible instead of doing damage to her.
ch'i energy. Use fightin': martial For each success scored on the
arts to hit as usual. fightin' roll, he can throw her 3
If the attack misses, the ch'i yards.
energy dissipates and is lost. Unless he's thrown his
If the attack hits, it inflicts opponent off a cliff or into a
normal damage, and your hero pit of alligators, the victim
must make an opposed roll: doesn't suffer any permanent
her ch'i against her opponent's damage. She does, however, take
Vigor. This does not require an 2d6 Wind. She is also knocked
action. If she succeeds, her ch'i down and must make a stun
has entered her opponent's check against a TN of 5, plus
system. This causes additional your character's wind blows
damage, as determined by the over the earth level.
hero's level with venom punch.

- Page 32 -

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