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 PHY-301 Mechanics-I
 PHY-303 Waves & Oscillations
 PHY-302 Mechanics-II
 PHY-304 Heat & Thermodynamics
 PHY-401 Electricity & Magnetism-I
 PHY-403 Modern Physics-I
 PHY-402 Electricity & Magnetism-II
 PHY-404 Modern Physics-II
 PHY-501 Methods of Mathematical Physics-I
 PHY-503 Classical Mechanics
 PHY-505 Electrodynamics-I
 PHY-507 Electronics-I
 PHY-509 Relativity and Cosmology
 PHY-502 Methods of Mathematical Physics-II
 PHY-504 Quantum Mechanics-I
 PHY-506 Nuclear Physics-I
 PHY-508 Electrodynamics-II
 PHY-510 Electronics-II
 PHY-601 Quantum Mechanics-II
 PHY-603 Nuclear Physics-II
 PHY-605 Solid State Physics-I
 PHY-611 Environmental Physics-I
 PHY-602 Plasma Physics
 PHY-604 Computational Physics
 PHY-606 Solid State Physics-II
 PHY-608 Laser and Optics

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