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Littrell 1

Baker Littrell

Jeni Tetamore

English Comp 1

10 February 2023

The Clouds and Caves of Character Development

Character development is something we use from day to day. Masks can help us in gaining new

friends and protecting ourselves from pain. These masks help to keep reality from going awry.

Keeping up with others’ reactions is a very human thing, like the runt of a litter trying to keep up

with its siblings. I am going into this topic to show that our masks don’t define who we are and

we are capable of shattering expectations. In doing so, I hope to find expansive ways of

articulating concepts and opinions in a more captivating way.


These concepts are very psychological, but there is a main component that makes it physical:

emotional attachment. In the three assignments that we will be covering, I would like to delve

into human thought and see what becomes, when not under the pressure of saying what’s “right.”

For the narrative, I want to dig into some of my own experience to show the bridge between my

thoughts and masks, especially through my acting experience. For the advertisement, I would

like to do something that changes perception, through a billboard or TV ad. It’s hard to see the

world through another’s eyes or feelings. I want to see if my thoughts and raw emotion can break

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through some of the emotional walls we’ve built and change the way we think about ourselves

and our place in the world. The research and analysis will be especially intriguing because

emotion is entirely subjective, yet despite this, most of us know the difference between the masks

of pride and pain. Many people have intriguing stories that change who they are. I wish to tell

those stories in an effort to show change, not stagnancy. Even though emotion is not a physical

manifestation, it’s a specialized concept that humanity has been developing and investigating

since its conception.


The audience is the greatest friend of an actor, but for those not fond of the spotlight it can be

nightmarish. Therefore, these ideas I’m looking forward to exploring are complex and not suited

for younger audiences. The primary audiences I am looking for are young adults and

psychologists/psychiatrists. With these audiences, I can explain my reasoning without having to

mince words or oversimplify theoretical concepts. These audiences will also provide me with

extra fuel to add to my figurative fire and allow me to expand my horizons.

Risks and Obstacles

Risks and obstacles are a part of human life. With every hill there is a slope. A piano without

black keys would not have helped in creating symphonies. This analogy leads me to the first

major obstacle: depression. It is best explained as clouds and caves. Clouds, fluffy and bright,

floating along the beautiful landscape. Whereas caves are dark, cramped and devoid of light and

life. Whether I wish to be one over the other, going from bleakness to brightness is not a matter

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of light but mind. These bursts do not usually last long but they can be intense and stab

motivation, leaving metaphorical scars in my heart. While this may hurt, it provides me solace in

knowing that it helps my work in changing societal perception of emotions.


In conclusion, character development requires digging into hard emotion and breaking down

figurative walls and masks. Perception is subjective and what we exhibit is merely what we think

is expected. We make a mask to fit in and not get hurt; but scar our face to chisel that mask every

step of the way. I would like to break these masks and in doing so, hope to see brighter trees and

falling leaves among starry skies.

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