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Economic Issue that lead Mac donalds to stop Operating

In 1986 bolivia’s hyperinflation exceeded alot which lead to poverty.

According to the statistics,In 1997 when Mac donalds entered the Bolivian
market 63% of the bolivians lived in poverty,38% lived in extreme poverty.
In 2002 when Mac donalds pulled out of the market the number increased to
65% in poverty and 40% in extreme poverty.
This demonstrates how the bolivian economy was becoming worse.
Moreover,A normal meal in bolivian restaurant or street vendors was charged
around $2-$3 but a happy meal in Mac Donalds was around $4-$5 so it was a
bit above their average meal budget.

Lastly,The former president of Bolivia,Evo Morales once stated that ‘The fast
food of the west is doing a great of hard to human kind’. This indicates that he
thought McDonald's had a negative impact on people's health.
He also stated ‘The major multinational food companies seek to control the
production of food and to dominate global markets by imposing their customs
and foods.Its seems that he was against the allowance of western brands and
culture into the country.This attitude of a former leader had surely put some
effect on the residents for which they rejected Mac donalds and was influenced
to think quite the same way.This was one of the factors that forced McDonald's
to stop operating in Bolivia.

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