Lesson Plan 1 2 On 4 19 Outside

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Student Name: Ashlyn Weaver

Lesson Plan Format

Name of Activity Outdoor Beach Day

Skill/Content Area Outdoor & Dramatic Play
Date of Activity April 19 2023
Materials Needed Beach towels, buckets, sand, seashells, empty sunscreen
bottles, Sunglasses, small cooler, empty water bottles, blue

Describe the activity. What will the children experience during the activity? (NAEYC Standard 4B, 5B)

During this dramatic play activity outside, kids will be able to prepare and experience a beach day in the sun.
They will use the materials to pack up their beach bags and lay out in the sand. They can build sand castles, lay
out on the beach, and prepare themselves for a day of fun in the sun. I will draw an ocean on the sidewalk
next to the sandbox to model what a beach would really look like.

How will you begin the activity, including the transition, introduction, and recruitment?

I will have all the materials set up outside, and encourage everyone to come to the beach with me. I can build
sand castles to attract their attention, and continue to engage in that way as well. In this activity, I plan to do a
lot of modeling to cultivate interest. I will pretend to put on sunscreen, wear my sunglasses, or lay out in the
sun on a towel. I will bring my water to encourage the kids to bring their waters to the beach as well, so they
don’t get dehydrated.

Describe in detail the interactions you expect to have with the children during this activity. How could this
impact development? (NAEYC Standard 1D, 4A, 4B, 4C)
I expect to have many social interactions and storytelling with the kids. This is a great opportunity for them to talk with adults and
their peers about their experiences at the beach, and what they might have brought and seen. I also expect them to start
acknowledging the things they have to do to keep their bodies safe, like drinking water and putting on sunscreen. They also might
start to identify the animals they’ve seen at the beach, some things they’ve seen their families do at the beach, or their likes and
dislikes about the beach.

Could technology be used to support this activity? If yes, describe. If not, explain. (NAEYC Standard 5B, 4C)

It would be really fun to play ocean or seagull noises on my phone to further improve the experience of being at the beach.

What specific observations/interests/needs of the children led you to plan this activity? (NAEYC Standard 1D,
3A, 4A, 4C)
The children in this class are particularly interested in creative thinking and dramatic play. I have noticed they
are often drawn to dramatic play experiences and have very active imaginations. I believe this activity will
exercise that creative spirit, and they will come up with some great ideas.

What are the big ideas and concepts of your content area covered in this lesson? (NAEYC Standard 5A)

The concepts covered in this lesson are dramatic play, adaptive skills, social emotional skills, gross motor, and

What professional resources did you use to plan this activity? Be specific – include book, website, blog,
person, etc. that assisted you in planning activity. (NAEYC Standard 5C)
I thought of this idea after being inspired by a teaching friend of mine.
What GOLD objectives and domains will be assessed? (NAEYC Standard 5B)
Primary goals (content area):
14b. Engages in sociodramatic play
14a. Thinks symbolically
11e. Shows flexibility and inventiveness in thinking
12b. Recognizes and recalls
12b. Makes connections
2c. Interacts with peers.
3a. Balances needs and rights of self and others.
9a. Uses and expanding expressive vocabulary
9d. Tells about another time or place

Secondary goals:
6. Demonstrates gross motor manipulative skills.

What Alabama Standards will be met? (NAEYC Standard 5B)

Primary goals (content area):

1aYP-1 Engage in make believe play that mimics real life experiences
40T-2 Create dramatic play scenarios based on real-life experiences
40T-4 Participate in pretend play with other children
2cYP-1 Talk about past experiences/events
1bYP-1 Interact with others to create play scenarios
1b0T-1 Play alongside other children
3bYP-4 Show beginning pro social behavior when interacting with other children (cooperating, turn-taking,
1b0T-4 Use descriptive words while speaking

Secondary goals:
1b0T-1 Explore the characteristics of living and non-living things
1d0T-1 Explore the properties of soil and sand
1b0T-2 Use tools that require finger and hand control such as a large paintbrush or shovel
2a0T-1 Use simple tools to build knowledge and obtain a result.

Why is this a worthwhile activity? Describe developmental objectives and goals. Remember to include
executive functioning skills (problem solving, self-regulation, following directions, working towards a goal, etc.)
within the most relevant developmental domain. (NAEYC Standard 1A, 4B, 5B)

Physical (Fine and gross):

During this activity kids will have opportunities to practice using shovels and other digging materials to make
sandcastles and feeling it how to balance and pack that sand into a castle. Lifting buckets of sand will also help
build their arm strength.

This activity is a good opportunity for children to exercise their recall abilities, and storytelling abilities. They
can think about times they have been to the beach and relayed that to the activity. They will also practice
identifying animals that are located at the beach or the ocean.

Dramatic play activities are great opportunity for children to interact with each other, learn to share materials,
and engage in creative thinking. They can engage in role playing and pretend scenarios while also practicing
taking turns, or self regulating when things don’t go the way they imagined.

While participating in dramatic play, kids are provided with lots of opportunities for conversational speak.
They can interact with each other by asking questions, verbally acting out scenarios, and deciding how the
game will be played.

This activity will mimic the experience of being at a beach, as well as putting on sunscreen, packing up for a
day at the beach, and preparing for vacations.

How will you meet individual needs? (NAEYC Standard 1D, 4A, 4B, 4C)

Activity is too hard or needs to be adjusted for children at different developmental levels or those with special
needs or stressors?
I will provide different sizes of shovels for different gross motor development levels, as well as different sizes
of sunglasses and sunscreen bottles to accommodate those as well.

Activity is too easy or needs to be extended to be challenging?

This activity can be extended by providing information about the animals, providing scenarios that need to be
solved, or add a new vocabulary, such as undertow, to their playing vocabulary.

What health and safety needs (physical/emotional/environmental) should be considered during this activity?
Supervision will be provided to prevent the consumption of sand, as well as helping to regulate social
emotional situation so no one gets hurt, verbally, or physically.

What needs should be considered for culture, language, and using an anti-bias approach during this activity?
Using the language “if” you have gone to the beach rather than “when” you have gone to the beach will be
inclusive to all of our families and students, specifically those who have not gotten a chance to be at the
beach. I will keep in mind that not every child is familiar with these terms or this environment, and offer lots of
information and places for questions.

What potential challenges do you predict for this activity? What positive guidance strategies will you use?
I can predict some disagreements over who gets to use certain toys, or disagreement on what type of scenario
should be played out. A lot of times in dramatic play scenarios, there is disagreements upon what should be
happening in the game, and feelings get hurt when unkind words are said. This is a great place for us to step in
and provide tools to help students calm down before hurtful things are done.

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